CC 2019-01-22_08f Commission Appointments 2019 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JIM BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER BY: JESSICA MATSON, DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS CITY COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, AND COMMITTEES DATE: JANUARY 22, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of appointments to the various City Commissions, Boards and Committees as recommended by the Council. IMPACT TO FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no fiscal impact and minimal staff impact from this action. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the appointments to various City Commissions, Boards and Committees, pursuant to the attached lists. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Council policy, the Mayor and each Council Member shall recommend one representative to each respective Commission/Board/Committee, subject to approval by a majority of the Council. With the exception of filling unscheduled vacancies, this process occurs every two years following the Municipal Election. Members of each respective Commission/Board/Committee shall serve for a term ending the January 31st following the expiration of the term of the respective appointing Mayor or Council Member. All Commission, Board and Committee members serve at the pleasure of the Council. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: After each election year, the City Council makes appointments to the various City Commissions, Boards and Committees. On January 31, 2019, there will be several City Commission, Committee and Board Members whose terms will be expiring. Traditionally, the Mayor and Council Members are responsible for reviewing active Item 8.f. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, AND COMMITTEES JANUARY 22, 2019 PAGE 2 applications on file, seeking new applicants, or appointing current members to a new term, as appropriate. Mayor Ray Russom and Council Members Paulding and Storton have reviewed and considered individuals who are interested in appointment to a City commission, committee, or board and have submitted applications to the City. Council Members Barneich and George have also reviewed and considered individuals who are interested in appointment to fill unscheduled vacancies on a City commission or board. Each of the recommended appointments is attached. Copies of the applications are also attached. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1) Approve the recommended appointments; 2) Do not approve the recommended appointments and review additional applications; 3) Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: These appointments will provide City representation on the various City Commissions, Boards and Committees. The proposed appointments are consistent with past practice. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages are identified as long as the appointments reflect the desired representation by the City Council on these Commissions, Boards and Committees. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachments: 1.Recommended Appointments Item 8.f. - Page 2 MAYOR RAY RUSSOM RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENTS •PLANNING COMMISSION __JAMIE MARAVIGLIA •ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW -PENDING - COMMITTEE •DOWNTOWN PARKING _MICHAEL ZIMMERMAN ADVISORY BOARD ATTACHMENT 1 Item 8.f. - Page 3 Item 8.f. - Page 4 Item 8.f. - Page 5 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECEIVED JAN O 9 2019 "List of Citizens to Serve" 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Application to Board, Committee, or Commission PLEASE PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO APPLY (You may make more than one selection): _Planning Commission _., _Tourism Business Improvement District Advisory Board ¼,_Downtown Parking Advisory Board _Architectural Review Committee _Special committees/ subcommittees ************************************************************************************ Date of Application / -f -/9 Name :Z/h4f11£C@d# ~ 'c;6:.,fe,/ ~~ A~ Home Address : ££ 4,r:ctJY~ Grri~cA qJ:~z;o Home or Cell Phone Business Phone & _ ~"?~$"" E-mail address (Optional) &,'/ . Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande? Yes_-=D=-__ No [gJ Are you a registered voter? Yes 00 No D Occupation .f//(t,r,vey Employer ..le./F" Education (Include professional or vocational licenses or certificates) · ':lw-i'~ foci,,r Community involvement (List organization memberships and committee assignments) J: 4 t!J,. G-r1A..,1r/4-1 '/3 lfr ·/f .S Pd (.Q;p/-f f)N"' · . q,,,w1" (lre-Jitltwf-' 9 F -,-1,ve. .J'~,,,,. L~,·~ &bl~ ~e-I;,,,;:>~/f~~.,;;,J f6r-wrer-At?!,~'"9Plf«" !=ir-l"lrt-f>/1) 6,t-,rl-Nl)v:_tf=/n.,;IJe.,4,1~ r~ ,/o/1,1,NfeJu" w,)-4 #/\t9Yt:J u,-..,,.,VO"t.jt?,9,"/t~ 'r~~'l?>I,/ Please describe any background, training, education or interests that qualify you as ~n appointee J'h'IOHce fl' L.,411/ A~ tr.1 fl,,-e-wY/~~ /ft'-l"tJY1) ut-~l/'e.