R 3522 C'~" '-'..~_'__'_'_'____"'~"._".."_'.'_''''_<'.".'~ OFFICE OF - EMERGENCY SERVICES NOAA March 2001 Winter Storms P.A. No.: ., DESIGNATION OF APPLIGANrS AGENT RESOLUTION (No. 3522) BE q RESOLVED BY~ City Counei 1 OF1HE . City of Arf7oyo Grande (Governing Body) (Name or Applic:llllt) lHAT Steve Adams~ City Manager , OR (Iide or Authorized Apt) Don Spagnolo, Dir.'of Public Works/City EpgjAeer (Iide or Authorized Apt) Lynda Snodgrass, Di r. of Fi Banci a 1 Servi ces (Iide or Authorized Agcat) ishcrcby authorized to execute for and hi behaIfofthe.City of Arroyo Grande - . a public entity established under the laws 9f the State of California, this application and to file it in the Office of Emergency services for the pUIpOSC of obtaining certain federal financial assistance under P.L. 93-288 as amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, and/or state financial assistance under the NatUral Disaster Assistance Act. ' . lHATthe City' of Arroyo Grande . a public entity established under the laws of the Staie ofCalifomia,hcrcby '. authorizeS its agent(s) to provide to the State Office of Emergency Services for all matters pertaining to such state disaster assistance the assurances and agreements required. Passed and approved this 8th day of May .'1J.2001 Michael A. Lady, Mayor Tony M. Ferrara. Mavor Pro Tem (Name IIId Tide) Thomas A. Runels, Council Member (Name~Tide) Jim Dickens, Council Member (NamC ad Tade) Sandy Lubi~, Council Member CERTIFICATION I. Kelly Wetmore. . duly appointed and D'irector of Admini.strative S"""ices/Deput (Name) (rltle) City of Arroyo Grande. . do hereby certify that die above is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and approved by the City Cou nc i 1 of the City of Arroyo Grande on the (Governing body) (Name or Applic:llllt) 8th day of May . 1~ 2001 Date: tYJAif 8", -~OO I ( . -. Director of Administrative (Official Position) OES Fonn 130 (1C1/!J7) DAD Fonn . --~-