Minutes 2001-06-12 SP MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO C?RANDE, CALIFORNIA . ". 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lady called the Special City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL .., Mayor Lady, Mayor Pro Tem ferrara, Council Member Runels, Council Member Dickens, and Council Member Lubin were present. Staff members present were City Manager Adams, Chief of Police TerBorch, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Public Works Director Spagnolo, Community Development Director McCants, and Assistant Planner Foster. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Lady led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS None. 5. PRESENTATION BY CAL POL Y CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING OF EAST GRAND A VENUE MASTER PLAN Community Development Director McCants introduced Professor Zeljka Howard. Professor Howard presented opening remarks and explained the nature of the presentation. The presentation was prepared by the second year design students of the Cal Poly City and Regional Planning Department. She introduced the three students who would be making presentations as Heidi Vonblum, website creator; Inge Lundegaard, representing the Street Team; and Oxo Slayer, representing the other Street Team. Heidi Vonblum gave a demonstration and overview of the Cal Poly website that displays the material being presented at the special meeting. The website address is http://suntzu.larc.calpoly.edu/GrandAveAG Inge Lundegaard explained that the designs were created from information compiled from the City's workshops, a visual survey, and a community encounter survey in which members of the class came down to Arroyo Grande to interview citizens and get their input. She then proceeded to presehtEast Grand Avenue Design "Concept A - The Boulevard" for the segment of East Grand between Elm Street and Oak Park Boulevard. Oxo Slayer presented the East Grand Avenue "Concept B - Main Street". Council Members, staff, and the public were given the opportunity to view the drawings and concepts and ask questions of the students. -----.-..-..-.-. : SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 12,2001 PAGE 2 City Manager Adams reported that the drawings and concepts would be used in upcoming workshops in order to receive community feedback and the issue would come back to Council at a later date. Mayor Lady thanked the Cal Poly City and Regional PJanning students for their excellent presentation and materials. 6. ADJOURNMENT to the Regular Meeting of Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Time: 6:58 p.m. ~ ATTEST: '1M-- , Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk