R 1811 /^ RESOLUTION NO. 1811 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF THE CALI FORNJiA ENERG'v COMM I SS I ON OF TH.I S CITY I S APPLICATION FOR FUNDS DISBURSED FROM THE PETROLEUM VIOLATION ESCROW ACCOUNT TO FINANCE CIRCULATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the Energy Commission in cooperation with other State Agencies is developing proposal for the Governor and the Legislature to distribute funds from the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account; and WHEREAS, if the estimated $140 million to $240 million in Petroleum Violation Escrow Funds were distributed; and ~HEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande Genera) Plan includes circulation system which designates Branch Street as a major street and Grand Avenue as an arterial; and WHEREAS, construction of traffic signals and left turn channelization that would conserve energy are not now financed; and WHEREAS, these proposed uses are consistent with the criteria established by the California Energy Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Arroyo Grande does make application for Petroleum Violation Escrow Account Funds to finance the aforementioned circulation system improvements, more specifically described in the attached application and found by this Resolution to be consistent with the City's adopted General Plan. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27~h day of November, 1984. x3'~~ ~~.~ I-lAYOR ATTEST: EI' . C I'ry CLERK I, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1811 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 27th day of November 1984. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 29th day of November 1984. CLERK - -....------- .-- --"-_._~._--.... ?VEA CO~CEPT SC~i:'-! .\RY S!~EET "\ ,~~~ ',....::~C1U''': C'I .~:-~ t'.J~.J . Paul J. Karp, City Enqineer, City of Arroyo Grande, CA (805) 489-1303 ... ' "''''::JC '\..io~;:'::,u:zuon ?~onc P. O. Box 550, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Addn::ss, City Zip . PROJECT DESCiU?TION . I. This prcjcct would impac:t :ne: following seaor(s): 0 R::sidc:cti;r.I o Comr.:crci.-1r a ladcscrial 16 T i':i1nsportOlciod ' a Govcmmc:::: 9t:iJdings 0 Agri~.:rltt1rc: 0 Othc:r . . 2. TIRe: of ~ssist3.nc:: m Gnat o loan o Rc:vo(vinS foan poot G ~fatc!lins grant C (ntcresc !Juydown a Ec!UC3:iOd cr(aIorCl~tion a T c:baic.l .-\ss%s::J..."1C:: o Ochcr' 'r' - J. Othe:' SC1:.=::s of ~t::Jdir.! or SI:??O:1: would be provided by: C The: ?::s;Jn{s) 3c~:::::c:d e:! 0.&::- GQVC::1~C::J: .-\S:::;dcs a 0..'1" 4. Who hu the: 5nal .::spor.sibiIity (or dis.ribuciOlg tb~ zssist.a.nc:: identified in question 2 above: iJ Local Govcrnmc:nc aA SUtc: Agcncy o A Pvbli~ (ntcr::st Group- 0 Other 1. Enc"3)' would bc: (i S4 vcd a produc::d. by the: PrOjcc:c. . . 6. The: (OI7.':(s) of ~::::-gy scvlfa .,a,o\!.d be: a E:~:ric:cy I&! Diesc( !E Gz,solinc G ~2n:nl g:!S a Propane: a Oche:' _ i. The !\Jr.;J(s; :)f e~c::'gy p"o.:f:#c~d ""v~urd be:: G~:::::::icicy c:; aia 3~ CO(~cr' . s. ~.)n~:rc::-gy ~::1::!i:s ~soc:;u::~ ~tb !~~ ?rci=::: aC:dr~r. ~ E:tri:-an...:nt at Effici:ncy 0 ga.rric:rs 0 Innovation ex Pr.:ssing n:::;!s of a. secor' a De:r.10!',.,S;:.2tion of a r:c::.nology a Dc:::ans:~;ion oi a. n:::w progrzC"~a.tic: approach COc&Ct' . 9. Is c~is 3. projc:c::: a You haw: c:!O;JC bcfore Ga That :tu !3c:n cri:d in Ot:tc::- pl3c:s o Tr.ac has be:n succ:n(ul o Tnac n2S ~=n disc:Jn:!nu::c:! G T:"\at wou!d cxpar:d an on~oing ?roic~c o Oc~:::" 10. Tnis proj:~: ....ould .~sc: PVEA funds ta Complete a ~om-?uteriz~d ne~ork pf ,si~lS and channeli- zationimprovements to interconnect two eX1st~ng are~als w~th an eff~c~ent means to interface hiqh volume through traffic with a. significant commercia~ffic loading~ Completion of this project would provide the following services to the community: ____ 1. Reduction in fuel consumption due tocurren~~affic loadings:- ~ 2. Reduction in air pollution. (curre~}.y pr~ect _~~~.~'-a level_ o_f s=-:y~c~_~! F) 3. Easinq of traffic conqestion _~._-B~~~q~ion of accident potential. .... -..---.----- -.... --. ..- -- 5.- '~~~~j~tcncv with "do~ted tran~portatio~ olans. - 10* Plea~e se~ attached map and description map of specif~c proJ~ct. ' -- . - --- . - - -.-- - - - -'- --- - - - - ,- . -- --- . -- - , - '"'-. -- .-- --..0.....- ------.- - .- - ---- - - - .-.---...---- ---.-.- .- ...- ---_. --. -- . . .' November 27, 1984 ~ APPI.TCATION "'~' .. , , , Petroleum Violation Escrow Account (P\7EA) , ' . ."..... '0-." ", ~ .. . ,- ' '-'-. .~ .~..-. . -' ....:..-~ City of Arroyo Grande, Contact Person, Paul J. B'aIp, , p;wr;ICANl': . ~. -, Director of Public Works ' -:..J." .'. ~ . -, ...,.... .'~ ." J'RO.lECl' nF.scRTPrI~; Signalization along Grand Avenue and Branch street, " "',....;;:_. between 0.S.101 and Buasna Boad would significantly ,- .,.' increase the efficiency of traffic flCM through the ,> City of Arroyo Grande. Eesulting from this efficiency would be savings in fuel consumption which would yield :,~_,,;: a decrease in air pollution and traffic congestion. .. - .._" E\1rtberxoore, the project would reduce the accident: ~.. ~. potential within the aforerentioned roadway alignment. Attached is a map wbich schematically shows the proposed project. Staff estimates that the work -could " be corrpIeted' for app~ox~tely $375,,000. -' Branch ,..- ,..' 'street within the City of Arroyo Grande currently " ,operates at a level of service designated F due to extretr.ely high volmres of through-t:raffic and tuming . iOOVer.ents pexmitted in the area. 'the City source of funding for such a project in the future will have to be the gas tax, which is currently used to maintain the existing transportation facilities within the . cotm1UI1ity . with the exception of the previously " .." " installed signal at the intersection' of Traffic Way .. and West Branch street, the project is not funded at this time. - .,:.- ...... .~. .--.." .. " .-." . ...., - .. ,-'-"- .-.... ....., ." ~--'...,,- -......-.. .., ".-' ,. ".- - .' - ~.....-. . - ' - .. - Attachment " _.~m_ --------..'...-