CC 2019-04-23_11b Water System Master Plan_Future Water Well Project_PP Presentation Well Siting Study Strother Park Cleath-Harris Geologists, Inc. 4/23/2019 1 Purpose Irrigation Water Supply for Park Possible Domestic Water Supply 4/23/2019 2 Conduct of Work Water Demand Estimate Geologic Mapping Existing wells 1189 Flora Well Geophysical survey Site Constraints Well location and preliminary design 4/23/2019 3 4/23/2019 4 4/23/2019 5 4/23/2019 6 Geophysical Survey 4/23/2019 7 Base of Alluvium 4/23/2019 8 Strother Park Cross Section 4/23/2019 9 Coach Road Cross Section 4/23/2019 10 1189 Flora Well Alluvial aquifers (base at 98 feet) 75 gpm/15 ft drawdown Total Dissolved Solids: 2200 mg/l Right to Excess of on-site use Well site and access easement Right to monitor Must cross creek to serve park 4/23/2019 11 4/23/2019 Well Design (Preliminary) 12 4/23/2019 1189 Flora Well not usable Well at Park possible Objective: Alluvial Aquifer Water quality-ok for irrigation/not for domestic Conclusions 13