CC 2020-03-10_11b FY 2019-20 Mid-Year Budget Report MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JAMES A. BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER NICOLE VALENTINE, INTERIM DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 MID-YEAR BUDGET REPORT DATE: MARCH 10, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Consider adjustments to the City’s budget at the mid-point of the fiscal year. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Additional appropriations or budget adjustments are reflected in the ending fund balances for all funds as detailed in Schedule A attached to the Mid-Year Budget Report. The recommended budget adjustments are anticipated to have a minimal impact on staff workload. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Approve detailed budget adjustments and requests for additional appropriations listed in the Mid-Year Budget Report; and 2. Approve Schedule A attached to the Mid-Year Budget Report. BACKGROUND: Each year the City Council adopts a budget, which commits resources to the accomplishment of its policies. The Administrative Services Department prepares periodic budget updates for the City Council. The purpose of the City's Mid-Year Budget Report is to: • Compare revenues received and expenditures made to budgeted amounts to determine appropriate adjustments. • Provide a link between the City budget, the financial records, and the independent financial audit. • Compare current revenues and expenditures against the prior fiscal year. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: As detailed in the attached Mid-Year Budget Report, the City is currently facing a mixed fiscal picture. Revenues in many General Fund categories are increasing and economic Item 11.b. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 MID-YEAR BUDGET REPORT MARCH 10, 2020 PAGE 2 indicators are generally favorable. The City has reserves and a diverse revenue stream, which is important in facing the upcoming challenges associated with increasing retirement costs, deferred infrastructure maintenance, and other unmet needs. The current projected ending General Fund Balance for June 30, 2020 is $2.6 million. This projected fund balance represents 13% of appropriations. A significant decrease in the projected fund balance is largely due to a planned $3,000,000 CalPERS prepayment made in July 2018 and the $2,000,000 CalPERS prepayment made in July 2019 to reduce the City’s unfunded pension liability principal balance and achieve significant savings in interest payments. The projected Fund Balance assumes revenues are received exactly as budgeted, all budget expenditures are made, and all capital transfers required by the Capital Improvement Plan Program are completed. Historically, the General Fund has not been required to fund all budgeted capital transfers, and expenditures at year-end are traditionally less than budgeted. As described more fully in the Mid-Year Budget Report, staff is recommending several minor adjustments to the FY 2019-20 budget in order to address needs that were unanticipated and necessary. In addition, the Report includes budget adjustments approved by the City Council to date. Historically, the Mid-Year Report is based on the completed Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) or audited financial statements. This year, due to capacity constraints, the audit is not yet complete and the CAFR has not been presented to the City Council. No significant variance in any fund balance is anticipated with the completion of this work, which is expected to be completed in the next month. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the recommended budget adjustments and Schedule A of the Mid-Year Budget Report, 2. Modify and approve the recommended budget adjustments and Schedule A of the Mid-Year Budget Report; 3. Do not approve the recommended budget adjustments and Schedule A of the Mid- Year Budget Report; 4. Provide direction to staff ADVANTAGES: The Mid Year Budget Report provides an updated review of the City finances in the current fiscal year, allocates additional funding to meet unanticipated needs and complete projects. DISADVANTAGES: Based on the recommendations, departmental budgets maintain current service levels, no significant new projects or programs are recommended. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. Item 11.b. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 MID-YEAR BUDGET REPORT MARCH 10, 2020 PAGE 3 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachment: 1. Mid-Year Budget Report Item 11.b. - Page 3 City of Arroyo Grande Administrative Services Department MID-YEAR BUDGET REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 ATTACHMENT 1 Item 11.b. - Page 4 City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 2 Table of Contents Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................3 Summary of Key Points................................................................................................................................................3 Budget Changes Approved To-Date ..........................................................................................................................4 Mid Year Budget Changes ...........................................................................................................................................5 General Fund Expenditures: ...................................................................................................................................5 General Fund Revenues:..........................................................................................................................................6 General Fund Overview ...............................................................................................................................................7 General Fund Revenues ...............................................................................................................................................9 General Fund Expenditures ........................................................................................................................................10 Other Funds ...................................................................................................................................................................11 Attachments ...................................................................................................................................................................11 Item 11.b. - Page 5 City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 3 Overview The City’s Mid-Year Budget Report is prepared to compare the revenues and expenditures occurring during the first six months of the fiscal year against budgeted amounts to determine appropriate adjustments; to provide links between the City budget, the financial records, and the independent financial audit, and to compare revenues earned and expenses made during the first six months of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 against the FY 2018-19 figures. This information is provided in the following format: Schedule A: The starting point is the FY 2018-19 ending fund balances, which is also the beginning Available Fund Balance for the FY 2019-20. Combining the beginning Available Fund Balances with the estimated revenues, transfers, and appropriations adopted in the Biennial Budget and this report, provides the estimated ending fund balances. As a result of a comprehensive review, adjustments are recommended where actual receipts and disbursements are materially different from the budgeted amounts. Although budget adjustments are recommended across several City funds, typically the emphasis of the Mid-Year Budget Report is directed at the General Fund. The General Fund is deemed to be the most critical as it provides most services commonly associated with government (i.e., public safety, recreation, parks, building, public works, planning, etc.) and is limited primarily by tax-generated revenues. Historically, the Mid-Year Report is based on the completed Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) or audited financial statements. This year, due to capacity constraints, the audit for FY 2018-19 is not yet complete and the CAFR has not been presented to the City Council. No significant variance in any fund balances is anticipated with the completion of this work, which is expected to be completed in the next month. Summary of Key Points • The City is currently facing a mixed fiscal picture. Revenues in many General Fund categories are increasing and economic indicators are generally favorable. • Minor adjustments to the budget are recommended at this time. Recent development and building permit activity has increased and a demand for plan check services has resulted. In order to help decrease the processing time to return building permit plan checks to customers, additional contractual services totaling $90,000 is requested. These increases are expected to be offset by fee revenues. Item 11.b. - Page 6 City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 4 •The City Council has established an Undesignated General Fund Balance goal of 20% of annual appropriation with a minimum goal of 15%. The City’s Undesignated General Fund Balance represents the available resources to provide funding for future contingencies such as earthquakes, civil unrest, economic fluctuations, major infrastructure repairs and investment in capital for improved