R 1844 ',! '. . . RE9XUrICN ro. 1844 A RE9XUrICN a; 'lIE CITY CIXNCIL a; 'lIE CITY a; ARIV10 GRANJE ESrABLI~ 'IHE ID.N)ARIES 'lIE VI~ DISTRIGr DESIm REVIEW O\IERLAY . ~, the City Council wishes to protect and enhance the Central Business area of the City of Arroyo Grande, hereinafter referred to as The Village Area; and ~, establishing a design overlay district and associated design criteria are an important nnplcmentation technique for the City's COmprehensive General Plan; and ~, said boundaries have been reviewed and recommended by the Parking and Business hnprovcment Area Advisory Board; and ~, the Planning Comttdssion, following public discussion and COmmission Review, has recommended approval of the attached Village Design District boundaries. rnv, 'IHERI!l'am. BE IT RHQ,V8) 'DiAT 'lIE CITY CII.NCIL a; 1IE CI1Y a; ARIV10 GRANJE does adopt the boundaries of the Village Design Overlay District as defined on the attached Exhibit "A" and makes the foHowing findings: 1. That the Village Design Overlay District is consistent with, and an implementation technique of, the City's COmprehensive General Plan. 2. That boundaries of the Village Design Overlay District is recommended by the Parking and Business hnptovcment Area Advisory Board. 3. That the Village Design Overlay District was recommended by the Planning COmmission. On motion by Council Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member MOots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: . AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smi th N:ES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of April 1985. f-' l ! . ;, '" /1/ J - --- " J a-1" ",,~hJ1...t..(i./ ~ ATIESI': . ~ I, Vi r Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1844 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 9th day of April 1985. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of ArroyoGrande affixed this 10th day of Apr1\ 1985. . . -------. -------,---- ~ l -- ~EN ST~ - , - r . , . - - - H - - - ST~- r h_ ----I I.... \-\05- :.~ =J VI~-- ~' - . i ~~-~ ~~~~ ~~t ,-- --., ~ ~__J-,.j . ,--..}. -\ . - - - ... - - -----1 ~ ~ - ',""-1 ----t \ ' ' . I - -- ---; ~ ~ -' ' r---~- ------1 ; l I ClE . I I ------.- I ~~ r- , .~ j , _.-~-1 -r-- I I >- I , <f I .~..I c.a.o \ ~r--' Centra\ , Bus\ne~ I tl__~ ' .-- I~: : L.. ~ <l _ ...L O\str\ct - - ; - z - .. .. ...;- - ' r--r __ A, '::- I- E r--cr --+.-- -. ___ 0 .... . ; 1fT \1.S H\ghwoy "'- Serv\C ........' ::J ..- - .. . ., u_ _'( .). --r-- J:.: ~ <t -- .. r' -- .. , u ,..:-"" L. p.M p\ar.ned \ndustl ~- ---- WEST z I I I - -J- ~ I l.. Ct ~ c)' ocf - ,I 4! I I I' r Vi oc; /--- 0 ~' I t... /1 , - /~ ~- -.......... I ~9'00' ...--- . \/\LLAGE o ES\GN RE\/\EW AREA