Minutes 1998-05-26 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL � TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1998 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EASTBRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA . 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor A. K. "Pete" Dougall presiding. Mayor pougall said there were no reportable actions taken at the Special Meeting held at 6:45 p.m. 2. AND 3. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION � Zack Braun, Master of Arroyo Grande Masonic Lodge #274, (ed the Pledge of Aliegiance. The Rev. Robert Banker of Open Door Church of Oceano delivered the invocation. 4. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor pougall were Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lady and Council Members Michael Fuiler, Thomas A. Runels, and Steve Tolley. Staff members present were City Manager Robert L. Hunt, City Attorney Timothy J. Carmel, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Chief of Police Rick TerBorch, Director of Building and Fire. Terry Fibich, Public Works Director pon Spagnolo, Parks and Recreation Director Dan Hernandez, Director of Financial Services Lynda Snodgrass, and Acting Community Developmenf Director Helen E(der. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTA710NS a. Fourth District Supervisor Ruth Brackett accepted a proclamation regarding "Boys and Girls Club Day" from Mayor pougall. b. John Lum, San Luis Obispo County Chief of Probation, accepted on behalf of the South County Youth Coalition a proclamation regarding the May 30th "March Against Violence"from Mayor pougall. , c. Stan Ikeda, retiring member of the Parks and Recreation Commission; ' accepted a proclamation thanking him for his service to the City from Mayor � Dougall. � 6. AGENDA REVIEW None. � 6 A RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY � It was moved by Lady/Tolley and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting be read in title only and all further reading be waived. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 26, 1998 7. A. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING K-MART AMENDED SIGN PROGRAM 92-104 AND VARIANCE 98-208 After being assured that the Pubiic Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor pougail declared the hearing open and said ali persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, he closed the hearing to the floor. . Acting Community Development Director Elder said the Planning Commission voted to require K-Mart to return to the Commission with a redesigned sign program and the item will be re-noticed for a Council Public Hearing when a date is known. It was moved by Lady/ToI(ey and the motion passed unanimously to continue this � agenda item to a date uncer�ain. 7.B. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER MODIFICATION OF EXISTING WATER NEUTRALIZATION POLICIES AND PROGRAMS After being assured that the Public Hearing.had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor pougall declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, he closed the hearing to the floor. Public Works Director Spagnolo said staff requested this item be continued in order to provide additional time for research. It was moved by Runels/Tolley and the motion passed unanimously to continue this agenda item to June 9, 1998. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Jim Mudd, 256 Larchmont Drive, requested a variance so he can continue building aviaries in his back yard. He said he earns a living doing this work. Glen Anderson, 380 Tiger Tail Drive, asked the Council why the City does nof have a full time fire department. . � 9. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Fuller/Tolley (4-1-0, with Ful(er, Tolley, Lady, and Dougall voting aye and Runels voting no) to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.h., with the recommended courses of action. 9.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. 9.b. Authorization to Solicit Bids for Counter at�Elm Street AM/PM Kindergarten : � Program. Approved. ' 2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 26, 9 998 9.c. Award of Proposal — Strother Park Playground Equipment and Safety Surfacing. Project awarded to Miracle Playground Equipment. 9.d. Request for Qualifications for CDBG Consultant for Economic Development � Projects. Approved. 9.e. Adoption of an Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande Amending Portions of Title 2 and Title 4 of the Arroyo Grande Municipa( Code. Council adopted Ordinance No. 497 C. S. Amending Portions of Title 2 and Title 4 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. 9.f. Establishment of Salary Ranges for Economic Development Director and Lead Support Services Technician. Council adopted Resolution No. 3289 Establishing Salary Ranges for the Economic Development Director and Lead � Support Services Technician Positions. 9.g. Authorization to Solicit Bids for Bedloe Lane Maintenance Project No. 60-90- 98-3. Approved. 9.h. Appointment to Planning Commission. The appointment of Nanci Parker, 129 East Cherry Lane, was approved. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11.WORKSHOP ON VARIABLE CAN RATE Acting Community Development Director Elder said staff recommended Council conduct a workshop to discuss a variable can rate structure and set a public hearing for June 9�' to consider adoption of the rate structure. She introduced Bill Worrell, Manager of the Integrated Waste Management Authority, who gave a brief overview of the variable can rate structure. He explained the City must achieve a 50 percent recycling rate by the year 2000 to meet the requirements of AB 939. He said the South County Sanitary Service has provided four options for an Arroyo Grande variable can rate (#1: customer provided waste wheeler— Options A and B; #4: customer uses own trash cans—Options A. and B). � Council Members discussed fhe options.�� Comments and concerns included possible roadside dumping, the fact that Arroyo Grande has a number of large institutions that create a large amount of trash, the opinions of the business community about the rate structure, fines the State will levy if the City does not meet the 50 percent requirement, the recycling rate�of other cities, the benefits and problems with automated pickup, monitoring the Franchise Agreement, educating the public, and the difference between wet garbage, trash (recyclables), and greenwaste. 