R 1890 . - .. RESOLUTION NO. 1890 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTI DEEDED BY MICHAEL E. ZIMMERMAN AND JOAN D. ZIMMERMAN AND AUTHORIZING TIlE MAYOR TO EXECUI'EA CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27281) WHEREAS, the City has entered into an Agreement to IUfchase a portion of a parcel of realJ;Coperty from Wachael E. Z'mmennan and Joan D. Zimnennan, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City to execute a Certificate of Acceptance before the deed may be recorded. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City a Certificate of Acceptance of real property frem Michael E. ZimneDIIaD and Joan D. ZimneDIIaD in substantially the fonn and contant shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and the Certificate of Acceptance may be recorded simultaneously with the recordation of the Grant Deed. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: A YES: Council Members Gallagher and Moots and Mayor 9:Iith NOES: Council Members Johnson and Porter ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of September, 1985. vjj'~~J MAYOR ATTEST: ~a.~ CITY CLERK I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1890 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Counci! ,on the 10th day of September, 1985. \ 'WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 13th day of September, 1985. ' I ( I " ~ ~a. II CIT,Y CL RK ' I .. I \ ------"----.- r. : , . -~'" HI:I,;UKUINU HI:UUI::)ltU uy I (./ " , , ~ICOR TITLE INSURANCE I. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r I 'Jame CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOC. NO, 061092 ., " \ . ~(~ ',3 ;treat PO BOX 550 OFFICIAL RECORDS \ddresl ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 SAN LUIS OBISPO CO" CA :I\y & OCT :3 5 1985 :tate L .J MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TD FRANCIS M, COONEY r I County Clerk-Recorder TIME 8:00 AM 'Jame SAME AS ABOVE areet ~J~ ~IEXEMPTI '\ddre51 :ity & :Iate L ..J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE CAT. NO. NNOOSB2 Individual Grant Deed TO 1923 CA 12-83) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS APN NO. 07 492 08 000 X, The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): / -' z Documen tary transfer tax is $ .3::::JJ-:'-. , -' I- (XX) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ~ .. ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale, 2 ( ) Unincorporated area: ( XX) City of ARROYO GRANDE , and 0 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERA nON, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MICHAEL E. ZIMMERMAN AND JOAN D. ZIMMERMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE D,) 0 hereby GRANT(S) to SITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION the following described real prollerty in the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE County of SAN LUIS OB SPO , State of California: 1HAT PORTION OF wrs 5 AND 6 IN BLOCK 6 OF THE SHORT, MASON AND WHITELEY ADDITION TO TIlE TOWN OF ARROYO GRANDE, IN TIlE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SURVEYED BY A. F. PARSONS IN AUGUST 1887, THE MAP OF WHICH WAS FILED FOR RECORD OCTOBER 1, 1887 IN BOOK A, PAGE 48 OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NOR1HEASTERLY CORNER OF SHORT AND NELSON STREEl'S AND RUNNING THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF NELSON STREIT, 45. i FEEl'; TIlENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES NOR1HERLY AND PARALLEL WITII TIlE EASTERLY LINE OF SHORT STREEl', 100 FEEl' TO THE DIVISION LINE BETWEEN wrs 4 AND 5 IN SAID BLOCK; TIlENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID DIVIDING LINE, A DISTANCE OF l1S.7 FEET TO A POINT ON TIlE EASTERLY LINE OF SHORT STREET; TIlENCE SOU1HERLY ALONG 1HE EASTERLY LINE OF SHORT STREET, 100 FEEl' TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING. TIllS DEED IS GIVEN IN FULL SATISFActION AND AS A COMPLETE PERFORMANCE OF AN OPTION FOR SALE AND PURrnASE OF REAL PROPERTY EXECtJfED BY MICHAEL ZIMMERMAN AND JOAN ZIMMERMAN TO 11m CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, A HUNICIPAL. ",."""nro, DA~' Dated: OCTOBER 4, 198.5 ~, 'W~"7 STATE OF CALlFORNli & }SS, COUNTY OF c;;..,.) tit'S '&/~PD ~~.