CC 2020-06-23_11a Supplemental No 2 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JESSICA MATSON, DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 11a – JUNE 23, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONSIDERATION AND DIRECTION REGARDING A PROPOSED REVENUE MEASURE TO ADDRESS THE CITY’S FUTURE FUNDING NEEDS DATE: JUNE 23, 2020 Attached is additional correspondence received. cc: Acting City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Website (or public review binder) From:Benjamin Oakley To:public comment Cc:Benjamin Oakley Subject:Agenda Item 11. a. Proposed Sales Tax Date:Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1:13:06 PM Dear Arroyo Grande Mayor Ray Russom and City Council: With regards to Agenda Item 11. a. “Consideration and Direction Regarding a Proposed Revenue Measure to Address the City’s Future Funding Needs”, there were some excellent comments on the Arroyo Grande Current Affairs social media page on this issue that are worth considering. Some of the main themes included: Reluctant support of tax increase given budget shortfall Not supportive of any tax increase – some commenters didn’t support any tax increase at this time and referenced the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on personal finances. More transparency – commenters wanted to see a 3-5 year budget plan for the increased revenues and expressed support for a “sunset clause.” Commenters expressed support for specific tax versus general tax. PERS retirement funding – some commenters expressed concerns that the real reason for the budget shortfall is retirement obligations Support for sales tax versus property tax Cut spending – commenters expressed concerns about recent raises approved by FCFA, and multiple commenters inquired whether it’s too late to change the expensive “roundabout” project Hope this community feedback is constructive. Thanks for your consideration and your service to the Arroyo Grande community. Ben Oakley Arroyo Grande From: Lynn Bellomi [ Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 12:14 PM To: Caren Ray Russom Subject: Tuesday Meeting Comments Hello Mayor Ray, Thank you for taking the time to review my email. I am a resident and home owner in Arroyo Grande. As our community faces the economic down turn resulting from COVID-19, I know our city faces a shortage in funds to operate. I ask that you please reconsider the Brisco Road project. Please consider placing the project on hold or choosing a version of the project that cost less; instead of asking residents to approve a sales tax increase. Local families are placing their own plans on hold and finding alternatives to balance their personal budgets. I ask that the city does the same. Thank you, Lynn Bellomi