CC 2019-12-10_08g Agreement for Street Sweeping Services9 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL ROBESON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BY: RON SIMPSON, PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL FOR A TWO-YEAR AGREEMENT AND TWO ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS WITH VENCO POWER SWEEPING, INC. TO PROVIDE STREET SWEEPING SERVICES DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of an agreement with Venco Power Sweeping, Inc. for continued street sweeping services. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The total cost of the four-year agreement will be $446,832. This includes:  $187,200 for the two-year contract plus (2) one year extensions - $97,344 for the 1st year extension and $101,088 for the 2nd year extension. This part of the contract covers the sweeping of 312 curb miles around the City.  Also part of the four-year contract is twice monthly sweeping of the City’s seven parking lots at a cost of $45,000 and the weekly sweeping of asphalt area at the Corporation Yard at a cost of $16,200. Fiscal Year Budget 2019/20 contains $90,000 for street sweeping services. The existing agreement expires December 31, 2019. With the new agreement, there will be an increase in the cost for services for the remainder of FY 2019-20 in the amount of $10,200. Funds for additional/extension years will be allocated for in future budgets. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a two- year agreement with the option to extend the agreement for two one-year extensions with Venco Power Sweeping, Inc. and appropriate $10,200 to provide street sweeping services for the remainder of FY 2019/20. Item 8.g. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL FOR A TWO-YEAR AGREEMENT AND TWO ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS WITH VENCO POWER SWEEPING, INC. TO PROVIDE STREET SWEEPING SERVICES DECEMBER 10, 2019 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: In December of 2015, the City Council approved an agreement with Venco Power Sweeping for street sweeping services. The agreement was for a two-year period, expiring on December 31, 2017. The agreement was eligible for two (2) one- (1) year time extensions subject to the same terms, conditions and provisions as contained in the original agreement, which will expire on December 31, 2019. A Request for Proposals (RFP) for Street Sweeping Services was distributed on October 25, 2019 to five vendors. Three (3) proposals were submitted and opened on November 19, 2019 at the prescribed time. The Bid Opening Log Sheet is included as Attachment 1. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The City of Arroyo Grande conducts street sweeping services through the use of private vendors. Street sweeping is one of the essential services provided by the City. It benefits the community by picking up leaves, debris, and storm drain pollutants, as well as helping the City meet California Water Board Storm Water Pollution Protection Mandates. This street sweeping service covers: 1. 312 miles of curb and gutter 2. Seven city maintained parking lots; and 3. The large paved areas of the City’s Corporation Yard. All three vendors who submitted proposals meet the proposal requirements and possess the requisite public agency street sweeping experience. Venco Power Sweeping, Inc. is currently contracted by the County of San Luis Obispo, City of Pismo Beach and City of Grover Beach, as well as being the current vendor for the City of Arroyo Grande. While staff is recommending the Council approve an agreement with Venco Power Sweeping, Inc. it should be noted that they were not the low bidder. The following shows the three companies that bid along with bid totals: 1. CleanStreet - $700,896.00 2. Venco - $446,832.00 3. SP Maintenance - $442,646.00 The City’s Purchasing Policies & Procedures Manual, states that, “The City’s policy is to obtain goods and services of the highest quality for the lowest cost.” When balancing these criteria, other factors are also to be considered, such as ability, capacity and skill and previous vendor experience. Over the past 4 years, Venco has shown excellent customer service and has been very responsive with a minimum number of citizen complaints (about 4 complaints annually). This was not the case with other service providers that were used in the past. Item 8.g. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL FOR A TWO-YEAR AGREEMENT AND TWO ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS WITH VENCO POWER SWEEPING, INC. TO PROVIDE STREET SWEEPING SERVICES DECEMBER 10, 2019 PAGE 3 The proposed agreement is structured exactly the same; however, costs for street sweeping services have increased over the past four years due to labor, fuel and equipment maintenance costs. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Approve staff’s recommendation to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement; 2. Modify the terms and/or conditions of the Agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement; 3. Do not approve the Agreement; or 4. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: If the City Council accepts staff’s recommendation to award the contract to Venco Power Sweeping, Inc. there will be less time expended bringing a new vendor up to speed on the changes made to the street sweeping schedule. The highest quality for the lowest cost is achieved since we have experienced the proven high quality service from Venco and they are only $4,186.00 higher than the lowest bid, less than a 1% difference. DISADVANTAGES: By selecting another street sweeping service provider, there is a risk of lower quality service, a learning curve about the details of the sweeping schedule and locations and a high potential of an increase in staff time responding to citizen issues and complaints. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this administrative action. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachments: 1. Bid Opening Log 2019 2. Bid Opening Log 2015 Item 8.g. - Page 3 Item 8.g. - Page 4AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACTOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, is made and effective as of December 10, 2019, between VE NCO POWER SWEEPING, INC. ("Contractor''), and the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a Municipal Corporation ("City"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2020 and shall remain and continue in effect until December 31, 2021, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement is eligible for two (2), one-(1) year time extensions on the same terms, conditions and provisions as contained in the Agreement, except as otherwise provided herein. Each option to extend shall be exercisable by written notice from the Contractor to the City of the Contractors intent to exercise its election for said option no later than six (6) months prior to the end of the previous term. If contractor fails to timely give written notice of its intent to exercise the applicable option, all options, hereunder shall expire. 2. SERVICES Contractor shall perform the tasks described and comply with all terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. PERFORMANCE Contractor shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of his/her ability, experience and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. AGREEMENT ADMINISTRATION City's Public Works Manager, Ron Simpson, shall represent City in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. Bill Barrett, President, shall represent Contractor in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. 5. PAYMENT The City agrees to pay the Contractor in accordance with the payment rates and terms set forth in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Page 1 Item 8.g. - Page 56. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE (a) The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. (b) In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section 5. 7. TERMINATION ON OCCURRENCE OF STATED EVENTS This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Bankruptcy or insolvency of any party; (b) Sale of Contractor's business; or (c) Assignment of this Agreement by Contractor without the consent of City. (d) End of the Agreement term specified in Section 1. 8. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR (a) The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. (b) If the City Manager or his/her delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, he/she shall cause to be served upon the Contractor a written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. Page2 Item 8.g. - Page 69. LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. Contractor shall: (a) Procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices which may be necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the services to be performed by Contractor under this Agreement; (b) Keep itselffully informed of all existing and proposed federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees which may affect those engaged or employed under this Agreement, any materials used in Contractor's performance under this Agreement, or the conduct of the services under this Agreement; (c) At all times observe and comply with, and cause all of its employees to observe and comply with all of said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above; {d) Immediately report to the City's Contract Manager in writing any discrepancy or inconsistency it discovers in said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above in relation to any plans, drawings, specifications, or provisions of this Agreement. (e) The City, and its officers, agents and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this Section. 10. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS (a) Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts, and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Contractor shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records; shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records; shall permit City to make transcripts therefrom as necessary; and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. (b) Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused, or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Contractor. With respect to computer files, Contractor shall make available to the City, at the Contractor's office and upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary Page3 Item 8.g. - Page 7computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring, and printing computer files. 11. INDEMNIFICATION (a) Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Contractor's Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and costs to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contractor, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Contractor shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. (b) Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and any and all of its employees, officials and agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including attorneys fees and costs, court costs, interest, defense costs, and expert witness fees), where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Contractor or by any individual or entity for which Contractor is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subcontractors of Contractor, (c) General Indemnification Provisions. Contractor agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth here in this section from each and every subContractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Contractor in the performance of this agreement. In the event Contractor fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required here, Contractor agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this section. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth here is binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Contractor and shall survive the termination of this agreement or this section. 12. INSURANCE Contractor shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Page4 Item 8.g. - Page 8113. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR (a) Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent Contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, or agents shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officers, employees, or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. (b) No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. UNDUEINFLUENCE Contractor declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure was or is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande will receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from Contractor, or from any officer, employee or agent of Contractor, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. Violation of this Section shall be a material breach of this Agreement entitling the City to any and all remedies at law or in equity. 15. NO BENEFIT TO ARISE TO LOCAL EMPLOYEES No member, officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or responsibilities with respect to the project during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the project performed under this Agreement. 16. RELEASE OF INFORMATION/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (a) All information gained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Contractor without City's prior written authorization. Contractor, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Page 5 Item 8.g. - Page 9Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories, or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Contractor gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. (b) Contractor shall promptly notify City should Contractor, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions, or other discovery request, court order, or subpoena from any person or party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Contractor and/or be present at any deposition, hearing, or similar proceeding. Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Contractor. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 17. NOTICES Any notice which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, which provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by notice: To City: To Contractor: 18. ASSIGNMENT City of Arroyo Grande Ron Simpson, Public Works Manager 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Venco Power Sweeping, Inc. Bill Barrett, President 2400 Eastman Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, without the prior written consent of the City. Page6 Item 8.g. - Page 1019. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the superior or federal district court with jurisdiction over the City of Arroyo Grande. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 21. TIME City and Contractor agree that time is of the essence in this Agreement. 22. CONTENTS OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AND PROPOSAL Contractor is bound by the contents of the City's Request for Proposal, Exhibit "D", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and the contents of the proposal submitted by the Contractor, Exhibit "E", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of conflict, the requirements of City's Request for Proposals and this Agreement shall take precedence over those contained in the Consultant's proposals. 23. CONSTRUCTION The parties agree that each has had an opportunity to have their counsel review this Agreement and that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits thereto. The captions of the sections are for convenience and reference only, and are not intended to be construed to define or limit the provisions to which they relate. 24. AMENDMENTS Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be made only with the mutual written consent of all of the parties to this Agreement. Page 7 Item 8.g. - Page 1125. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he/she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. Page8 Item 8.g. - Page 12IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONTRACTOR By: __________ _ By: ___________ _ Caren Ray Russom, Mayor Its: ------------Attest: (Title) Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Tim Carmel, City Attorney Page9 Item 8.g. - Page 13EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK Standards of Service: A. The contractor agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and/or local laws governing the duties and obligation of businesses and employers. B. The standards of performance which the contractor is obligated to perform hereunder are standards considered by the City to be good street sweeping practices. Reference: Street Cleaning Practice, by American Public Works Association (most recent edition). C. Street sweepers will operate at suggested manufacturers sweeping speeds in accordance with local conditions and desired results. At no time may the street sweeper's speed exceed 6 miles per hour. D. The contractor shall so conduct their operations as to cause the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic. E. Sweeping will be done during daylight hours in all residential areas. Downtown and other commercial areas will be swept in early morning hours. F. The intersections (cross gutter area) along all scheduled streets are to be swept. All debris (including debris following inclement weather) along regularly scheduled routes, no matter what quantity, is to be removed. Work Performance: A. The City of Arroyo Grande will monitor the work performance of the contractor by randomly choosing ten (10) streets of a regularly scheduled route to spot check upon completion of that route. It is understood that if three (3) of the streets do not meet acceptable City standards, the contractor will be required to sweep the entire route again within 48 hours at no cost to the City. B. If a spot check determines a single street has not met the standards the operator shall re-sweep within 24 hours at no cost to the City. C. All potable water used for dust control will be provided, at no cost to the contractor through fire hydrants. The City will provide a Fire Hydrant Water Meter that is to be used every time the