productivity and efficiencies. Inadequate reserves increase financial risk, negatively impact cash flow, and reduce the City’s ability to attract and sustain economic development and growth. The current projected ending General Fund Balance for June 30, 2020 is $2.6 million. This projected fund balance represents 13% of appropriations. The decrease in the projected fund balance is largely due to a planned $3,000,000 CalPERS prepayment made in July 2018 and the $2,000,000 CalPERS prepayment made in July 2019 to reduce the City’s unfunded pension liability principal balance and achieve significant savings in interest payments. The projected General Fund Balance assumes revenues are received exactly as budgeted, all budget expenditures are made, and all capital transfers required by the Capital Improvement Plan Program are completed. Historically, the General Fund has not been required to fund all budgeted capital transfers and expenditures at year-end are traditionally less than budgeted. Budget Changes Approved To-Date Various budget changes have been approved by the Council or City Manager, as appropriate, since the adoption of the original Budget in June 2018 and reflect changes made through December 31, 2019. These include minor adjustments to various operating budgets. General Fund Halloween in the Village event costs to facilitate public safety measures 5,000$ Village Christmas Parade event costs to facilitate public safety measures 6,235 Transition from At-Large to a District-Based Election System Agreement 31,211 Street Sweeping Services Agreement 10,200 52,646$ Approved Budget Changes to-date Item 11.b. - Page 7 1 1 1 r r f f City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 5 Mid-Year Budget Changes As part of the mid-year process, departments were asked to review their current budgets and determine if any adjustments should be proposed in this report. Departments have been asked to closely monitor their budgets and spend only what is necessary. At this time, only minor adjustments are recommended to the General Fund departmental budgets that are necessary due to timing considerations, increases that are supported by additional revenues, and one-time project funding. General Fund Expenditures: Summary of Requests: Building Plan Checks $90,000 Public Education - Proposed Ballot Measure 25,000 Jim Guthrie Community Service Grant Fund Increase 10,000 CivicRec software support added by Recreation Services 4,500 Purchase of a new field paint sprayer for the Soto Sports Complex 2,551 Replacement cost of the Kubota tractor 2,500 Total General Fund $134,551 As summarized above, additional expenditures for FY 2019-20 totaling $134,551 in the General Fund are recommended. Additional information is provided for each request below. •Community Development – The Building Division is requesting an increase in contractual services for building plan checks. The FY 2019-20 budget allocated a total of $90,000 to Building Division contractual services, including $10,000 for plan check costs and $80,000 for inspection costs. Year-to-date, $97,179.26 has been billed for plan check services and $32,848.25 has been billed for building inspection services. During this time, development and building permit activity has increased and a demand for plan check services has resulted. In order to continue to decrease the processing time to return building permit plan checks to customers, additional contractual services totaling $90,000 is requested. This increase is expected to be offset by fee revenues. •City Manager – The City Council will be considering the placement of a local sales tax measure on the November 2020 ballot. Due to the heightened activity anticipated with ballot measures for cities and counties statewide, and in order to ensure public outreach and communications are effective, cost efficient, and comply with legal requirements, it is Item 11.b. - Page 8 City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 6 recommended the City rapidly retain a professional outreach firm in an amount up to $25,000 to engage in public education efforts regarding the City’s financial needs. Staff will return to the Council to discuss and approve a full public education plan and scope of work. •City Council – At the December 10, 2019 Council Meeting, the Council expressed an interest in considering an increase to the Jim Guthrie Community Services Grant Fund. If the City Council desires, staff has included a $10,000 increase for Council discussion and consideration. •Recreation Services – The Recreation Services Department purchased and implemented CivicRec software in FY 2018- 19.The Department is requesting an increase of $4,500 for FY2019-20 for the annual cost to host, maintain, and support the software, which was not