R 1785 j RESOLUTION NO. 1785 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A HANDICAP PARKING SPACE OR SPACES ON C I,TV OWNED FAC I LI TI ES. WHEREAS, it appears necessary and desirable to designate a Handicap parking space(s) on the following City owned facilities as specifically described below; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AS FOLLOWS: That a "Handicap Parking" space(s)be established on the Cjty owned facilities at the locations shown on the fol lowing exhibits: , EXHIBITS: A. Police Department B. Fi re Station C. Elm Street Park D. Soto Sports Complex E. City of Arroyo,Grande and Women's Club Community Center. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief of Police of the City of Arroyo Grande be, and is hereby authorized to provide and install sufficient signs and/or markings to indicate said "Handicap Parking" Zone. On motion of Council Member Mi 11 is , seconded by Council Member Hogan , and on the fol lowing rol I call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of July 1984. IJ'~~ MAYOR ATTEST: I, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1785 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 24th day of July 1984. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 26th day of July 1984. ~~/ EP. CIT CLER .. ---_.-.- ._-~--- \ ~ \ // ~ PO\-IC-S / /-,",/ s'.n"-"""" \o~ .// // - / ./ _~~~'v'v \ GO\?-" //////~~ . Z / \Y O // \ // \ ~ /// - ~ / \ <( .: - \ 1- ~////' " \ . \ \ \ , \; \ \ . \ \ . \ ,,' \ \ . ,~'\ ~>t> ~ I ' r- \1,,~,vlU"J'Pt" ~. ;f Pl\RI<\~ 5PA<:~) \ E1tHIBIT A. - - - _.~ " J\. p' '(:ryt\r4i)~ ;'q...r",O::.'~'O j )f- t'r -,I)-I' - , ~,I't3-' p("() , . ' )(,,>,,08(: ,0- ..~ ..;.-\.~., J' .'./ j \ .' Lr~~ -'" ".)",. ::::-------- " ..-' - - ~ ,_ ~ I . ,,,,'>' ~.' .~ . ~ . .' .' '}?f' ~ &' . ..' -;::;: .c.&' . ' - ~ -, .{'; '.. ,.' _.' -.;?W 9<'?- ,-" -"~' ..:. ,"" .. . . ..' ." .' . . .' " : ',", ' ,-~.'~}. . . ...... ....' . ...... .. ..... . . . .' . .... ~ii. . . ..~ - - ... .. .., .' L · . ~\ . .' . () t>-.. ~ .. . . ~~ r . . ; . . . ,k .. "cP"., ., q..- '. i ./', '. . .... 0 ' ..::> >- 1"' '9 .,... r.c ~.:;,;:--::)~. ' .N, ' ...' t'-- ' ~.-_. ~ r~:.:;'"'.;. . .' ::-"N <:J ~~- -~ '~__-;:s " v';'; . ...- . - ""....- , "1? CO" 0 -":";~~' . ;,_:::8' .\ .. I " '" ~". ",,,,,,<>--' .; . . . . <""". . .' . " 11I11}, ~ _'Ir."~' '~,,"^, . ,', :' '/' . - - t"'- " I . .I ,. ,~'\:.'..,c('':'' . ~ ,.,\ :,. ',~'. . ~ r?;;'O" \\\\" '" \...>--" , . :> '''JV~\. ~', .\:'.. .. . .; ,,' . :~. ..... ,;". .~O"'.,.~"" .-0.0",.-1 J . . . ", '0' . . .' , . . ..' . .. . ~~O~".E!"~ s..S..s",e."N, .... ' - ~- ,p'. o. .' t" ='-"^'"'; ....--~"'. .~""'::" . ~..,. '. . ' '" ., Of""" to"''' . " ) .~. ...- - .' ---...... . ' ~ <'0-'" "" . .r"" ( : _~.. '. .. ,-.-\"~.\'.O;,;,l.; , O::::i'- .' .. .~ " ",'y . ~. '. ~... -r- ~~ ~' ,. " . \ " " . ; .. . \ '. ~'r--., . .' '. ., . . " ..' . .. ' .-, ,:"~'()'(,,,,' . \. '.._ '.1"" ",-.".""", '0',;'. ! . .., .. ., " r. ='--""'" ,. . ."............... .'~,,~.fi ~. \ . '" . '" ' , '. " . ,''r', . . \ ,\ . . .... , rf\ "... " ~ . 'f< . . . . -.- ..;, - 'e-~~' ,," .. . " .. c:,(Ve. S,AllOrV .-'. · ..-=--....:..................... 1..1....- ........ .. .. .. '. ;,;.. . .. .. .. ." . . EXHIE n. E. o , ...' - r')' _,0/1 . " '. ELI)) STRE E T 1';;Hi-~'I(. LopEz- H :r:~ H I J7 ! -] I ; , i i -LI-IL)NDT.C APPr~ 0 I i I I ! i i I 1 I ------ \ ----------- ~-'--- _.--- _.__._----. --..----- ------ Et-/Y? ST!=.t=-f=- T P/JI2-/C. EXHIBIT C . . >. SOTO S pcl!T.~ L'o dl t')L~X , \ Cs'iESSIOI.) ':>TM0 _ \ -------- I bRA <:; ~ I i ARfolt _ .- \ \ \ I , j I \ 17 : CDi2PC'2.ATr:..~ \ \ CAT;..~ \,,/...")\ ~ rFNC f ~ _ _ _ _____-'-------~.--.-=.. '"' ---' - - - .- - r - .--- 1 H!.Q.J r -., = \"--- - , = I = = I = i , \ I I \ t I HANOICt\ ppfO SeTo <S;po/GT.s GoJV7/'LEX - EXHIBIT D L~-_' '-"""I I I ...- II ....- - - . . - - -- -- -- . ,. f J=Z~ 11 ; f\"I }. i_ . ... '. i.. ~.. )-" !.....__- ,,!!~j 'iJi, I _..J ..t. L- _J"""-... .~. , ~6:::jE; .-... -- -- 1.op~6 . fAf~~b -- r-lB.-.u P/I_JI Lr~H-ltq (GI/ tAf~S) ----; ~ f;\LIt-:7TIJbf FbUllviJbf ,.!'-l '-., . .:y '.. .! ~ .;-' :'\.. ... (1.; ~ . ' ~~ - } ,;') }",:' .. :.': 1'..):' ." . ,- ;/ ; .. . : "~". ..... '- ~....- - . , ',. - ", . - , L'-' :". ;'1- , !. I - - r-J ~.q CJ - ir~) 8- - - - i " , --;-. . .;"t!i!?(i'?MU /II( Ty Bt//~ tJ~C- ' , , " ~.~ ;?1l1:~ ~ _...:ii7~LL_.. : ... .' -" :'-' -!'~ - >-~.. /' ,~_-;::~d~;2{~'". '.,_ H_ .' -'..<~.'..,c:..'.',." ,; .' ::~':..'~:-',~ .: 4~.:_:~~;~t~~~~:'~. . .,.:L;.-....;'H.~ , /' ..... ~.,-" , , ~ EXHIBIT E