CC 2019-08-27_08j 825 Virginia Drive_Vacation of Public Utility Easement MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ROBIN DICKERSON, CITY ENGINEER PATRICK HOLUB, PERMIT TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF THE SUMMARY VACATION OF A PORTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED AT 825 VIRGINIA DRIVE DATE: AUGUST 27, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of the Summary Vacation of a portion of a public utility easement that is not needed for utilities to allow the property owner to utilize the property. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no financial impact in vacating the easement. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopt a Resolution vacating a portion of a public utility easement at 825 Virginia Drive (the “Easement”). BACKGROUND: The Final Map for Tract 131 was recorded on February 2, 1959. As part of the Final Map, a Public Utility Easement (PUE) was recorded along the rear of Lots 1 through 12 of Block 3. The width of the PUE is 10’ for all lots except Lot 8, where the width of the PUE varies from 10’ at the southwestern corner of the property to a width of 37.58’ at the southeastern property corner. (Attachment 1) ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: On February 7, 2019, the property owner of Lot 8, located at 825 Virginia Drive, requested that the easement be reduced to a constant 10’ PUE and the excess portion of the PUE, located in the rear yard, be vacated to allow the construction of a 1,200 square-foot garage. The legal description of the property, legal description of the area of the PUE to be vacated and the plat of PUE area to be vacated were prepared by MBS Land Surveys and was reviewed by MNS Engineers for technical correctness. (Resolution Exhibits A, B, C) On February 8, 2019, Charter and AT&T provided approval of the proposed easement vacation (Attachment 2). On July 2, 2019, PG&E provided a non-objection letter regarding Item 8.j. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THE SUMMARY VACATION OF A PORTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED AT 825 VIRGINIA DRIVE AUGUST 27, 2019 PAGE 2 vacation of the easement. (Attachment 3). On August 14, 2019, Southern California Gas Company provided a non-objection letter certifying that they have no facilities within the easement. (Attachment 4). During the City’s review of the request, it was determined that the remaining ten-foot (10’) portion of the variable width public utility easement was sufficient for public utility purposes. California Streets and Highways Code Section 8333 authorizes the City to summarily vacate a public service easement if it is determined to be excess and there are no other public facilities located within the easement. City staff has made that determination and there are no public facilities located in this portion of the utility easement. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staff’s recommendation; 2. Do not approve staff’s recommendation; 3. Modify as appropriate and approve staff’s recommendation; or 4. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: By vacating the Easement, the owner of the overlying property will be able to utilize this portion of the property and construct the proposed detached garage. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) and the State CEQA Guidelines, it has been determined that this item is not subject to CEQA per Section 15061(b)(3) of the Guidelines, regarding the common sense rule that where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility of a significant effect on the environment, an activity is not subject to CEQA.  PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. At the time of report publication, no comments have been received. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Tract Map No. 131 2. Clearance Letters from AT&T and Charter 3. Non-objection letter from PG&E 4. Non-objection letter from SoCalGas Item 8.j. - Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUMMARILY VACATING A PORTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AT 825 VIRGINIA DRIVE WHEREAS, Chapter 4 of the Public Streets, Highways and Services Easements Vacation Law, commencing with Streets and Highways Code section 8330, provides for the summary vacation of streets and public service easements; and WHEREAS, the subject easement (the “Easement”) is a variable width easement from zero feet (0’) to twenty-seven and fifty-eight hundredths-feet (27.58’) and is a portion of a variable width public utility easement varying from ten feet (10’) to thirty-seven and fifty- eight hundredths-foot (37.58’) located on Lot 8 in Block 3 of Tract 131, and is described and depicted in Exhibits “A,” “B,” and “C,” respectively, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Section 8333 of the Streets and Highways Code authorizes the City Council to summarily vacate a public service easement when it has been determined to be excess by the easement holder, and there are no other public facilities within the easement; and WHEREAS, the Easement is not needed for public utility purposes and there are no utilities or public improvements located within the portion to be vacated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by their reference. 2. Determines that the subject Easement is a variable width easement varying from zero feet (0’) to twenty-seven and fifty-eight hundredths-feet (27.58’) portion of a variable width easement varying from ten feet (10’) to thirty-seven and fifty-eight hundredths-foot (37.58’) wide public utility easement located on Lot 8 in Block 3 of Tract 131. 3. Determines that the Easement is not needed for public utility purposes and there are no public facilities located within the Easement pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 8333(c). 4. Determines that the public convenience and necessity do not require reservation of any portion of the Easement. 5. Based on the findings set forth in this Resolution and the provisions of Section 8330 et seq of the Streets and Highways Code, the City Council does hereby order that the Easement, as described and depicted in Exhibits A, B and C, respectively, shall be and hereby is summarily vacated. Item 8.j. - Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 6. Declares that from and after the date this Resolution is recorded, the vacated public service easement no longer constitutes a public service easement. 7. Finds that all entities having any right, title, or interest in the public service easement being vacated have been notified of this action. 8. Authorizes and directs the City Clerk to cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo County. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of August, 2019. Item 8.j. - Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JAMES A. BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: HEATHER WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Item 8.j. - Page 5 EXHIBIT "A" GRANTEE'S PROPERTY (APNs: 006-443-008 and 075-011-047) Legal Description THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1: LOT 8 IN BLOCK 3 OF TRACT NO. 131 (WILLOW PARK), IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIOFRNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP RECORDED FEBRUARY 4, 1959 IN BOOK 6, PAGE 11 OF MAPS. TOGETHER WITH: THAT PORTION OF LOT 109 OF THE SUBDIVISIONS OF THE RANCHOS CORRAL DE PIEDRA, PISMO AND BOLSA DE CHEMISAL, SUBDIVIDED BY JAS T. STRATTON IN 1873 IN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP FILED FOR RECORD, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 8 IN BLOCK 3 OF TRACT NO. 131, ACCORDING TO MAP R ECORDED FEBRUARY 4, 1959 IN BOOK 6, PAGE 11 OF MAPS; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 8, 44.72 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE PROPERTY CONVEYED TO ADDISON B. WOOD, ET. AL. BY DEED DATED JUNE 3, 1958 AND RECORDED JUNE 25, 1958 IN BOOK 946, PAGE 27 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE PROPERTY SO CONVEYED 70 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE LINE BETWEEN LOTS 7 AND 8 IN BLOCK 3 OF SAID TRACT NO. 131; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY EXTENSION, 44. 72 FEET TO THE SOUTH CORNER COMMON TO SAID LOTS 7 AND 8; THENCE NORTH 89°34' EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 7, 70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Item 8.j. - Page 6 Item 8.j. - Page 7 EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Area of PUE to be Vacated That portion of Lot 8 in Block 3 of Tract No. 13 (Willow Park), in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to map filed February 4, 1959, in Book 6, Page 11 of Maps, records of said County, lying southeasterly of a line running from the southwest corner of said Lot 8 to a point on the east line of said Lot 8 which is 27.58 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot 8. The above described property is shown graphically on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein. * * * > Date 7 Thursday, April 18, 2019; 9:06 AM Page 1 of 1 N:\2016\16-163 825 Virginia Drive -Arroyo Grande\Legal Description for PUE Quitclaim\16-163 PUE QUITCLAIM LEGAL DESCRIPTION.docx Randy Ellison, LS7065 Item 8.j. - Page 8 r:: 0 "' ~ 0 .c 0 § E 0 N oi a, 0 N a:i L a. <( i. 3 g ::i 0 0 Lu ti) 0 a. Cl'.'. 0 a. I') IO I IO / I') 0 N I 0 I') u ,;; 'tJ C E " 0 g <( I ., > ·c 0 0 'c. -~ 5 ttJ N IO I') IO I IO / IO 0 N / z ( a::: I'--, a 0 ci I") r ~ 0 I f-a::: -l 0 z EXHIBIT C PLAT OF PUE AREA TO BE VACATED VIRGINIA DRIVE N89"34'E 70.00' R Lo-r r) 0 rJ I or--1< D~ ..____,,,J 3 -rRAc-r 'j 3 'J 5 J'vJB 'j 'j APN:006-443-008 REMAINING EASEMENT v .-.-.·.·.·.·.·. .·.·.·.·····"·· PROPOSED QUITCLAIM;;;;,!. N89"34'E 70.00' R APN :075-011-047 SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 8 i a::: a ~ 0 I") ~ I f-a::: 0 z 0 I.() N CT) r 0 -l ~ □ GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 I ~------I I _,,,,--- ) 0 SOUTHEAST ORNER OF LOT 8 1 inch = 20 feet ---E LEGEND R 6 MB 1 1 ~ MIC HAEL B. STANTO N , PLS 5702 o 3563 SUELDO ST . UNIT Q Ii iii SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 IJ§>.►jQ;ffiili sos-594-1 960 825 V I RG I NIA CO U RT ARROYO GRANDE, CA JOB #16-163 April 18, 2019 MAP OF TRACT NO. 131 WILLOW PARK VOt.11/V/Ef qf}i; PM,E /0� O,R, i<t;&r1<1C1'j()IJ'; 1/0LVME /Oo</ Pl,t,£: /ff/,, 0 ,/?.. A ..SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OP LOT I 08 OF STRAlTON'S ..SURVEY OF THE' RANCHO CORRAL OE PIEDRA OWNER'S CERTIFICATE WE 77fE l/NOERSl;,/VDJ l)O HEREBY CE/?nFY THAT WE ARE ALL 7711! OWNERS A/VD OTHERS IN INTEREST AND THAT W,!!' ,4/i'E 'THE ONLY ONES 1¥//AfE CONS£NT ANO S/C'IVA'Tllli'ES Al7F' /VF­Cil=SSARY 7?J PA.5:5 A CL EAR rlTLE TO THE TRACT OF LANO AND IT.:5' SUBDI///SION HEREON Ol:L.INEATED, "MJP'OF T/'fAC,,­/VO. I.JI/: A#LJ T/1/S IJ A CORRECT A,fA,P OF A# ACTVALSCIRYEt" A/AOE or Ol/li' CONSENT ANO VNDEI? OVR DIRl!CTI ONS,AN0 !41, IIEl71!8Y tJrFl!R ANO OE OICATE TO Pt/BUC 11.:iE ALL Sln'EET.S SHOWN llN SAID MAP, WITHIN SAil) St/Bi)IV/S/0/V. we ALSO /IE,PEBY Dl:l)IQ/Ti: Fi:JR PUBLIC //SE EA-fEMEIV� FOR Pf/BL.IC UTILITIES U/VOf:li', ON OR OVER 71/0S£ CERTAIN STRIPS OF LAND Ol!'