CC 2020-01-14_11a Bridge Street Bridge Rehab Project UpdateMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL ROBESON, INTERIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: JILL MCPEEK, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE FOR THE BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE REHABILITATION PROJECT, PW 2020-01 DATE: JANUARY 14, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The project status update presents upcoming activities planned for the project. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The City has been successful in securing 100% funding for the Bridge Street Bridge project through the Local Highway Bridge Program (HBP). Staff time will be necessary to coordinate construction activities with the contractor and construction management consultants. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive a project status update for the Bridge Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project. BACKGROUND: Due to various deficiencies, the Bridge Street Bridge is restricted to a 3-ton maximum load limit. In July 2010, the City applied for and was approved to receive 100% Federal funding to address the deficiencies, and in May 2012 the City retained a consultant team to prepare construction documents and environmental permits. In October 2019, the Council approved the construction documents and authorized advertisement for construction bids. Construction bids are due January 30, 2020, and if a successful bid is received, it is anticipated construction activities will be performed May through December 2020. Mitigation Measure BIO/mm-37 included in the Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement package requires that prior to construction, when feasible, tree removal will be scheduled to occur from September 16 through February 14, outside of the typical nesting bird season, to avoid potential adverse effects to nesting birds. Other permitting requirements require the City to request a change to the seasonal constraints included in the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Item 11.a. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE FOR THE BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE REHABILITATION PROJECT, PW 2020-01 JANUARY 14, 2020 PAGE 2 401 Certification and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) Programmatic Biological Opinion. City staff has requested and has received authorization for this change. Project permits also require a survey to identify a California red-legged frog relocation site and a presence/absence survey to be conducted 48 hours prior to work activities, Worker Environmental Awareness Procedure (WEAP) training, and environmental monitoring during tree removal activities. City staff has procured a Caltrans Service-approved biologist to perform these services. In preparation of the tree removal and trimming, staff solicited quotes from licensed tree service contractors and has entered into an agreement with a contractor for these services. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: In order to minimize impacts to nesting birds and potential project delays should nesting birds be encountered, tree removal and trimming required for the project is to be conducted outside of the typical nesting bird season (September 16, 2019 - February 14, 2020) which occurs before construction activities are allowed within the creek channel (June 15, 2020 - October 31, 2020). Tree removal is required in the areas where the bridge abutments and center pier are to be constructed, and where the temporary pedestrian/sewer main bridge is to be located. The removal of three small trees (less than 6 inches) and seventeen large trees (greater than 6 inches) will be required. The trimming of nine trees is required in the areas anticipated to be used for contractor access. Mitigation, restoration, and maintenance and monitoring for the tree removal and trimming will be implemented as described in the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan prepared for the project. City staff met with the tree service contractor regarding ways and means for the tree removal and trimming. Due to permitting restrictions of certain activities within the creek, removal of the trees will be accomplished above the creek bank through the use of a crane. This will require Bridge Street to be closed on either side of the bridge during the contractor working hours. Driveway entrances, with the exception of 127 Bridge Street which is currently vacant, will remain open and Bridge Street will be re-opened at the end of each working day. Trimming of the trees will be accomplished through the use of contractor personnel and hand tools. It is anticipated tree removal and trimming activities will be accomplished January 16 - 23, 2020, and staff has notified the surrounding property owners and businesses. ADVANTAGES: Removal and trimming of the trees outside of the bird nesting season will minimize the potential for birds to nest within the project area and will help avoid project delays. Item 11.a. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE FOR THE BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE REHABILITATION PROJECT, PW 2020-01 JANUARY 14, 2020 PAGE 3 DISADVANTAGES: If nesting birds are found during construction activities, the nest must be protected until the breeding season ends or until all young have fledged which could delay the project and potentially push project construction over two summer seasons. ALTERNATIVES: Not applicable at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is needed to accept a project status update. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Surrounding property owners and businesses have been notified of the tree removal and trimming activities and a press release has been issued. Attachment: 1. Tree Removal and Trimming Plan Item 11.a. - Page 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.AWRWAWBCAWAWAWAWAWAWSTSGAWJASTSTSTSTSTSGCRBLCRCRBLBLWFBEBEBECRSYAWAWAWBEBLBLBLBLBCBCAWSYSYCRBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLAVAVPEGISYCRILWFBRSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTPTAWAWAWAWAWAWAWRWRWRWRWRWAWAWAWBEBEBEBEPT(8.9)(15.2)(2)(8)(10)(16)(2)(8)(8)(10)(10)(3)(9)(7.5)(6)(7.5)(6.6)(9.6)(6.5)(7)(8.4)(16.7)(28.8)(26)(11.5)(10)(7.6)(9.1)(22)(6)(6)(6)(35)(10)(5)(15.5)(21.4)(17.5)(16.5)(17)(13)(34.6)(29.5)(14.2)(11.3)(8.1)(11)(10.5)(3.5)(6.3)(5.5)(19)(15.5)(33)(7.6)(8.9)(9.2)(16.1)(12.8)(3.8)(11.7)(6.7)(22.2)(20)(18.7)(6.2)(6.8)(7.1)(7.3)(8.7)(4.5)(8.3)(7.7)(7.8)(4.8)(5)(4)(4)(5)(5)(8)(10)(5)(7.8)(24)(12)(12)(12)(8)(6)(12)(6)(8)(18)(4)μBridge Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project0408020Feet1:400Tree Removal PlanBiological Study AreaPermanent ImpactEEEEEEEETemporary ImpactDBH Method!!Estimated DBH!!Measured DBHTree Status!Remove!TrimTree Survey!.Arroyo Willow (AW)!.Avocado (AV)!.Birch (BR)!.Black Cottonwood (BC)!.Black Locust (BL)!.Box Elder (BE)!.Coast Redwood (CR)!.Eucalyptus (WF)!.Ginko (GI)!.Indian Laurel (IL)!.Jacaranda (JA)!.Peach (PE)!.Pepper Tree (PT)!.Red Willow (RW)!.Strawberry Tree (ST)!.Sweet Gum (SG)!.Sycamore (SY)Aerial by County of San Luis Obispo, Ca.!.(DBH Value)Tree CodeATTACHMENT 1Item 11.a. - Page 4--• • • • • • • • • • ---------.. .. .. ---.. .. • .. .. • • .... .. ~ • • -.. • .. .. .. • .. .. -.. -.. .. -• ---• --• • ------CJ -~ J " ......... SWCA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS