CC 2019-05-14_08f Amend Agreement_Swinging Bridge ProjectMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY: ROBIN DICKERSON, CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH QUINCY ENGINEERING FOR THE SWINGING BRIDGE PROJECT DATE: MAY 14, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of Amendment 3 to the Consultant Services Agreement for Quincy Engineering to complete the Swinging Bridge Project. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The cost for Amendment 3 is $26,000. Original Amount $ 33,000.00 Amendment 1 $ 54,724.00 Amendment 2 $ 0.00 Amendment 3 $ 26,000.00 Total $113,724.00 Currently the Swinging Bridge Account has a balance of $499,682.12 for design and construction. Construction costs for the Swinging Bridge continue to escalate. Amendment 3 will allow the consultant to better define these costs, and finalize an option for rehabilitation of the Swinging Bridge. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No.3 to the Consultant Services Agreement with Quincy Engineering to complete the Design and Environmental Phase, in an amount not to exceed $26,000. BACKGROUND: The Swinging Bridge was originally constructed in early 1875 by the Short family, whose land was divided by the Arroyo Grande Creek. The bridge span length from cable tower to cable tower is approximately 133 feet and is suspended 40 feet above Arroyo Grande Creek. The Swinging Bridge is owned and maintained by the City of Arroyo Grande. Item 8.f. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH QUINCY ENGINEERING FOR THE SWINGING BRIDGE PROJECT MAY 14, 2019 PAGE 2 During the spring of 2016, the Swinging Bridge was closed for several weeks of maintenance work and reopened on May 23, 2016. Based on available information, maintenance and repair work has occurred at periodic intervals. The Swinging Bridge’s major maintenance work occurred in 1913, 1918, 1947, 1953 and 1985. More exhaustive repairs were completed in 1995 after a tree fell on the Swinging Bridge. The bridge is currently open but has a 5-person weight limit. ANALYSIS OF THE ISSUES: On April 13, 2016, the City Council awarded an agreement to Quincy Engineering to complete the Swinging Bridge Evaluation. Based on the unknowns of the necessary repairs, the Swinging Bridge Evaluation was phased. Phase One work included an evaluation of the critical components of the bridge which included survey of the bridge and cables, inspection of the bridge members, joints and connections and bridge load rating analysis. A report was prepared and a bridge capacity limit was set at 5 people. On July 26, 2016, the City Council amended Quincy’s contract to include Phase Two, which was to evaluate the cable anchorages and foundations. Retrofit measures were also to be developed to ensure that the Swinging Bridge remains functional in the long term. These measures will be developed into construction documents suitable for public bidding and construction to support phase three which is construction. In July 2017, Quincy submitted 65% plans, estimate and an executive summary of the work completed to date for Phase Two of the Swinging Bridge Project. At that time, staff identified the need for additional geotechnical services to evaluate the existing cast-in drilled hole (CIDH) piles at the existing cable anchors and to provide design parameters for the new CIDH piles at the abutment. The geotechnical investigation revealed that the existing abutments consist of a vertical wall of limited width with no underlying footing. The abutments exhibited signs of undermining. Quincy has proposed to retrofit the abutments utilizing CIDH piles to ensure the safety of the tower support foundations. Accordingly, Quincy is requesting additional fees for the design of the abutments and to evaluate the existing CIDH piles at the existing cable anchors. Additional geotechnical information and evaluation are required for design of these foundations and included in the proposal. The geotech will also be evaluating the liquefaction potential and making recommendations. There is also additional effort for finalizing the plans and Item 8.f. - Page 2 IJl'•O"t CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH QUINCY ENGINEERING FOR THE SWINGING BRIDGE PROJECT MAY 14, 2019 PAGE 3 specifications as well as additional project management and coordination based on these recommendations. The additional scope of work includes fees for updating the construction cost estimates and providing additional specifications for the CIDH piles. The City also requested that Quincy include the anticipated environmental scope of services. The cost of these additional services is a not to exceed amount of $26,000. (Attachment 1). This amendment will also extend the agreement for an additional year, and will expire April 13, 2020. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Approve the Amendment with Quincy Engineering; 2. Do not approve the Amendment with Quincy Engineering; or 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Amending the Agreement with Quincy Engineering will allow the construction documents to be completed in a timely manner. DISADVANTAGES: Additional funding expenditures are required to complete the task. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the project is categorically exempt per section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. At the time of report publication, no comments have been received. Item 8.f. - Page 3 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 3 This Third Amendment ("Third Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and QUINCY ENGINEERING (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 14th day of May, 2019. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated April 13th, 2016 for Consultant Services for the Swinging Bridge Evaluation; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a First Amendment to Agreement dated July 29th, 2016 to include Phase 2 evaluation of cable anchorages, foundations and develop retrofit measures for Consultant Services for the Swinging Bridge Evaluation; and WHEREAS, the agreement provides for two (2) additional one (1) year extensions after the initial term upon written agreement by the City and Consultant; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Second Amendment to Agreement dated May 10th, 2018 to extend the contract one year to April 13, 2019; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Section 1("TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain in effect until April 13, 2020, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. To include the additional services at the increased cost as specified in Exhibit “A” attached here to and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this Third Amendment the day and year first above written. QUINCY ENGINEERING: By:________________________________ JOHN S. QUINCY CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: By:________________________________ CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR Item 8.f. - Page 4 April 4, 2019 City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department Attention: Robin Dickerson, P.E., City Engineer 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Re: Cost Proposal for Swinging Bridge Additional Services, CIP Project Number 5620 Dear Ms. Dickerson: It is our pleasure to submit Quincy Engineering, Inc.’s (Quincy) Cost Proposal for additional services for Phase 2 of the Swinging Bridge Project. In July 2017 Quincy submitted 65% plans, estimate and an executive summary of the work completed to date for Phase 2 of the Swinging Bridge Project. At that time, we identified the need for additional geotechnical services to evaluate the existing CIDH piles at the existing cable anchors and to provide design parameters for the new CIDH piles at the abutment. The geotechnical investigation revealed that the existing abutments consist of a vertical wall of limited width with no underlying footing. The abutments exhibited signs of undermining. Quincy has proposed to retrofit the abutments utilizing CIDH piles to insure the safety of the tower support foundations. Accordingly, Quincy is requesting additional fees for the design of the abutments and to evaluate the existing CIDH piles at the existing cable anchors. Additional geotechnical information and evaluation are required for design of these foundations and that is why additional services are required from Yeh and Associates whom will build off the previous work done by Fugro. Yeh will also be evaluating the liquefaction potential and making recommendations. There is also additional effort for finalizing the plans and specifications as well as additional Project Management and coordination. The additional scope of work includes fees for updating the construction cost estimates and providing additional specifications for the CIDH piles. The City also requested that Quincy include the anticipated environmental scope of services. Quincy contacted SWCA who will perform these services and it will include the following Environmental Tasks: Task 4.1 - Literature Review SWCA will conduct a query of the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB), managed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), prior to conducting field surveys. The database query will provide SWCA with a list of reported occurrences of special-status plant species, wildlife species, and sensitive habitats which have been documented in the Arroyo Grande U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute quadrangle and the surrounding quadrangles. SWCA will also