­S/t::/V'4TEO AS• t/TIL/TY /:A,5£ MENT•A-5 SIIOWl'I ON SA/0 MAI', Will/IN SAID Sl/80/VJS'/ON: S//CII .STl/'IPS OF LANG 'TOBE KEPT OPEN l'IHO FRE/:FUC!M BUILOll'IG'S ANO STRUCTVRES OF ANY Kl/VO. WE ALSO HfcHEBY 0£0/CATE FOR Pl/BL.IC US£ TH_E "p""/j'I( "IN BLOCK iWO r.:V AS SIIOWIV 0,V SA/I) M,IP, WIW//V SAi{) .Sl/,81)/VISION'. '-fl, OA71=0 TN1sj-jidDAY OF� ', --;;c A.O. l9Sjl, £.-.u..·,,, t()LJ� 61:v,, m. lrh,t✓ m� SCR/DEI) ro 77{£ FO REGOING OWNERS CIF/i'TI /CATE /I/VD Tl{AT TlfEY AC.f/V()WLEOGEO 7/J ME 7,JfJT T/IEY EYECL.17;!£,0 771£ SAMt. WIT/fi!'SS MY #AIVO A/VO OFFICIAL SEAL Tl/E' OAJ' ANO YE AR HEREINBEFORE Wli'ITTEH. 19.M_ CITY· OF ARROYO GRANDE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. CALIFORNIA L. O. l<RAATZ-R.E, N0.9BOc. -DE'CEMBl:R,1958 CERTIF!CATEOFC/TY CLER!( ?J/71-!fff!!jff J!f."f&fifHf tf,./;!f !}/J!i/: Afff(/%of::ftfEof�% CITY OIi) oN THE.,l1J!/__l),4y OF ,ife,I,.,. A.a 19.>9 APPli'OVE 77/E MAP OF Tl?ACr Na /3/ S#OM,W /llili'!:ON ANO ACCEPTED ON ,!JEIIAU OFTllE PUBLIC ALL THE FOLLOWING STl?l:ETS Ti:J WIT; WILLOW LAiii:, VIR(i'INIA COVRT AIVO W(Jc)OLAIVD DR/Vii, ANO 771!: -PARK-Ill. BLOC/I' TWO (,V 8ii'IIV6' THE LANDS OFFE/i'!:D FO R DED I CA770N RY? PUBLIC USE, IN CON'FORMITY 7tJ THE n[l?MS OF OE[)ICATION BY 71/E PARr!l,S IIAYIN&' ANJ' /?ECOl?D rtnE INTER£ST IN SAID L1WbANL)$E,f}£'-8Y CliRTIFY 'TIIAT A=aHO/IVt; TO T//E HECOli'DS IN MY OFF/Cl! 71fEli'E AH!: M:7 LIENS A;;A/IVST s:410 SU,81)1///SIONS GI'? A;,A/#ST Alf)' PART T8E/?£tJF FOIi' UNPAID ST7/TI!:, COU,VTY,MVA//C/PAL. aq LOCAL TA ¥ES Oil SPR:I AL AS'SE5SAIEJVr:s C,O�ln::7ED AS 7:4J!'ES,· EXCEP T 'lRJ!'E.1' ()If' SPEC/Al. A:ss.ES:SAl':flJ HOT YET �IJLE. Wff/115:Sf MY IMA'O A,llt) OFFICIAL. SFAL 77,l/f t:/41' a,,-A,O. J!JS51. Jifh,,{J,,. ;,,,,Jtd,,;u¼ cTr CLERK APORES. b /All?'li'ESTS REFERRED TO IN SECT/ON IIS87-A OF THE 8VS/Ni:SS ANP .Plf'OFES.SIONS CODE OF THE STAT£' Or CAl/FORNIA. -NONE- C£RTIF/CAT£ OF COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR I, J.E.BARRETr, COVIi/TY TAXC:OL.Ll:CT OR OF THE COVNTJ"OF SAN L{I/S OBISPO, STATE OF CAt.lFORIVIA, 00//EREBY CEli'T'IFY THAT 7?/EUE.Al?E No LIENS FOR C/NPA/0 .. :n;,;re;co//Al'TY, Jffl/NICIPAL. 0/i' OTlti:R T.1J'c$ OR SPECIAL ASSESSME,VTS, .li'.YCFPT T?IYES M7T n,T PAYABLE Att'A INST 77/E PR'7,PERTY HERE ON OELIIVEA:!ED "AMI' OF Tl?ACT .w. 1ar NOR J,:'A/NST A,YY PAl?T Tlfl!:,f'EOF. WITlrESf ,;,r lfl/,VP ,4,110 OFFICMLSEAt. TIIIS...:2-,,_ PAY oF:::i&L_.-t,lU.!U:f. caM�oJ.24 AFi:WitSAIZ> CERT/r/CATE OF EIV6'/N££B, I, L.D. KRAATZ. HElf'EBY CERTI FY TIIA'T I AM A lf'EGISTERECJ CWL. ENC'/NEEI? OF TIIE S OF CALIPO!i'NIA, ANO Tl/AT THIS M,1P CONSISTI NG OFT. SHEETS, CORl?ECTL.l' REP RESEIVT.S A SVRVEY MAIJE V. i'i" MY SC/r.'E,fVIS.1'4W ANfJ TIIA'T 4LL MON· UMENTS .S#OWAI HEli'EON ACWALLY EY/ST ANO 7711!'/R .Pos/T/OIVS ARE GO/i'REC7Z-Y Sf/OWN. CERTIFICATE OF CITY PLAHN/N(; COM. THIS MAP IS HEREBY Af'PROVEO THIS�MYOF A.O. 19.'i:f,, BY THI: CIT;' ,PLANNING COMMISSION 0. OF ARROYO GRANfJI:, StATE OF CALIF'ORIVIA. 4d; .au;, .. ., CIMIRMAN Ct::RTIFICATE OF CITY E:Nc;INEER' I, Ullf:Mct,e/'1'11-?/1, CITY ,l;Nt;,"INl!:ER OF THE CITY OF AR ROYO Gli'ANO/£, CO{I/VTY OF .5AN Lt/IS OBISPO, STAT£ OF C�1L/FORHIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY 'THAT I 8.4//I! £YAM/NED 'THE WI THIN MAP SHOWN HEli'IWN AND THAT Tl/£ SUB'OIV/Slt:JNSHCWN IS SUBSTAN­TIAL.LY 7711: SAME AS IT ,4Pl'liAHS ON 711£ TEHTA7tV,: MAP ANO 77{Ai ALL PlfOY/S/Ol,/S OF OIVIS/ON-¢,PA/f'TZ, Cl'/A/'Tel?Z QC'771E Bf/SINESS A/ID Pff{JFESS/0/VS CO OE OF THI: STAT£ OF CAL.IFORHll'I /'<JR 771£ l"EA/i' Or /!!J+<B, ANO ALL. .�OCAL 0/fOINAAICES /MYE 6£'£/v TULLY COM/>UE.t) WITH AN,� / A.M SAnSFIEO THAT SL/CH ,!JJP IS TEC#IVICALLY COR/f'£Cr. WIT/IESS MY lfAIYIJ 771/.S� DAi' OF erlcvoc7 /4L!.