CC 2020-04-14_06a Proclamation_Month of the Child 2020HONORARY PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE MONTH OF APRIL 2020 AS "MONTH OF THE CHILD" AND “CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH” WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande City Council recognizes that every moment in a child's life is an opportunity for that child to learn, that the quality of these experiences may determine whether a child succeeds in school and in life, and that all children need caring and loving adults in their lives; and WHEREAS, April - Month of the Child and Child Abuse Prevention Month - marks a time to recognize that our community’s children are precious assets, that the quality of their early years is our collective responsibility, and that we commit ourselves to ensuring that each and every child experiences a high quality early environment – at home, at child care, at school and in the community – that will promote their optimal development; and WHEREAS, a variety of other events honoring Month of the Child will provide an opportunity to acknowledge the dedication of individuals and organizations to improve the lives of children and youth in our County, and raise the awareness of the community, employers and elected officials of the need to improve the quality, availability, and accessibility of programs supporting children; and WHEREAS, Thursday, April 30, 2020, will commemorate “Child Care Awareness Day,” in honor of the We Are the Care Initiative to bring awareness and advocate for the local child care crisis. Through this initiative, we as a community of partners, envision a San Luis Obispo County where all families can find and afford quality care for their children, and where child care professionals are valued for their critical role in building a solid foundation for children and families to thrive in the world; and WHEREAS, on Friday, April 24, 2020 our County will participate in the statewide raising of the Children’s Memorial Flag to honor and raise awareness about the many children in our midst who suffer daily from abuse and neglect, and pledge our support for strategies that strengthen families and protect our young ones; and WHEREAS, in this caring and connected county, we will, including and beyond the Month of the Child, continue to dedicate our efforts and our resources to investing in our community’s future by investing in and supporting our community’s children and youth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Caren Ray Russom, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, do hereby proclaim April 2020 as the "Month of the Child” and “Child Abuse Prevention Month” and April 30, 2020 as “Child Care Awareness Day.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 14th day of April 2020. __________________________________ CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR Item 6.a. - Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.a. - Page 2