-~r MS f-* ~ 19-NO J1vl'1 //'UY r~i//-1-r Wl'M /'91'kt',v,, t>>qe> Aer'<f. ,~ ;¼~ vr~, (Please attach additional pages If necessary) Rev 12/18/2018 (PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM) Item 8.f. - Page 6 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you are applying? 10 rr:.,lt'~ /?,1,ri61~9 /N th~lk)w~ /1/eJf' >0 ,nerv~ CAM J/tf/'e-,, 8/W ;a,trf.W? J=i;r us~~ -r ~/~ . C4t,1 /J/ff"/6 ,"N ~ J -rhtr h~ /11~-f 11,trttt~ F//fceS. ;:;;, /~; ~ 1fn1e, UU,lff wlvefe., ~J /flvJ) to G/l9fe; tJtAer ~ Y-tJ hv"~ /J;t/1'-l<J N9 . Please list three (3) Arroyo Grande references. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDMDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Name: Mrw ~ $J/(J y Name: l3 ilf /Jfi 911' IV Name: /{.ev;V /) e/,tNey Address: ' Current meeting schedules are indicated below: Planning Commission, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. Downtown Parking Advisory Board, meets as needed Architectural Review Committee, 1st Monday at 2:30 p.m. and 3rd Monday at 3:30 p.m. each month Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Advisory Board, last Monday of each month, 3:30 p.m. Are you willing to commit to the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or Commission? Yes [3a: No D . I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~~~ Date Notice to Applicants: 1. Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2. State law and the Oty's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Members, and Commissioners file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving an appointed office (e.g. sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3. This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the california Public Records Act. 4. Applications will remain active and on file for one (1) year. Please return completed Application to: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Rev 12/18/2018 Item 8.f. - Page 7 COUNCIL MEMBER PAULDING RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENTS • PLANNING COMMISSION - PENDING - • ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW JON COUCH COMMITTEE • DOWNTOWN PARKING ___CHIASA KLAPPER ADVISORY BOARD Item 8.f. - Page 8 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE "List of Citizens to Serve" 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Application to Board, Committee, or Commission PLEASE PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU WOULD UKE TO APPLY (You may make more than one selection): _Planning Commission _Parks and Recreation Commission _Traffic Commission _Downtown Parking Advisory Board ~· Architectural Review Committee _Historical Resources Committee _Special Subcommittees ************************************************************************************ ·Date ot Application 64(m--l zo n . Name Co \Jl,}t: JcN ust · Rm Home Address " €: Home or Cell Phone ( Business Phone .1.---..L.----------- E-mail address (Optional) Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande? Yes. __ . ~)( __ .No. ___ _ Are you a registered voter? Yes X No ___ _ Occupation A~U\trEZ--r:ue-ltL-pest~caz.. Employer fAl,tL ·f2t_...-:;\~N t:I~ Education (Include professional or vocational licenses or certificates), ____________ _ ~S 6r' ~ l ~U,aA ~ 1 Community involvement (List organization memberships and committee assignments), ______ _ ~l\f!32 M~Be\Z-\ ld:tlt-0 rtee,:]75v6' A45~LW'fltN Please describe any background, training, education or interests that qualify you as an appointee. ___ _ (Pl~ase attach additional pages If necessary) (PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM) Item 8.f. - Page 9 .. Advisory Board/Committee/Commission Appliat/on Page2 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you are applying? ________________________________ _ 1; IAJMA.P Ulte: Please list three (3) Arroyo Grande references. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDMDUALS BEFORE USTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Phone: I Current meeting schedules are indicated below: Planning Commission, l st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Commission, 2"d Wednesday of each month, 6:30 p.m. Traffic Commission, Monday before the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. Downtown Parking Advisory Board, meets as needed Architectural Review Committee, l st Monday at 2:30 p.m. and 3rd Monday at 3:30 p.m. each month Historical Resources Committee, 2"d Friday of each month, l 0:00 a.m. Are you willing to commit to the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of an appoinbnent to a Board, Committee or Commission? Yes )( No __ I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. . Applicant Signature 041~12011 Date Notice to Applicants: 1. Applicants appointed by the Qty Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2. State law and the Oty's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Members, and Commissioners file Statements of Economic Interests (Fonn 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving an appointed office ( e.g. sources of income, loans, gifts, investments,, interests in real property within the Qty). 