Minutes 2001-05-08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2001 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Lubin, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara, and Mayor Lady were present. Council Member Dickens was absent. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; Director of Administrative Services Wetmore; Recreation Supervisor Perrin, Director of Public Works Spagnolo; Director of Financial Services Snodgrass; Director of Building and Fire Fibich; and Chief of Police TerBorch. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mark Miller, representing Boy Scout Troop 432, led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Robert Banker, Open Door Church, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only Council Member Runels moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Mike Liebo, 273 Canyon Way, spoke about the "Destination Imagination" program and introduced a group of students from Ocean View School who had placed first place in competition at the State level. He stated that Judkins and Ocean View Schools would represent California in the National competition at Knoxville, Tennessee in May. Following a brief presentation of "Destination Imagination", Mr. Liebo requested the Council consider a donation to the group to assist with travel expenses. Jonni Biaggini, Executive Director of the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau, spoke about the tourism industry and announced it was National Tourism Week. She presented the Council with a framed poster to hang at City Hall. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 2 Phil Kolbo, 550 Via Vaquero, spoke about his project located on Camino Mercado and requested guidance and action regarding the current deveJopment impact fee structure that was implemented in March 2000. He spoke about the impact of the new fee structure on his small development which increases the fees for his project by 50%. He stated his project was approved and in the pipeline before the new fees took effect and requested that the Council look into the fairness of grandfathering the previous fee structure for his project. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Lubin moved and Council Member Runels seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.L, with the recommended courses of action: 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period April 16, 2001 through April 30, 2001. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of April 30, 2001. 8.c. Minutes of Special Joint City Councils/Board Meeting of March 26, 2001. Action: Approved minutes as submitted. 8.d. Appointments to Parks and Recreation Commission. Action: Approved 1) Mayor Lady's appointment of Bruce Lewis to the Parks and Recreation Commission; and 2) Council Member Dickens' appointment of Pamela lanneo to the Parks and Recreation Commission. 8.e. Landmark Tree Designation - 406 Golden West Place. Action: Approved Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation and adopted Resolution No. 3516 designating Landmark Tree #01-63 located at 406 Golden West Place. 8.f. Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II, Progress Payment No.4. Action: Authorized progress payment in the amount of $41,986.39 to R. Simons Company, Inc. 8.g. Resolution Opposing National Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A.) Standard 1710. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3517 opposing N.F.P.A. Standard 1710. 8.h. Proposed Stop Signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street. Action: Approved Traffic Commission's recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 3518 approving stop signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street. 8.i. State Declared Disaster - March 2001 Winter Storms. Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 3522 identifying individuals authorized to execute Office of Emergency Services (OES) documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance; and 2) Appropriate $50,000 of the City's Urban State Highway Account (USHA) funds for the 25% local contribution to remove and repJace the damaged sidewalk on Rodeo Drive. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 3 AYES: Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9. PUBLIC HEARING: 9.a. Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Grover Beach Taxi ("GBT") Director of Administrative Services Wetmore highlighted the staff report. She explained that an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was received from Leland and Amy Simpson to operate a taxicab service called Grover Beach Taxi within the City limits of Arroyo Grande. She stated the Council must conduct a public hearing and determine if there is a public need or convenience that requires another taxicab service in the City. Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing. Dutch De Groot, Five Cities Taxi, spoke in opposition to approving an additional taxicab company. Jeff Goldenberg, Beach Cities Cab, spoke in opposition to approving an additional taxicab company. Hearing no further pubJic comments, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing. Council Member Dickens inquired about the status of the two previous taxicab companies that had received approval. Director Wetmore responded that the two taxicab companies had met all the conditions of approval and had been issued and were currently approved to operate in the City. Council comments and discussion included allowing opportunity for competition in an open and fair market; enforcing the City's economic development strategy; and the difficulty in determining whether there was a necessity for an additional taxicab service. Council Member Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Five Cities Taxi Service for the operation of a taxicab service within the City limits contingent upon full and total compliance with all conditions and requirements of Title 5, Chapter 10 "Taxicabs" of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Lubin, Runels, Ferrara, Lady NOES: Dickens ABSENT: None CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 