CC 2019-01-22_08k Calendar Year 2018 Water Supply and Demand UpdateMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: SHANE TAYLOR, UTILITIES MANAGER SUBJECT: CALENDAR YEAR 2018 WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND UPDATE DATE: JANUARY 22, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The update reports the water supply and demand for Calendar Year 2018. Current Lopez Reservoir level and projected levels are provided in the attachments. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Approximately two (2) hours of staff time is required to prepare the report. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and file the Calendar Year 2018 Water Supply and Demand Report. BACKGROUND: On April 25, 2017, the City Council, by Resolution, rescinded the Stage 1 Water Shortage Emergency along with related emergency water conservation measures and restrictions. During the public hearing the City Council requested staff to continue preparing the monthly water supply and demand updates. The Council urged citizens to continue to practice everyday water saving measures, and reiterated that the previously adopted water conservation measures were to remain in effect. In 2018, the City’s water use was 2,212.5 acre-feet with a per capita use of 112 gallons per day/per person. There was a total of 12.2 inches of rainfall in 2018. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The United States Drought Monitor, as of January 8, 2019 shows San Luis Obispo County in a severe drought. Rainfall to date (July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018) is 3.4 inches at the Corporation Yard rain gauge. Lopez Lake, as of January 10, 2019, is at 39.6% capacity (19,537 acre-feet of storage). The new water year began on April 1, 2018 and the City’s current total available supply from Lopez is 2,290 acre-feet, our normal entitlement plus 564 acre-feet of surplus water. In addition, we have 1,323 acre-feet of ground water entitlement from the Santa Maria Basin and 200 acre-feet from the Pismo Formation. Item 8.k. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR YEAR 2018 WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND UPDATE JANUARY 22, 2019 PAGE 2 The projected water use for water year 2018/19 is 2,000 acre-feet if the City receives average rainfall. On November 14, 2018, Lopez Lake storage fell below 20,000 acre-feet. The City requested a voluntary 10% flow reduction to conserve 175,000 gallons a day behind the dam. No additional restrictions are placed on our customers with this flow reduction. ADVANTAGES: No advantages noted at this time. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages noted at this time. ALTERNATIVES: Not applicable at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachments: 1. Lopez Monthly Operations Report for December 2018 1.a. Lopez Monthly Operations Report for March 2018 2. Lopez Reservoir Storage Projection 3. Yearly Water Use Comparison Item 8.k. - Page 2 San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water DistrictZone 3 - Lopez Project - Monthly Operations ReportDecember, 2018244.76Note: Deliveries are in acre feet. One acre foot = 325, 850 gallons or 43, 560 cubic feet. Safe yield is 8,730 acre feet."Year to Date" is January to present for State water, April to present for Lopez deliveries, and July to present for rainfall.1721.26April to Present5.02Arroyo Grande2290Lopez Dam OperationsLake Elevation (full at 522.37 feet)479.5Storage (full at 49200 acre feet)19457Rainfall1.29Downstream Release (4200 acre feet/year)320.08Spillage (acre feet)0This MonthYear to Date3250.870.00564.00147.05Entl.SurplusUsage2854.00TotalLopez Water Deliveries327.76Oceano CSD30375.001.60378.00617.82Grover Beach800197.0073.21997.001112.00Pismo Beach892220.000.001112.0064.60CSA 1224560.007.76305.00241.5020536.5081.8383.963.170.0000.00State Water Deliveries3843.4445301116.00229.625646.00434.23408.9648.50Total ContractorDifference (feet)-42.87% Full39.5%Comments:Surplus water shown is as designated per BOS May 15, 2018 Declaration of Surplus Water.1) Oceano supplied State Water to Canyon Crest via Arroyo Grande's Edna turn out. A totalof 1.46 AF delivered to Canyon Crest was added to Oceano's State Water usage this monthand 1.46 AF was subtracted from Arroyo Grande's usage this month.April to Present Lopez Entitlement+Surplus Water Usage050100150200250Jan'18Feb'18Mar'18Apr'18May'18Jun'18Jul'18Aug'18Sep'18Oct'18Nov'18Dec'18Acre FeetAGGBOCSDPBCSA12January to Present State Water Usage020406080Jan'18Feb'18Mar'18Apr'18May'18Jun'18Jul'18Aug'18Sep'18Oct'18Nov'18Dec'18Acre FeetOCSDPBCSA12SanMigSan Miguelito110.901208.83This Month%TotalJanuary to PresentUsageThis Month% of Annual RequestUsage% of Annual Request147.05Total Water Deliveries This Month26.3673.21107.0910.938.83373.47Annual Request0.00Usage24.760.0070.590.00%0.0024.760.00220.000.001721.26303.00617.82892.0064.603598.6895.35692.00SWP DeliveriesSWP DeliveriesChange in Storage8233.501387.52This Month Stored State Water21.9%6.4%60.3%0.5%86.7%9.2%62.0%0.0%100.0%3.2%21.2%17.8%117.8%3.8%97.5%0.0%0.0%5.1%68.1%11.9%106.2%7.4%92.4%0.0%33.0%0.0%32.1%0.0%0.0%33.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%75.2%100.0%77.2%100.0%26.4%79.4%8.5%EntitlementSurplusUsage%Usage%EntitlementSurplusUsage%1354.02Last Month Stored State WaterTuesday, January 8, 2019Page 1 of 1Report printed by:AdminData entered by:D. BravoATTACHMENT 1Item 8.k. - Page 3l ... ~mn I r>o, E, I~. 1W. ll, il, il, "7, "7, rk 1□ ■ □ □ ■ 1□ □ ■ □ l I I I ATTACHMENT 1a Item 8.k. - Page 4 Con t1·:1<'tor • .\n'OVO 0,>;11ldC OccanoCS O Orovcr B<ach Pit,mo Bc:i.ch CSA 12 San Miuudito T o t:il San Luis Ob is po County F lood C on trol and W ater D istrict Zone 3 -L opez Projec t -:tvfon th ly Opera ti o ns Repo rt M arch . 2 0 18 Lo pn WMH Dellw1·tes SUie WMH Dell11N1es This Mouth .~l ro Ptt-sffil 'JlmMomb Ja11c;ay 10 Prtscnt F.nll S::uplm; Tat.1.1 &itit ld,~t Snrp l ti\ f.J11l11!-n~111 $11rplm Tou l Amn n l Uut,e '., S\\'P ,ICluJW' IA u.u,, ,_,_ of Annwl SWP ""I""' ,-. Orliw 1:its St-O'l"3.ge Klq\lC'S( Oclivc!"ies U•s:i~ ,. Usage % U~_;: ~-u..,., " Usage ~-...... 22:9<) l 249.20 3S39.20 l~.13 6.3 .. ~ 0.00 0.0'-' 2l46.32 93.1,. 0.00 o.o,:: 21~6.32 60.6¾ 30 3 s,io so 1143 SO 0 00 o ~~ 5060 60"/e 303 10 1000,;, 401 39 4S I.,'. 70749 6 1 9"¼ 227 0 00 0 0,, 0 00 o~• 800 240.20 10-40.20 00.10 s.,,~ 0.00 0.0,:,;. 743.SS 93.<>~• 0.00 o.cr..· ?4S.8S 72.00/4 892 lSJ.UO 2n6.20 0.00 o.o,, 91.82 $J)~.i sn.oo 100.0,t 4$U7 2$J).,: 135() 17 495¾ 1120 19.00 1.r.-i 2800 2.5'-• HS 499.60 7'1460 3.17 Ll'i 0.00 0 .0% S792 35..9% 0 .00 OJ).,'< 87.9 2 l l S¾ 27 6 .02 22.3% 16.12 597'- 127 8~9 7.Ut 20.SS 16.2,_ 4~0 46<iJ..70 I 9 193.70 l U.4-0 1 .s.7%1 14?.4'.!: I .1.1¾ 4 178.19 9 '.!:.1% 80:?.t,6 I 1S.S%1 5-040.7~ I 54.8% 1~1 J ,t Ol 2 ... n, ., I j'.!:.90 6'.67 4.J% 111 .00 Apr i l to Pre a nt LoP4z Entittem e nt +Surp t u~ W.iter Ugge '11,r Moy J un J ul Aug 5eP Orel NOV De c Jan Feb M• ·1 1 ·11 ~, ·11 ·11 ·11 ·,1 ·11 ~1 "18 .,. ·18 l••c ■cs a ocso o PB ■csA12 I ~e; Dch,-meure ui J«c fe('f. Oot ocre foot = }2S. 8)0 g.,llons Ot ·0 . ;.cs.o ctib1c f«t. S.,f.e yidd 1s S. 73 0 acre fttt. Lopu Oil.Ill O ~t·/IUOU1 l 'bh )ll)ulh \'till' tO Dalt l..lkc Elenoon (full .1, 522.37 :t«c) 491.65 Dlftttcuce(tffl) I SIOr.lge (full :it 49200 .IIOe fm:) 259),t %f ,dl I R,inbll 8.69 12.67 D<mn~.)(11R¢-k.;..se(42003Ctt &eb)"t.v) 2,47.}5 )4364$ Spill:igt (x1t fm ) 0 0.00 -30.72 52.7'♦ Ula)(~ Slee-~ Swie \\'11111•,t ll4.I.Q9 I Th:.11 )!«.d/iS!/lll'td Su11e W•tter J.inu.iry to Preant St.it• W.i ter Ugge Ator May J u n Jul Aull ~P OCt NOY Dec Wl r e l> Mor ·11 '17 ·17 ~7 ·17 ,1 ·11 ,1 ·17 ·10 '18 '18 1 □0C SO D P8 ■CSA1 ?D ~n M I0 I 1176.0S ''Y c-ac to D..ue"' "J.mt.l.\1)1 10 ptestt)I' fuc ~Jtc w,ucr. Apnl to l)(C$('fil for lopc-z ckhvenes. Md July 10 prC$CUt f(J(Q;ll'lfaII. C~• 1s: Re.sct\·oo-1~ cwrtt1dy opcr.ncd uodct rhc Lo,,,.. Rescrvo11 Respon,;c PIJA Res<:f,,"Olf 1~ ,.bot,e 20.000 Af t:IIC'ld01t t101tductio11 Ul mlillmim:I°'. I I Sucplm W3.ICC fflO\\'tl is acfll3lly ''Cati)' Orff" W3tct 3.~ cks.ignatcd tl ilic l.RRP IUld upducd J:« R05 ?i.by 2, l017 Dtc.b rntion ofS11rpb ,; 1) Ocea::to ~upplit-d Sb.~I:' ~lt'1 IO C:llt)'OI' Ctl:'SI \UI .~l'~'OCit:'11:di"~ Edi:::t MD Olli. A 10(:'.IJ of I .SS Af ddivned toCanym 0:~1 w.u addc,d to Oceino's Sb.le Wall'l u.,;age lliis mmtl, :wt t .SS .AFwa, s'Ubl13.C1td from Arroyo Gr.tndt'i ~gc ttu., moutb. Toc11I \\'a t l'r De l in-,ic,., ru,Mon1b );...,:., S06 00.1 ll0.82 919 8.99 m .s~ 2.500.207.760. (in)Storage (AF)DateLOPEZ RESERVOIR STORAGE PROJECTIONActual PrecipitationPredicted PrecipitationActual StorageProjected Storage20,000 AFNote:1. Storage projection is based on predicted rainfall from longrangeweather.com,historic inflow based on predicted rainfall, 18‐19 downstream release requests, and municipal usage.2.  Municipal Usage is based on 2010‐2017 average monthly deliveries.ATTACHMENT 2Item 8.k. - Page 5LOPEZ RESERVOIR STORAGE PROJECTION 4000 3500 3000 0 2500 0 I .,6 ----== ----....... 1500 1000 JU 0 500 170 0 ,2 .o ( 20 (22 ( 00 coo ( 00 ( 00 ( 00 (123 I II 11 ,..; 0 0 .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N ::.-::.-..... ::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-..... .... rl ::.-..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ------cl" ..... N "' .,. "' "' ,.._ IXJ "' .... .... .... Date -• t -•Predc1 d Pree -,. --~Pro1ected Stor -~ 20,0 AF -3 87 3 59 2.57 . .... ~ ~ 0 0 0 N N N ::.-::.-::.-..... ::.----~ N 1 3 46 ~ 0 N ::.----"' 00 .2 :>O 00 g C: 0 ;; ~ a u ., 6. J ~ 4 J 2,194 2,213 111 112 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 2017 2018 Yearly Water Use Comparison Acre Feet Usage (gpcd) ATTACHMENT 3 Item 8.k. - Page 6 ■ ■