included in the annual budget. This cost will be placed in the Information Technology (IT) contractual services account in order to streamline administration and tracking of the City’s ongoing technology programs and services, and will be included in the IT budget as a recurring cost in future budget years. •Public Works – •The purchase of a new field paint sprayer for the Soto Sports Complex was needed as the old one failed in the middle of the season. The Department is requesting an increase of $2,551. •Due to the failure of the transmission and hydraulic system of the City’s 2003 Kubota tractor, the Department is requesting an increase of $2,500 to augment the existing equipment replacement account. General Fund Revenues: Additional budgeted revenues are proposed totaling $213,500 for FY 2019-20 in the General Fund. Significant variances are described below. •Engineering Inspection Fees – Due to the increase in activity, there is an increase in engineering inspection revenues of $173,000. •Building Permits – Also due to the increase in activity, there is an increase in building and planning revenues of $40,500. In general, revenues and expenditures in all other funds are on target with projections and prior year trends. No other adjustments are required at this time. Item 11.b. - Page 9 City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 7 General Fund Overview Revenues are currently 45% collected and expenditures are 49% spent. This reflects the fact that not all revenues and expenditures occur evenly throughout the fiscal year. Significant variances are discussed later in the report, but in general, this trend is consistent with prior years. As reflected on the following chart, collecting approximately 45% of the General Fund revenues by the mid-point of the fiscal year is consistent with past trends. After Mid-Year adjustments are recorded, the June 30, 2020, fund balance will be approximately $2.6 million, if all budget projections are fulfilled. However, at June 30, 2020, the City may find that revenues have not met the budgeted projections and not all budgeted appropriations will be spent as year-end actual expenditures are traditionally less than budgeted amounts. 45% 39% 40% 40% 39% 0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 14,000,000 16,000,000 18,000,000 20,000,000 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 Revenue: % Collected at Mid Year Mid Year Year End Item 11.b. - Page 10 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • a City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 8 Shown below is an overview of the revenues, expenses, and transfers for Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2018-19 as of the mid- point of each fiscal year. As reflected, revenues are higher in the current fiscal year than they were at the same point in time last year; expenditures are lower in FY 2019-20 due to the one-time payment of $3,000,000 to CalPERS in FY2018-19 and the $2,000,000 payment in FY 2019-20 to reduce the City’s unfunded pension liability. General Fund FY 2019-20 FY 2018-19 Variance Revenues: Mid-Year Actual $7,198,499 5,868,894$ $1,329,605 Mid-Year Transfers 1,318,998 1,270,050 $48,948 Total 8,517,497 7,137,060 $1,380,437 Expenditures: Mid-Year Actual 10,112,488 11,666,207 (1,553,719) Total 10,112,488 11,666,207 (1,553,719) Item 11.b. - Page 11 f f f f f I 1 1 l l j City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 9 General Fund Revenues Total General Fund revenue collections are at 45% with half of the year complete. This is below 50% because certain revenues received by the City are delayed; specifically, it only represents five months of Sales Tax revenue, five months of Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue and four months of Franchise Fee revenue. The table below presents a comparison of the City’s revenue accounts. The mid-year budget includes additional revenues of $213,500 for FY 2019-20 discussed previously. •Property Tax – Property tax trends are consistent with the same period last year and budgeted revenues are expected to be met. •Sales Tax – Sales tax is higher than projected and higher than the same period last fiscal year. •Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) – Transient Occupancy Tax is higher due to the opening of the new Agrarian hotel. Actual Title Budget Actual %Budget Actual %Change Property Tax 7,180,900$ 2,265,212$ 32% 6,768,400$ 2,532,737$ 37% (267,525) Sales & Use Tax 4,142,700 1,707,883 41% 4,108,800 1,209,006 29% 498,877 Transient Occupancy Tax 1,141,500 540,386 47% 1,126,000 477,428 42% 62,958 Franchise Fees 689,500 160,542 23% 624,200 170,816 27% (10,274) Business License Tax 100,000 74,719 75% 95,000 73,803 78%916 Building Permits 264,500 171,129 65% 230,000 151,920 66% 19,210 