4 There being 4 AYES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. Request for Speed ReductiQn on Huasna Road. Director of PubJic Works Spagnolo. presented the staff report. Staff recommended the Council adopt a Resolution amending the City's speed survey to reduce the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 miles per hour (mph) to 40 mph. Council Member Lubin asked whether staff had met with the Court's Traffic Commissioner and whether the City would be creating a speed trap. Chief TerBorch responded that staff had not met with the Traffic Commission, however, had spoken with the District Attorney and a Judge regarding the issue. Council Member Runels commented that when Huasna Road was smoothed out and repaved, cars would increase their speed. Due to the proximity of the park and residential neighborhoods, he supported a 5-mph reduction in the speed limit Mayor Lady opened up the item for public comments. Victor Verze, 950 Huasna, spoke in support of the reduction in the speed limit to 40 mph and expressed a desire to see it further reduced to 35 mph in the future. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady brought the item back to Council for consideration. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the speed survey; pending legislation regarding new criteria for traffic surveys; issues relating to the enforcement of the speed limit; and the potential for reducing the speed limit further in the future based on new data. Council Member Dickens moved to adopt a Resolution amending the City's speed survey to reduce the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 miles per hour (mph) to 40 mph. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion. Further discussion ensued regarding the validity of the speed survey should a speed citation be rejected in court. On the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Dickens, Ferrara, Runels, Lubin, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the mQtion is hereby declared to be passed. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 5 10.b. Resolution Establishing a Standard Schedule for Development Impact Fees. City Manager Adams presented the staff report. He explained that in March, the City Council approved a new fee structure to more accurately identify land use categories in calculating the traffic facilities fees. He stated staff was requested to further modify the development impact fee tables so they were all consistent with the format utilized for the traffic facilities fees. He explained the tables had been modified but the fees had not been increased. Staff recommended the Council adopt a Resolution establishing a standard schedule for development impact fees. Council Member Runels asked for clarification regarding the fee for the cemetery land use category. City Manager Adams explained that the fee would be charged only if a new cemetery was constructed in the City or the existing one was expanded. Council Member Dickens asked if Mr. Kolbo's earlier public comments regarding development impact fees could be addressed at this time. City Manager Adams stated the Council could raise the issue and ask staff to provide direction regarding the matter; however, the Council could not take any action with respect to Mr. Kolbo's request as it was not listed on the Agenda. Council Member Runels moved to adopt a Resolution establishing a standard schedule for development impact fees. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara referred to projects in general that were approved and in the pipeline prior to the adoption of the new fee schedule and asked for clarification on whether or not there was interest in discussing the issue at a future date. City Manager Adams clarified that there were approximately five or six projects that had received approvaJ but had not been issued a building permit. He explained that fees are calculated at the time the building permit is issued. He further explained the appeal process that was available to the applicant. Following further discussion, there was consensus to direct staff to place on a future agenda consideration of a policy to appJy the prior development impact fees to projects that received approval before the new fees went into effect in April 2000, but had not yet received building permits. Council Member Runels moved to adopt a Resolution establishing a standard schedule for development impact fees. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Dickens, Ferrara, Runels, Lubin, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 6 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Modification to California Public Employees' Retirement System Contract. Financial Services Director Snodgrass presented the staff report. She explained that as a result of side-bar negotiations with the Arroyo Grande Police Officer Association, an agreement had been reached to increase CalPERS retirement benefits from 2% at age 50 plan to the 3% at age 55 plan for police officer employees, effective January 1, 2002. Mayor Lady opened up the item for public comment, and upon hearing none brought the item back to the Council for consideration. Council Member Dickens moved to introduce for first reading an Ordinance amending the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Dickens, Lubin, Runels, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Council Member Dickens moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City a Resolution of Jntention to amend the contract with the California Public Retirement System. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Dickens, Lubin, Runels, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Council Member Dickens moved to approve the Side Letter of Agreement amending the existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Arroyo Grande Police Officers Association (AGPOA). Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Dickens, Lubin, Runels, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 7 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR MICHAEL LADY (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). 