street sweeping vehicle fills up. Page 10 Item 8.g. - Page 14D. The contractor shall provide to the City, immediately following award of contract, the manufacturers gallons per minute (GPM) rating, for dust control, on each street sweeping unit. The contractor shall record the daily quantity of water used by any or all street sweeping equipment used to clean the regularly scheduled route. The daily totals will then be compared against the monthly metered potable water total to assist in verifying dust control compliance. If the daily recorded water usage does not meet or exceed the monthly metered potable water total, the City considers this a loss of value and reserves the right to reduce the curb mile rate by 50% for that month. E. City staff which observes the sweeping of regularly scheduled routes without the use of water for dust control will result in a 50% reduction of the curb mile rate for that day. F. Regularly scheduled routes that are not completely swept on the assigned day for any reason except for provisions in Sections VII & VIII, will require notification of City residents. The contractor will immediately place and pay for a "Notice of Street Sweeping Rescheduling" in the Tribune. A 1 /16" size advertisement stating the reason for rescheduling and the contractors name and phone number shall be included in the notification. The City reserves the right to add or modify the content of the "Notice of Street Sweeping Rescheduling". A final draft of the notification must be approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee prior to placement. G. Failure to sweep one or more streets, on a regularly scheduled route, may result in the City contracting for the cleanup of these streets. All contract and administrative costs incurred as a result of this failure to perform will be deducted from the regular monthly street sweeping invoice. At no time will "make-up" sweeps be allowed to occur on a regularly scheduled solid waste collection day. H. The determination of acceptable City standards will be made by the Public Works Director and/or his designee. Equipment: A. All equipment used for the performance of this contract shall be standard heavy-duty mechanical broom sweeping or air/vacuum equipment necessary to properly clean streets and alleys of litter, dirt, rocks, leaves, and other debris. Equipment shall be properly maintained both as to condition and appearance so as to insure a high level of street sweeping services. B. Sweeping equipment as well as disposal trucks shall be equipped with adequate warning devices and lights for safe operation and shall meet all vehicle operation requirements of the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles and the California Highway Patrol. Page 11 Item 8.g. - Page 15C. Machines must be maintained both mechanically and visually throughout the term of this agreement with capability to insure scheduled routine maintenance and proper adjustment for sweepers. D. Machines must be equipped with an adequate water spray system for dust control. E. All units shall be clearly and prominently marked with the contractor's name and unit number. F. Contractor must keep a sufficient supply of spare brooms and parts to insure continuous operation. Worn brushes and brooms shall be replaced and adjusted to insure maximum efficiency. G. All equipment must be properly registered and insured in accordance with state and local laws. Contractor must show proof of ownership or a signed lease for sufficient machinery to adequately perform services as specified in this agreement. H. All units shall have the capability of being contacted by their main office with radio or paging equipment. I. Contractor shall have the ability to provide two (2) sweepers to the City of Arroyo Grande within four (4) hours notice. J. Contractor shall have the ability to provide a mechanical broom type sweeper and an air/vacuum type sweeper with four (4) hours notice. Work to be Performed: During the term of any agreement entered into, contractor shall sweep all designated public streets and curbs and gutters, alleys, street medians, parking lots, center lanes and intersections within the incorporated City limits of Arroyo Grande with the assigned frequency as listed below. The contractor will adhere to the "Street Sweeping Schedule" provided to him by the City of Arroyo Grande. The City reserves the right to modify the "Street Sweeping Schedule" from time to time during the period of the contract. Additions or deletions to this schedule shall be made in accordance with unit prices as shown on the contract proposal, or at the City's sole discretion, as otherwise mutually agreed upon by the contractor and the City. Holidays: The City of Arroyo Grande will not require sweeping service on the following seven (7) holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. In the event that a scheduled sweeping shift is missed due to the aforementioned holidays, the contractor shall arrange for sweeping on another day within a five day working day period as described in Section Ill. Page 12 Item 8.g. - Page 16Inclement Weather: In the event that a scheduled sweeping shift is not possible due to weather conditions, equipment failure, or other unforeseen occurrences, contractor shall notify the City of Arroyo Grande at the earliest possible time and arrange for sweeping on another day within a five working day period. It is understood that the contractor will make up the missed sweeping shift on the first available day within the five working day limitation, or forfeit any and all compensation for that particular shift. Additional Work: A. In the event the City of Arroyo Grande desires to extend the street sweeping program to include newly constructed streets or alleys, or streets or alleys procured through annexations, or existing streets not listed or referenced in Section VI, "Work to be Performed" after the effective date of this agreement, then any additional sweeping which is required of the contractor shall be paid for at the applicable price per curb mile as specified in the contractor's proposal. B. The contractor shall provide additional miscellaneous street sweeping services for work not otherwise specified in these specifications, at the current hourly rate as specified in the bid proposal when requested to do so by the City of Arroyo Grande. C. Contractor from time to time may be requested to provide street sweeping services immediately following parades, community celebrations, and other activities involving City streets, alleys or parking lots. Compensation for this work will be paid at the hourly rate as specified in the contractor's proposal. D. In the event the City of Arroyo Grande desires to increase the frequency of sweeping on specific streets for short durations (1 to 2 months), the contractor shall be paid at the applicable price per curb mile as specified in the contractor's proposal. E. All sweeping as identified in this section, paragraphs B, C, and D, shall be performed so as not to interfere with the proper completion of the regular street sweeping schedule. Disposal of Sweeping Debris: The contractor shall dispose of all refuse and debris collected by his sweeping operation by hauling to a properly established and permitted area for disposal of sweeping debris. The Contractor will provide the City with the location of debris disposal and confirmation that the disposal location is properly permitted. At no time is the Contractor allowed to dispose of sweeping debris on or at City facilities. Page 13 Item 8.g. - Page 17Complaints: All complaints shall first be directed to the Public Works Director or his Designee, then to the contractor. It shall be the contractor's obligation to resolve all complaints within 24 hours. Page 14 Item 8.g. - Page 18EXHIBIT B PAYMENT SCHEDULE Street Sweepina -312 Curb Miles 1. Two Year Contract A. Unit Price Per Curb Mile $25.00 8. Total Per Month $7,800.00 C. Total Bid for Two Years $187,200.00 2. First Year Optional Contract Extension A. Unit Price Per Curb Mile $26.00 B. Total Per Month $8,112.00 C. Total Bid for 1-Year Extension $97,344.00 3. Second Year Optional Contract Extension A. Unit Price Per Curb Mile $27.00 B. Total Per Month $8,424.00 c. Total Bid for 1-Year Extension $101,088.00 Twice Monthly Sweeping of Seven Parkina Lots {Lumo Sum) 1. Two Year Contract A. Total Per Month $900.00 B. Total Bid for Two Years $21,600.00 2. First Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month $950.00 B. Total Bid for One Extension $11,400.00 3. Second Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month $1,000.00 B. Total Bid for One Extension $12,000.00 Weekly Sweeping of the City Corporation Yard Parkina Lot {Lumc Sum) 1. Two Year Contract A. Total Per Month $300.00 B. Total Bid for Two Years $7,200.00 2. First Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month $350.00 B. Total Bid for One Extension $4,200.00 3. Second Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month $400.00 B. Total Bid for One Extension $4,800.00 Page 15 Item 8.g. - Page 19Special Sweeping Service (Lump Sum) 1. Two Year Contract A. Lump Sum Per Hour I $110.00 2. (2) One Year