CC 2019-03-26_10a Brisco-Halcyon Project Status Update_PP Presentation Consideration of a Project Status Update and Recommendation of a Preferred Alternative for the Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications Project 4/9/2019 1 Tonight’s Discussion Why are we here tonight? Background – How did we get here? Purpose and Need Education – Metrics used to make a decision in design Alternatives Environmental Considerations Phasing Financial Considerations Public Comments General Response to Main Questions Comparison of Alternatives Next Steps 4/9/2019 2 4/9/2019 Council needs to recommend an alternative so that the project can move to design. The recommendation accomplishes two goals: It will allow staff with the assistance of sub consultants to complete the Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED)phase and move into Design (Plans, Specifications and Estimates – PS&E) Phase It will allow staff to begin solidifying a Financial Plan for the construction of the project. Why are we here? 3 4/9/2019 Over 15 Years of studies, meetings and discussions Studied over 18 alternatives Went before Traffic Commission 6 times Held 8 Public Workshops and Stakeholder group meetings Held 7 Sub Committee meetings Came before Council 23 times Have been before California Transportation Commission (CTC) 4 times regarding regional funding Background 4 4/9/2019 PURPOSE AND NEED 5 4/9/2019 The project is needed to correct existing operational deficiencies in the project area. Increasing traffic demand due to increasing development in and around the city, lack of alternative routes, limited freeway crossing opportunities, and non-standard existing roadway geometrics combine to cause escalating congestion and safety concerns within the project area. The level of service at the ramp intersections of the Brisco Road and Halcyon Road interchanges are forecast to deteriorate to unacceptable levels by year 2035. The purpose of the project is to maximize the efficiency of the existing State and local roadway systems to better serve the needs of commuter traffic within the city. Existing interchange and ramp spacing on US 101 do not meet current standards. Ramp closures and associated improvements to adjacent interchanges have been evaluated as a means of improving traffic operations. Therefore, the purpose of the project is also to correct ramp and mainline operations on US 101 at the US 101/Brisco-Halcyon Road interchange to improve traffic flow and enhance safety for the local and interregional movement of people and goods. PURPOSE AND NEED CON’T 6 4/9/2019 No Build Alternate 1 Alternate 4C Alternatives 7 4/9/2019 Level of Service 8 4/9/2019 Performance Metrics: Level of Service (LOS), Delay, Queues, Freeway Density Project Benefits to Local Street Operations: Traffic Operations Design Year 2035 Peak Hour Intersection Operations 9 4/9/2019 Project Benefits to Local Street Queues: Traffic Operations, cont. 10 4/9/2019 Project Benefits to Freeway Operations: Traffic Operations, cont. 11 4/9/2019 Required to be studied. No Improvements to existing facilities including intersections. Existing and future congestion would not be relieved. No additional capacity is created. Does not meet the purpose and need Not a viable alternative No Build Alternative 12 4/9/2019 Remove the existing northbound US 101 ramps at Brisco Road to eliminate the very tight spacing between the northbound ramp intersection and the adjacent Brisco Road/West Branch Street intersection. Alt 4 moves ramps to Rodeo Alt 1 does not replace them and makes improvements to adjacent interchanges (E. Grand and Camino Mercado). Realign the southbound on-ramp from Grand Avenue to improve the operation of the signalized ramp intersection on Grand Avenue. Construction of soundwalls on the southbound side of US 101 between Oak Park Boulevard and Stonecrest Drive and between the Halcyon on-ramp and the Grand Avenue off-ramp. The soundwalls would be constructed at the existing Caltrans right of way boundary and would not preclude the ultimate six-lane configuration of US 101. Both Alternatives 13 4/9/2019 At the Brisco Road/El Camino Real intersection, restriping to provide for one exclusive left turn lane and one shared through-right lane for the southbound Brisco Road undercrossing approach to El Camino Real. With this improvement, the existing Brisco Road three-lane undercrossing will be re-striped to accommodate two southbound lanes and one northbound lane. At the Brisco Road/West Branch Street intersection, one left-turn lane and one shared left-right turn pocket (at least 100 feet long) will be constructed for the northbound approach. Preliminary operational analysis indicates that the existing three-lane undercrossing, with the above-noted restriping modifications, will provide acceptable operating conditions at the intersections with El Camino Real and West Branch Street. Brisco Undercrossing (Both Alternatives) 14 4/9/2019 Construction of an additional left-turn lane on the northbound off-ramp at the East Grand Avenue/US 101 northbound ramps intersection and provision of an exclusive right-turn lane on the westbound approach. Relocation of the US 101 southbound on-ramp at East Grand Avenue to opposite the existing US 101 southbound off-ramp approach, and associated traffic signal phasing modifications. Widening Grand Avenue, including the Grand Avenue Overcrossing, through both ramp intersections to provide standard lane, shoulder and sidewalk widths. Reconstruct US 101 SB lane and shoulder to provide 15’-0” vertical clearance to the Grand Ave. Overcrossing. Improvements to the northbound US 101 on-ramp/Camino Mercado/West Branch Street intersection. These improvements include widening and restriping the northbound West Branch Street approach to provide a second northbound left-turn lane to the US 101 northbound on-ramp and modifying the northbound on-ramp to provide dual receiving lanes that merge to a single lane with a 950+ foot auxiliary lane on northbound US 101. Provisions for future ramp metering would be provided on the US 101 northbound on-ramp. Alternative 1 – Northbound Ramp Closure 15 4/9/2019 16 4/9/2019 17 4/9/2019 18 4/9/2019 Construction of new US 101 northbound on- and off-ramps to intersect with West Branch Street across from Rodeo Drive (The street name is being changed to Grace Lane as part of this project), and installation of a single-lane roundabout at the West Branch Street/Rodeo Drive/US 101 northbound on- and off-ramps intersection. The roundabout is designed to accommodate STAA trucks, busses, and emergency vehicles. Realignment of West Branch Street to provide separation between the ramps intersection and the mainline. Retaining walls will be required along the north side of West Branch Street and between the Rodeo Drive off-ramp and West Branch Street. Construction of a new bridge adjacent to the Brisco Road undercrossing to carry the northbound Rodeo Drive on-ramp onto US 101. Construction of US 101 northbound mainline auxiliary lanes between the on-ramp from Grand Avenue and the off-ramp to Camino Mercado. Construction of a left-turn lane for the eastbound West Branch Street approach to the County Government Center driveway. Alt 4C – Northbound Ramp Relocation 19 4/9/2019 Reconstruction of Rodeo Drive to intersect West Branch Street opposite the Rodeo Drive ramps. Reconstruction of the existing Grace Lane/Rodeo Drive intersection north of the ramps to provide a larger radius curve on Grace Lane. This will convert Grace Lane to a “through street” and Rodeo Drive to a “side street”. A Park-and-Ride lot with landscaping will be constructed on theA retaining wall or cut slope will be required at the realigned intersection. City-owned lot between the West Branch Street/Rodeo Drive intersection and St. Patrick’s School. Relocation of a temporary building and reconfiguration of parking at the Library/County Government Center. The project would remove approximately 46 existing parking spaces from the County Government Center and would construct a new parking lot on the same parcel with 46 new parking spaces as well as Handicap parking spaces and ADA accessibility. Bus pull-out and pedestrian access improvements along Rodeo Drive in front of St. Patrick’s school. Alt 4C cont. 20 4/9/2019 21 4/9/2019 22 4/9/2019 23 Paleontological Evaluation Report Phase I Initial Site Assessment Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Visual Impact Assessment Water Quality Assessment Report 4/9/2019 Air Quality Study Community Impact Assessment Historic Property Survey Report Historic Resources Evaluation Report Archaeological Survey Report Natural Environment Study Noise Study Report CEQA/NEPA Technical Reports 24 4/9/2019 CEQA Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration NEPA Environmental Assessment Environmental Documents 25 Potentially inconsistent with Land Use Element policies re: solid walls ROW acquisitions – partial acquisitions at 4 businesses, 1 community facility, and 5 vacant parcels Relocation of County Department of Agriculture building Park and Ride lot Increase of at least 1 dB at 23 receptors Approximate 12-month construction period Cost - $22.7 million 4/9/2019 Potentially inconsistent with Land Use Element policies re: solid walls Potentially inconsistent with 2014 RTP policies re: improving connectivity between U.S. 101 and frontage roads ROW acquisitions – partial acquisitions at 6 businesses and 3 vacant parcels Improved bike/ped access across Grand Avenue overcrossing Increase of at least 1 dB at 14 receptors Approximate 9-month construction period Cost - $12.3 million Environmental Impacts Alternative 1 Alternative 4C 26 4/9/2019 Environmentally Preferred Alternative? 27 4/9/2019 Agencies APCD SLO County Organizations SLO Bicycling Advocates Public Businesses Grace Lane / Rodeo Drive neighborhoods Cost Public Comments 28 4/9/2019 Phasing Component 1 - Sound Walls Phasing Component 2 – Highway 101 south bound on-ramp realignment at East Grand Avenue Potential Phasing 29 4/9/2019 Potential for Soundwall Phasing 30 4/9/2019 Potential for Phasing at Grand Avenue 31 4/9/2019 Project Cost 32 4/9/2019 Finance Plan 33 4/9/2019 Future Economic Opportunity Sites 34 4/9/2019 Alternatives 1 and 4C: Preserves same number of on/off ramps, therefore preserves and enhances access opportunities for community Maintains interregional access point for users of 101 –Meets Purpose and Need Preserves direct access location at primary economic generators Regional Shopping Center; businesses on El Camino in vicinity of 38% of sales tax generators and 88% of Transient Occupancy Tax revenue generators (issue is importance of convenience and direct access) Vacant and underutilized areas on W. Branch and El Camino In review of the City’s General Plan policies, it should be noted that both alternatives support buildout traffic demands but Alternative 4C offers relatively higher levels of excess capacity and flexibility in supporting future economic development in the City 35 4/9/2019 Next Steps 36 4/9/2019 QUESTIONS???? 37 4/9/2019 ROW Acquisition Alt 1 38 4/9/2019 ROW Acquisition Alt 4C 39