CC 2020-05-12_08e Cancellation of July 14 CC MeetingMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL ROBESON, ACTING CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLATION OF JULY 14, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 12, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Cancellation of the July 14, 2020 City Council meeting. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is some minimal cost savings due to reduced staff time associated with agenda and meeting preparation, as well as no broadcasting expenses. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council cancel the regularly scheduled Council meeting of July 14, 2020. BACKGROUND: On August 14, 2007, the City Council considered the concept of establishing a policy of designating a summer month for cancellation of Council meetings. The purpose was to designate a month “dark” from Council meetings in the summer so the City Council and staff could coordinate their summer breaks during this period. Staff recommended the month of July because it was the only full month in which school is not in session and it includes the July 4th holiday. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The City Council’s regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Due to the current COVID-19 emergency, at its regular meeting on April 28th, the City Council directed staff to schedule weekly Council meetings to provide an update to the community on County and City COVID-19 efforts and to address any COVID-19 related issues that may arise. When the Council considered the policy in 2007 of designating a summer month for cancellation, concerns were expressed regarding the impact on other meeting agendas Item 8.e. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLATION OF JULY 14, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 12, 2020 PAGE 2 and potential delays to important items. Therefore, it was suggested that one meeting be cancelled in July as a compromise. The City Council concurred and a policy was established to cancel the first meeting in July of each year. While it is not known how long the current shelter at home order will be in place, it is recommended that the Council continue to observe the policy by cancelling the July 14th meeting in order to provide staff and the Council a brief break in the regular and current special meeting schedule. Should staff determine that it is necessary that the Council meet in early July to address any time sensitive issues that have arisen, the regular meeting could be held or a special meeting could be scheduled. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Cancel the July 14, 2020 City Council Meeting; 2. Cancel the July 28, 2020 City Council Meeting; 3. Direct staff to make changes to the current policy; or 4. Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Cancelling the July 14, 2020 meeting provides the City Council and staff an opportunity for an extended break between meetings without being absent from a meeting or being concerned about missing an item that is important for their vote or input. DISADVANTAGES: Cancellation of a regular meeting may result in heavier agendas preceding and following the cancelled meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall and on the City website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Item 8.e. - Page 2