R 1739 ~;,;~ThI~~4'~ > ~ ""2~4A' , . ,,:.~.~."-! ~ -"".. - ,. ., . --, . .."..- RE,SOLUTlON NO. 1739' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO'GRANDE ESTABLISHING A PARK DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FEE fOR THE PARKS DEVELOPMENT FUND FOR EACH RES'I DENTlAL BU I LD I NG SITE WHEREAS, Chapter 3 of Title 9, Section 9-3.507(1) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code requires a fee to be established by Resolution for subdivisions' for the Parks Development Fund for each residential building site. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: .- SECTION 1: In subdivisions having fifty (50) or more lots and where the "l land in such subdivisions can be properly located for public recreational ;>; facilities in accordance with the adopted Recreation and Park Plan of the City, the. subdivider shall dedicate a minimum area for such purposes on the basis of not less than three (3) acres for each fifty acres within the sub- division developed, or such other area as mutually acceptable. ~ .,. SECTION 2: Where the subdivision consists of fifty (50) lots or less, < or where the subdivision exceeds fifty (50) lots but land within the subdivIsion cannot be located in accordance with the Recreation and Parks Plan adopted by the City, the subdivider shall pay to the City for the Parks Development Fund a sum of Two Hundred and Forty Eight Dollars and Twenty Two Cents ($248.22) for each residential building site. SECTI ON 3: Where a fee Is required to be paid in lieu of land dedIcation, the amount of such .fee shall be amended annually by resolution of the Council on or prior to the 10th day of January, on the basis of a cost of construction factor recommended by the Director of Rescreation and Parks and the Director of Public Works. That factor shall be based upon the Engineer's News Record Construction Cost Index published by McGraw-HilI Publishing Company. SECTION 4: All fees collected shall be used to purchase, replac~ or develop"and- improve.Parks"and Recreation faci t'ities -in neighborho0d 0r &OI11munity parks located within the developments service as designated by the Parks and Recreation Development Schedule. SECTION 5: For any subdivision or parcel map abutting the Arroyo Grande Creek or Its tributaries, the subdivider shall dedicate to the City all that area that includes the stream bed and ten feet (10') back of the stream bank or other appropriate areas mutually acceptable for the purposes of open space or green be I t. SECTION 6: Any parcel which is specifically referenced in the Seismic Safety Element of the General Plan as being unbuildable, or any area in the Open Space-Conservation; Safety, or other Elements of the General Plan earmarked~ for protection, shall be considered in'the subdivision for open space and n zoning and be either offered for dedication to the City, or home ownership. - shall be management provided. -J On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Millis and Mayor Smith NOES: Councilmen Vandeveer, Hogan ABSENT: None the foregoing ,Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of January 1984. v:5'f1w~ MAYOR ATTEST: PUTY C ITY L .I,,' .....gIM(~L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis :Jbispo;"'Stateof ,~idifornia, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1739 .is ,atrw\,) it I 'and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City ;Counc) I of f d(<;i't'l' of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Counci I held on Ith~.J;th day of' Ja~yary, 1984. \, J ...... \/lifN~~S \my..'l1and and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 31st , day:of Ja7ary,/1984. . "7" . ~ . ., -I ;.. /,/. .', -_. ---- ------.