CC 2020-08-25_08j Amendment to Agreement with GHD_LRSP_HSIP MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WHITNEY MCDONALD, ACTING DEPUTY CITY MANAGER/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ROBIN DICKERSON, PE, CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD TO EXTEND THE TERM AND ADD CHANGES IN SCOPE FOR THE LOCAL ROADS SAFETY PROGRAM (LRSP) AND THE HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) GRANT APPLICATIONS DATE: AUGUST 25, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of the amendment to the agreement for consultant services will extend the term of the on-call agreement for consultant services with GHD, the City’s current transportation consultant, and allow GHD to complete the City’s Local Road Safety Program (LRSP) and prepare two Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 10 grant applications. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The cost of the two additional services is $11,624. Staff proposes to utilize funds from the Engineering Contractual Services account, which includes $80,000 in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 5 to the Consultant Services Agreement with GHD to extend the term of the agreement through June 30, 2021, and to complete the LRSP and prepare two HSIP Cycle 10 grant applications. BACKGROUND: The City of Arroyo Grande is currently developing a Systemic Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) with the assistance of a specialized consultant, GHD. The SSAR is a proactive safety approach that focuses on evaluating an entire roadway network using a defined set of criteria. The SSAR analyzes crash history on an aggregate basis to identify high- risk roadway characteristics, rather than looking at high-collision concentration locations through site analysis. The goal of the SSAR is to assist local agencies to identify safety projects to submit for HSIP funding consideration. Item 8.j. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD TO INCLUDE CHANGES IN SCOPE FOR THE LRSP AND THE HSIP GRANT APPLICATIONS AND THE EXTENSION OF THE AGREEMENT AUGUST 25, 2020 PAGE 2 Caltrans has recently announced that starting in April 2022, applications for HSIP Cycle 11 funds will require an LRSP. Although Caltrans is not requiring an LRSP for HSIP Cycle 10 grant applications, which are due October 19, 2020, Caltrans has informed City staff that an LRSP is highly recommended. On March 3, 2015 the City Council approved an On-Call Consultant Service Agreement to Omni Means, which is now GHD. On February 27, 2018 the City Council approved Amendment 1 to extended the On-Call Consultant Service Agreement with GHD through February 29, 2020. On May 14, 2019, the City Council approved a budget supplement for the preparation of a Circulation Element. On May 14, 2019, the City Council also approved a budget supplement for the preparation of a SSAR. A draft of the SSAR is currently under review by City staff. On October 22, 2019, the City Council authorized a budget adjustment in the amount of $13,204 to prepare the LRSP. On February 25, 2020, the City Council approved Amendment 3 to extend the On-Call Consultant Service Agreement with GHD for specific previously approved services, including the SSAR/LRSP and a new Circulation Element, through September 30, 2020. On July 14, 2020, the City Council approved Amendment 4 to extend the On-Call Consultant Services Agreement with GHD for additional services for the Circulation Element. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The HSIP is a Federal-aid program that incorporates a data-driven, strategic approach to improving highway safety that focuses on performance. The HSIP supports and finances projects specifically targeting roadway and intersection locations by identifying and implementing countermeasures to improve safety. The LRSP supplements the SSAR and will result in a formal plan of local projects that will compete for future HSIP funding. One feature of the LRSP is the required formation of a stakeholder group. The stakeholders group includes City representatives from Public Works, the Police Department, and Engineering and representatives from Caltrans, the Lucia Mar Unified School District, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo County, and representatives from the local bicycle clubs. Overall, the LRSP summarizes identified needs, safety goals, and emphasis areas, and provides a prioritized list of improvements or activities. The LRSP will allow the City to meet the future requirements of the HSIP funding program. In performing the work on the LRSP, it was determined that additional work outside of the original scope of services was needed to complete the plan. These tasks include the following: Item 8.j. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD TO INCLUDE CHANGES IN SCOPE FOR THE LRSP AND THE HSIP GRANT APPLICATIONS AND THE EXTENSION OF THE AGREEMENT AUGUST 25, 2020 PAGE 3 1. Additional collision analysis and cross-checking. Through the LRSP stakeholder working group meeting, GHD learned that the City had its own collision database that required rectification with GHD’s other data. This process included the need for data analysis and entry for an additional 722 unverified collisions. 2. Identifying systemic countermeasures for improvements. 3. Citywide review of all existing pedestrian facilities and their accommodations. 4. Coordination of the traffic counts with the Circulation Element. These additional tasks were necessary to complete the review of the data and enable the LRSP plan to be completed in a timely manner. However, an additional $5,680 is needed to complete the LRSP. These funds will cover two additional meetings with the stakeholders group and one public outreach virtual meeting. GHD will then analyze the comments received from public outreach and make any necessary changes to the LRSP before finalizing the document. As the SSAR and LRSP are nearing completion, the City is in a good position to apply for HSIP Cycle 10 funding. In order to enable the City to complete funding applications by the deadline given existing staff resources, staff requested a proposal from GHD to complete two applications on behalf of the City. If approved, the grant projects will increase safety at a pedestrian crossing and bike lanes and will refresh paint markings and reflectors at key intersections. Because of the extensive work GHD has already completed on the SSAR and the LRSP, GHD is in an ideal position to quickly prepare these applications for the City. The cost for these services is $5,944. The existing contract with GHD will expire on September 30, 2020. Additional time is necessary to enable GHD to complete the LRSP and the 2 HSIP Grant Applications. The two HSIP grant applications will be completed by October 19, 2020. Because these services are part of the On-Call Consultant Service agreement that encompasses a includes scope of services for not only the SSAR/LRSP, but also for the Circulation Element as well, staff is recommending extending the Agreement through June 30, 2021. Staff and GHD believe that a contract extension through June 30, 2021, will provide sufficient time to complete the SSAR/LRSP, HSIP Grant Applications, and the Circulation Element. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staff’s recommendation; 2. Do not approve staff’s recommendation and provide direction to staff; and/or 3. Provide direction to staff. Item 8.j. - Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD TO INCLUDE CHANGES IN SCOPE FOR THE LRSP AND THE HSIP GRANT APPLICATIONS AND THE EXTENSION OF THE AGREEMENT AUGUST 25, 2020 PAGE 4 ADVANTAGES: Supplementing the current budget will allow GHD to complete the LRSP in a timely manner. Utilizing the team that is familiar with the SSAR and LRSP to prepare the HSIP Grant Applications will allow the City to file two applications by the October 19, 2020 deadline. Extending the contract expiration date will allow for a timely completion of the SSAR/LRSP and HSIP Grant Applications as well as the Circulation Element. DISADVANTAGES: The completion of the LRSP and preparation of the HSIP Grant Applications will continue to require staff time and City funds. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The SSAR and LRSP do not require environmental review. In compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the project is categorically exempt per section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines, which states that where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility of a significant effect on the environment, an activity is not subject to CEQA. Each project completed will evaluate environmental impacts on a project-by-project basis. The individual projects developed from the SSAR and LRSP will include the necessary environmental reviews and studies. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. At the time of report publication, no comments have been received. Item 8.j. - Page 4 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AMENDMENT NO. 5 This Fifth Amendment ("Fifth Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (“City”) and GHD, Inc. (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 25th day of August 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement for On-call Consultant Services dated March 1, 2015; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a First Amendment to Agreement dated February 27, 2018 to extend the Agreement to February 29, 2020 and change the name from Omni Means, LTD to GHD, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Second Amendment to Agreement dated May 15, 2019 to authorize GHD to update the General Plan Circulation Element; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Third Amendment to Agreement dated February 25, 2020 to include specific scopes of services for the SSAR/LRSP and the Circulation Element and extend the Agreement to September 30, 2020; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Fourth Amendment to Agreement dated July 14, 2020 to include additional scopes of services for the Circulation Element; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Section 1 ("TERM") of the Agreement, shall be modified in its entirety to read as follows: This Agreement shall be extended and remain and continue in effect until June 20, 2021, for the SSAR/LRSP and the Circulation Element unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions hereof. 2. To modify the scopes of service as specified in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, as amended, shall remain unchanged. Item 8.j. - Page 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this Fifth Amendment the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: GHD, INC.: ______________________________ _______________________________ CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM:   TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Item 8.j. - Page 6 669 Pacific Street, Suite A, San Luis Obispo, CA USA T 1 805-858-3141 W www.ghd.com August 14, 2020 Robin Dickerson, PE City Engineer City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Re: Proposal for Additional Local Road Safety Plan Work and Two Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Grant Applications Dear Robin, We are excited about helping the City of Arroyo Grande finalize the Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP). Based on previous tasks and analysis performed outside of scope, we have recognized there will be some additional scope to facilitate the completion of that plan. In addition, we recommend that a project website be developed through the Social Pinpoint platform for public outreach. This platform will allow us to post information about the City’s LRSP including project documents, prerecorded presentation, interactive map, and surveys in gaining public comments virtually. In addition, the website link could be provided on the City website, social media platforms, etc. Per your request, we have also scoped and added a fee for two (2) HSIP grant applications for Cycle 10. With the deadline on October 19, 2020, GHD will prioritize this task and deliver two grant applications with all the necessary documents to Arroyo Grande for review by September 21, 2020 (we will provide earlier if available too). GHD will follow the HSIP requirements and prepare all calculations and documents necessary to complete the grant applications. Please contact me with any questions, and refer to the following attached document that lists the “Previous Work Performed Outside of Scope” and “Additional Scope of Service.” The budget is as follows: Task 1 - LRSP Additional Work $5680 Task 2 - Two HSIP applications $5944 Total $11,624 Please contact me with any questions you might have regarding this extra work proposal. Thank you again for the opportunity to offer our services for this very important effort. Sincerely, GHD Jay Walter PE TE Project Manager Item 8.j. - Page 7 Previous Work Performed Outside of Scope In performing the Systemic Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) and Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP), there were some tasks completed outside of the scope. These tasks were as follows: 1. Additional collision analysis and cross-checking a. Per the LRSP stakeholder working group meeting, we learned that the City had their own collision database and our fatalities were not matching up. In rectifying the collision data, we had the City of Arroyo Grande send us their collision data to compare to SWITRS. There was an additional 722 unverified collisions that we had to work with the City in getting the required information fields and then geocode each one to import into ArcGIS. 2. Identifying systemic countermeasures for improvements. 3. Citywide review of all the existing pedestrian facilities and their accommodations. 4. Coordination of the traffic counts with the Circulation Element. Therefore, due to these services being performed out of scope, we need additional budget for the following services identified in “Work to Complete.” Additional Scope of Services Task 1 – Local Road Safety Plan Task 1.1 – Additional Work In delivering a comprehensive Local Road Safety Plan, there is additional scope necessary in delivering the final plan. This will include further refinement of the individual and systemic safety projects, documentation of the Draft and Final Plan, final LRSP working group meeting, attendance at City Council, and public engagement and outreach. With the current environment, it is recommended that a project website be created for project documents and public engagement. GHD recommends the Social Pinpoint platform for the virtual engagement and project related feedback. With the Social Pinpoint engagement tools such as a landing page with project documents for comment, interactive map for any public comments at specific locations, project surveys, idea walls, and virtual presentation. In addition, this website can be available in over 100 languages per the user’s settings. Deliverables  Final LRSP Working Group Meeting Agenda, Powerpoint, and documents  GHD creates and maintains the LRSP Social Pinpoint Project website for the project  GHD provides summary of all public comment and feedback  Local Road Safety Plan Draft and Final Report o MS Word documents and PDF copies of the Draft and Final Reports will be provided in an electronic format along with two (2) bound hardcopies of the Final LRSP Report. Task 2 – Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Grant Applications Task 2.1 – Development of Two HSIP Applications for Cycle 10 Based on the finding in the Systemic Safety Analysis Report (SSAR), two HSIP grant applications will be prepared for review and submittal by the City of Arroyo Grande. With the HSIP cycle 10 call for projects now open, this task will be prioritized in delivering a draft grant application to the City for review by Monday, September 21st. The deadline for HSIP grant applications is October 19, 2020 and the application will need to be submitted by the City to Caltrans. GHD will provide all application documents and calculations necessary to fulfill the submittal requirements. In addition, GHD will have a kick-off meeting Item 8.j. - Page 8 with the City of Arroyo Grande in the beginning to define the two (2) projects for HSIP funding. With the HSIP Cycle 10 specifics, there will be two application categories submitted for funding. One application will be based on a Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) for improved striping and pavement markings per the Cycle10 HSIP analyzer. This is likely to include E. Grand Avenue from Courtland Street to Elm Street and E. Grand Avenue from East of Elm Street to West of Halcyon Road. However, we will also evaluate if certain intersections should have additional focus (e.g. Halcyon Road and E. Grand Avenue) or be a break out project would fair better for the HSIP application. The second application will be based on HSIP 10 Funding Set-Asides (SA) for pedestrian crossing enhancements. The SA funding for pedestrian crossing enhancements does not require a BCR and has a max amount per agency of $250,000. However, the application will be fulfilled to include the pedestrian crossing improvements on E. Branch Street in the Village (Arroyo Grande’s downtown). Both HSIP applications will need 30% preliminary design drawings for planning level cost estimating. Deliverables  Two HSIP complete applications with all supporting documents and requirements for the City’s submittal to Caltrans before October 19, 2020 Cost Proposal Walter ProjectFunction PM Engr C Engr A Task Description Rate $245 $145 $115 $5,680 Additional Work 3 15 22 $240 40 $5,680 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Grant Applications $5,944 2 12 30 $264 44 $5,944 Hours 5 27 52 84 New Total: Dollars $1,225 $3,915 $5,980 $504 $0 $11,624 $11,624 Consumables Outside Services Total Hours Subtotal Task Total Development of Two HSIP Applications for Cycle 10 Local Roadway Safety Plan - Additional Work Item 8.j. - Page 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 8.j. - Page 10