R 1789 ,-, . . RESOLlTI'ION NO. 1m A RESOLlTI'ION OF TIm CITY COUNCIL OF TIm CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUIHORIZING TIm SALE OF CITY OWNED REAL PROPERTY AT WHITELEY AND NELSON STREETS,COMMONL Y KNOWN AS TIm WHITELEY PROPERTY. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: (1) It is in the best interests of the City of Arroyo Grande to sell, for market value, that parcel of real pcoperty, owned by the City at Whiteley and Nelson Streets, Arroyo Grande; and specifically described as: "1he Whiteley Property", Owner, City of Arroyo Grande: Lots7&8in Block 12 of the Short, Mason and Whiteley Addition to Town of Arroyo Grande; a portion of P.C.R.R. Right of Way; and a portion of Lot 55 of the Resubcivision of a part of Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de <1Iamisal " (2) 'This Council declares the aforementioned pcoperty as BUrP-US. (3) 'This Council finds that the fair market value of said pcoperty is One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars (_160,000.00); (4) 'This Council directs the City Manager to offer such property to the public, for purchase, with the following provisions: (a) An easement will be recorded upon the property for green space purposes; (b) Sale of said property shall be authorized at public meeting by the City Council; (c) Upon approval of such sale by the City Council, the pa)'lDe!lt of fees and costs for title insurance, inspection, escrow, repairs, judgments, and other incidental fees and costs, if any, ,necessary for the pcoper sale and transfer of ownership, are authorized to be deducted frem sale pcoceeds. (d) Provision be made to retain the stone wall upon the pcoperty. (e) Provision to be made for demolition of all buildings and removal of foundations upon site by purchaser within ninety (90) days of purchase. (f) Sale will be cash. (g) Buyer will be advised that the following items may be re'Jlired after purchase, and prior to developuent: 1. All fallen trees and debris in the creek area will be removed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department of the City of Arroyo Grande, and a Fiahand Game PeDDit may be re'Jlired for such work; 2. Property that will be developed only in single-family, consistent with R -1 Zone standards and restrictions; 3. Additional street lights may be re'Jliredby the City andPG&E, and such street lights may be on ornamental poles; 4. Sidewalks must be installed to final developuent grades; PAGE 1 -----.- -~ .. " 5. Ezisting lot lines DUSt be abandoned on final Tract Map; 6. A Tract Map will be required for single-family developnent; 7. All utilities on new lots DUSt be installed underground; 8. The Arroyo Grande Fire Oief may require hydrant and other fire p:otection measures upon the p:operty; 9. Public Works Department may require water main reiUcement or reinforcement prior to developnent, of the p:operty in order to cemp,y with water flow calculations, as a result of the proposed developnent; 10. Building sites will have to be graded to a lie above the 100-year flood Pain level, and that a drainage p,an will be required prior to developnent; 11. No easement may be built upon unless appcopnate peanits or reconveyances are obtained; 12. ,Fire hydrant at the comer of Nelson and Whiteley Streets DUSt be reiUced to ConfODll with requirements of the Fire Department; (11) Preliminary Tract Map infoanation, developed by the City of Arroyo Grande for subdivision of the p:operty into six (6) single- family residential lots, is available for review and potential use by the buyer. (i) Proceeds item the sale of the p:operty sha1l be utilized towards recreation and drainage developnent of Soto Sports Ccmp,e:l, Ten foot, (10') stone wall, separating the property frcm adjoining property, sha1l be retained and maintained in perpetuity at the buyer's expense, as a, historical momment, unless otherwise authorized by the existing, or a future, City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. Any future subdivision of the p:operty resulting in the reconveyance of wall ownership sha1l p:ovide stipulations that future owners sha1l retain and maintain such wall until such time as otherwise deteanined by this or any future, City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attomeyof the City of Arroyo Grande be directed to p:epare neceSSary legal documents, providing the above enCWlbrances and conditions upon the p:operty at time of sale authorized by the City Council. On motion of Council Mamer Vandeveer, seconded by Council Mamer Millis, and on thefo1lowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Mamers Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor &nith. NOES: None ABSENT: Council Mamer Gallagher. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of July, 1984 {3~~ MAYOR ATIESf I, Virginia U Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1789 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 24th day of July 1984, WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 26th day of July 1984. ~~9-? EP CITY CLERK -"-- ------------