review in-house documents that we have prepared for projects within the City. Task 4.2 - Reconnaissance Field Survey Following the literature review, SWCA will conduct a reconnaissance field survey of the project site. The purpose of the survey will be to: (1) evaluate existing conditions to determine suitability for the presence or absence of special-status plant and wildlife species; (2) document and record species observed; and (3) map all habitats and sensitive resources present using a Trimble® GeoXT Global Positioning Systems (GPS) unit capable of sub-meter accuracy. Existing site conditions and resources will be photo-documented. For botanical resource issues, SWCA will analyze the existing conditions of the site and determine the potential for special-status species to occur. SWCA proposes to conduct one survey upon approval of this contract. www.quincyeng.com | 11017 Cobblerock Drive, Suite 100 | Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 | P: 916.368.9181 | F: 916.368.1308 EXHIBIT A Item 8.f. - Page 5 rilQUINCY iilllll ENGINEERING Task 4.3 – Biological Memorandum Preparation SWCA will prepare a detailed biological memorandum based on the literature review, field survey, and mapping results. The final memorandum would include a discussion of existing conditions, identified regulatory concerns, list of species observed on-site, and habitat map. The habitat map would be utilized to determine impact calculations based on the project site plans and existing site conditions. Recommended mitigation measures would be included to avoid or minimize impacts to sensitive resources, as applicable. Any limitations of surveys and conclusions would also be addressed within the memorandum. Task 4.4 – CDFW Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (Optional Task) As an optional task, SWCA would prepare the Lake and Streambed Alternation Agreement for project activities that may result in potential impacts to the jurisdiction of California Department of Fish and Wildlife. This area of jurisdiction is traditionally known as the top of bank or furthest extent of riparian. It is SWCA’s understanding that CIDH activities for the abutment may occur within the top of bank and thus require the submittal of a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement application. Submittal of the application to CDFW provides the agency the financial mechanism to review the project and determine if an agreement is necessary or not. The City would provide the CEQA Document (assumed Categorical Exemption) and the necessary fees for the application based on project cost. The labor cost for prepare and submit the application and coordination with the project team is estimated to be no more than $1,000. During a January 2019 teleconference we discussed the need to identify the location of utilities in conflict with the new work. The City will provide the Centennial Park plans to locate these utilities. Quincy will also identify possible environmental clearance as well as permitting issues related to the abutment construction. Based on our updated Phase 2 - Scope of Work, our current agreement will require and amendment amount of a Not to Exceed Cost $ 26,000. In the event that the information contained herein is different than what you expected, please contact us and we will adjust the scope and cost proposal accordingly. Please feel free to contact me at (916) 368-9181, via my personal cell phone at (916) 799-3891, or via my email at markr@quincyeng.com If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Your call will receive my immediate attention. Sincerely, QUINCY ENGINEERING, INC. Mark L. Reno, PE Principal Engineer / Project Manager www.quincyeng.com | 11017 Cobblerock Drive, Suite 100 | Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 | P: 916.368.9181 | F: 916.368.1308 Item 8.f. - Page 6 Arroyo Grande Swing Bridge Phase 2 - Additional Services TASKS Principal in ChargeSenior Engineer - PEAssociate Engineer - PECAD TechAdminQuincy Total HoursQEI Total Labor DollarsQuincy Total Labor + Overhead + FeeSWCAYeh and Associates, Inc.Subconsultant SubtotalTotal Fee per TaskMR MP JCr BM Staff No.Initial Hourly Rate $92.30 $79.10 $52.20 $34.80 $40.00 1 Project Management and Meetings Project Management 8 2 10 $818 $2,473 $0 $2,473 Teleconference 2 2 4 $343 $1,036 $0 $1,036 Identify Permitting Requirements 2 2 $185 $558 $0 $558 2 Geotechnical Investigation Coordinate Added Geotechnical Services 2 2 $158 $478 $0 $478 Additional Geotechnical Services CIDH Piles 0 $0 $0 $4,870 $4,870 $4,870 3 95% Plans, Technical Specs, and Estimates for Additional Services Abutment Design/Independent Check 12 8 20 $1,367 $4,130 $0 $4,130 Existing Anchor Pile Analysis/Independent Check 8 4 12 $842 $2,543 $0 $2,543 Added Technical Specs 1 4 2 7 $513 $1,550 $0 $1,550 Added/Updated Estimates 1 4 2 7 $513 $1,550 $0 $1,550 Add conflicting utility locations 2 4 6 $297 $899 $0 $899 Additional Detailing Plans 20 20 $696 $2,103 $0 $2,103 4 Environmental Services Prepare environmental documents, support City 2 1 3 $264 $797 $3,000 $3,000 $3,797 Subtotal- Hours 16 35 16 24 2 0 0 93 0 Other Direct Costs $0 0 Total Cost $1,477 $2,769 $835 $835 $80 $0 $0 $5,996 $5,732 $3,000 $4,870 $7,870 $25,988 Say $26,000 Item 8.f. - Page 7 Cost Proposal Date: 4/4/2019 Quincy Engineering, Inc. Direct Labor:$5,995.70 Escalation for Multi-Year Project (0.0%):$0.00 1.698 $10,180.70 A. Labor Subtotal $16,176.40 Subconsultant Costs: SWCA $3,000.00 Yeh and Associates, Inc.