CC 2020-07-14 Items Recd at MtgFrom:Zach Victor To:public comment Subject:11 A public comment Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 6:37:08 PM It is very difficult to witness how little respect residents and business owners in Arroyo Grande have for state orders surrounding public health during the pandemic. I do believe the majority of our citizens do have the respect and decency to their fellow citizen to wear a mask, social distance, and stay home if feeling sick. However there are a small group of citizens who feel they are “immune” to having to comply with the state orders. These folks are the reason the curve isn’t dropping and I ask you all to enforce penalty to those who do not explicitly follow these orders. There are businesses already taunting the government by stating they will not close. I hope that Arroyo Grande and our new police chief enforce this order immediately and expeditiously. Thank you for your leadership. The victor family. Sent from my iPhone From:Kevin Colton To:public comment Cc:Jocelyn; CoachChrisCucchiara@gmail.com Subject:Bad Ideas. Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 8:45:14 PM Madam Mayor Ray, Council Members, Having been an Arroyo Grande resident for 19 years and now a Nipomo resident for 20yrs, I feel compelled to let my voice be heard, as a business owner, a frequent shopper, and a member of the South County Chamber of Commerce. The COVID shutdown has already decimated our local, state, and national economies. And just as businesses were beginning to rebound after a brief opening, mass protests erupted over most of our county/nation- protests that were encouraged and endorsed by many in government leadership positions, including our Governor and the Mayor of LA. These same leaders are now calling for the closing of a large portion of the State economy AGAIN as the numbers of COVID cases predictably increased dramatically across our state since these protests began. At the same time, the masks have now been mandatory in counties such as Santa Barbara, since May 26th, and for the State since June 18th. For over a month an a half in some locations, people wearing masks everywhere, yet somehow COVID case numbers still continue to spike! And now here you are, voting to 1) raise taxes on a community already struggling to make ends meet and 2) ready to mandate wearing masks/ and to impose fines on people in public for not wearing masks, which are either ineffective- or people aren't using them when they gather in large crowds to protest. Which, you will say, is a constitutional right! Well, We also have the constitutional right to property...our businesses and our livelihoods! Logically, these positions can't be supported. You cant support protests-which caused the COVID Spread- then support business closures, raising taxes on the unemployed, mandating masks, and fining citizens- who otherwise are law-abiding- for defying a 'Mandate" that isn't a real law. It certainly wouldn't be a constitutional law, and it's a mandate not even supported by federal doctors and healthcare officials leading and managing the COVID crisis! Please consider what you are doing. Follow the science/data, not fear, and support your local constituency and businesses by not taxing/fining us into deprivation and despair! If you move forward with the tax and the mask mandate, many of us will refuse to shop in your town till it is lifted. I can shop at stores like Trader Joes in Santa Maria. In closing, I keep hearing public officials say, "We are all in this together..." Please lead on these issues as if you are in it with us as well, and you have no steady income to depend on, week to week or month to month! Respectfully submitted, Kevin L. Colton Social KLICs Digital Marketing W: SocialKLICs.com M: 805.710.4221 E: Kevin@SocialKLICs.com Connect on LinkedIn https://link.edgepilot.com/s/110679a0/K8lasSSgpEWIso_vh5dCvg? u=https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinlcoltonklics/ Links contained in this email have been replaced. If you click on a link in the email above, the link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is found, you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious content is detected, you will see a warning. From:Kevin Buchanan To:public comment Subject:City Council Meeting - Tuesday, July 14th - Item 8.i - Circulation Element Update Amendment Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:03:06 PM I am writing to express support of the additional work to the updated circulation element. Furthermore, I'd like to recommend that the city revisit the Brisco Interchange Project in light of the shift in transportation metrics from LOS to VMT, and the forthcoming interim VMT policy to be adopted into the circulation element. The Brisco Interchange Project was largely driven by now antiquated LOS metrics, and any potential large-scale spending on roads to simply increase LOS should be re-evaluated with VMT, and the updated budget projections due to the COVID-19 epidemic in mind. Kevin Buchanan From: To:public comment Subject:Covid Mask Enforcement Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 5:44:30 PM Dear City Council- I am not in favor of issuing fines for non-mask wearers in our city. 1. It puts enforcement into AGPD’s responsibility and they certainly are not staffed to do so. 2. Laws or mandates should go through the appropriate legal channels. I say this- although my personal opinion, and the opinion of most of the medical community is that we should all be wearing masks when we are out in the public spaces- and certainly when we are not able to always maintain a 6-10 foot safe distancing from other people. However- if the State, or the Federal Government declare a state or National emergency due