Contract Extension A. Lump Sum Per Hour I $120.00 3. Second Year Contract Extension A. Lump Sum Per Hour I $125.00 Special Sweeping Service (Minimum No. of Hours) 1. Two Year Contract A. Minimum No. of Hours for I Special Sweeping 2 2. One Year Contract Extension A. Minimum No. of Hours for I Special Sweeping 2 3. One Year Contract Extension A. Minimum No. of Hours for I Special Sweeping 2 Street sweeping frequencies of any or all road segments may be increased or decreased by the City to accommodate budgetary restrictions or to address increased cleaning requirements. Page 16 Item 8.g. - Page 20EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Contractor will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Contractor will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Contractor agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Contractor acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Contractor shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy from CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage from CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less than $1,000,000 per accident. If Contractor owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Contractor or Contractor's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Contractor shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary) if used to meet limit requirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverages. Any such coverage provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include a drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self-insured retention for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Page 17 Item 8.g. - Page 21Policy shall contain a provIsIon obligating insurer at the time insured's liability is determined, not requiring actual payment by the insured first. There shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of Contractor, subcontractors or others involved in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designated to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of' the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurer that are admitted carriers in the state California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A-or better and a minimum financial size VII. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Contractor. Contractor and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Contractor: 1. Contractor agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Contractor also agrees to require all Contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Contractor, or Contractor's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Contractor agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all Contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. Page 18 Item 8.g. - Page 225. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over'' claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any Contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Contractor shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Contractor's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Contractor or deducted from sums due Contractor, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Contractor agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor'' (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Contractor or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 10. Contractor agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Contractor, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Contractor. Contractor agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Contractor agrees that upon request, all agreements with subContractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11. Contractor agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any Contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City. If Contractor's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City. At the time the City shall review options with the Contractor, which Page 19 Item 8.g. - Page 23may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Contractor ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Contractor, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increase benefit to City. 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Contractor of non-compliance with any insurance requirements in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Contractor will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Contractor shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Contractor's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Contractor under this agreement. Contractor expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive. 19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provIsIon in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. Page 20 Item 8.g. - Page 2420. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Contractor agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Contractor for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. 22. Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Contractor arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. Page 21 Item 8.g. - Page 25EXHIBIT D CITY'S REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Page 22 Item 8.g. - Page 26CITY OF Public Works Department NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS STREET SWEEPING SERVICES Due: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 No later than 2:00 P.M. Deliver to: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department 1375 Ash Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Attention: Glenda Boner Administrative Secretary OCTOBER 2019 Item 8.g. - Page 27NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS SEALED BIDS will be received at the City of Arroyo Grande, Public Works Department, 1375 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, 93420, until Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 2:00 PM. Bids delivered by fax or email will not be considered. Bids will be publicly opened at the Public Works Department, 1375 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, California, for performing work as follows: STREET SWEEPING SERVICES Scope of Work To provide street sweeping services to the City of Arroyo Grande on a regularly scheduled basis, by removing litter, leaves, dirt and debris from streets, alleys and parking lots. This service shall leave the streets, alleys, and parking lots with a presentable appearance and reduce the accumulation of dust and debris created by traffic, storm runoff and other causes. The contractor shall furnish, at his own expense, all tools, equipment, labor, material and services necessary for the satisfactory performance of the work set forth in the project specifications and bid documents. Submission of Bids Each bid must be submitted on bid forms furnished by the City, to the Public Works Department at 1375 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, California, 93420. Project specifications and all bid forms are available from the Public Works Department at 1375 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420, or online at www.arroyogrande.org. Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. November 19, 2019, at which time bids will be opened in the Public Works Administration Building. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids if deemed in the best interests of the City. Questions pertaining to this project shall be directed to Ron Simpson, Public Works Manager, at (805) 473-5488 or rsimpson@arroyogrande.org. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bill Robeson Public Works Director Item 8.g. - Page 28I. BID INTENT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE STREET SWEEPING SERVICES NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS To provide street seeping services to the City of Arroyo Grande on a regularly scheduled basis, by removing litter, leaves, dirt, and debris from streets, alleys, and parking lots. This program shall leave the streets with a presentable appearance and help reduce the accumulation of dust and debris created by traffic, storm runoff and other causes. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to furnish at his own expense all tools, equipment, labor, material, and services necessary for the satisfactory performance of the work set forth in these specifications. II. BACKGROUND The City of Arroyo Grande has historically contracted out street sweeping services. Ill. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. The contractor agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of Federal, State and/or local laws governing the duties and obligation of businesses and employers. B. The standards of performance which the contractor is obligated to perform hereunder are standards considered by the City to be good street sweeping practices. (Reference: Street Cleaning Practice, by American Public Works Association, most recent edition) C. Street sweepers will operate at suggested manufacturers sweeping speeds in accordance with local conditions and desired results. At no time may the street sweeper exceed 6 miles per hour. D. The operator shall conduct its operations so as to cause the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic. E. Sweeping will be done during daylight hours in all residential areas. Downtown and other commercial areas will be swept in early morning hours. F. The intersections (cross gutter areas) along with all scheduled streets are to be swept. All debris (including debris following inclement weather) along regularly scheduled routes, no matter what quantity, is to be removed. Item 8.g. - Page 29IV. SUBMISSION OF BIDS Each bid must be submitted on the bid forms furnished by the City of Arroyo Grande and shall be completed in accordance with City specifications and other contract documents on file with the Director of Public Works, 1375 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, California. All bidders will be required to submit information as to their industrial safety record on the form provided in the Bid. A review of this safety record will be made prior to a determination of the lowest responsible bidder, and an adverse finding as to the bidder's safety record or any bid submitted which does not contain the Contractor's Industrial Safety Record, filled out and signed by the Contractor, may be sufficient cause for rejection of the bid. Likewise, all bidders will be required to submit a certification of experience for a minimum of 2 years with regard to performance of previous contracts or subcontracts along with corresponding references. The City reserves the right to contact references and to take experience into consideration when evaluating a bidder's ability to satisfactorily perform this contract. No bid will be accepted from a contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with State Law. A City of Arroyo Grande Business License shall be obtained by the successful bidder. The City of Arroyo Grande reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bid Requirements A. General Information: The Administrative Secretary for the Public Works Department of the City of Arroyo Grande, California will receive sealed bids at their office at 1375 Ash Street, in said City, until 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November, 19, 2019. Said sealed proposals will be opened at the Public Works Department, 1375 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420. B. Examination of Specifications, Special Provisions and Site of Work: The bidder is required to examine carefully the site of work and the plans, specifications and contract forms for the work contemplated. The submission of a bid shall be considered conclusive evidence that the bidder has made such examination. C. Bid Forms: All bids must be submitted upon blank forms to be obtained from the Director of Public Works at his office, 1375 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, or contained in the bid package. All bids must give prices proposed, both in writing and figures, and must be signed by the bidder with his address. If the bid is made by an individual, his name and post office address and name and address of each member of the firm or partnership must be shown. If made by a corporation, the proposal must show the name of the state under the laws of which the corporation was Item 8.g. - Page 30chartered and the names, cities and business addresses of the president, secretary and the treasurer. D. Rejection of Bids: Bids may be rejected if they show any alterations of form, additions not called for, conditional or alternative bids, incomplete bids, erasures, or irregularities of any kind. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in bids received. E. Award of Contract: The award of the contract, if awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder whose proposal complies with all the requirements prescribed. Bidder "responsibility" will be evaluated using the factors contained in the City's Purchasing Policy for Formal Bids. Such award will be made within thirty (30) days after the opening of the bids. Bidders must be willing to accept the City's standard Contractor Agreement without modification. (sample attached) F. Execution of Contract: The contract shall be signed by the successful bidder and returned, together with insurance policies within ten (10) days, not including Sundays and legal holidays, after the bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded. No bid shall be considered binding upon the City until the execution of the contract. Failure to execute a contract within ten (10) days shall be just cause for the annulment of the award. G. Insurance: The successful bidder shall be required to submit insurance certificates and endorsements per Section XII of the Special Provisions. Liability insurance shall name the City of Arroyo Grande as additional insured and shall state that the policy will not be cancelled or materially changed prior to giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Director of Public Works for the City of Arroyo Grande, California. Item 8.g. - Page 31CONTRACT BID STREET SWEEPING FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID CALCULATION FORM The undersigned, as bidder, declares that he or she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans and specifications and has read the accompanying instructions to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to furnish all materials and do all work required to complete the said work in accordance with said plans, if any, and specifications in the time and manner therein prescribed, for the unit price or lump sum price set forth in the following schedule: Street SweeDina -312 Curb Miles 1. Two Year Contract A. Unit Price Per Curb Mile B. Total Per Month C. Total Bid for Two Years 2. First Year Optional Contract Extension A. Unit Price Per Curb Mile B. Total Per Month C. Total Bid for 1-Year Extension 3. Second Year Optional Contract Extension A. Unit Price Per Curb Mile 8. Total Per Month C. Total Bid for 1-Year Extension Twice Monthly Sweeping of Seven Parking Lots (Lump Sum) 1. Two Year Contract A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for Two Years 2. First Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month 8. Total Bid for One Extension 3. Second Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for One Extension Weekly Sweeping of the City Corporation Yard Parking Lot (Lump Sum) 1. Two Year Contract A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for Two Years 2. First Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for One Extension 3. Second Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for One Extension Item 8.g. - Page 32CONTRACT PROPOSAL STREET SWEEPING FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID CALCULATION FORM (Page 2) Special Sweeping Service (Lump Sum) 1. Two Year Contract A. Lump Sum Per Hour I 2. (2) One Year Contract Extension A. Lump Sum Per Hour I 3. Second Year Contract Extension A. Lump Sum Per Hour I Special Sweeping Service (Minimum No. of Hours) 1. Two Year Contract A. Minimum No. of Hours for I Special Sweeping 2. One Year Contract Extension A. Minimum No. of Hours for I Special Sweeping 3. One Year Contract Extension A. Minimum No. of Hours for I Special Sweeping TOTAL BID SHALL BE CALCULATED BY THE TOTAL PROPOSED COST FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 312 x Curb Mile Unit Price x 24 Months (Original Contract) 312 x Curb Mile Unit Price x 12 Months (1st year Contract Extension) 312 x Curb Mile Unit Price x 12 Months (2nd year Contract Extension) Twice Monthly Sweeping of Seven Parking Lots x 24 Months (Original Contract) Twice Monthly Sweeping of Seven Parking Lots x 12 Months (1st year Extension) Twice Monthly Sweeping of Seven Parking Lots x 12 Months (2nd year Extension) Weekly Sweeping of Corp Yard Parking Lot x 24 Months (Original Contract) Weekly Sweeping of Corp Yard Parking Lot x 12 Months (1st year Extension) Weekly Sweeping of Corp Yard Parking Lot x 12 Months (2nd year Extension) The undersigned understands and agrees that: A. All bids are to be calculated on the basis of the given estimated quantities of work, as indicated in this proposal, times the unit price, times twelve (12) months and/or thirty-six (36) months as submitted by the bidder. In case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail. In case of an error in the extension of a unit price, the corrected extension shall be calculated and the bids will be computed as indicated above and compared on the basis of the corrected totals. B. The estimated quantities of work indicated in the proposal are approximate only, being used solely as a basis for comparison of bids. Item 8.g. - Page 33CONTRACT PROPOSAL STREET SWEEPING FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID CALCULATION FORM (Page 3) C. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the City, before, during or after the execution of the agreement shall affect or modify any of the terms of obligations of this proposal. D. The City of Arroyo Grande will not be responsible for any errors or omissions on the part of the undersigned in making up his bid, nor will bidders be released on account of errors. E. In case the undersigned defaults in executing the required contract within ten (10) days (not including Sundays and legal holidays), after receiving notice that the contract is ready for signature, the contract shall be deemed null and void. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY DECLARES OR CERTIFIES UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY THAT: A. He or she has not, in any way, entered into any agreement or arrangement with any other bidder which is collusive or which might tend to, or does, lessen or destroy free competition in the letting of the contract sought for by these bids. B. No attempt has been made to induce any other bidder to submit a collusive bid, or to refrain from bidding. C. No bid has been accepted from any subcontractor which is known by the undersigned to be collusive. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of contractors, License No. ----------------Signature of Bidder: Business Address: Item 8.g. - Page 34SPECIAL PROVISIONS SECTION I Purpose of the Street Sweeping Contract: To provide street seeping services to the City of Arroyo Grande on a regularly scheduled basis, by removing litter, leaves, dirt, and debris from streets, alleys, and parking lots. This program shall leave the streets with a presentable appearance and free from dust created by traffic. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to furnish at their own expense all tools, equipment, labor, material and services necessary for the satisfactory performance of the work set forth in these specifications. SECTION II Contract Period: Any contract entered into shall be for a period of 24 months commencing on January 1, 2020, and ending on December 31, 2021. The successful bidder will be eligible for two (2) one year time extensions on the original contract, unless sooner terminated. The City of Arroyo Grande reserves the right to terminate or suspend this contract at any time as stipulated in Section XIV. SECTION Ill Standards of Service: A. The contractor agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and/or local laws governing the duties and obligation of businesses and employers. B. The standards of performance which the contractor is obligated to perform hereunder are standards considered by the City to be good street sweeping practices. Reference: Street Cleaning Practice, by American Public Works Association (most recent edition). C. Street sweepers will operate at suggested manufacturers sweeping speeds in accordance with local conditions and desired results. At no time may the street sweeper's speed exceed 6 miles per hour. D. The contractor shall so conduct their operations as to cause the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic. E. Sweeping will be done during daylight hours in all residential areas. Downtown and other commercial areas will be swept in early morning hours. F. The intersections (cross gutter area) along all scheduled streets are to be swept. All debris (including debris following inclement weather) along regularly scheduled routes, no matter what quantity, is to be removed. Item 8.g. - Page 35SECTION IV Work Performance: A. The City of Arroyo Grande will monitor the work performance of the contractor by randomly choosing ten (10) streets of a regularly scheduled route to spot check upon completion of that route. It is understood that if three (3) of the streets do not meet acceptable City standards, the contractor will be required to sweep the entire route again within 48 hours at no cost to the City. B. If a spot check determines a single street has not met the standards the operator shall re-sweep within 24 hours at no cost to the City. C. All potable water used for dust control will be provided, at no cost to the contractor through fire hydrants. The City will provide a Fire Hydrant Water Meter that is to be used every time the street sweeping vehicle fills up. D. The contractor shall provide to the City, immediately following award of contract, the manufacturers gallons per minute (GPM) rating, for dust control, on each street sweeping unit. The contractor shall record the daily quantity of water used by any or all street sweeping equipment used to clean the regularly scheduled route. The daily totals will then be compared against the monthly metered potable water total to assist in verifying dust control compliance. If the daily recorded water usage does not meet or exceed the monthly metered potable water total, the City considers this a loss of value and reserves the right to reduce the curb mile rate by 50% for that month. E. City staff which observes the sweeping of regularly scheduled routes without the use of water for dust control will result in a 50% reduction of the curb mile rate for that day. F. Regularly scheduled routes that are not completely swept on the assigned day for any reason except for provisions in Sections VII & VIII, will require notification of City residents. The contractor will immediately place and pay for a "Notice of Street Sweeping Rescheduling" in the Tribune. A 1 /16" size advertisement stating the reason for rescheduling and the contractors name and phone number shall be included in the notification. The City reserves the right to add or modify the content of the "Notice of Street Sweeping Rescheduling". A final draft of the notification must be approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee prior to placement. G. Failure to sweep one or more streets, on a regularly scheduled route, may result in the City contracting for the cleanup of these streets. All contract and administrative costs incurred as a result of this failure to perform will be deducted from the regular monthly street sweeping invoice. At no time will "make-up" sweeps be allowed to occur on a regularly scheduled solid waste collection day. H. The determination of acceptable City standards will be made by the Public Works Director and/or his designee. Item 8.g. - Page 36SECTION V Equipment: A. All equipment used for the performance of this contract shall be standard heavy-duty mechanical broom sweeping or air/vacuum equipment necessary to properly clean streets and alleys of litter, dirt, rocks, leaves, and other debris. Equipment shall be properly maintained both as to condition and appearance so as to insure a high level of street sweeping services. B. Sweeping equipment as well as disposal trucks shall be equipped with adequate warning devices and lights for safe operation and shall meet all vehicle operation requirements of the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles and the California Highway Patrol. C. Machines must be maintained both mechanically and visually throughout the term of this agreement with capability to insure scheduled routine maintenance and proper adjustment for sweepers. D. Machines must be equipped with an adequate water spray system for dust control. E. All units shall be clearly and prominently marked with the contractor's name and unit number. F. Contractor must keep a sufficient supply of spare brooms and parts to insure continuous operation. Worn brushes and brooms shall be replaced and adjusted to insure maximum efficiency. G. All equipment must be properly registered and insured in accordance with state and local laws. Contractor must show proof of ownership or a signed lease for sufficient machinery to adequately perform services as specified in this agreement. H. All units shall have the capability of being contacted by their main office with radio or paging equipment. I. Contractor shall have the ability to provide two (2) sweepers to the City of Arroyo Grande within four (4) hours notice. J. Contractor shall have the ability to provide a mechanical broom type sweeper and an air/vacuum type sweeper with four (4) hours notice. Item 8.g. - Page 37SECTION VI Work to be Performed: During the term of any agreement entered into, contractor shall sweep all designated public streets and curbs and gutters, alleys, street medians, parking lots, center lanes and intersections within the incorporated City limits of Arroyo Grande with the assigned frequency as listed below. The contractor will adhere to the "Street Sweeping Schedule" provided to him by the City of Arroyo Grande. The City reserves the right to modify the "Street Sweeping Schedule" from time to time during the period of the contract. Additions or deletions to this schedule shall be made in accordance with unit prices as shown on the contract proposal, or at the City's sole discretion, as otherwise mutually agreed upon by the contractor and the City. SECTION VII Holidays: The City of Arroyo Grande will not require sweeping service on the following seven (7) holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. In the event that a scheduled sweeping shift is missed due to the aforementioned holidays, the contractor shall arrange for sweeping on another day within a five day working day period as described in Section Ill. SECTION VIII Inclement Weather: In the event that a scheduled sweeping shift is not possible due to weather conditions, equipment failure, or other unforeseen occurrences, contractor