&>,_2. . el· tf:�.,-._/ CITY EN/91#£.AFOJ'ileSAID Flt.ED F'OR RE:'CORD AT THI: RE(?Vl!:'ST OF L.L). KRA.4T.Z THIS� DAI' OF-pr ,4.LJ. /.9.!i,Z_Ar ,�Gs 2 1 'P M. IN BOOK_b __ OF MAPS AT PA&CE /I , S :;;//,0" 0.Bts'l"O COt/AITY 1?5COl?L)S. F ££ 11 ""' ;r; l;J-;,-" ,,_./vcouHTY RECo/i'OER .SIIEE'T I Or .t? ATTACHMENT 1 Item 8.j. - Page 9 ~~-- 1hMJ e.q;~ 774TE 'ft?(.?) ¥.OE Item 8.j. - Page 10 LO 1 LEGEND 'I'"-INOtcArE:".s 1r,,·✓-1cSETORFOt/NDAS N07"E.C> 1 WITI/ B/1/ASS rAG -R. E. Ji/601{. Ser /N CONCRETE; r //vl)/CArE"S 1/f,_"1.P. SET e· BEt.OW -STREET WITH Bf/ASS 7"AG•R.EJ3806 .SET /N CONCRET£ ANtJ CA.Sr IRON HA..V,::!HO't.E FRAM£ ANL:J CO/IE.R, ✓NO/CATES ,1'-,,?'"REOHl'O'OL) .SrAKE AND HAit. .:;Er 4T AU t.Or COlf'I/E/fS ANO AAlt:t.£ A:7/IViO". Bt/lLOING SErBACK eOUAt.S cO'M/1✓• l:,YCEPT AS NOTED. / 0 8 R£F£Rc/>IC£ MAPS ,BCJOK A -PAGE 65' RECORD OF SURVEYS BOOK 1-PA&E ,:;;r RECORD OF St/RVers 800/(9-Pllt:I: .S NOT£-'THE BASIS 01"' SE'AR/N,;'.S l"'CJR THIS SURVEY W"1S T,1K£N FROM T#£ .EAST L.IN£ OF HAt.CYtJ..VRa 77,1£ Bl:AR/N&' Sc/IVG NOTED A.s NdRT11. . "" -14~00'N;;._,.,..}._ zst.oz· 'S. '-0 Nes•.,-+'E \ .za.r.ze• ,< 0 'v TRACT NO. 131 MAP OF WILLOW PARK A SUBDIVISION OF A PORT/ 0 N OF STRAITON'S 5URVEY OF THE CORRAL DE PIEDRA BEING IN THE . LOT /09 OF RANCHO CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE .SAN LUIS OBl5PO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA L, D. KRAATZ-R.E' . .980'-0E'CE'MBl:R, !9.58 SCALE 1"=€;0' SHEET ZOFZ From:Jennifer Martin To:Patrick Holub Subject:Fwd: 825 Virginia Date:Wednesday, April 10, 2019 4:06:22 PM Jennifer Martin, Architect Elements Architecture + Design www.eadarchitecture.com (o) 805-481-2631 Begin forwarded message: From: "HAMLIN, TERRY A" Subject: RE: 825 Virginia Date: February 8, 2019 at 8:01:47 AM PST To: Jennifer Martin Cc: "ZAKARIA, NEIL M" Thank you Jennifer, So to make sure I understand this situation correctly this area is being limited to the existing utilities path, strange that it was so large in the first place but that’s how things were done at one time. I don’t see any problem with releasing on the easement size and we will follow PG&E’’s lead as we are joint owners of the pole lead behind 825 Virginia. Please keep me abreast of how they intend to deal with this situation. Thank you, Terry Hamlin AT&T Manager – Right of Way/Public Works/Caltrans Monterey/Santa Cruz/San Benito/San Luis Obispo Counties 831/728-3641 196 Suburban Rd., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 "This email and any attachments are confidential AT&T property intended solely for the use of the recipients. If you received this message in error, please notify me and immediately delete this message from your computer. Any retention, distribution or other use of this email is strictly prohibited.” ATTACHMENT 2 Item 8.j. - Page 11 From: Jennifer Martin Sent: Friday, February 08, 2019 7:42 AM To: HAMLIN, TERRY A > Subject: Fwd: 825 Virginia Terry, Attached is a diagram showing the existing easements and a sketch of the “proposed” modification to the easement. As I mention the lower portion that says “county of slo” is nw merged with the upper portion that merger document number is 2017-036306 Please free to call my cell if you have any questions. Thanks for your time, look forward to hearing from you. Jennifer Martin, Architect Elements Architecture + Design www.eadarchitecture.com (o) 805-481-2631 Item 8.j. - Page 12 From:Jennifer Martin To:Patrick Holub Subject:Fwd: 825 Virginia Date:Wednesday, April 10, 2019 4:05:57 PM Attachments:image001.png 10" minimum PUE and Possible Quitclaim area.pdf Original PUE area on Tract 131 Map.pdf Jennifer Martin, Architect Elements Architecture + Design www.eadarchitecture.com (o) 805-481-2631 Begin forwarded message: From: "Schwiebert, Ryan M" < Subject: RE: 825 Virginia Date: February 8, 2019 at 8:00:08 AM PST To: Jennifer Martin Hi Jennifer, We have no conflict with new PUE. Thanks