CC 2019-03-26_10a Brisco-Halcyon Project Status UpdateItem 10.a. - Page 1 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ROBIN DICKERSON, CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT DATE: MARCH 26, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Recommendation of a preferred alternative for the Brisco-Halcyon Road interchange modifications project will allow staff to complete the Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED) phase and move into the design phase for the Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange project. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The improvements are to be funded with a combination of local funds and State Transportation Improvement Pro ram fundin . Total Estimated Cost Alternative 1 $ 12,300,000 Alternative 4C $ 22,700,000 Alternative 1 with phasing $ 9,200,000 Alternative 4C with phasing $ 19,600,000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Receive a project status update for the Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange modifications project. 2. Adopt a Resolution selecting one of the alternatives for the Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange as the preferred alternative with or without phasing. Recommended options are as follows: 1) Alternative 1 Brisco Ramp Closure with modifications to other ramps. 2) Alternative 4C Relocation of off ramp with a roundabout. 3) Alternative 1 with phasing deferral and/or removal of sound walls and East Grand Avenue southbound off ramp. 4) Alternative 4C with phasing deferral and/or removal of sound walls and East Grand Avenue southbound off ramp. Item 10.a. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE2 BACKGROUND: The Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications project has been underway since the late 1990's (see Attachment 1 ). Currently, the project is in the Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED) phase with three project alternatives under review: Alternative 1, Alternative 4C Roundabout (RAB), and no-build. Both Alternative 1 and 4C have the option to phase some improvements thereby reducing cost to the project. During the finalization of the PA&ED documents with the selected recommended phased alternative, staff is recommending eliminating the sound walls and incorporating the improvements for the Highway 101 southbound off ramp at East Grand Avenue into a future local and/or regional project. Both build alternatives would remove the existing northbound US 101 ramps at Brisco Road to eliminate the very tight (less than 40 feet) spacing between the northbound ramp intersection and the adjacent Brisco Road/West Branch Street intersection. Today's standards require a minimum of 150 feet. Alternative 1 would improve the northbound ramps at the adjacent East Grand Avenue interchange and Camino Mercado interchange. Alternative 4C would relocate the northbound ramps to Rodeo Drive and West Branch Street, which would require realignment of West Branch Street. Both alternatives would realign the southbound on-ramp from East Grand Avenue to improve the operation of the signalized ramp intersection on East Grand Avenue. Additional State right-of-way will be required for the realignment of the southbound on-ramp from East Grand Avenue for either alternative. For Alternative 1, right-of-way would also be required for the westbound East Grand Avenue widening as it approaches the East Grand Avenue Overcrossing in the vicinity of the Shell Station. For Alternative 4C, additional State right-of-way would be required for the new northbound ramps and ramp intersection with West Branch Street at Rodeo Drive in the vicinity of the South County Regional Center. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications Project is at a significant step in the project development. In order to complete the PA&ED phase, a project alternative must be selected and the Project Report and associated environmental documents updated and finalized to support the preferred alternative. The City Council is tasked with recommending a preferred alternative to the Project Development Team (PDT). The City of Arroyo Grande, Caltrans, and associated consultants encompass the Project Development Team (PDT), which is committed to the success the Brisco Road Interchange Project. The roles and responsibilities of the PDT are indicated in the project's Cooperative Agreement. The PDT is seeking the City Council's recommendation on a preferred alternative (1 or 4C), and whether or not to pursue a phased approach to the preferred build alternative. The PDT will receive the Council's recommendation and pursue incorporating this recommendation into the selected build alternative for the Caltrans District Director's approval. The effort involved with incorporating this recommendation into the selected build alternative includes finalizing and approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) required for compliance with the California Item 10.a. - Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE3 Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and finalizing and approving the Environmental Assessment (EA) required for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), developing and approving the Design Decision Documents (formally known as Design Exceptions), and finalizing and approving the Project Report. When considering the recommendation for the preferred alternative, the purpose and need of the project should be reviewed. The purpose and need of Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications Project was developed as part of the Cooperative Agreement and signed by the City and Caltrans in 2006 and amended in 2008 and 2011, and is also included in the Draft Project Report as follows: The purpose of the project is to provide congestion relief, alleviate queuing, and improve the traffic operations of the regional and local street system in the vicinity of US 101. The purpose is also to continue to accommodate access to existing and planned local development. To achieve this stated purpose to an adequate degree this project should: • Provide direct access from US 101 to and from the commercial, governmental, and recreational facilities along West Branch Street. • Reduce congestion and queuing at the Brisco Road undercrossing intersections and along East Grand Avenue. The project is needed to correct existing operational deficiencies