1) Held election of officers and was reelected as Chair; 2) Reported on status of grant from APCD regarding the proposal for the cogeneration project; 3) Barbara Mann from OCSD was elected as Special District representative; and 4) Conducted 2001-02 budget hearings. (2) Other. 1) Arroyo Grande hosted the Mayor's Meeting on Friday, March 30th; and 2) Participated in meeting with Assembly Member Maldonado and Supervisor Achadjian to receive information and discuss potential funding mechanisms for the EI Campo interchange. b. MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). No report. Next meeting is May 9, 2001. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). No report. Next meeting is May 23, 2001. (3) Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC). No report. Encouraged future discussion on the future of this Committee. (4) Other. 1) Will be attending the League's Channel Counties Division meeting in Santa Barbara; and 2) Will be attending a meeting with Supervisor Achadjian to discuss the condition of The Pike and potential funding available for resurfacing the road. c. COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS (1) Zone 3 Advisory Board. The first phase of the Lopez Dam remediation project will begin soon; all permits have been received. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). No report. (3) Other. 1) Attended the SSLOCSD meeting as the alternate; 2) Meeting was held on formalization of. th,e gentlemen's agreement for the Santa Maria Valley water rights case. d. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A). Distributed "Regional Housing Needs Determination" handout to Council Members and recommended that City staff be involved in the issue and provide a briefing to the City Council on the regional housing needs assessment process that is being mandated by the State. (2) Community Recreation Center Subcommittee. Website being created; members of the subcommittee will be at the Strawberry Festival to hand out informational flyers; Cal. Poly class not able to take on the next stage of the project; however, they may be able to commit to a summer project. (3) Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC). Reported on Homeless Awareness Week; will be attending the HomeJess Walk from the Shelter to the Prado Day Center. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 8 (4) South County Youth Coalition. 24-hour Relay to be held at Arroyo Grande High School on May 19th and 20th. (5) Other. Will be attending the EVC Annual Breakfast on May 18th to accept recognition for the award the City received at the CALED Conference.. e. COUNCIL MEMBER SANDY LUBIN (1 ) South County Area Transit (SCAT). 1) Board approved an increase of the pickup charge from $2 ~0;$3 for the senior taxi program; the Board also approved raising the price of a 10-ride card to $40; 2) Approved relocation of bus transfer station from Ramona Avenue in Grover Beach to the Train Station; and 3) Reported that a Lopez Lake Shuttle Program would be available this summer for youth. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation. Met April 25th. EVC received Statewide recognition; CEO Dave Spaur to meet with the City Managers to ensure that scope of work expectations are being accomplished; and EVC staff would be recommending a continuation of the City's $5,000 commitment in next year's budget. (3) Other. None. 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS a. Consideration of additional potential transient occupancy revenue options. (Ferrara) Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara spoke about a tourism assessment charge that the City of Sacramento adopted by Ordinance establishing the Sacramento Tourism Business Improvement District. He stated this was not considered transient occupancy tax. He said this was an idea for generating additional revenue to be used for marketing purposes and asked if the Council was interested in pursuing the issue. Following discussion, staff was requested to research and report back on what would be required to institute a tourism assessment on hotel/motel bills as has been done in Sacramento. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Lady inquired whether the draft General Plan documents would be placed on the City's website. Staff responded the materials would be available on the website. Council Member Runels requested clarification on the status of a number of parcels in the area between East Cherry and Myrtle Street that had requested rezoning and whether they should be further addressed in the General Plan Update process. City Manager Adams replied he would look into the matter and provide a status report to Council. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara reported he had been approached at the Soto Sports Complex during the Five Cities Girls Softball Tournament regarding the lack of recycling bins. He requested staff determine if recycling bins were provided at the City's ball fields and parks and to provide containers at the sites if it was not currently being done. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 9 In response to an inquiry from Council Member Lubin, staff was asked to identify what recycling requirements are currently in place for apartment buildings ~nd whether any improvements should be made to the program regarding this issue. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara announced that there would be a statewide energy conservation exercise at 10:30 a.m. on May 24 to prepare for Stage 3 alerts. He recommended that the City participate. . 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Adams asked for clarification on the request for funding from "Destination Imagination" and asked whether there was a consensus of the Council to add this to a future agenda. There was consensus of the Council to consider the request at a later date. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lady adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.. C q~ Michael A. Lady, Mayor ATTEST: more Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk