Minutes 2020-09-08 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA In compliance with the State Shelter at Home Order due to the coronavirus pandemic, and as allowed by the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting was held by teleconference. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ray Russom called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. via teleconference. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Lan George, Jimmy Paulding, Kristen Barneich, Mayor Pro Tern Keith Storton, and Mayor Caren Ray Russom were all present via teleconference. Staff Present: Acting City Manager Bill Robeson, Acting Deputy City Manager Whitney McDonald, Director of Legislative and Information Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, and Information Technology Manager Walt Cuzick were present in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Timothy Carmel, Police Chief Mike Martinez, Administrative Services Director Mike Stevens, and Sergeant Jeremy Burns were present via teleconference. 3. MOMENT OF REFLECTION 4. FLAG SALUTE Council Member Paulding led the flag salute. 5. AGENDA REVIEW 5.a. Closed Session Announcements. None. 5.b. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Mayor Ray Russom moved, Council Member Paulding seconded, and the motion passed unanimously by roll-call vote that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. 6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 6.a. Update Regarding Countywide COVID-19 Efforts. Recommended Action: Receive update, accept public comments, discuss, and provide direction, as necessary. Acting Deputy City Manager McDonald provided an update on the County's current COVID-19 efforts. She stated that the County has opened a new testing site in Arroyo Grande at the South County Regional Center and more information can be found on the ReadySLO.org website; Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 2 Tuesday, September 8, 2020 explained that the State has a new color coded regimen for tracking the number of positive cases, that the current level in the County is in the color purple tier, meaning that the virus is at the widespread risk level because there are more than 7 new cases per day per 100,000 residents. She stated that the County is currently averaging about 9.6 positive cases per day per 100,000 residents. Acting Deputy City Manager McDonald responded to questions from Council. Mayor Ray Russom stated she received the same information from the recent County Mayors meeting and did not have any new information to report. Mayor Ray Russom invited public comment. No public comments were received. No action was taken on this item. 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Mayor Ray Russom invited public comment. No public comments were received. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ray Russom invited public comment on the Consent Agenda. No public comments were received. Action: Council Member Paulding moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.f., with the recommended courses of action. Mayor Pro Tem Storton seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Paulding, Storton, Barneich, George, Ray Russom NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period August 16, 2020 through August 31, 2020. 8.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of August 18, 2020 and the Regular City Council Meeting of August 25, 2020, as submitted. 8.c. Adoption of a Resolution Declaring a Continued Local Emergency Related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Action: Adopted a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING A CONTINUED LOCAL EMERGENCY RELATED TO THE CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMIC". 8.d. Consideration of Grant Acceptance from the Office of Traffic Safety for Traffic/DUI Enforcement and Approval of a Budget Amendment Request for FY 2020-21 in the Amount of$42,000 to Department 4209-OTS Special Grant Program. Action: 1) Adopted a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY TO ACCEPT GRANT FUNDING FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAMS AND TO APPROPRIATE THE FUNDING FOR THE PROGRAM ACTIVITIES"; and 2) Approved a Budget Amendment Request for FY 2020-21 in the amount of $42,000 to Department 4209-OTS Special Grant Program. Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 3 Tuesday, September 8, 2020 8.e. Consideration of Approval of Agreement for Contractor Services with Quincon, Inc., Environmental Exemption, and an Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Capital Improvement Budget for the Police Station Evidence Room Secondary Access Project, PW 2020-10. Action: 1) Approved and authorized the Acting City Manager to execute an Agreement for Contractor Services with Quincon, Inc. in the amount of$16,890 for the Police Station Evidence Room Secondary Access Project, PW 2020-10; 2) Authorized the Acting City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $18,579, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; 3) Found that the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption; and 4)Approved an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program budget to add $8,579 of Police Impact Fees for the subject project. 8.f. Consideration of Letter to the Governor Regarding COVID-19 Restrictions on Personal Care Services. Action: Approved and authorized the Mayor to send a letter to the Governor regarding the reopening plan for personal care services such as nail salons as a result of the COVID- 19 pandemic. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. OLD BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Discussion and Consideration of Policy Establishing Thresholds of Significance for Evaluating Transportation Impacts Under the California Environmental Quality Act Pursuant to SB 743. Acting Deputy City Manager McDonald presented the staff report and recommended that the Council adopt a Resolution adopting the policy establishing thresholds of significance for evaluating transportation impacts under CEQA in compliance with SB 743. Acting Deputy City Manager McDonald and traffic consultants Jake Hudson and Todd Tregenza from GHD, Inc. responded to extensive questions from Council. Mayor Ray Russom invited public comment. No comments were received. Action: Mayor Ray Russom moved to adopt a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A POLICY ESTABLISHING THRESHOLDS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR EVALUATING TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SB 743". Council Member Paulding seconded, and the motion passed on following roll call vote: AYES: Ray Russom, Paulding, George, Barneich, Storton NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 4 Tuesday, September 8, 2020 11.b. Consideration of Appointment of Voting Delegates for the Virtual League of California Cities Annual Conference and Direction Regarding the Annual Conference Resolution. Acting Deputy City Manager McDonald presented the staff report and recommended that the Council: 1) Appoint one Council Member as the voting delegate and one Council Member as the alternate voting delegate for the virtual League of California Cities Annual Conference; and 2) Provide direction to the voting delegates regarding a City position on the League of California Cities Resolution concerning an amendment to the Communications Decency Act of 1996 Mayor Ray Russom invited public comment. No comments were received. Action: Council Member Paulding moved to appoint Mayor Pro Tem Storton as the Voting Delegate and himself as the Alternate, and to provide direction to the Voting Delegate to vote in support of the League Resolution. Council Member Barneich seconded, and the motion passed on following roll call vote: AYES: Paulding, Barneich, George, Storton, Ray Russom NOES: None ABSENT: None 11.c. Consideration of: (1) Resolution Appointing Whitney McDonald as City Manager and Approving Related Employment Agreement; (2)Adoption of Resolution Establishing the Position of Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director, and Establishing a Salary Range for the Position and Amending the Citywide Combined Salary Schedule; and (3) Approving Amendment of Employment Agreement with Bill Robeson for Position of Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director. City Attorney Carmel presented the staff report and recommended that the Council: 1) Adopt the Resolution appointing Whitney McDonald as City Manager and approving the Employment Agreement; 2) Adopt the Resolution establishing the position of Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director and a Salary Range for the position, and amending the Citywide combined salary schedule; and 3) Approve the Amendment to Employment Agreement with Bill Robeson for the position of Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director. City Attorney Carmel responded to questions from Council. Mayor Ray Russom invited public comment. No comments were received. Action: Mayor Pro Tem Storton moved to adopt a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPOINTING WHITNEY MCDONALD AS CITY MANAGER FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT." Council Member George seconded, and the motion passed on following roll call vote: AYES: Storton, George, Barneich, Paulding, Ray Russom NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: City Council Meeting Page 5 Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Action: Council Member George moved to adopt a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND A SALARY RANGE FOR THE POSITION, AND AMENDING THE CITYWIDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE TO INCLUDE THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR." Council Member Paulding seconded, and the motion passed on following roll call vote: AYES: George, Paulding, Barneich, Storton, Ray Russom NOES: None ABSENT: None Action: Mayor Ray Russom moved to approve the Amendment to Employment Agreement with Bill Robeson for the position of Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director. Council Member George seconded, and the motion passed on following roll call vote: AYES: Ray Russom, George, Barneich, Paulding, Storton NOES: None ABSENT: None 12. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Ray Russom announced the upcoming Empty Bowls fundraiser event benefitting the 5Cities Homeless Coalition, explained how the event would be held a little differently this year, and stated that tickets are available and can be purchased online. Mayor Pro Tem Storton referred to the South County Chambers of Commerce's Local Business Meeting for Arroyo Grande businesses and suggested the Council consider assigning Council Members on a rotational basis to attend the meetings. Council Member George concurred. Following brief comments from Council in support of the idea, staff was directed to place the matter on a future agenda. 13. CLOSED SESSION None. 14. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Ray Russom adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. ItAp Caren R ssom, Mayor ATTEST: adij ato e.._ Kelly W tm,td e, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg 9-;1'ZaZo