CC 2019-10-08_08e Accept Lift Station No_1 Force Main Replacement ProjectMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL ROBESON, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BY: JILL MCPEEK, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE LIFT STATION NO. 1 FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT, PW 2017-07 DATE: OCTOBER 8, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Acceptance of the Lift Station No. 1 Force Main Replacement project and beginning of the one-year warranty period for any defects that may arise. This project was completed ahead of schedule and under budget. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget included $1,164,880 for the design, construction, inspection, and administration of the project, and the amount needed is estimated to be $890,756 as follows: Budgeted Actual REVENUE Developer Contribution $ 41,180 $ 41,180 Sewer Fund 602,400 454,373 Sewer Facility Fund 521,300 395,203 TOTAL REVENUE $ 1,164,880 $ 890,756 EXPENDITURES Construction and Contingencies $ 913,200 $ 681,001 Construction Mgt, Inspection, Advertise, Testing 129,400 118,148 Preliminary Study, Design, Survey 122,280 91,607 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,164,880 $ 890,756 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1.Accept the project improvements as constructed by Lyles Utility Construction, LLC in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Lift Station No. 1 Force Main Replacement project, PW 2017-07; 2. Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3. Authorize release of retention, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. Item 8.e. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE LIFT STATION NO. 1 FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT, PW 2017-07 OCTOBER 8, 2019 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: On May 14, 2019, the Council awarded a construction contract to perform the Lift Station No. 1 Force Main Replacement project to Lyles Utility Construction, LLC in the amount of $644,281.60 and authorized the City Manager to approve change orders in the amount of $64,428.16 for a total amount of $708,709.76. The contractor’s final construction cost for this project is $681,000.84. The project scope of work consisted of the installation of approximate 3,500 linear feet of 8-inch sewer force main pipe along West Branch Street between Oak Park Boulevard and Brisco Road using horizontal directional drilling (HDD) techniques. The force main replacement helps eliminate the probability of breaks in the future and greatly reduces the risk for the potential of substantial fines that can be imposed as a result of breaks. The use of HDD helped minimize traffic impacts during construction, in particular around the Five Cities Center area. The project abandoned the current crossing under Highway 101 which eliminates potential liability should there be a break or a failure if the force main were to remain under Highway 101. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The contractor has completed the work in accordance with the approved plans and specifications ahead of schedule and under the available budget. There are no outstanding issues. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Accept the Lift Station No. 1 Force Main Replacement project; 2. Do not accept the project; 3. Accept the project but do not authorize release of retention; or 4. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The project is complete and accepting the improvements will allow staff to close out the project. The project is consistent with the City Council goal to support City infrastructure. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is needed to accept the project. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachment: 1. 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