Ryan Schwiebert l Construction Coordinator 270 Bridge St l San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401 Office: 805-783-4942 From: Jennifer Martin Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2019 3:40 PM To: Schwiebert, Ryan M Subject: Fwd: 825 Virginia Ryan, Attached is a diagram showing the existing easements and a sketch of the Item 8.j. - Page 13 “proposed” modification to the easement. As I mention the lower portion that says “county of slo” is nw merged with the upper portion that merger document number is 2017-036306 Please free to call my cell if you have any questions. Thanks for your time, look forward to hearing from you. Jennifer Martin, Architect Elements Architecture + Design www.eadarchitecture.com (o) 805-481-2631 The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply e-mail and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, copying, or storage of this message or any attachment is strictly prohibited. Item 8.j. - Page 14 Land Services Office 4325 S. Higuera St. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 69396 825 Virginia (PUE).doc July 02, 2019 City of Arroyo Grande Mr. Patrick Holub 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Dear Mr. Holub: This is regarding the proposed vacation of a portion of the Public Utility Easement (PUE) affecting property located at 825 Virginia Drive, Arroyo Grande (APN’s: 006- 443-008 & 075-011-047). PG&E has no utility facilities within the proposed vacated area of (PUE) as shown on the exhibits provided. Therefore, we do not object to the vacation. Please be advised PG&E can only consent to the PUE’s use insofar as it pertains to PG&E’s interests. Upon approval of the vacation by the City Council, please send a copy of the Resolution of Vacation to: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Attn: Tim Pearson Land Department 4325 S. Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 If you have any questions or concerns regarding this ma tter, please call me at (805) 546-3887 or email me at trpc@pge.com. Sincerely, Tim Pearson Land Agent ATTACHMENT 3 Item 8.j. - Page 15 al Pacific Gas and ~&~ Electric Company WE DELIVER ENERGY. Southern California Gas Company 9400 Oakdale Av Chatsworth, Ca. 91311 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 2300 Chatsworth, Ca. 91313 M.L.9333 August 14, 2019 City of Arroyo Grande Mr. Patrick Holub 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Subject: No-Objection Proposed installation of Garage at rear of 825 Virginia DR. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 APN# 006-443-008 and 075-011-047 Dear Mr. Holub: We have reviewed our company’s facility maps and the copy of the proposed Quitclaim portion of the PUE (Public Utility Easement) that you have provided. We have no objection to the proposed project at rear of subject address and no objection to the proposed Quitclaim of the 27.58 foot portion of the PUE, (Public Utility Easement) at rear of subject address. The gas service line is running from Virginia Dr. The proposed Garage is not in conflict with the gas service line or meter, which is located on the front, north east side of the property. Southern California Gas Company is only responsible to maintain the gas service line from street to gas meter on the property, any house line (gas line) after gas meter is owner(s) responsibility. In compliance of State Law, please call Dig Alert 48 hours before you begin any work, so all utilities can be marked. The Dig Alert number is 811. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (818) 701-3996. Sincerely, Antoine Gautier Southern California Gas Company Northwest Region Technical Service Right-of-Way ATTACHMENT 4 Item 8.j. - Page 16 South,m California Gas Campany· A ~ Sempra En er gy" compan y