R 1734 ., RESOLUTION NO. 1734 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING THE PRE-APPLICATION FOR A CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT. WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has experienced significant growth in population and traffic over the past 20 years, and WHEREAS, the City's General Plan was adopted in 1975 and the Circulation Element was included at the time of adoption, and WHEREAS, with present growth activities, and the prospects in the immediate future, a circulation element and traffic safety study is needed now to allow the City to cope with existing and future traffic safety problems, and WHEREAS, clearly, the City does not have the means or the need to hire a full time traffic engineer or traffic safety consultant at this time, and WHEREAS, it is also clear that with the circumstances now existing and the growth projected, that the expertise is needed and the position warranted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Arroyo Grande desires to obtain a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety to retain a profes- sional traffic engineering consulting firm to provide the needed expertise to resolve current safety problems and to provide the City with the means to deal with traffic safety and circulation in the future, and THAT there are several traffic engineering programs that the City of Arroyo Grande would like to establish at this time within this grant, including Review of the complete traffic circulation system of the City to determine: a. Short term transportation improvements. b. Long range circulation plan. Study the high accident locations and develop remedial actions to resolve the problems identified. Develop a traffic accident record system, whereby pertinent in- formation can be filed in a meaningful manner to provide a continuing traffic accident surveillance program. Conduct a traffic control device inventory identifying devices which need replacement. Generate an ongoing program for the replacement of obsolete traffic control devices and create a permanent traffic control device record system. Prepare a priority list for future traffic signal locations, and THAT we, in the City of Arroyo Grande feel that this study is extremely important at this time, as it would set in motion the traffic engineering programs to allow the City to deal with current and future conditions on our streets, and THAT the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande supports the Grant Pre-Application as submitted. On motion by Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Counci Imen Vandeveer, Mi I I is, Hogan and Mayor Smi.th NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 22nd day of November 1983. ~ -13' tJAfA</ . Mayor 'TTE"'~';~ e y City Clerk -- -----'--- ---------