CC 2019-02-26_10a Direction Related to Fire Services_PP PresentationProvide DIRECTION RELATED TO FIRE SERVICE WITHIN THE cITY OF aRROYO gRANDE 1 The Goal 2 How Did We Get Here? Early Partnerships between Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach (2004) Formation of the Five Cities Fire Authority (2010) 3 Unified Communities Oceano Grover Beach Arroyo Grande Strategic Plan Adoption (September 22, 2017) Transition from Reserves to Full-Time Firefighters Oceano $1,249,521; Grover Beach $2,275,577; Arroyo Grande $3,202,639 Continuous Improvement = Success Strategic Plan Development Budget Time-Out – Memorandum of Understanding Start phased implementation; formula adjustment; April 1st deadline; end date if no agreement; protection to withdrawal; cooperate in splitting assets and liabilities; up to 6 months extension Oceano max funding $900,000 3 Meanwhile… Common Community Services District Fire Funding Issue 4 CSD’s What are they? Much like cities, a community came together, not satisfied with service levels being provided, successfully voted to provide specific services; received a share of property tax. Separate service deliveries from the County County still holds land use authority CSD’s are key aspects of the County’s General Plan Early days were volunteer departments We the voters, changed the funding rules Increased requirements but funding remained stagnant 5 Study Findings – Oceano CSD 6 Good Public Policy Define the problem Have to know what you want and need Develop alternatives Compare alternatives Choose best alternative 7 Reconfirmed by the City Council (3/18/18) 8 Back to us - The Goal 9 Oceano Looks for Revenue Managers meet, talk, listen, understand Attempting to achieve the goal that we all want Difficult to negotiate when there is a hard limit of funds How much does Oceano have and how much can it get? Property Tax Assessment; $150 per parcel per year = $400,000 to $500,000 Voter Approval Required in 2020 Max funding about $1,400,000 10 New Formula Oceano Max $1,400,000 Looked at current formula, moved around variables Found population, calls for service and station levels seem fair on their face and fits the maximum money to be raised by Oceano 11 Concerns with the new formula Prospective in nature Negotiations based on the maximum amount one partner can pay Long-term CalPERS exposure with costs based on a formula of land attributes not personnel County was taking a hands off approach even with their report 12 Budget Impacts of the Managers’ Formula Cost will increase substantially [$103,950 (FY 2019-20), $129,952 (FY 2020-21), $321,083 (FY 2021-22), $414,117 (FY 2022-23)] and will continue into the future, which will require significant budget adjustments that will likely include layoffs in other departments, reductions in service levels, reduction in capital improvement budgets, or reduction of reserves or a combination of some or all. Within the last year we reduced expenditures or increased revenue by $900,000. This included reductions in department budgets, retirement incentives, reduction of positions (layoffs), pre-payment of CalPERS Safety unfunded liabilities. 13 Options Option #1 - Continue to participate in the FCFA with the current funding formula Option #2 - Continue to participate in the FCFA with the proposed modified funding formula Option #3 - If agreement between partner agencies cannot be reached, re-establish an in-house fire department and establish mutual and automatic aid agreements. Option #4 - If agreement between partner agencies cannot be reached, re-establish the Five Cities Fire Authority with Grover Beach (if they are willing) Option #5 - If agreement between partner agencies cannot be reached, obtain an outside agency to provide fire service 14 New Opportunity Arrangements are being made to hold a meeting with two County Supervisors, the County CAO, and staff and elected representatives to discuss the situation. Recommend that we talk and try to see if the County can play a role in this effort. This meeting will be scheduled before April 1, 2019. If productive, I would consider using the authority under the MOA for up to a six month extension. 15 What if we don’t get there? We tried everything Option #1 - Continue to participate in the FCFA with the current funding formula Option #2 - Continue to participate in the FCFA with the proposed modified funding formula Option #3 - If agreement between partner agencies cannot be reached, re-establish an in-house fire department and establish mutual and automatic aid agreements. Option #4 - If agreement between partner agencies cannot be reached, re-establish the Five Cities Fire Authority with Grover Beach (if they are willing) Option #5 - If agreement between partner agencies cannot be reached, obtain an outside agency to provide fire service 16 Direction Appreciated 17 100% Arroyo Grande 100% Grover Beach 100% Oceano 33.3% Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Oceano Specialized Apparatus, services, supplies 33.3% Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Oceano 18 Fine Tuning Example 40/33/28 100% Arroyo Grande 100% Grover Beach 100% Oceano 33.33% Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Oceano Specialized Apparatus, services, supplies 33.33% Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Oceano Arroyo Grande - $2,633,918 Grover Beach - $2,228,700 Oceano - $1,891,018 19 How could Oceano get there? We need all players at the table $900,000 Current Property Tax $500,000 Oceano Parcel Tax to voters March 2020 $491,018 County recognition of need for transition funding $1,891,018 Total $600,000 County increase if divestiture $108,982 Savings to county from report 20 What are the benefits? Accomplishes the Strategic Plan Distribution based on avoiding duplication by splitting costs that can be shared Full financial responsibility for station teams and a split for executive, command and administrative support Every community saves in comparison to having to go alone 21 Stated Council Policy First, you have to know what you want 22 What is stopping all of us? Budget concerns - $ 6,753,637 23