in the project area. Increasing traffic demand due to increasing development in and around the City, lack of alternative routes, limited freeway crossing opportunities, and non-standard existing roadway geometrics combine to cause escalating congestion and safety concerns within the project area. The level of service at the ramp intersections of the Brisco Road and Halcyon Road interchanges had been forecasted to deteriorate to unacceptable levels by year 2035. The purpose of the project is to maximize the efficiency of the existing State and local roadway systems to better serve the needs of commuter traffic within the City. Existing interchange and ramp spacing on US 101 do not meet current standards. Ramp closures and associated improvements to adjacent interchanges have been evaluated as a means of improving traffic operations. Therefore, the purpose of the project is also to correct ramp and mainline operations on US 101 at the US 101/Brisco-Halcyon Road interchange to improve traffic flow and enhance safety for the local and interregional movement of people and goods. After years of coordination, the PDT has determined that there are two viable alternatives as well as the no build alternative and a Draft Project Report has been prepared (Attachment 2). Both build alternatives meet the purpose and need, but accomplish this goal in different ways, with different associated costs and with different external benefits, impacts, and future opportunities . Each alternative is discussed below in detail. Both build alternatives have the same phasing options. Item 10.a. - Page 4 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE4 Project Description -Common Components Alternative 1 and 4C This report identifies improvements to the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road Interchange on U.S. Route 101 (US 101) in the City of Arroyo Grande (City), in San Luis Obispo County, CA and improvements to the Grand Avenue Interchange immediately to the south. These improvements are expected to address existing congestion on Brisco Road at the Brisco Road Undercrossing and the predicted growth occurring in accordance with the City's General Plan. The current interchange is inadequate to accommodate the anticipated 2035 traffic demand. Alternative 1 and 4C have several common components as listed below: • Relocation of the US 101 southbound on-ramp at East Grand Avenue to opposite the existing US 101 southbound off-ramp approach, and associated traffic signal phasing modifications. This will also include installation of a double 54-inch concrete pipe culvert to carry storm water under the realigned ramp. • Closure and removal of US 101 northbound on-and off-ramps at Brisco Road and removal of the associated traffic signal equipment. • At the Brisco Road/El Camino Real intersection, restriping to provide for one exclusive left turn lane and one shared through-right lane for the southbound Brisco Road undercrossing approach to El Camino Real. With this improvement, the existing Brisco Road three-lane undercrossing will be re-striped to accommodate two southbound lanes and one northbound lane. At the Brisco Road/West Branch Street intersection, one left-turn lane and one shared left-right turn pocket (at least 100 feet long) will be constructed for the northbound approach . Preliminary operational analysis indicates that the existing three-lane undercrossing, with the above-noted restriping modifications, will provide acceptable operating conditions at the intersections with El Camino Real and West Branch Street. • Permanent storm water treatment Best Management Practices (BMPs) would be constructed within the City owned portion of this alternative. • Slopes along Northbound ramp at Brisco Road will be removed and will be re- graded to blend with adjacent slopes and revegetate with plantings similar to what is present along the freeway fringes and interchange areas. • The areas to both sides of the realigned southbound on-ramp from East Grand Avenue will be regraded to blend with the adjacent slopes. Revegetation will include plantings similar to what is existing along the freeway fringes and in the interchange areas. • Any slopes or other areas along the highway (non-jurisdictional) that are impacted by construction will be revegetate with similar species that currently exist. • Construction of sound walls on the southbound side of US 101 between the Oak Park Boulevard Interchange and Stonecrest Drive and between the Halcyon on- ramp and the East Grand Avenue off-ramp. The sound walls would be constructed Item 10.a. - Page 5 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGES at the existing Caltrans right of way boundary and would not preclude the ultimate six-lane configuration of US 101. • Includes the widening of traffic lanes and shoulders to standard width on East Grand Avenue at the southbound freeway ramps intersection, but does not include widening the East Grand Avenue Overcrossing. The shoulders on the southbound US 101 on-ramps from East Grand Avenue to be widened by Alternative 4C will be widened to standard width. The pavement of Brisco Road under the Brisco Road Undercrossing will be reconstructed on a lower profile if necessary to provide standard 15'-0" minimum vertical clearance. This project is not planned to modify or rehabilitate the mainline lanes of US 101. Alternative 1 Alternative 1 proposes the removal of the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road northbound on and off ramps and improvements to the adjacent East Grand Avenue/US 101 interchange located to the south and Camino Mercado/US 101 intersection to the north, as shown in Section 58 and Attachment B of the Draft Project Report. Alternative 1 would be constructed over a period of 160 to 200 working days. Alternative 1 includes the following design elements: • Construction of an additional left-tum lane on the northbound off-ramp at the East Grand Avenue/US 101 northbound ramps intersection and provision of an exclusive right-turn lane on the westbound approach. • Widening East Grand Avenue, including the East Grand Avenue Overcrossing, through both ramp intersections to provide standard lane, shoulder and sidewalk widths. See Attachment D for the East Grand Avenue Overcrossing Advance Planning Study. • Improvements to the northbound US 101 on-ramp/Camino Mercado/West Branch Street intersection. These improvements include widening and restriping the northbound West Branch Street approach to provide a second northbound left-turn lane to the US 101 northbound on-ramp and modifying the northbound on-ramp to provide dual receiving lanes that merge to a single lane with a 950+ foot auxiliary lane on northbound US 101. Provisions forfuture ramp metering would be provided on the US 101 northbound on-ramp. • Alternative 1 does not propose to construct any new Park and Ride facilities, and will have no effect on any existing or proposed Park and Ride Facilities. • Alternative 1 will replace sidewalks where existing sidewalks are impacted by construction. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of East Grand Avenue and on the non-freeway side of West Branch Street and El Camino Real. Sidewalk is provided on the east side of Brisco Road between El Camino Real and West Branch Street. Curb ramps and crosswalks will be provided to connect sidewalks at all roadway crossings. Pedestrian signals for crosswalks will be provided at signalized intersections. Bicycle lanes will be provided where practical on portions of City streets modified by this project. Alternative 1 would widen the East Grand Avenue Overcrossing to provide standard twelve (12) foot wide travel lanes, eight- Item 10.a. - Page 6 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGES foot shoulders, and six-foot sidewalks, which would provide upgraded pedestrian and bicycle facilities. There are currently no bicycle facilities on the East Grand Avenue Overcrossing. • Alternative 1 includes the widening of traffic lanes and shoulders to standard width on East Grand Avenue at the intersections with freeway ramps, and widens the East Grand Avenue Overcrossing. The shoulders on the US 101 ramps to be widened by Alternative 1 (NB off-ramp to East Grand Avenue, SB on-ramp to East Grand Avenue, and NB off-ramp to Camino Mercado) will be widened to standard width. The pavement of Brisco Road under the Brisco Road Undercrossing will be cold-planed or reconstructed on a lower profile as necessary to provide standard 15'-0" minimum vertical clearance. The profile of the SB US 101 lanes will be lower to provide 15'-0" vertical clearance to the East Grand Avenue Overcrossing. • The total permanent right of way acquisition is 0.654 Acres and the total temporary construction easement area is 0.07 Acres. • The construction of Alternative 1 will not require the removal of any residence, will require permanent right of way acquisition from agricultural lands where the southbound on-ramp from East Grand Avenue is to be realigned and will also require a small area of right of way acquisition and a temporary construction easement from Brisco's Hardware to improve the curb return at the southwest corner of the Brisco Road/El Camino Real intersection. • Alternative 1 would require permanent right-of-way and temporary construction easements from the Shell and Chevron gas stations immediately east of the US 101/East Grand Avenue northbound ramps intersections to accommodate the widening of East Grand Avenue. The acquisition from the Shell Station would likely require modification to the row of gas pumps nearest East Grand Avenue and canopy that covers the pumps. The row of gas pumps nearest East Grand Avenue would potentially be removed, circulation in and around the gas station property would be significantly altered, and there is a loss of a driveway which further impacts access to the property. Loss of gas pumps, reduced circulation and loss of a drive approach could significantly impact the business of one of the City's highest sales tax generators. • Estimated cost of construction including right of way acquisition is $12.3 million. Item 10.a. - Page 7 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE7 Figure 1 -Alternative 1 -Modifications at the Brisco Road Undercrossing (Note these improvements are also included in Alternative 4C). Figure 2 Alternative 1 -Modifications at the East Grand Avenue Northbound Ramps, Bridge, and Southbound Ramps. (Note, the Southbound Ramp alignment is also included in Alternative 4). Item 10.a. - Page 8 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGES Figure 3 Alternative 1 -Modifications in the Vicinity of Northbound Ramps and West Branch Street at Camino Mercado. Alternative 4C Alternative 4C proposes closure of the US 101 northbound on and off-ramps at Brisco Road and construction of new northbound ramps and an adjacent intersection at West Branch Street across from Rodeo Drive. This intersection would include a single-lane roundabout, as described in Section 58 and Attachment C of the Draft Project Report. Alternative 4C would be constructed over a period of 160 to 200 working days. Alternative 4C includes the following design elements: • Construction of new US 101 northbound on-and off-ramps to intersect with West Branch Street across from Rodeo Drive (The street name to be changed to Grace Lane as part of this project), and installation of a single-lane roundabout at the West Branch Street/Rodeo Drive/US 101 northbound on and off-ramps intersection . • Realignment of West Branch Street to provide separation between the ramps intersection and the mainline. Retaining walls will be required along the north side of West Branch Street and between the Rodeo Drive off-ramp and West Branch Street. • Construction of a new bridge adjacent to the Brisco Road undercrossing to carry the northbound Rodeo Drive on-ramp onto US 101. See Attachment D of the Draft Project Report for the Brisco Road Undercrossing Widening Advance Planning Study. • Construction of US 101 northbound mainline auxiliary lanes between the on-ramp from East Grand Avenue and the off-ramp to Rodeo Drive, and between the on- ramp from Rodeo Drive to the off-ramp to Camino Mercado. Item 10.a. - Page 9 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE9 • Construction of a left-turn lane for the eastbound West Branch Street approach to the County Government Center driveway. • Reconstruction of Rodeo Drive on a new alignment and profile to intersect West Branch Street opposite the Rodeo Drive ramps. • Reconstruction of the existing Grace Lane/Rodeo Drive intersection north of the ramps to provide a larger radius curve on Grace Lane. This will allow Grace Lane to better receive through traffic and act as a collector street as it was designed. A retaining wall or cut slope will be required at the realigned intersection. • Directional signs at the Rodeo Drive/James Way intersection. • A Park-and-Ride lot with landscaping will be constructed on the City-owned lot between the West Branch Street/Rodeo Drive intersection and St. Patrick's School. • Relocation of a temporary building and reconfiguration of parking at the Library/County Government Center. The project would remove approximately 46 existing parking spaces from the County Government Center and would construct a new parking lot on the same parcel with 46 new parking spaces. Handicap parking spaces and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility would be provided. • Bus pull-out and pedestrian access improvements along Rodeo Drive in front of St. Patrick's school. • Permanent storm water treatment best management practices (BMPs) will be considered for implementation. This is expected to include bio-strips or bio-swales, if feasible. • Alternative 4C will replace sidewalks where existing sidewalks are impacted by construction. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of East Grand Avenue and Rodeo Drive, and on the non-freeway side of West Branch Street and El Camino Real. Sidewalk is provided on the east side of Brisco Road between El Camino Real and West Branch Street. Curb ramps and crosswalks will be provided to connect sidewalks at all roadway crossings. Pedestrian signals for crosswalks will be provided at signalized intersections. Bicycle lanes will be provided where practical on portions of City streets modified by this project. • The total permanent right of way acquisition is 5.96 Acres and the total temporary construction easement area is 0.43 Acres. • The construction of Alternative 4C will not require the removal of any residence, will require permanent right of way acquisition from agricultural lands where the southbound on-ramp from East Grand Avenue is to be realigned and will also require a small area of right of way acquisition and a temporary construction easement from Brisco's Hardware to improve the curb return at the southwest corner of the Brisco Road/El Camino Real intersection. • This project alternative would construct a retaining wall along the edge of the Government Center parcel for the relocation of West Branch Street, which will require both permanent and temporary right-of-way acquisition. Item 10.a. - Page 10 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE10 • Alternative 4C would construct retaining walls along the edge of the athletic field of St. Patrick's School for the relocation of West Branch Street, which will require both permanent right-of-way acquisition and temporary construction easements. The private school facilities at St. Patrick's School are not open to public use. • Estimated cost of construction including right of way acquisition is $22.7 million. I • ,,..__ -.,,_ ------..-··.Ill Figure 4 -Alternative 4C -Installation of the Round About at West Branch and Rodeo. No Build Alternative The No-Build Alternative proposes no improvements to existing facilities. No additional lanes or improvements would be added to the subject intersections, and existing and future congestion, circulation, capacity and control would not be relieved. Although required to be studied, this alternative does not meet the purpose and need of the project and staff would recommend this option not be considered as a viable alternative. Traffic and Neighborhood Modeling A Traffic Forecasting and Operational Analysis for the project was completed in September 2012, analyzed Alternative 1, Alternative 4C, and the No-Build Alternative under existing conditions (2015) and Future Design Year Conditions (2035). The Analysis considered intersection operations, mainline freeway and ramp junction operations, freeway weaving, local road queuing, and safety. Table 1 through Table 4 shown below summarize the level of service, delay, and queuing for the study intersections. Item 10.a. - Page 11 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE11 In February 2011, as part of the analysis for "Alternative 4C", Wood Rodgers evaluated vehicular travel times for several local route options involving the Rodeo Drive/Grace Lane residential neighborhood. The evaluated routes included travel times from four origin points (Grace Lane/Rodeo Drive intersection, James Way/Grace Lane intersection, James Way/Salida Del Sol intersection and James Way/Rancho Parkway intersection) to a single gateway destination point (US 101 northbound mainline, north of Camino Mercado on-ramp). The route travel times' comparative evaluation indicated that northbound travel from James Way corridor to US 101 via Rodeo Drive will not become more attractive under "Alternative 4C" than it is under current conditions. Therefore, no significant volumes of cut-through (from James Way corridor through Grace Lane) and/or traffic re-routing was projected to occur with the proposed "Alterative 4" improvements. Based on these findings, this evaluation assumes that the re-location of US 101 northbound ramps from Brisco Road to Grace Lane as proposed under Alternative 4 would cause insignificant levels of vehicular traffic redistribution over existing circulation conditions . Since 2012, additional traffic studies have been completed for projects in and around the City. In 2015, the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan Transportation Impact Analysis Report was prepared. In 2016, the Brisco Road US 101 NB Ramps Closure Traffic Analysis was completed to evaluate the redistribution of traffic due to an extended closure of the ramps (Attachment 3). In 2019, the El Campo Road/South County Freeway Conversion -Traffic Displacement Assessment was prepared. These three studies have findings that are consistent with the 2012 Analysis completed for this project. It should be noted the City of Arroyo Grande has an LOS threshold of 'C'. Caltrans has an LOS threshold of 'D'. Table 1 Peak Hour Level of Service Intersection Alternative 1 Alternative 4C Brisco Road/ West Branch B B Street US 101 NB Ramps-Grace Does Not Lane I Exist B West Branch Street Item 10.a. - Page 12 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE12 T bl 2 P k H Q a e ea our ueumg Intersection Alternative 1 Alternative 4C Brisco Road I WBL All Queues West Branch Exceeds Street Stora Qe Within Storage US 101 NB Ramps-Grace Does Not All Queues Lane/ Exist Within Storage West Branch Street Alternative Considerations In summary, the no-build alternative results in LOS F at the Brisco Road/El Camino intersection. Further, the Brisco Road / West Branch Street intersection near the undercrossing would operate at LOS B under both alternatives. Queueing would be better under Alternative 4C than Alternative 1. Over the years, many people have inquired as to why the City just doesn't close the Highway 101 northbound on and off ramps permanently. The closure study showed that by closing the on and off ramp, traffic is directed to the two adjacent off ramps at East Grand and Camino Mercado. Therefore, the closure of the Highway 101 northbound on and off ramps would require additional modifications to existing on-ramps to support the additional trips generated by the closure. These modifications are included as part of Alternative 1 as Alternative 4C relocates the on and off ramp. Further factors include: • Alternative 4C does not trigger widening improvements (to two-lanes) at the Camino Mercado on-ramp unlike Alternative 1. Alternative 1 may also need "ramp metering" of Camino Mercado on-ramp. • Alternative 4C does not trigger the need for dual northbound left-turn lanes from the NB off-ramp to Grand Avenue unlike Alternative 1; and • Alternative 4C provides overall local circulation flexibility by reducing congestion on West Branch Street. There are several important considerations related to Alternative 4C given significant cost concerns. The primary factor is the location of the existing ramps. Alternative 4C preserves the same number of on and off-ramps that currently serve the City. Therefore, Alternative 4C preserves, if not enhances, current freeway ingress/egress access opportunities. Alternative 4C maintains interregional access to the Brisco Road area for drivers on US 101; conversely, Alternative 1 represents a net reduction in the number of ramps serving the system and therefore represents diminished access. Item 10.a. - Page 13 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE13 The very significant secondary impact concerning Alternative 1 is the potential adverse impacts to adjacent commercial businesses and City economy. Alternative 4C would maintain prime access to the City's primary economic generators. The regional shopping center on West Branch Street and commercial areas on El Camino Real accounts for 38% of the City's sales tax revenue as well as 88% of Transient Occupancy Tax revenue from the three (3) hotels in the area. An analysis by the City's sales tax consultants for the period of the test closure of the Brisco ramps reveal that there was a slowdown for both the Oak Park Plaza (former Kmart) and Five Cities Center (Walmart). Further, Alternative 4C maintains direct access to the City's primary economic opportunity sites including the City's vacant lot at West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road, the significantly underutilized area surrounding the South County Regional Center, and the significantly underutilized area on El Camino Real including both the City's Faeh Street property as well as the Industrial Mixed Use corridor. Alternative 1 proposes to acquire additional right of way from the existing Shell gas station. Currently the documents show this as a partial acquisition and is included in the estimated cost of Alternative 1. However, upon further investigation with the City's design consultants, the acquisition could potentially require significant remodel at the station or preclude operations which could increase acquisition costs by $2 Million. Further, the owner has indicated owner that cost would be substantially over $2 Million based on his experience with previous gas station sales. These numbers will be determined after design has been completed. However, it should be noted that such right-of-way costs would be added to the overall cost of Alternative 1 putting Alternative 1 total cost at or above $14.3 Million. In review of the City's General Plan policies, it should be noted that both alternatives support the City's General Plan buildout traffic demands; however, Alternative 4C offers relatively higher levels of excess capacity and flexibility in supporting future growth within the City. PHASING At this time, there are two options considered for phasing. Both build alternatives have the same phasing options. One option includes either removing or deferring the construction of sound walls to a later date or another project. The second option is to defer the realignment of the south bound on and off ramps at East Grand Avenue to a later date. • Phasin g Com ponent 1 -Sound walls Noise modelling was performed in the Noise Study Report (NSR) for Alternative 1 and alternative 4C, based on noise measurements and forecast traffic volumes. Modeling for future year (2035) traffic conditions predicts that noise levels will exceed the noise abatement criteria (NAC) at 41 receptors with (or without) Alternative 1 and Alternative 4C for the project. Based on the Noise Study Report Item 10.a. - Page 14 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE14 Predicted Future Noise Levels and Noise Barrier Analysis Tables, neither alternative would result in noise impacts greater than 12 dBA when compared to existing conditions. As a result of an increase in NAC, noise abatement must be considered for Alternative 1 and Alternative 4C. The dominant noise source within the project limits is US 101. A Noise Abetment Decision Report (NADR) was completed in December 2016, which used the results from the NSR to evaluate the feasibility of soundwalls. The NADR identified two feasible locations for soundwalls under either build alternative. Location 1 sound wall approximately 1 ,700-feet long along the right of way line of the southbound on-ramp from Halcyon Road, the auxiliary lane and the southbound off-ramp to East Grand Avenue between the freeway mainline and the adjacent residences, churches and Montessori school. Location 2 sound wall approximately 2,900-feet long along the north side of El Camino Real from east of Stonecrest Drive to Oak Park Boulevard between the freeway mainline and the adjacent residences. Masonry sound walls are proposed to mitigate project noise levels. The sound walls for Alternative 1 are proposed to be 12 feet high in location 1 and 8 feet high in location 2. For Alternative 4C, the walls are proposed to be 12 feet high in location 1 and 8 feet high in location 2. Non-acoustical factors related to the feasibility of the sound walls have been considered. A significant non-acoustical factor relating to the feasibility of noise abatement is the visual impact that large sound walls NB-2 and NB-3 would have in the project area. The walls would block the views of adjacent residential and commercial landscaped areas, and also have the potential to provide an attractive substrate for graffiti. However, the area immediately adjacent to the walls is public street (El Camino Real) and there is a reasonable distance between the proposed walls and the existing residences further to the south, these issues are anticipated to be moderate. The sound walls will tend to block inter-visibility between El Camino Real and adjacent residences and traffic on the freeway. This can be considered beneficial, but the visibility of the residences and their yards would be blocked from the southbound freeway, so any criminal activity would be more difficult to observe, potentially decreasing security. The net effect upon security is not likely to be significant. For additional information please reference the Draft Project Report (Attachment 2). Item 10.a. - Page 15 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE15 Cost for the sound walls is approximately $1 million dollars for either alternative. Figure 5 -Alternative 1 and 4C -Soundwall Locations • Phasin g Com ponent 2 -Hi g hway 101 southbound on-ram p ali g nment at East Grand Avenue In order to defer the realignment of the Highway 101 southbound on-ramp at East Grand Avenue, staff must show independent utility. In other words, staff is required to show that the proposed deferred improvements will not alter or degrade the project if they are removed. The Project Consultant has prepared a memo showing the independent utility of this on-ramp . Staff recommends that these on-ramp modifications would be better suited for a future project. Cost of these on-ramp improvements is approximately $2.1 million for either alternative . Item 10.a. - Page 16 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE16 Figure 6 -Alternative 1 and 4C -Highway 101 South Bound On Ramp at Grand Avenue. Financial Considerations As projects move into the design phase , financial considerations become necessary to support the project through construction and a financing plan needs to be developed. The total cost for each option are: Table 5. Total Estimated Cost Alternative 1 $ 12,300,000 Alternative 4C $ 22,700,000 Alternative 1 with phasing $ 9,200,000 Alternative 4C with phasing $ 19,600,000 Since this project not only addresses solutions to Arroyo Grande's street network deficiencies but also addresses ongoing regional impacts to this network, the funding for this project has multiple revenue participants. The table below indicates funding currently available to the project: Table 6. Available funding and source for any alternative State Highway Account $ 30,000 State Transportation Improvement Program (Regional Funds) $ 6,624,000 Transportation Impact Fees (Collected from development projects by AG) $ 2,000,000 Local Sales Tax Fund (Previously allocated and held on hand by Arroyo Grande) $ 450,000 Subtotal (Base funding for any alternative) $ 9,104,000 Item 10.a. - Page 17 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE17 The table below indicates funding that will need financing by the City of Arroyo Grande and estimated annual debt service based upon current bond rates. Table 7. Amount needed to be financed by Arroyo Grande for each alternative Amount Financed* Est. Annual Debt Service {30years) Alternative 1 $ 3,346,000 $ 195,856 Alternative 1 phased $ -$ - Alternative 4C $ 13,796,000 $ 807,539 Alternative 4C phased $ 10,896,000 $ 637,790 In November 2006, the voters of Arroyo Grande approved Measure 0-06, which established a half-cent local sales tax to meet City needs identified in the City's Long Range Financial Plan. A summary of Annual Budget and Future Funding Needs flyer (Attachment 4) indicated needs and estimated costs. Transportation Improvements identified include the Brisco -Halcyon/Highway 101 Interchange and E. Grand AvenueM/. Branch Street Intersection and annual debt service of $400,000 per year for 20 years. The flyer also indicates that the estimated revenue at adoption would be approximately $1.4 million. This equates to a Brisco debt service of 28.5% of total annual Measure 0-06 sales tax revenue. A section of this flyer is presented below: Future Needs (Annual Costs) • Transportation Improvements -Brisco -Halcyon /Highway IO I Interchange -E. Grand/W. Branch Street intersection • infrastructure • Street Improvements -Drainage System and Creek Protection • Public Safety -Police Station Expansion -Fire Equipment -Fire Staffing • City Facilities and ADA Improvements -Upgrade of City Hall Complex -ADA Improvements Total • Annual debt scn,;ce for 20 years .. Annual payment for 10 year lease purchase $400,000 • $275,000 $250,000 $150,000 • $100,000 •• $100,000 $200,000 • $50,000 $1,525 ,000 Although the revenue received from this sales tax measure would be deposited in the City's General Fund and could be used for any purpose, the voters also participated in advisory votes to voice their opinion on whether any revenue from the proposed new sales tax be spent on specific community needs. The four advisory measures and their votes are presented below: Item 10.a. - Page 18 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE18 1. Measure K-06. Transportation Improvements --City of Arroyo Grande (Advisory Vote Only) If the proposed sales tax measure (0-06) is approved, should a portion of the proceeds be used to fund transportation improvements, including, but not limited to, upgrade of the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road -Highway 101 Interchange? Results -Yes votes -70.46% (4,81 0); No votes -29.54% (2017) 2. Measure L-06. Infrastructure Funding --City of Arroyo Grande (Advisory Vote Only) If the proposed sales tax measure (Measure 0-06) is approved, should a portion of the proceeds be used to fund maintenance and upgrade of the City's infrastructure, including, but not limited to, street maintenance and improvements, upgrade of the drainage system, and projects to prevent pollution, erosion and sedimentation in the creek system from storm water runoff? Results -Yes votes -68.58% (4,590); No votes -31.42% (2,103) 3. Measure M-06. Public Safety Funding --City of Arroyo Grande (Advisory Vote Only) If the proposed sales tax measure (Measure 0-06) is approved, should a portion of the proceeds be used to fund public safety expenses, including, but not limited to, expansion of the Police Station, purchase of Fire apparatus, and additional Fire Department staffing? Results -Yes votes -59.89% (3,983); No votes -40.11 % (2,668) 4. Measure N-06. Facilities Funding --City of Arroyo Grande (Advisory Vote Only) If the proposed sales tax measure (Measure 0-06) is approved, should a portion of the proceeds be used to fund improvements to City facilities to meet Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, including, but not limited to, upgrade of the City Hall complex? Results -Yes votes -41.15% (2,727); No votes -58.85% (3,900) In order to fund any of the project alternatives, staff would recommend using revenues from the Local Sales Tax Fund for debt service as originally intended by the Council and supported by the voters through Advisory Measure K-06. Since 2006, the City has been diligent in its spending of Measure 0-06 funds consistent with the advisory input of the voters. Currently, the City utilizes all of the annual revenue generated by Measure 0-06 and has identified funding needs for deferred maintenance that well exceeds these revenues. Using Measure 0-06 funds for the Brisco-Halcyon interchange project will reduce revenue available for other identified Capital Improvement Projects. Item 10.a. - Page 19 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE19 A letter from SLOCOG dated March 15, 2019 stating that they would support existing funding levels ($6.6 Million) for the project for either alternative subject to the condition that the Council approve a financing plan identifying this project as fully funded (design and construction). (Attachment 5) Next Steps: After the recommendation is provided to the PDT team, the following steps will need to be completed in order to complete the PA&ED phase: • PDT team receives recommendation from City Council • PDT incorporates recommendation into selected preferred alternative • City and Consultants finalize environmental documents • Council Certifies MND (CEQA) Caltrans certifies EA (NEPA) • Consultants prepare Design Decision Documents • Caltrans Approves Design Decision Documents • Council approves financing planConsultant prepares Final Project Report • Project Report is approved by Caltrans • PA&ED Phase completed PS&E Phase begins ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Select Alternative 1 -Brisco Ramp Closure with modifications to other ramps; 2. Select Alternative 4C -Relocation of off ramp with a roundabout; 3. Select Alternative 1 with phasing deferral and/or removal of sound walls and Highway 101 south bound on ramp at Grand Avenue; or 4. Select Alternative 4C with phasing deferral and/or removal of sound walls and Highway 101 south bound on ramp at Grand Avenue; or 5. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Recommending a preferred alternative for the Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications project will allow staff to complete the Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED) phase and move into the design phase for the Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange project. Both alternatives relieve congestion at the Brisco Road Undercrossing and improve traffic operations. Primary advantages of Alternative 1 include significantly reduced project cost and widening of the East Grand Avenue bridge deck allowing for standard lane width and wide shoulders for cyclists (although not full bike lanes). Many local residents that live on the east side of Highway 101 in the vicinity of Rodeo Drive have indicated a strong preference for this alternative so that their neighborhoods would not be located near northbound on and off-ramps and potentially be impacted by additional trips. Item 10.a. - Page 20 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE 20 Primary advantages of Alternative 4C include maintaining a full interchange for northbound and southbound travelers and maintaining connectivity at northbound US 101 at the City's primary retail center, regional center, primary vacant economic opportunity site on West Branch Street, and primary underutilized and vacant opportunity sites on El Camino Real. Many business owners in the project vicinity have indicated a strong preference for this alternative due to potential impacts to their businesses due to severed access at the northbound Brisco Interchange ramps. DISADVANTAGES: Delaying the recommendation of a preferred alternative would delay project implementation and will jeopardize programmed funding of State Transportation Improvement Funding of $6.6 million dollars that has been secured for this project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project is subject to both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The City is lead agency for the CEQA review and the Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared (Attachment 2). Caltrans is the lead agency for the NEPA review and the Environmental Assessment with findings of no significant impact has been prepared. Both documents were circulated for a 30-day public comment period during which a public workshop was held on April 26, 2018. The MND will be certified by the City Council at a subsequent meeting after the draft environmental documents and draft project report have been revised to reflect the preferred alternative later this year. Responses to comments submitted during the circulation of the environmental documents are included in Attachment 6. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City's website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Numerous comments have been received to date (Attachments 6 & 7). An informational flyer was sent out for a public workshop held in February 2019 (Attachments 8 & 9) and for the March 26, 2019 Council Meeting (Attachment 10). An 1/8 page Public Notice was published in The Tribune on Sunday, March 17, 2019, and public notices regarding this item were posted on the City's website and social media platforms. Attachments: 1. Background Summary 2. Brisco Road Halcyon Road Draft Project Report 3. Test Closure report for the Brisco Road Halcyon Road Interchange Project 4. Annual Budget Flyer (2006) 5. Correspondence from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments 6. Comments and Responses to comments received during circulation of the environmental documents 7. Public comment correspondence 8. Public workshop flyer Item 10.a. - Page 21 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND A RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BRISCO-HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MARCH 26, 2019 PAGE 21 9. Notes from February 13, 2019 public workshop 10. Public outreach flyer for March 26, 2019 City Council Meeting RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SELECTING ALTERNATIVE 4C WITH PHASING DEFERRAL AND/OR REMOVAL OF SOUND WALLS AND HIGHWAY 101/EAST GRAND AVENUE SOUTHBOUND RAMP ALIGNMENT PROJECT COMPONENTS AS THE LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE PROPOSED BRISCO ROAD/HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT WHEREAS, the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications Project is identified in the City’s 2001 General Plan and the General Plan EIR identified deficiencies and forecasted impacts from regional growth that ”Even with no additional area development, Brisco and Halcyon Roads and El Camino Real segments and intersections will continue to experience external trip increases despite these circulation deficiencies” and that regarding El Camino Real and Brisco/Halcyon road, “Traffic generation and mitigation is the single most apparent significant impact issue”; and WHEREAS, the construction of improvements is a critical component for the long term economic sustainability of the City as the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road Interchange is located at the City’s center and allows access to the regional shopping center, the San Luis Obispo County Regional Center, and vacant and under-utilized parcels identified for economic development by the City; and WHEREAS, Alternative 4C – Roundabout has been determined to provide critical access to both sides of Highway 101 and relieves congestion at the Brisco Road undercrossing, and vastly improves local circulation and traffic operations; and WHEREAS, Alternative 4C – Roundabout has been determined to include project components that may be deferred or removed including the soundwalls and the Highway 101/East Grand Avenue Southbound Ramp alignment, and it has been determined that it is favorable to phase these project components at this time to reduce project costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby selects Alternative 4C – Roundabout as described below as the locally preferred alternative for the proposed Brisco Road/Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications Project: Alternative 4C proposes closure of the US 101 northbound on- and off-ramps at Brisco Road and construction of new northbound ramps and an adjacent intersection at West Branch Street across from Rodeo Drive. This intersection would include a single-lane roundabout, as described in Section 5B and Attachment C of the Draft Project Report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council will phase/defer the soundwalls and Highway 101/East Grand Avenue southbound on ramp alignment. Item 10.a. - Page 22 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th day of March 2019. Item 10.a. - Page 23 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JAMES A. BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: HEATHER K. WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Item 10.a. - Page 24 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SELECTING ALTERNATIVE 1 WITH PHASING DEFERRAL AND/OR REMOVAL OF SOUND WALLS AND HIGHWAY 101/EAST GRAND AVENUE SOUTHBOUND RAMP ALIGNMENT PROJECT COMPONENTS AS THE LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE PROPOSED BRISCO ROAD/HALCYON ROAD INTERCHANGE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT WHEREAS, the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications Project is identified in the City’s 2001 General Plan and the General Plan EIR identified deficiencies and forecasted impacts from regional growth that ”Even with no additional area development, Brisco and Halcyon Roads and El Camino Real segments and intersections will continue to experience external trip increases despite these circulation deficiencies” and that regarding El Camino Real and Brisco/Halcyon road, “Traffic generation and mitigation is the single most apparent significant impact issue”; and WHEREAS, the construction of improvements is a critical component for the long term economic sustainability of the City as the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road Interchange is located at the City’s center and allows access to the regional shopping center, the San Luis Obispo County Regional Center, and vacant and under-utilized parcels identified for economic development by the City; and WHEREAS, Alternative 1 has been determined to relieve congestion and thereby provide access to both sides of Highway 101, and improved local circulation and traffic operations at a significantly reduced cost; and WHEREAS, Alternative 1 has been determined to include project components that may be deferred or removed including the soundwalls and the Highway 101/East Grand Avenue Southbound Ramp alignment, and it has been determined that it is favorable to phase these project components at this time to reduce project costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby selects Alternative 1 as describe below as the locally preferred alternative for the proposed Brisco Road/Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications Project: Alternative 1 proposes the removal of the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road northbound on- and off ramps and improvements to the adjacent East Grand Avenue/US 101 interchange located to the south and Camino Mercado/US 101 intersection to the north, as shown in Section 5B and Attachment B of the Draft Project Report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council will phase/defer the soundwalls and Highway 101/East Grand Avenue southbound on ramp alignment. Item 10.a. - Page 25 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th day of March 2019. Item 10.a. - Page 26 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JAMES A. BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: HEATHER K. WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Item 10.a. - Page 27 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 10.a. - Page 28