$4,870.00 $0.00 B. Subconsultant Subtotal $7,870.00 Other Direct Costs: Plotter/Computer hours @ $10.00 $0.00 Travel 0 miles @ $0.580 $0.00 Pier Diem/ Hotel 0 days @ $150.00 $0.00 Phone/Fax $0.00 Delivery 0 @ $25.00 $0.00 Flight 0 flights @ $250.00 $0.00 Vellum / Mylars 0 sheets @ $1.00 $0.00 Title Reports 0 @ $500.00 $0.00 11 X 17 Reproduction 0 @ $0.10 $0.00 Mounting Boards for Presentations 0 @ $100.00 $0.00 Newsletters (Translation and printing) Mailings (6x) C. Other Direct Cost Subtotal:$0.00 Labor Subtotal A. =$16,176.40 Fee (12.0%):$1,941.17 Subconsultant Subtotal B. =$7,870.00 Fee (0.0%):$0.00 Other Direct Cost Subtotal: C. =$0.00 Fee (0.0%):$0.00 TOTAL =$25,987.57 Total not to Exceed=$26,000 Arroyo Grande Swing Bridge Phase 2 - Additional Services Arroyo Grande Pedestrian Bridge Fee Proposal Phase 2 Additional Services MLR 20190404 rev1 Fee 4/4/2019Quincy Engineering, Inc. Item 8.f. - Page 8 i i 391 Front Street, Suite D, Grover Beach, CA (805) 481-9590 2000 Clay Street, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80211, (303) 781-9590 Glenwood Springs, CO  Grand Junction, CO  Durango, CO  Colorado Springs, CO  Ventura, CA www.yeh-eng.com March 12, 2019 Proposal No. 219-099 Quincy Engineering, Inc. 11017 Cobblerock Drive, Suite 100 Rancho Cordova, California 95670 Attn: Mr. Martin Pohll Subject: Proposal for Geotechnical Services, Retrofit of the Swinging Bridge over Arroyo Grande Creek, Arroyo Grande, California Dear Mr. Pohll: Yeh and Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal to provide geotechnical services for design of the Retrofit of the Swinging Bridge over Arroyo Grande Creek in Arroyo Grande, California. This proposal was prepared in response to our phone conversation and email correspondence. The purpose of our services will be to provide limited geotechnical services to evaluate pile foundation design for the bridge based on geotechnical data reported in previous reports prepared for the bridge design. Yeh will evaluate the axial the capacity of 16-inch diameter cast-in-drilled-hole piles for the retrofit bridge abutments and 24-inch diameter cast-in- drilled-hole piles for the existing cable anchorages. Yeh will prepare a Supplemental Bridge Foundation Report for the new bridge considering structural loads and scour information provided by Quincy for service, strength and extreme limit states. We understand Quincy will perform lateral analyses of the piles using LPILE software. The Supplemental Bridge Foundation Report will include recommended LPILE parameters for the analyses. Services will be provided on a lump sum basis (see attached). Yeh will not exceed the estimated amount without prior authorization of the Client. The draft report can likely be submitted within about 2 weeks after receiving loading information. The final report can be submitted within about 1 week after receiving comments. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Please contact Gresh Eckrich at 805-616-0399 or geckrich@yeh-eng.com if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, YEH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Gresham D. Eckrich, P.E. Senior Project Manager Attachments: Fee Estimate Worksheet, 2019 Standard Fee Schedule Item 8.f. - Page 9 PREPARED BY: G.EckrichDATE:PROJECT No.: 219-099CLIENT: Quincy EngineeringWORK ACTIVITYPrincipal Engineer or GeologistSr. Project SpecialistSr. Project ManagerSr. Project Engineer or GeologistProject Engineer or GeologistStaff Engineer or GeologistAdmin/Eng AssistantHOURS COSTSGeotechnical Services:1Initiation/Review Existing Data 2 2 42Evaluation and Draft Foundation Report 2 8 24 2 363Final Reporting and Review 22SUBTOTALS 2 12 0 0 26 2 42 4,870$ Other direct costs and unit charges-$ SUBTOTAL - ODC's-$ RATE, PER HOUR (2019)185$ 175$ 170$ 140$ 110$ 90$ 60$ ESTIMATED TOTAL FEE4,870$ FEE ESTIMATE WORKSHEETCity of Arroyo Grande - Swinging Bridge RetrofitGeotechnical ServicesMarch 12, 2019Item 8.f. - Page 10Ir• Yeh and Associates, Inc. '1111 Geotechnical • Geological • Construction Services  Colorado    California    Denver | Colorado Springs | Durango | Glenwood Springs | Grand Junction | Greeley  Grover Beach | Ventura  STANDARD FEE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2019 Professional Services: Classification Basic Rate Principal .............................................................................................................................................................$185/hr  Senior Project Manager ...................................................................................................................................$170/hr  Senior Project Specialist ...................................................................................................................................$175/hr  Project Manager ...............................................................................................................................................$155/hr  Senior Project Engineer or Geologist ..............................................................................................................$140/hr  Project Engineer or Geologist ..........................................................................................................................$110/hr  Staff Engineer or Geologist ..............................................................................................................................$90/hr  Engineer or Geologist Intern ............................................................................................................................$60/hr  Resident Construction Engineer ......................................................................................................................$160/hr  Construction Manager .....................................................................................................................................$140/hr  Construction Observer 3 ..................................................................................................................................$115/hr  Construction Observer 2 ..................................................................................................................................$105/hr  Construction Observer 1 ..................................................................................................................................$95/hr  Technician Leader or Supervisor .....................................................................................................................$115/hr  Laboratory Supervisor ......................................................................................................................................$95/hr  Technician 3 ......................................................................................................................................................$85/hr  Technician 2 ......................................................................................................................................................$70/hr  Technician 1 ......................................................................................................................................................$55/hr  CAD Designer ....................................................................................................................................................$120/hr  CAD Technician .................................................................................................................................................$75/hr  Administrative Assistant ..................................................................................................................................$70/hr  **Overtime rates for Construction Inspection, Technicians and Office Staff is 1.5 x rates shown.  Rates do not include prevailing wage rates for field services.  Prevailing wages will be determined on a project‐by‐project basis.  Laboratory tests are quoted on separate schedule or cost plus 10 percent for outside laboratory testing when applicable.  Fees for expert witness preparation, testimony, court appearances, or depositions will be billed at the rate of $350 per hour.  Other Direct Charges: Subcontracted services, copying and rented equipment ................................................................... Cost Plus 10%  Travel, subsistence, and expenses ....................................................................................................... Cost Plus 10%  Vehicle ......................................................................................................................................................... $ 80/day  Automobile Mileage ................................................................................................................................... $ 0.55/mile  Item 8.f. - Page 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 8.f. - Page 12