R 1879 RESOLU'I10N NO. 1819 1 23 A RESOLUTION OF 'IHE aTY roUNm OF 'IHE aTY OF ARROYO GRANDB DJmGNATING A LANDMARK '11mB 85-8 WHEREAS, Sec.l0-3.06 of the Municipal COOe of the Oty of Arroyo Grande lX'Ovides for the (reservation and lX'Otection of certain trees in order to (rOCIuce a more desirable, pleasing and beautiful carmmity and to maintain and enhance coommity historic, cultural and lX'Operty values, as well as to promote the public health, safety, comfort, and welfare; and WHEREAS, this tree on Jot number eighteen of the Le Point Addition V to the aty of Arroyo Grande, and as located and identified on the map attached to this resolution, has been examined by the Parks and Recreation Director of the Oty of Arroyo Grande and has been found to be a live oak; and .' r~ ....- " -I;t- [ '" ':Ji ,./.~' ; , '" ':i , h';~ '.'~. . 1.>."- '. ., ., t'fIi~;,;,.'<~ '0, ',' ,x .", ',1 :.r r .;....... ""- -:.~~~. WHEREAS, this trei, due to its age, species, configuration, and historical value meets criteria for Landmark tree designation as detErmined by the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Cormission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Comnis9ion of the aty of Arroyo Grande recoo.llellds to the aty O>uncil that this tree should be (reserved and lX'Otected and designated as a Landmark tree. NOW 'lHEREFORE, the Oty Council of the Oty of Arroyo Grande ha-eby designates this tree as a Landmark 'lree and directs that it shall be roonumented as Landmark 'lree Nurnber 85-8; and FURTIIERMORE, this tree shall be lX'Otected, preserved and IIBintained by the tree owner and sul:5equent tree owners and such' tree shall not be l'eIJX)ved or destroyed by any party unless otherwise authorized by Sec. 10-3.06 of the Municipal COOe of the Oty of Arroyo Grande. On rootion of CoW1cil Menber GalJagher, seconded by CoW1cil Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smith, Cbuncil MenDers Johnson, Moots, Porter, and GalJagher, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, I the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 27th day ~~ /2; 'tlwv Mayor ATI'EST: f).Il/lM'Jf 11, Q~ \ " ~~~(/ CITI CLE Parks RecreatimyJirector <--"~- I, NANCY A. DA VIS, aty Clerk of the Oty of Arroyo Grande, O>unty of San Luis Obispo, State of Oilifornia, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1879 is a !rue, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed 800 adop~ ata,reguIarmeeting of said Council on the 27th day of August, 1985. i , , WITNESS my hand and.the ~ of, the aty of Arroyo Grande affixed this ,ril.,day of () ,- I ' , Septenber, 1985. (" '1/,tJ . a .Q" , ~___' aty Cl~"1-..' _~L/A->_ ., ..-.,'''..- /'- ----.-.J 1 24 ~ ............ s' RETAIHIN<r'wJfti.:-:";r, .. ..- .'~~..:::.::::::.:.:-=- ( PEv. AGi SrD 6-15" .- -' . - . ("< "'/" ,,.'toIee ^tIH~'- , .. 'I' ' -- --" ." , -- --- . . ...1',,--. .:-~ y-:> - .I . .,- ;' ( , . .... --.~, , . _' .- -- 11-" . ..' 1 - -- - . f-.. : .e... ~ " . ( r p ~. , , '"-, , - - - ,~ - '- - - 0 '14/' \ , - " . -- - . 0- w - fTJ - .r - I X ' . 0 "" >t"4 ~ ~~ :I: - . - r 01;:1 - ~ b ~. , ><::s: o~ tD - - - .. - -- C');.; - ~.; -f - - - I;:I~ !"m ,fltl .. z - $ )> "'" to - .- ' - ,-- tn .. .' ..-.- ~ , (XI - CI1 --., , (XI .. -- - ";.. ~ tn - en . .. " ~ Q) ~~ -1"'---1;- ~ 0 t"4 c: ..; . _ '" o' ~ I - H (JJ b N' 1\\ 0 ::0' ~.- z " . r- ~ Z /I ~ ,.' (X) .f1'1-2 &- - -=- ~ ~ to tn ~ -- ex> ........ \.D II N ^ r! .. .~ I\.J w 0 · r r- ,.. 0 0 0, "~_ __ -'-~ -.-- ; "T1 ~ 0 - _---- _. . I'\)r. .; __-... ..... r-- " ~ ~ .'-- b : ~ :I: . _ 0 ...... ' . -~