3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 26, 1998 � It was moved by Fuller/Runels and the motion passed unanimously to hold a Public Hearing on the Variabie Can Rate Structure at the June 9�' City Council � Meeting. There was Councii consensus that No. 1, Options A and B, be discussed at the Public Hearing. 11.B. WAIVER OF FEES — COPS AND KIDS FIELD DAY Parks and Recreation Director Hernandez said staff recommended the Council approve a 100 percent reduction in the $430 fee for renting a softball field for the Cops and Kids Field Day to be held November 1, 1998. � It was moved by LadylTolley and the motion passed unanimously to approve the recommendation. 11.C. WAIVER OF FEES, ARROYO VALLEY CAR CLUB � _ Chief of Police TerBorch said staff recommended the Council approve the request from the Arroyo Valley Car Club to waive fees for police services for the Arroyo Grande Car Show July 25, 1998. He said the majority of the funds raised through the car show go back into the community through donations to other non-profit organizations, including youth-oriented groups. It was moved by Runels/Lady and the motion passed to waive fees for police services for the Arroyo Grande Car Show. 11.D. COMMUNITY GARDEN PROGRAM Parks and Recreation Director Hernandez said staff recommended the Council establish a Community Garden program and adopt a fee of$18.00 per parcel per six (6) months to cover cost of water usage for the pro�osed program. He said the Parks and Recreation Commission voted on May 13 h to support the program. He said the garden will be located befinreen the tennis courts and parking lot at the Elm Street Community Center, there will be 30 parcels, and two parcels will . be set aside for the Pre-School and Children in Motion Child Care Programs. After questions of staff by the Council, it was moved by Runels/Fuller (5-0-0, with Runels, Fuller, Tolley, Lady, and Dougall voting aye) to establish the Community Garden Program and adopt a fee of $18 per parcel per six (6) months to cover . � the cost of water usage. � 11 E FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET STATUS REPORT Financial Services Director Snodgrass said staff recommended the Council approve the budget adjustments and recommendations included in the Third- . Quarter Budget Status�Report for Fiscal Year 1997-98. She stated the purposes of the Third-Quarter Budget Review and gave a summary of key Third-Quarter points. She said a summary of staff recommendations were: • Approve recording Police Grants in separate funds. � � � Approve additions and reductions in the Capital Improvement�Project Fund. � • Approve Schedules A through E included in Mid-Year Budget Status Report. - �� 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 26, '1998 . It was moved by Lady/Tolley and the motion passed unanimously to approve the recommendations. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: (a) Mayor pougall � (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District — The budget will be discussed during the first week of June; the problem with snails has not been resolved; staff is attempting to get funding for a runoff water recycling program. (2) Local Agency Formation Commission -- Commissioners discussed the formation of a Los Osos/Baywood Community Services District. (3) Quarterly meeting of seven Cities and the County — Resolutions were adopted urging the Governor and State Legislature to oppose the phase-out of Vehicle License Fees and regarding jurisdictional oversight by the United States � Army Corps of Engineers. (b) Mayor Pro Tem Lady (1) South County Area Transit — In answer to a question from Council Member Runels, Mayor Pro Tem Lady said there is reimbursement of $50,000 from the County of Santa Barbara for the SCAT bus that goes to Santa Maria. (2) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments — Members heard a report from Caltrans; City of Arroyo Grande concerns were addressed at the May 14th workshop. (3) San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority — Personnel issues, the widening of Cuesta Grade, Rideshare Dia(ysis Services privatization; grant app(ications, and routes were discussed. (4) RALCCO Scholarships .— Two students received recycling educational scholarships. (c) Council Member Fuller (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board — The Board adopted the 1998-99 budget; the Board applied for a UNOCAL Settlement Grant to develop a Household Hazardous Waste Program; a grant has been applied for an electric vehicle; a computerized agenda test trial is being considered; San Luis.Obispo Council Member Dave Romero was elected the new Board president and , � � Supervisor Mike Ryan, vice president. . � (2) Air Pollution Control Board — The Board is studying reasons why the district did not meet 1997 State Air Quality Standards; complaints from the public concerning Burn Days were discussed. � (3) Economic Vitality Board -- no report (d) Council Member Runels � (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee — The Lopez Recreation Area reservation system is working well; the Board approved Council Member Runels signing a letter endorsing legislation to recycle runoff water that is now going into the ocean. 5 " , r..., �. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 26, 1998 (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee — The final Environmental Impact Report is in and the City of San Luis Obispo is contempiating raising the levei of the Salinas Reservoir; comments still are being taken on the South County Ground Water Model; the committee endorsed a proclamation regarding "May—Water Awareness Month:' (e) Council Member Tolley (1) Long Range Planning Committee - No report (2) South County Youth Coalition — The Youth Master Plan is moving ahead; Executive Director Linda Shephard will be using a City office for a short period of time. (3) League of California Cities Public Safe� Committee— Council Member Tolley will be making a presentation on June 12 regarding San Luis Obispo County's response to domestic violence pian. 13. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS None. 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Hunt said staff would contact Mr. Mudd, who requested a variance for his home business, and assist him in going through the variance process. 15. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Runeis/Fuller and .the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. to a Special City Council Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 3, 1998. � A. K. "PETE" UGAL , MA OR /'� , �-!.C�!i.f L,{• ��� / NANCY A. D IS, CITY'CLERK 6