shall notify the City of Arroyo Grande at the earliest possible time and arrange for sweeping on another day within a five working day period. It is understood that the contractor will make up the missed sweeping shift on the first available day within the five working day limitation, or forfeit any and all compensation for that particular shift. SECTION IX Additional Work: A. In the event the City of Arroyo Grande desires to extend the street sweeping program to include newly constructed streets or alleys, or streets or alleys procured through annexations, or existing streets not listed or referenced in Section VI, "Work to be Performed" after the effective date of this agreement, then any additional sweeping which is required of the contractor shall be paid for at the applicable price per curb mile as specified in the contractor's proposal. Item 8.g. - Page 38B. The contractor shall provide additional miscellaneous street sweeping services for work not otherwise specified in these specifications, at the current hourly rate as specified in the bid proposal when requested to do so by the City of Arroyo Grande. C. Contractor from time to time may be requested to provide street sweeping services immediately following parades, community celebrations, and other activities involving City streets, alleys or parking lots. Compensation for this work will be paid at the hourly rate as specified in the contractor's proposal. D. In the event the City of Arroyo Grande desires to increase the frequency of sweeping on specific streets for short durations (1 to 2 months), the contractor shall be paid at the applicable price per curb mile as specified in the contractor's proposal. E. All sweeping as identified in this section, paragraphs B, C, and D, shall be performed so as not to interfere with the proper completion of the regular street sweeping schedule. SECTION X Disposal of Sweeping Debris: The contractor shall dispose of all refuse and debris collected by his sweeping operation by hauling to a properly established and permitted area for disposal of sweeping debris. The Contractor will provide the City with the location of debris disposal and confirmation that the disposal location is properly permitted. At no time is the Contractor allowed to dispose of sweeping debris on or at City facilities. SECTION XI Compensation: A. For all services which the contractor is obligated to perform under the terms of this proposal, the City of Arroyo Grande shall pay to the contractor an amount based on cost per curb mile of street cleaned in monthly installments payable within 30 days of receiving the invoice for previously performed monthly service. B. Failure to sweep shall be deducted from payment, per curb mile, unless made up as stipulated in Sections VII and VIII. Item 8.g. - Page 39TECHNICAL PROVISIONS EQUIPMENT TO BE USED Item Model/Capacity Year of Manufacture REFERENCES/EXPE~ENCE Name of Address Scope of Services Term of Contract Organization I Business Item 8.g. - Page 40STREET SWEEPING Street sweeping is one of the essential services provided by the City. It benefits the community by picking up leaves, debris, and storm drain pollutants. However, it is very difficult to provide good street sweeping service when there are items such as parked cars, basketball hoops, and trash containers along the curb. Sweeping around these items requires more time, can be a dangerous maneuver, and forces the sweeper to go around these obstacles leaving some areas along the curb unswept. Moving these items off the street will allow the sweeper to do a better job for you and your neighbors. The street sweeper comes through the residential neighborhoods on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as shown on the table below between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm. To minimize the impact of parked cars, please move parked cars off the street on the morning or the night before sweeping occurs. Please call the Public Works Department at (805) 473-5460 for more information on your street sweeping day. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping Arroyo Grande clean. STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE STREETS DAY Downtown Village Monday & Fridav East Branch Street Bridge Street Halcyon Road West Branch Street East Grand Avenue Traffic Way Every Monday (west of regional El Camino Real Valley Road center) South Elm Street Fair Oaks Avenue Alder Street Farrall Avenue Oak Park Boulevard Ash Street Huasna Road Tally Ho Road Every Wednesday Brisco Road James Way The Pike Aspen Street North Elm Street Park Way Bakeman Lane Faeh Avenue Pecan Street Beech Street Fair View Drive Pine Street Beta Court East Grand Avenue Poplar Street Blackberry Avenue (islands) Priscilla Lane Blueberry Avenue Golden West Place Raspberry Avenue Boysenberry Street Hillcrest Drive Rice Court Brighton Avenue Huckleberry Avenue Robles Road First Wednesday Carmella Drive Juniper Street Ruth Ann Way of the month Carol Place Lancaster Drive Sage Street Cedar Street La Vista Court Sierra Drive Chelsea Court Ledo Place Spruce Street Chilton Street Linda Drive Strawberry Avenue Corona Del Terra Loganberry Avenue Sunset Drive Courtland Street Maple Street Tierra Street Cranberry Street Montego Street Walnut Street Del Sol Street Newport Avenue Wilson Court Dixson Street Lower Newport Ave Wood Place Dodson Way Noel Street Woodland Drive Acorn Drive Hidden Oak Road Rancho Parkway Andre Drive Hodges Road Refugio Place Second Tuesday of Arabian Circle James Way Robin Circle the month Item 8.g. - Page 41STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE STREETS DAY Asilo Jenny Place Rodeo Drive Aven. de Diamante La Canada Rosemary Court Calle Carman Los Ciervos Rosemary Lane Calle Cuervo Matthew Way Salida Del Sol Camino Mercado Meadowlark Drive Scenic Circle Cardinal Court Mercedes Lane Sombrillo Castillo Court Mesquite Lane Spanish Moss Lane Second Tuesday Chaparral Lane Mustang Circle Stevenson Drive of the month Clinton Court Oak Leaf Circle Via Bandolero (continued) Collado Corte Old Ranch Road Via Las Aguilas Cuerda Corte Palos Secos Via Poca Deer Trail Circle Paraiso Court Via Vaquero Dos Cerros Puesta Del Sol Village Glen Drive Emerald Bay Drive Quail Court Vista Circle Equestrian Way Quail Ridge Court Vista Drive Grace Lane Alpine Street, North Farrell Lane ( east of Pilgrim Way Alpine Street, South Halcyon Rd) Rena Street, North Arroyo Avenue Forest Glen Drive Rena Street, South Bambi Court Garfield Place Rogers Court Bell Street Gaynfair Terrace Russ Court Bennett Avenue Hampton Place Sandalwood Ave Third Tuesday Brittany Avenue Leanna Drive South Via Avante of the month California Street Magnolia Drive Starlight Lane Cameron Court Mesa Drive Sycamore Court Carrington Place Morning Rise Lane Sycamore Drive Castillo Del Mar Mulberry Lane Taylor Place Cerro Vista Circle Newman Drive Tiger Tail Drive Cerro Vista Lane N & S Via Belmonte Turquoise Drive Cherry Ave, West N & S Via Firenze Verde Place Cornwall Avenue S Oak Park Blvd Via Berros Creekside Drive Oak Street Victorian Court Creek View Court Olive Street Victoria Way Creek View Way Opal Circle Virginia Drive Diamond Circle Orchard Street Willow Lane Diana Place Pacific Pointe Way Woodland Court Eman Court Palm Court Paul Place Allen Street Hillside Court Pearwood Avenue Branch Mill Road Ide Street Plata Road Callie Court Ikeda Way Platino Lane Campana Place La Cresta Drive Plomo Court Canyon Way La Paz Circle Poole Street Fourth Tuesday of Cherry Ave, East Ladera Place Pradera Court the month Clarence Avenue Larchmont Drive Ridgeview Way Coach Road Launa Lane Rosewood Lane Cobre Place Le Point Street So. Traffic Way Colina Street Le Point Terrace Short Street Corbett Canyon Rd Los Olivos Lane Stagecoach Road Corral Place Marioosa Circle Station Way Item 8.g. - Page 42STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE STREETS DAY Cross Street Mason Street Stillwell Drive Crown Hill May Street Tanner Lane Crown Terrace McKinley Street Toyon Court Cuesta Place Miller Circle Trinity Avenue Farmhouse Place Miller Way Vard Loomis Court Fourth Tuesday of Fieldview Place Myrtle Street Vard Loomis Lane the month Flora Road Nelson Street Vernon Street (continued) Fortuna Court Nevada Street Via La Barranca Garden Street Noguera Place Village Court Greenwood Drive Oro Drive W. Branch Street Grove Court Outland Court Wesley Street Gularte Road P. C. Railway White Court Harrison Street Paseo Street Whiteley Street Hawkins Court Zogata Way Ash St. Restrooms Elm St Recreation Soto Sports Complex Twice a month: Car Corral Pkng lot Olohan Alley Strother Park Second & Fourth City Hall Parking Lots Woman's Club Thursdays Item 8.g. - Page 43EXHIBIT E CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL Page 23 Item 8.g. - Page 44November 18, 2019 City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department 1375 Ash Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 1:0 VENCD POWER SWEEPING. INC. RE: Notice Inviting Sealed Bids -Street Sweeping Services Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: 2400 Eastman Ave. Oxnard, CA 93030 Tel. (805) 201-0040 Fax (805) 201-0041 www.vencosweep.com Venco Power Sweeping, Inc is pleased to provide this Proposal for your City's street sweeping needs. Vence has been in the business of providing street and parking lot sweeping since 1960. Venco provides citywide street sweeping for many Southern California municipalities and provided references with more available if requested. We are well qualified to meet your sweeping needs. We work hard to maintain a safe working environment. We have an active IIPP and Safety Manual in place. Our vehicles are on a preventative maintenance program and we have incentive programs for our operators to help achieve our goals. Further examination of our safety record is available upon request. Again, we are pleased to provide this proposal and look forward to working with you if selected. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bill Barrett -President Venco Power Sweeping, Inc Item 8.g. - Page 45CONTRACT BID STREET SWEEPING FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID CALCULATION FORM The undersigned, as bidder, declares that he or she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans and specifications and has read the accompanying instructions to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to furnish all materials and do all work required to complete the said work in accordance with said plans, if any, and specifications in the time and manner therein prescribed, for the unit price or lump sum price set forth in the following schedule: Street Swee in -312 Curb Miles 1. Two Year Contract A. Unit Price Per Curb Mile B. Total Per Month C. Total Bid for Two Years 2. First Year Optional Contract Extension A. Unit Price Per Curb Mile B. Total Per Month C. Total Bid for 1-Year Extension 3. Second Year O tional Contract Extension A. Unit Price Per Curb Mile B. Total Per Month C. Total Bid for 1-Year Extension Twice Monthly Swee in of Seven Parking Lots Lum Sum 1. Two Year Contract A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for Two Years 00 2. First Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for One Extension 3. Second Year O tional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for One Extension Weekly Sweeping of the Cit Corporation Yard Parkin Lot Lump Sum 1. Two Year Contract A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for Two Years 2. First Year Optional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month 8. Total Bid for One Extension 3. Second Year O tional Contract Extension A. Total Per Month B. Total Bid for One Extension Item 8.g. - Page 46CONTRACT PROPOSAL STREET SWEEPING FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID CALCULATION FORM (Page 2) Special Sweeping Service Lum Sum) 1. Two Year Contract A. Lum Sum Per Hour 2. (2 One Year Contract Extension A. Lump Sum Per Hour 3. Second Year Contract Extension A. Lum Sum Per Hour IJO Special Sweeoina Service (Minimum No. of Hours) 1. Two Year Contract A. Minimum No. of Hours for Soecial Sweeping :J. 2. One Year Contract Extension A. Minimum No. of Hours for Speciaf SweeoinQ 1 3. One Year Contract Extension A. Minimum No. of Hours for Special Sweeping a. TOTAL BID SHALL BE CALCULATED BY THE TOTAL PROPOSED COST FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 312 x Curb Mile Unit Price x 24 Months (Original Contract) 312 x Curb Mile Unit Price x 12 Months (1st year Contract Extension) 312 x Curb Mile Unit Price x 12 Months (2nd year Contract Extension) Twice Monthly Sweeping of Seven Parking Lots x 24 Months (Original Contract) Twice Monthly Sweeping of Seven Parking Lots x 12 Months (1st year Extension) Twice Monthly Sweeping of Seven Parking Lots x 12 Months (2nd year Extension) Weekly Sweeping of Corp Yard Parking Lot x 24 Months (Original Contract) Weekly Sweeping of Corp Yard Parking Lot x 12 Months (1st year Extension) Weekly Sweeping of Corp Yard Parking Lot x 12 Months (2nd year Extension) The undersigned understands and agrees that: A. All bids are to be calculated on the basis of the given estimated quantities of work, as indicated in this proposal, times the unit price, times twelve (12) months and/or thirty-six (36) months as submitted by the bidder. In case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail. In case of an error in the extension of a unit price, the corrected extension shall be calculated and the bids will be computed as indicated above and compared on the basis of the corrected totals. B. The estimated quantities of work indicated in the proposal are approximate only, being used solely as a basis for comparison of bids. ~ ~t/11 Item 8.g. - Page 47CONTRACT PROPOSAL STREET SWEEPING FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID CALCULATION FORM (?age 3) C. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the City, before, during or after the execution of the agreement shall affect or modify any of the terms of obligations of this proposal. D. The City of Arroyo Grande will not be responsible for any errors or omissions on the part of the undersigned in making up his bid, nor will bidders be released on account of errors. E. In case the undersigned defaults in executing the required contract within ten (10) days (not including Sundays and legal holidays), after receiving notice that the contract is ready for signature, the contract shall be deemed null and void. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY DECLARES OR CERTIFIES UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY THAT: A He or she has not, in any way, entered into any agreement or arrangement with any other bidder which is collusive or which might tend to, or does, lessen or destroy free competition in the letting of the contract sought for by these bids. B. No attempt has been made to induce any other bidder to submit a collusive bid, or to refrain from bidding. C. No bid has been accepted from any subcontractor which is known by the undersigned to be collusive. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of contractors, License No. _L,J½<-+1/A-=-__.__ ___________ _ Signature of Bidder: Business Address: Item 8.g. - Page 48Item Name of Organization / Business TECHNICAL PROVISIONS EQUIPMENT TO BE USED Model/Capacity Year of Manufacture REFERENCES/EXPE~ENCE Address Scope of Services Term of Contract ATTACHMENT 1Item 8.g. - Page 49CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID OPENING LOG SHEET DEADLINE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 -2:00 PM PROJECT NAME: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE STREET SWEEPING SERVICES SUBMITTED BY: 1. CleanStreet Gardena, CA 90247 2. Venco Power Sweeping, Inc Oxnard, CA 93030 3. SP Maintenance Services, Inc. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 ~c\ffi~ Glenda Boner, Administrative Secretary C: Director of Public Works Public Works Manager BID TOTAL: See Attached See Attached See Attached Item 8.g. - Page 50STREET SWEEPING FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID TABULATIONS COMPANY - - - - CleanStreet VENCO Street Sweeping -312 Curb Miles Total Bid for Two Years $ 325,728.00 $ 187,200.00 Total Bid for 1-Year Extension $ 162,864.00 $ 97,344.00 Total Bid for 1-Year Extension $ 162,864.00 $ 101,088.00 Twice Monthly Sweeping-Seven Parking Lots Total Bid for Two Years $ 11,760.00 $ 21,600.00 Total Bid for One Extension $ 5,880.00 $ 11,400.00 Total Bid for One Extension $ 5,880.00 $ 12,000.00 Weekly Sweeping-City Corporation Yard Parking Lot Total Bid for Two Years $ 12,960.00 $ 7,200.00 Total Bid for One Extension $ 6,480.00 $ 4,200.00 Total Bid for One Extension $ 6,480.00 $ 4,800.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL AMOUNT FOR LOW BID DETERMINATION $ 700,896.00 $ 446,832.00 $ 11/19/2019 SP Maintenance 182,707.20 95,097.60 98,841.60 21,600.00 11,400.00 12,000.00 9,600.00 5,400.00 6,000.00 442,646.40 Item 8.g. - Page 51ATTACHMENT 2REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL LOG SHEET CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RFP DEADLINE: Tuesday, November 24, 2016, 2:00 p.m. Street Sweeping Services SUBMITTED BY: Venco Power Sweeping, Inc. Oxnard, CA Clean Street Gardena, CA SP Maintenance Services, Inc. Arroyo Grande, CA c: Director of Public Works See attached See attached See attached Item 8.g. - Page 52STREET SWEEPING FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID TABULATIONS COMPANY VENCO SP Maintenance Street Sweeping -312 Curb Miles Total Bid for Two Years $ 175,968.00 $ 175,968.00 Total Bid for 1-Year Extension $ 89,856.00 $ 69,856.00 Total Bid for 1-Year Extension $ 89,856.00 $ 91,728.00 Twice Monthly Sweeping-Seven Parking Lots Total Bid for TYi<> Years $ 19,200.00 $ 19,200.00 Total Bid for One Extension $ 10,200.00 $ 9,600.00 Total Bid for One Extension $ 10,200.00 $ 9,600.00 Weekly Sweeping-City Corporation Yard Parking Lot Total Bid for Two Years $ 4,800.00 $ 7,680.00 Total Bid for One Extension $ 3,000.00 $ 3,840.00 Total Bid for One Extension $ 3,000.00 $ 3,840.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL AMOUNT FOR LOW BID DETERMINATION $ 406,080.00 $ 411,312.00 $ 11/24/2015 CleanStreet 310,752.00 155,376.00 157,248.00 19,200.00 9,600.00 9,600.00 9,864.00 5,028.00 5,124.00 681,792.00