~....;3LIYI1I\O\ ell/I)"..., On ct:c.~ ~ Jf!'S before ~ me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for ,said State, personally.,%eared --:f1:t'~AE':.. Eo 2/1111f1~JUfAtJ JiUlD CIIU) . AI UHI1W personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of sat- isfactory evidence to be the person:S- whose name ~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged _._~ that ~y-' executed the same. :";;~~,\, j~:" ..~ . '<:~~'I?I'! ~r,t.l . . WITNESS my hand and official seal. .;~ ~~:: ,dhF:,,',I' r. :IAlJ',iHr ""~ ,~,.\ ...."..,1'''',,''',',;.11'1 n Signatur ; ~)~:;'!:~i~}} ".' f';.;'",,:,>! 1,.:::1':1',,' !I:' \~'\_..'" '\'1~".' ,,1. ,"" '.r,'l!' ,'. ,....>!....r;;,....r" .' ..... ... .,.....,. ...',..... _" ~~"..<>.".,>. ['\y r ("").,, [. ". "'-.~ ," J :'., 1 -'I<.~~." ,~- , ',- ',.. '.. '.. ... ,. -.' :-~ .............._-,'-'--..........:.-,'>.<-~.~,.....~...+~.....\-....,.~..,-.,- (This area for official notarial seal) Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. 150395 AC - MAli TAX !;TATI'MENT~ A~ nIRI=r.n:n ARnI/I' --,---- .' ," .. RESOLUTION NO. 1890 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY DEEDED BY MIaIAEL E. ZIMMERMAN AND JOAN D. ZIMMERMAN AND AlTfHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUI'E A CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (GOVERNMENT roDE SECTION 27281) WHEREAS, the City has entered into an Agreement to ~rchase a portion of a parcel of real 1I0perty frem Michael E. Ziomeman and Joan D. Ziomerman, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City to execute a Certificate of Acceptance before the deed may be recorded. NOW, THER EFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City a Certificate of Acceptance of reallIoperty frem Michael E. Zimnerman and Joan D. Ziomeman in aubstantially the fom and contant shown on Exhibit" A" attached hereto, and the Certificate of Acceptance may be recorded simdtaneously with the recordation of the Grant Deed. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, aeconded by Council Member Moots, and on the foIlowing roll call vote, to wit: A YES: Council Meri>era Gallagher and Moots and Mayor lhith NOES: Council Members Johnson and Porter ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was pasaed and adopted this lOth day of Septeri>er, 1985. '-i3'~~) MAYOR ATfESI": ~a,~ CITY CLERK ,.,...'1 ;"NANGY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, ~S'~t~ro,~.Qih6f~rnia, do her~by certif~ that the foregoing Resolution No. 1890, is a tru~, " ills ",I and cor'reiZt copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said /~9'iJn~I~~ the,1'0t,h day of September, 1985. i== {":t\',1 #(3y;~hd and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 13th day of i u ~:;p'1;em~t19,5!r':.': i' :"'\' tit, G . "-""" . 10, a,~ ....', '<,ii."" dd C~'YCIC RK , I,. r f\ I', 'Jol2763p~GE921 ----------- . .. ..... .. . . ... . . . CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF REAL PROPERTY BY A PUBLIC AGENCY (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27281) 1his is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the Grant Deed dated , 1985, from Michael E. Zimneunan and Joan D. Ziameanan to the City of Arroyo Grande, a political corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. ta.9.!L of said City Council adopted on ~tembe r 1 0, 1985, and the City consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED, September 13, 1985 BY, A. ~ ~ B' ANN SMrnI MAYOR ~ 1\ Ii '" c -<r ......,...... I" ~..,J. "t -., "'" { , ~ ,..... .... .~.. 0(' : I ,v. ~'~ H p 0 R 4" ,::'~: . , "':.1 "A1IIFB... lIT,' c~~a.~ vII ,,(,., . ..\ l't_':" '~\\.i - \.,'" ";, 10, , . . :'9TY CLERK (:0 " ' .1 ."... ....' , I .... ...... '\i> - I, C F 'I', ' ' t-,,-,