R 1840 NOTICE OF INTENTION 'ID VACATE AND ABANDON HARDEN STREET, IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CDUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA; FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING. RESOLUTION NO. 1840 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SETrING FORTH ITS INTENTION 'ID VACATE AND ABANDON HARDEN STREET, IN TIIB CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING AS PROVIDED BY GOVERNl\1JENT CODE SECI10N 50430, ET SEQ. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande elects to proceed with the vacation and abandonrrent of Harden Street, pursuant to Section 50437 of the Government Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, it appears that Harden street js unnecessary for present or prospective public use; and WHEREAS, it appears that the abandonrrent js for the best interests of the public; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE that it intends to vacate and abandon the, hereinafter described Harden Street, in the Oty of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Objspo,- State of California. For this purpose, the City Council will hold a ' Public Hearing in connection with said intention to vacate and abandon the hereinafter described Harden Street, v.ruch hearing will be held in the Council O1ambers, 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, on the 23rd day of April 1985, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at said time and place, those persons interested in or objectjp.g to the proposed vacation and abandonment may appear and be heard. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oty Clerk of the Oty of Arroyo Grande be, and is herewith directed to cause to be posted along said Harden Street at intervaJs not to exceed three hundred feet (300') in distance apart and at least three (3) in mm1ber on said road, notices of passage of Resolution, which said notices shall be entitled "NOTICEOF INTENTION 'ID VACATE AND ABANDON HARDEN STREET, IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA." In addition thereto, the City Clerk is herewith ordered and directed to cause a copy of said Resolution to be published at least t\\O successive v.eeks prior to the hearing in a new;;paper of general circulation within the City, which publication shall be at least ten (10) day.; prior to the date of said hearing. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Harden Street, v.ruch the City of Arroyo Grmlde proposes to vacate and abandon, is rrore particularly described as follow;;: That certain 50 foot strip of land in the Oty of Arroyo Grande, designated as Harden Street on map recorded November 27, 1901, in Book B, Page 9 of Mars, in the office of the County Recorder, records of San Luis Obispo, State of California. Excepting therefrom any portion lying within the 19 foot alley as shoy,n upon map of said land. Further pin1:iculars as to the proposed vacation and abandonment are shoy,n on the map pertaining thereto on file in the Office of the Oty Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, California. On rrotion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Porter, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council MeTPbers Gallaher, Porter and Mayor Smith. NOES: None. AB.'3ENT: Council Members .k>tmson and Moots. the fOl'egoing Hesolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of March, 1985. Map Attacl1irent fl~~_ ^,n~ST: _~~~____ MAYOR DEPUTY c: 1Y CLERI d~ I, Virginia O1lp, Deputy City Clerk of the Oty of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of C8lifOl'nia, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1840 js a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular rreeting of said Council on the 26th day of March, 1985. IV ITN ESS my hand and the Seal of the Oty of Arl'oyo Grande affixed this 26th day of March, 1985. d'.~ rfI:rrC'LERK ---- AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING [ City of Arroyo Grande County of San Luis Obispo State of Cal ifornia f, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande do hereby certify that' caused to be posted "Notice of Intention to Vacate' and Abandon Harden Street, Resolution No. 1840, and an Area Map" in the areas designated on April 2, 1985. "-- Vir . De y City Clerk City of Arroyo Grande, CA I, Avelino Lampitoc, Associate Engineer, do hereby certify that the aforementioned "Notice of Intention to Vacate and Abandon Harden Street, Resolution No. 1840, and an Area Kap",were posted at the areas designated [ on April 2, 1985. Ave 1 i no Lamp i to Associate Engineer City of Arroyo Grande,. CA STATE OF CALIFORNIA: COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO: ss BEFORE ME, HARRIETT FARINA, notary, personally appeared VIRGINIA L. CULP and AVELINO LAMPITOC, known to me to be the Deputy City Clerk and Associate Engineer, ,res'l'Iectively, of the City of ,Arroyo Grande, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande. DATED, this 2nd day of April, 1985. ~:J~ HARRIETT FARINA, Notary Publ ic (87) .......;..-/ . 8 9 [, 10 LOr~ . . NOTE:- . 1,1;';> 7-01 L . ;0, SHOWN 0,1 , , 00 _ ,t.~/~ ' . ^" ',', \ .:1., .. .~. ' '. '1 "'~B LIN/:- "'~'.::"€.--'-B'-67'-- J ~~.y ._ ___.~_ , .r:. ,..---5'6----20.. T~ /9 117'~'.___ ^' '0 "" 'rn,.. 7:;\ 1;\ POINT. __.!'" 158-0.46~ 'I - ";,~_.n2';' '" 18_\!,~)IC:!'--.-:>1. \ L E -', "', , . __'-' " 04/" '" , '.,,, __.n .0 113 " GV I /4 r".; __, __ ;:2 '/7 ... ,,__,_,. , "-'. " 'I'V , __ ",,", ,_, _", '" l ' ~UW;I.J =- 8 ' ,;' 10(1'71:' -:- ' -,""O'J 2' t"".,,,:, t ~~",". @,.~ ",____..__~ 1'''''( '''',l '- - --". , 0' " , " ,. U.') ~')"Q ---r:.<' ~ '__<0 /8 ~; /2 .. .".1" "I"qll;,L>!J,""C;" J ",~-. "",. '" I ---"/1''',... 0) ~,\..._ t/-'(.'j I I~~? C[ I B,~:.. " · (j - : " B E,(:I,\ c 1,,':'~ 25 f;" ",,0', 'C", S \ ' I f\ I I '-' " - va 0,,-,1 ':( ,.,__ " l '"-"'.__ " i.., ;:> " ... - - Q-, H'___ -" ~')f ~3. '~.: J - ,..-- "12-' i'_~/ , I-' ,,-. 9 'C, 9' , '''-__ C5 . 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