Telecommunication Site Leases 250,000 175,192 70% 300,000 159,900 53% 15,292 Comm Dev Charges for Services 514,100 287,418 56% 330,100 258,222 78% 29,196 Recreation Charges for Services 795,200 423,168 53% 774,600 407,529 53% 15,639 Engineering Inspections 40,300 198,655 493% 147,200 - 0% 198,655 Public Works Charges for Services 70,900 13,965 20% 61,600 31,775 52% (17,810) Other Revenues 778,467 1,180,229 152% 640,300 395,759 62% 784,470 Total 15,968,067$ 7,198,499$ 45% 15,206,200$ 5,868,894$ 39% 1,329,605$ Mid-Year Current Fiscal Year Mid-Year Prior Fiscal Year Item 11.b. - Page 12 f -----f-----f ---- City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 10 •Other Revenues – The increase in these revenue sources reflect the $747,422 payment received from PG&E for the Community Impact Mitigation Program (CIMP) due to the Diablo Decommission. These revenues will be accounted for in a reserve fund until the City implements a plan for these CIMP Funds. •All other variances are within normal ranges. General Fund Expenditures Most departmental expenses are under the 50% budget mark with total FY 2019-20 expenses at 49% of budget. Individual department/division differences between the current and prior fiscal year are highlighted in the table shown below. •Planning Department – the majority of this increase reflects payment for accrued leave for an employee that separated services in November 2019. Actual Title Budget Actual %Budget Actual %Change City Manager 546,600$ 201,140$ 37% 508,700$ 190,253$ 37% 10,887$ Legislative & Info Svcs 484,611 213,161 44% 463,615 181,617 39% 31,544$ Retirees 235,000 71,692 31% 167,600 74,531 44%(2,839)$ City Attorney 283,200 108,398 38% 283,200 101,368 36%7,030$ Administrative Services 1,007,000 436,405 43% 884,400 504,337 57%(67,932)$ Planning 896,141 327,933 37% 927,321 236,670 26%91,263$ Information Technology 661,158 312,766 47% 639,108 325,841 51% (13,076)$ Non Departmental 3,693,600 2,034,095 55% 3,773,944 2,210,897 59% (176,802)$ Police 8,467,089 4,529,374 53% 9,658,274 5,913,945 61% (1,384,571)$ Building & Life Safety 486,400 213,849 44% 464,800 194,051 42%19,798$ Engineering 737,567 366,228 50% 850,965 401,848 47%(35,620)$ Recreation Services 1,128,500 480,574 43% 1,093,400 447,233 41% 33,341$ Public Works 2,082,751 816,874 39% 2,109,724 883,617 42% (66,743)$ Total 20,709,617$ 10,112,488$ 49% 21,825,051$ 11,666,207$ 53% (1,553,719)$ Mid-Year Current Fiscal Year Mid-Year Prior Fiscal Year Item 11.b. - Page 13 f ______ I_I __ f f I I I I I I City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report 2019-20 March 10, 2020 11 •Non Departmental – the variance from the prior year reflects timing of payments made for the City’s contribution to Five Cities Fire Authority as well as the annual payments made in July for Liability Insurance premiums. •Police – The majority of this decrease reflects the CalPERS payment of $2,000,000 in July 2019 compared to the CalPERS payment of $3,000,000 in July 2018, resulting in a variance of $1,000,000. •All other variances are within a normal range. Other Funds Local Use Tax Fund (Fund 218) This fund has been established to account for the ½ cent local sales tax increase that was approved in November 2006. With four months of sales, this revenue source is at 45%. Based on past trends, revenues are on track. CIP (Capital Improvement Program) Fund (Fund 350) The procedures of the CIP require that revenues equal expenses in this fund, which means the fund does not typically have a fund balance at year-end. If additional expenses are encountered in completing a project, funding must be found to match the expenses. In reverse, when additional revenues are found, the scope of the project can be expanded, previous funding returned to other funds, or revenues returned to the source. Attachments A brief overview of the attached schedules is provided to inform the reader of the purpose of each schedule. 1.Schedule A - Fund Balance: This schedule is provided to incorporate prior year fund balance into the current year and to summarize the FY 2019-20 budget adopted by the City Council. This schedule includes adjustments that have previously been approved by the City Council and includes the current requested adjustments in total. 2.General Fund Summary: This schedule provides a summary of the revenues, expenditures and fund balance with actual results for the prior fiscal year as well as the current FY 2019-20 Budget and proposed amended balances for FY 2019-20. Item 11.b. - Page 14 Fund Balance All Funds Operating Budget 2019-20 Mid-Year Budget Update Schedule A Estimated Estimated Total Total Available Available Fund Balance Original Adjustment Operating Operating Budgeted Adjustments to Fund Balance July 1, 2019 Revenues to Revenues Transfer In Transfer Out Appropriations Appropriations June 30, 2020 General Fund 010 General Fund:4,527,152$ 15,968,067$ 213,500 2,638,000 200,300 20,378,766$ 134,551.00 $2,633,102 Special Revenue Funds: 210 Fire Protection Impact Fees $238,275 $21,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $259,275 211 Public Access Television 89,310 36,200 0 0 0 0 0 125,510 212 Police Protection Impact Fees 49,643 5,300 0 0 10,000 0 0 44,943 213 Park Development Fees 1,174,449 91,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,265,449 214 Park Improvement Fees 232,648 50,900 0 0 10,000 25,000 0 248,548 215 Recreation Community Center 17,625 3,700 0 0 0 0 0 21,325 216 Grace Lane Assessment District 50,585 10,600 0 0 3,100 13,300 0 44,785 217 Landscape Maintenance District 808 5,900 0 0 1,007 5,700 0 0 218 Local Use Tax Fund 3,097,558 2,305,400 0 0 1,619,000 636,900 0 3,147,058 219 Parkside Assessment District 444,595 46,500 0 0 6,100 30,300 0 454,695 220 Streets 147,565 453,200 0 380,300 107,200 749,300 0 124,565 222 Traffic Signal 970,801 36,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,006,801 223 Traffic Circulation 150,841 500 0 0 0 0 0 151,341 224 Transportation Facility Impact 2,164,220 85,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,249,220 225 Transportation 147,881 260,700 0 0 240,700 20,000 0 147,881 226 Water Neutralization Impact 309,785 57,000 0 0 0 106,000 0 260,785 230 Construction Tax 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 231 Drainage Facility 5,891 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,891 232 In-Lieu Affordable Housing 718,381 15,500 0 0 0 0 0 733,881 233 In-Lieu Underground Utility 19,564 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,564 240 Tourism Business Improvement Dis 290,670 212,700 0 5,000 3,000 255,500 0 249,870 241 Water Availability Fund 1,444,549 57,000 0 0 0 553,421 0 948,128 250 CDBG Grant Funds 15,180 63,900 0 0 0 0 0 79,080 271 State COPS Block Grant 231,642 120,800 0 0 22,800 100,000 0 229,642 Total Special Revenue Funds $12,012,496 $3,938,800 0 $385,300 $2,022,907 2,495,421 $0 $11,818,268 City of Arroyo Grande ATTACHMENT 1 Item 11.b. - Page 15 Fund Balance All Funds Operating Budget 2019-20 Mid-Year Budget Update Schedule A Estimated Estimated Total Total Available Available Fund Balance Original Adjustment Operating Operating Budgeted Adjustments to Fund Balance July 1, 2019 Revenues to Revenues Transfer In Transfer Out Appropriations Appropriations June 30, 2020 City of Arroyo Grande Capital Project Funds: 350 Capital Improvement Fund $70,467 $3,341,800 $0 $1,396,400 $0 $4,738,200 $0 $70,467 Total Capital Project Funds $70,467 $3,341,800 $0 $1,396,400 $0 $4,738,200 $0 $70,467 Enterprise Funds: 612 Sewer $1,265,430 $1,135,100 $0 $269,400 $470,700 $1,809,333 $0 $389,897 634 Sewer Facility 583,002 42,000 0 0 269,400 0 0 355,602 640 Water Fund 3,187,700 6,549,000 0 309,000 5,684,500 3,074,122 0 1,287,078 641 Lopez Water 1,704,878 0 0 3,684,100 0 3,744,200 0 1,644,778 642 Water Facility 849,316 60,000 0 0 309,000 0 0 600,316 Total Enterprise Funds $7,590,327 $7,786,100 $0 $4,262,500 $6,733,600 $8,627,655 $0 $4,277,672 Trust and Agency Fund: 751 Downtown Parking 2,020 11,000 0 0 3,600 4,400 0 5,020 Total Trust & Agency Fund $2,020 $11,000 $0 $0 $3,600 $4,400 $0 $5,020 Grand Total All Funds $24,202,462 $31,045,767 $213,500 $8,682,200 $8,960,407 $36,244,442 $134,551 $18,804,529 Item 11.b. - Page 16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 ORIGINAL AMENDED ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL (Unaudited)BUDGET BUDGET Beginning Fund Balance 7,059,746$ 7,002,335$ 7,378,018$ 4,527,152$ 4,527,152$ Revenues: Revenues 14,346,190 15,214,121 15,272,237 15,968,067 16,181,567 Transfers In 2,348,804 2,665,316 2,540,100 2,638,000 2,638,000 Total Revenues 16,694,994 17,879,437 17,812,337 18,606,067 18,819,567 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits 9,447,375 10,485,041 13,864,647 13,532,600 13,532,600 Services and Supplies 5,992,578 6,112,099 6,228,961 6,525,808 6,660,359 Debt Service 129,523 269,961 189,104 190,100 190,100 Capital Outlay 360,395 329,637 101,164 130,258 130,258 Transfers Out 426,234 307,017 279,327 200,300 200,300 Expenditure Savings Total Expenditures 16,356,105 17,503,754 20,663,204 20,579,066 20,713,617 Total Operating Increases (Decreases)338,889 375,683 (2,850,867) (1,972,999) (1,894,050) Reserved for carryover (396,300) - - - - Total Adjustments to Fund Balance (57,411) 375,683 (2,850,867) (1,972,999) (1,894,050) Available Fund Balance 7,002,335$ 7,378,018$ 4,527,152$ 2,554,153$ 2,633,102$ 2019-20 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY - Mid-Year Budget Report ATTACHMENT 2 Item 11.b. - Page 17 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 11.b. - Page 18