3. This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the california Public Records Act. 4. Applications will remain active and on file for one (1) year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· Please return completed Application to: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE , 300 East Branch street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 RECEIVED. APR O 5 2017 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Item 8.f. - Page 10 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE "List of Citizens to Serve" 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Application to Board, Committee, or Commission PLEASE PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU WOULD UKE TO APPLY (You may make more than one selection): _Planning Commission __ Tourism Business Improvement District Advisory Board _;{_Downtown Parking Advisory Board __ Architectural Review Committee __ Special committees/subcommittees ************************************************************************************ Date of Application December 19th, 2018 Name Klapper, Last Chiasa First Home Address Home or Cell Phone _( _______ Business Phone ,._( ________ _ E-mail address (Optional)_c_h_ia_ ______________ _ Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande? Yes_...;;00=•=---·No D Are you a registered voter? Yes 00 No D Occupation Tasting Room-Owner Employer Timbre Winery --""' __.., -. . -. ~---~ Education (Include professional or vocational licenses or certificates) Business Management ' Community involvement (List organization memberships and committee assignments) Local public school PTO Co-Treasurer AGVIA member LMUSD Volunteer Please describe any background, training, education or interests that qualify you as an appointee Having a newer business in the Village of Arroyo Grande I would like to ease my way into more community involvement Wrth young children and running the business my time is limited and this is a perfect committee to be a part of. Wrth more fun and new shops/hotel openings, I am definitely interested in the joining the parking advisory team to be appraised on all the happenings with more welcomed growth forourtown! (Please attach additional pages if necessary) Rev 12/18/2018 (PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM) Item 8.f. - Page 11 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you are applying? Making sure that public concerns are addressed regarding parking with the envisioned growth of downtown area. Please list three (3) Arroyo Grande references. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Jill Jackson Name: __________ .Address: ______________ Phone: ________ _ Current meeting schedules are indicated below: Planning Commission, 1st and 3 rd Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. Downtown Parking Advisory Board, meets as needed Architectural Review Committee, 1s t Monday at 2:30 p.m. and 3rd Monday at 3:30 p.m. each month Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Advisory Board, last Monday of each month, 3:30 p.m. Are you willing to commit to the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or Commission? Yes 00 No D I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and -belief. . ~ Applic4ignature Notice to Applicants: Date 1. Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2. State law and the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Members, and Commissioners file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving an appointed office (e.g. sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3. This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. 4. Applications will remain active and on file for one (1) year. Please return completed Application to: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Rev 12/18/2018 .r RECEIVED JAN .16 2019 CITY CLEHK'S OFFICE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Item 8.f. - Page 12 COUNCIL MEMBER STORTON RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENTS • PLANNING COMMISSION ____GLENN MARTIN • ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW ____WARREN HOAG COMMITTEE • DOWNTOWN PARKING _____JIM KELSEY______ ADVISORY BOARD Item 8.f. - Page 13 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE "List of Citizens to Serve" 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Application to Board, Committee, or Commission PLEASE PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO APPLY (You may make more than one selection): LPlanning Commission _Tourism Business Improvement District Advisory Board _Downtown Pa-rking-Advisory-Board ---- _Architectural Review Committee _Special committees/ subcommittees ************************************************************************************ Date of Application l Z. / 2 ~ /t 8 Name MA. RTtl'-l &i,LGNN Last First HomeAddress ' Home or Cell Phone .. Business Phone , E-mail address (Optional) -...- Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande? Yes ~ No D Are you a registered voter? Yes [;5 No D Occupation Red, _ef>-\zd e 1sVl> ke.v" Employer C.-tl~ Mev.r:f,,~ Go""-)~~~ Education (Include professional or vocational ~censes or certificates) t3s-·\··Hstol(11 ue,s.~ &4b-c:L _ L(c.,~ Czv~~"~ ReAl ~-twte... ~fuw--~ 0\(.£,if Olc661SC( Community involvement (List organization memberships and committee assignments) Please describ_e any background, training, education or interests that qualify you as an appointee 4 'f eP-.v ~w.."¼~tO-w2,VI <!...u>r~ ~.,.. &ov-~t~~ Covw~ (Please attach additional pages If necessary) Rev 12/18/2018 (PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM) Item 8.f. - Page 14 7 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you are applying? ~v ~ ~~ wJ.uc:d,·ei-cs-\-F11et~ d~~ P~~ ·\~~v~+c- Please list three (3) Arroyo Grande references. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Name: 11lr.ex--A )J WO-M-.. Name: Bob. Ca.xv --------Name: j)~~~ Jo:eil-..s·--. Address: -- Current meeting schedules are indicated below: Planning Commission, l st and 3 rd Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. Downtown Parking Advisory Board, meets as needed -Architectural Review Committee, l st Monday at 2:30 p.m. a:nd 3 rd Monday at 3:30 p.m. each month Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Advisory Board, last Monday of each month, 3:30 p.m. Are you willing to commit to the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or Commission? Yes ~ No D I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2. State law . and the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Members, and Commissioners file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving an appointed office (e.g. sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3. This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. 4. Applications-will remain active and on file for one (1) year. Please return completed Application to: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Rev 12/18/2018 Item 8.f. - Page 15 ,·, RECEIVED CIT)' OF ARROYO GRANDE DEC 2 6 2018 : · "List of Citizeris1 to Serve" · [ 300 East Branch Street 1 • Arroyo Grande, CA.93420 l, . . Cl1V OF ARROYO GRANDE Applicatiotj b:>' Board, Col'flmittee, or Com~ission ·I . ,. -. . . . . ! . ! Rev 12/18/2018 (PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM) Item 8.f. - Page 16 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you . I , are applying? . · I . . • :r µe fkR./f/C ~ ~ (/7':l-41a'!;/-fl~/r,'-ck 41-/M/;,m,tJci-ft~ ft, (Jf?J (//£~ /A/ f '11-t"'r (Al err 17._~ ~rfa'a N di;!.-:? J!Al ~ttid Rlatf/AJ; fl{Jf .1~~sr;&ret5~_4V::~~~::~~;~~~ ~j~ '1fP'~'f;, _lff:~~~Po. _,t.,~~~\dbV~µ°,vt¥V/4 ~ ~ hst1~ /;fAr~nde references. PLE(S~ ~AIN rP~RM1s'iio~ • .(\NDMDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. I ' . I : . I Name: ~j 0n{HN_ .; ; , f-, Current meeting schedules are in~icated below: I · Planning Commission, l st and 3rd "("uesday of each month,16,00 p.m. Downtown Parking Advisory Board( meets as needed ! Architectural Review Committe~, l ft Monday at 2:30 p.m. ;and 3 rd Monday at 3:30 p.m. each month Tourism Business Improvement Dittrict (TBID) Advisory B1ard, last Monday of each month, 3:30 p.m. Are Y°_" willing to "'.'m~it to th1 ~.......:.cessi"ry to furll the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or Comm1ss1on? Yes ff.ti'~ ~~ D I I ! I I hereby declare that the forego:ing information is tru~ and complete to the best of my knowledge· and belief. I i . \ r2/21Je 1 , bate Notice to Applicants: , / 1. Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. , 2. State law and the City's Confli~ of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Members, and Commissioners file Statements oflEconomic Interests (Forrj'l 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving an appointed office (e.g. sources df income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3. This application is a matter·of pu~lic record and portions t~ereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the califomia Public Records Act. · ' 4. Applications will remain active andion file for one (1) year. , Please return completed Applicati9n to: · CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Rev 12/18/2018 Item 8.f. - Page 17 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE "List of Citizens to Serve" 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Application to Board, Committee, or Commission PLEASE PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO APPLY (You may make more than one selection): _Planning Commission _Tourism Business Improvement District Advisory Board _{_Downtown Parking Advisory Board _Architectural Review Committee _Special committees/subcommittees ************************************************************************************ Date of Application_0_1/_16_/_20_1_9 ____ _ Name Kelse Last Home Address Jim First Home or Cell Phone __._ _______ Business Phone _, _______ _ E-mail address (Optional) .... ______________ _ Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande? Yes ___ [ __ ~ __ , ___ No D Are you a registered voter? Yes 00 No C Occupation Real Estate Broker Employer Century 21 Hometown Realty_ Education (Include professional or vocational licenses or certificates) State of California Real Estate Brokers License CCIM Designation Community involvement (List organization memberships and committee assignments) Elks Lodge Please describe any background, training, education or interests that qualify you as an appointee I have been in the building trades and Real Estate for over 25 years. (Please attach additional pages if necessary) Rev 12/18/2018 {PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM) Item 8.f. - Page 18 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you are applying? To help solve the ongoing issue of parking in the village area. Please list three (3) Arroyo Grande references. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE USTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Name: Chris Gallagher Name: Jack Hardy Name: Dawn Valenti Address: Current meeting schedules are indicated below: Planning Commission, 1st and 3 rd Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. Downtown Parking Advisory Board, meets as needed Phone: Architectural Review Committee, 1st Monday at 2:30 p.m. and 3rd Monday at 3:30 p.m. each month Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Advisory Board, last Monday of each month, 3:30 p.m. Are you willing to commit to the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or Commission? Yes 00 No D I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Notice to Applicants: 1. Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2. State law and the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Members, and Commissioners file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and .upon leaving an appointed office (e.g. sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3. This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the california Public Records Act. 4. Applications will remain active and on file for one (1) year. Please return completed Application to: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Rev 12/18/2018 RECENED · JAN 16 2019 CliY OF ARROYO GRANDE Item 8.f. - Page 19 COUNCIL MEMBER GEORGE RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENT • ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW ____BRUCE BERLIN COMMITTEE *Appointment fills unscheduled vacancy for term ending 1/31/21 Item 8.f. - Page 20 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ''List of Citizens to Serve" 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RECEIVED DEC. 2 0 2018 CfTYOfAA ROYOGRANDE Application to Board, Committee, or Commission PLEASE PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO APPLY {You may make more than one selection): _Planning Commission _Tourism Business Improvement District Advisory Board _Downtown Parking Advisory Board _i_Architectural Review Committee _Special committees/ subcommittees ****************.**:**[***f********************************************************** Date of Application t Z. _w 10 . Name . e.t ~L, IN Bwa;. Last First HomeAddress 1 ~61 CA °13'-fZO Home or@e ( . Business Pho~e E-mail address (Optional) Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande? Yes ~ No D Are you a registered voter? Yes g No D Occupation &M~= r°;,sv1-;;,,Prrv"( Employer $~F-== ] Ct+Ci,cC . ff61Jvgc{S Education (Include professional or vocational licenses or certificates) B.)S,~ ffJvlriP'IWl!iPrJfAt,, HO'!'ftt{J&1cJt-E --CA-t pt?iy Community involvement (List organizatio/o memberships. and committee assignments) . . • Af.-C --c '"'i or A.& 5 z1/1U: -f P-£GMT ., .11Wi {)ll1flfi?,/£ BwcK 6ftbVf5· prtlv:R,, r~Yt;O ~ 'Jl)Clft-12-t.r~u.e rot y;;A-~S J puiLAl A-~T :p1:rNd3i Please describe any background, training, education or interests that qualify you as an appointee M'( 'Fl!tce-6,oVWD 1w ff'illlkJ(UrvwrvfAC WJ~ frJrfJ/vff~ NvtNf fAC1514 O~ 5Cl#ll:£j 5tl I t..S / ~ft.J'S {P(I) (l1(>11 (ltl/.,, / tJ /rf{Uf' V MT"M ft/ utJ -=t /ff ,41,, y-1 Y 5V5T /JI /IJ J/V G J3fOsY Sim.! 6:)oD •voff(Nu mff1rtl[/5.f{r-f VII A/Z-C-Ptff?-. f/JST 41/z_ yFfl~, (Please attach additional pages if necessary) Rev·l 2/18/2018 (PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM} Item 8.f. - Page 21 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you are applying? ' I • . I Pease 11st three (3) Arroyo Grande references. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Name: ____ L ___ l..,.Z.."'-_._1:,_V_1_H __ ....... ' Address: Architectural Review Committee,[1 st Monday at 2:30 p,m. and 3 rd Monday at 3:30 p.m. each month Tourism BusiqE!ss Improvement Qistrict (TBID) Advisory Board, last Monday of each month, 3:30 p.m. Are you wllll~g to commit to thiJm• necessary to fulfill the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or Commission? Yes I .. '::.l No D I ing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and Applicant Signature I I 1. Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. Date Notice to Applicants: \ 2. State law and the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Members, and Commissioners file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving an appointed office (e.g. source~ of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3. This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. \ · 4. Applications will remain active a11d on file for one (1) year. -Pi~~-~~-;~i~~~ ~~~-.;i~t~ ·i.;i,ii~~1i~~-t:~;-. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -·-. -. -·-. -. -·-. -· -. -·-· -·-·-.. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Rev 12/18/2018 Item 8.f. - Page 22 MAYOR PRO TEM BARNEICH RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENT • PLANNING COMMISSION ___ANDREA MONTES __ • DOWNTOWN PARKING ___ -PENDING-________ ADVISORY BOARD *Appointments fill unscheduled vacancies for terms ending 1/31/21 Item 8.f. - Page 23 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECEIVED JAN O 9 2019 "List of Citizens to Serve" 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Application to Board, Committee, or Commission PLEASE PLACE.A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO APPLY (You may make more than one selection): _{__Planning Commission _. Tourism Business Improvement District Advisory Board _Downtown Parking Advisory Board _Architectural Review Committee _Special committees/subcommittees / ************************************************************************************ Date of Application_0_1/_0_9/_2_0_19 ____ _ Name Montes · Last Home Address Andrea M First Home or Cell Phone _( _______ Business Phone ..._( _______ _ E-m.ail address (Optional)_M_o_n_ _______________ _ Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande? Yes 00 Are you a registered voter? Yes 00 No D Occupation Utilities Division Program Manager Employer County of SLO Department of Public Works Education (Include professional or vocational licenses or certificates) ' Bachelor of Arts in English from Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo Master in Public' Administration from the University of San Francisco No 0 Community involvement (List organization memberships and committee assignments) City Charter Advisory Committee, February 2013 -October 2013, met with the Advisory Committee and City Manager each month to discuss and develop recommendation of City Charter to Arroyo Grande City Council; Lucia Mar Unified School District Independent Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (Measure I) Member, meet quarterly with Committee to ensure bond fund expenditures correspond with the Measure's ballot language; SLOElks Member and Halloween PIO. Please describe any background, training, education or interests that qualify you as an appointee Obtained MPA, graduating with honors from the University of San Francisco School of Management; 16 years of public sector work experience with both the City of San Luis Obispo and County of San Luis Obispo, respectivley, including: City Public Works Administration, County Public Works Finance and Utilities Divisions, County Department of Social Services Finance, County Public Health Administratlon, and County Auditor-Controller. Since 2014, as Program Manger with the County Public Works Utilities Division, I've served as Secretary to the San Luis (Please attach additional pages If necessary) Rev 12/18/2018 {PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM} Item 8.f. - Page 24 Andrea M Montes Continued from Page 1 Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 3 Advisory Committee, comprised of elected officials from South County agencies who pay to receive drinking water from Lopez Lake. Item 8.f. - Page 25 What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you are applying? Objectives and goals of the Planning Commission include making recommendations to City Council on land use, development and zoning to determine how land can be developed and/or used. Please list three (3) Arroyo Grande references. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE USTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Address: Current meeting schedules are indicated below: Planning Comrriission, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. Downtown Parking Advisory Board, meets as needed Architectural Review Committee, 1st Monday at 2:30 p.m. and 3 rd Monday at 3:30 p.m. each month Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Advisory Board, last Monday of each month, 3:30 p.m. Are you willing to commit to the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or Commission? Yes 00 No D I h by declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and ef. Notice to Applicants: 1. Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2. State law ahd the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee f'1embers, and Commissioners file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving an appointed office ( e.g. sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3. This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. 4. Applications will remain active and on file for one (1) year. Please return completed Application to: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 300 East Bran~h Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Rev 12/18/2018 Item 8.f. - Page 26