R 1874 Al\i:lUJ,uuun nv. ~I"'' 1 1 3 . 1 A RESOLU'l10N OF 1HE an OOUNm OF 1HE an OF ARROYO GRANDE DESlGNA11NG A LANDMARK num 85-3 WHEREAS, See.1D-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the aty of Arroyo Grande lX'Ovides for the (t'E5erVation and lX'Otection of certain trees in order to produce a more desirable, p1easing and beautiful conmmity and to maintain and enhance conmmity historic, cultural and (X'Ope1'ty values, lIS well as to prarote the public health, safety, comCort, and weJfare; and WHEREAS, this tree on lot number fIfteen of the La Point Addition V to the aty of Arroyo Grande, and as located and identified on the map attached to this resolution, has been examined by the Parks and Recreation Director of the aty of ~o Grande and has ~ found to be a live oak; and ! f WHEREAS, this tree, due to its age, species, configuration, and historical value meets criteria for Landmark tree designation lIS determined by the PBrks and Recreation Director and Planning Ccmnission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Ccmnission of the aty of Arroyo Grande recomnends to the aty Cbtmcil that this tree should be (re5e1'Ved and lX'Otected and designated as a Landmark tree. NOW 'IHEREFORE, the aty Council of the aty of Arroyo Grande hereby designates this tree as a Landmark 'll'ee and directs that it shall be IOOnumented as Landmark 'll'ee Number 85-3; and FUR'IHERMORE, this tree shall be protected, (re5e1'Ved and maintained by the tree owner and sul:5equent tree owners and such tree shall not be removed or destroyed by any party unle&!i otherwise authorized by See, ID-3.06 of the Municipal Qxle of the aty of Arroyo Grande. On IOOtion of CoWlCil MenDer GallBgher, seconded by CoWlCil Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smith, Council Menbers Johnson, Moots, Porter, and Gallsgher, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, ( the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 27th day of ~.~ 1985. I '15'~ ' ~ ATIEST: ~ (]. ~ ~ , CITY CLE~ Par. RecreatiO~ ~ \ IJ . 1, NANCY A. DAVIS, aty Clerk of the aty of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Oilifornia, do hereby, certify that the ,foregoing Resolution No. 1874 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed fU1d adOpted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 27th day of August, 1985. !. ' .: " WITNESS my hand' micJthe i?eal of, the qty of Arroyo Grande affixed this ~day of Sept..........- 1985 ". / /' , . 'c:ULJlCt-,. ',rj /' } ,/"; I~ . a A . ,(. . /lJMA'f' ' J~ I I J aty aerie: " ;-"'7...~,~~':.':'if)f~<;'\;f- ____ ..~"'____ '''_'-';.'~~; " -., -""'-"'~-~ t-'-' $-,.,.~=.'-.{,,:1--'~' ---- CP 1J4 . r p. - It ~, "- ......... . ' ~ ". tD ...-/... .-- : ~ ' ~...... ~ . ~' : ". 'J o ~ IvQ ~ . " , \'50,;1 - - - - - - r~ -, q . ~ 0 I . 1\ ~ l .--- .." '0 .. tP ~ - ~ - ,.. ,~ ,., . -- .. - - 'I. - ... , . 1Jl- " - . _. -.-. ... -,. '" - '.' - . ... , - . !)V. ~ ~~ tt-"'~ " . .... '. ; - It >1:""' - - _ ~n: "'- 'aJ Otj ~ ~~ ~ r ", (J1 C)'X , ~., I . " N t:J~ . 0,-.. . ... " ........ . "'- " . - . ": tT1 m ""'k. '" 0 -' -- ,..;.' --- ~ X " ~ o - CO '. , ~ tn' I 9, I " : ~ o .. -...)0'" , (D -.. '. ~ tT1 - " en -1 0 "', f~ ... I:""' '.. . '. ~ , . H '\. ~, ~ 0 )> z r- '. 0 Z t\ ~ t1:I --- - tT1 .... f . ~ 'I. -- \ '- \ ,\\ . .... Ill: 00 " ../1 ; ..... . I . i) J:- 0,.,,0' I:, ',-' -. 10 .' '\. , \ e>t. ...