CC 2020-01-28_08m Resolution to Continue Work_Emergency Storm Drain Repair Project_PP PresentationCONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 20168 FINDING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS WITHIN THE CITY AND AUTHORIZING CONTRACTING WITHOUT A COMPETITIVE SOLICITATION FOR BIDS PURSUANT TO PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 22050 FOR THE OAK PARK BOULEVARD AND EL CAMINO REAL EMERGENCY STORM DRAIN SYSTEM REPAIR PROJECT (PW 2020-04) 2/4/2020 UPDATE 1 2/4/2020 Existing Caltrans DI and strip drain Potential new drain pipe Replace ex. Maintenance hole with bubble up Fill and abandon Fill and abandon Surface drain The main objective of the CDBG program is to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunity. CDBG Funds must be used for activities that meet one of the National Objectives listed here. 2 3 2/4/2020 Plugged Drainage Inlet on El Camino 5. 4 2/4/2020 Maintenance hole location Approximate perimeter of underground void 5 2/4/2020 12” 12’ This next program year, it is estimated that $87,042 will be available to the City starting in the fall of 2020, which reflects roughly a 9% increase from last year. However, recent funding remains considerably less that what the City received between Years 2001 and 2011, which averaged to $112,000. Similar to last year, the County will help the City administer the program. CDBG funds are divided into 6 categories, which include: 6