to COVID 19 spikes and threat to our health provider capacity- and they say Cities need to enforce the mask policy- then certainly, in that case, I would be in favor of later instituting a program to enforce mask enforcement by anybody in public spaces where they are putting other peoples health at risk. If only those that are so adamant to not wear a mask would know what it feels like to lose a family member to this very real pandemic that is so very illusive; how much “freedom” and inconvenience are you really giving up ? We are all in this together. Thank you- Bruce Berlin Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Links contained in this email have been replaced. If you click on a link in the email above, the link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is found, you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious content is detected, you will see a warning. From:Linda Cox To:Kelly Wetmore Cc:public comment Subject:FW: Chief Martinez Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 6:32:15 PM Attachments:pdcombinded-moto_7978ed43-59a4-4a56-b76d-ca472db8e7ad111111111.png pdnixle_bba11398-8538-4909-95c6-9629f48e4f70111111111.png pdcombinded-moto_7978ed43-59a4-4a56-b76d-ca472db8e7ad111111111.png pdnixle_bba11398-8538-4909-95c6-9629f48e4f70111111111.png I sent this in this morning to be read during comment for Chief’s appointment. Linda Linda Cox Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police Arroyo Grande Police Department Tel: 473-5115 | Fax: 805-473-5105 | www.agpd.org 200 N Halcyon Rd | Arroyo Grande | CA | 93420 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This communication and its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use, or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of this communication. Please note that this communication and any correspondence with the City of Arroyo Grande Police Department and any attachments may be subject to the California Public Records Act and may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt by law. From: Linda Cox Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:25 AM To: public comment <publiccomment@arroyogrande.org> Subject: Chief Martinez Congratulations Chief Martinez. Four years of preparation and mentoring has paid off. Wishing you continued success throughout your career. You know I got your six. Cox Linda Cox Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police Arroyo Grande Police Department Tel: 473-5115 | Fax: 805-473-5105 | www.agpd.org 200 N Halcyon Rd | Arroyo Grande | CA | 93420 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This communication and its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use, or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of this communication. Please note that this communication and any correspondence with the City of Arroyo Grande Police Department and any attachments may be subject to the California Public Records Act and may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt by law. From:Caren Ray Russom To:public comment Subject:FW: City Council Meeting Tonight Item 8c - NO Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 5:21:00 PM Importance:High Yours in service, Caren Caren Ray Russom Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande crayrussom@arroyogrande.org Tel: 805-473-5400 | www.arroyogrande.org 300 E. Branch St | Arroyo Grande | CA | 93420 From: Tracy Thomas [ Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 5:05 PM To: Caren Ray Russom; Jimmy Paulding; Kristen Barneich; Keith Storton; Lan George Cc: Tracy Thomas; Mike Thomas Subject: City Council Meeting Tonight Item 8c - NO Mayor Russom and City Council Members, As a proud resident of Arroyo Grande since 1976, I ask that you vote NO tonight on item 8c. Admin costs will incur and the City does not have the funds or Staff to move forward on this. If you state you do have the funds to incur this cost, why did you eliminate a police officer position? We need to be funding the police, not defunding. The Council will be asking the voters (if you approve tonight) to approve a 1% sales increase in November. We look for fiscal responsibility. Respectfully submitted, Tracy Thomas, CEO Bulk or Liquid Transport, LLc Driving Sustainability, Safety & Integrity 576 Camino Mercado, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805.202.2200 PhoNE 805.202.2204 FaX 805.550.2178 cELL https://link.edgepilot.com/s/26b345e9/rdgWsQkgyU2xDe6hyhI0EQ? u=http://www.bolt-transport.com/ certified Women’s Business Enterprise | smartWay Transport Partner Links contained in this email have been replaced. If you click on a link in the email above, the link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is found, you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious content is detected, you will see a warning. From:Caren Ray Russom To:public comment Subject:Fwd: City Council Meeting Tonight Item 8c- NO Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 6:29:46 PM Attachments:image001.jpg Begin forwarded message: From: Tracy Thomas < Date: July 14, 2020 at 5:27:28 PM PDT To: Caren Ray Russom <crayrussom@arroyogrande.org> Subject: City Council Meeting Tonight Item 8c- NO Mayor Russom and City Council Members, As a proud resident of Arroyo Grande since 1976, I ask that you vote NO tonight on item 8c. Admin costs will incur and the City does not have the funds or Staff to move forward on this. If you state you do have the funds to incur this cost, why did you eliminate a police officer position? We need to be funding the police, not defunding. The Council will be asking the voters (if you approve tonight) to approve a 1% sales increase in November. We look for fiscal responsibility. Respectfully submitted, Tracy Thomas, CEO Bulk or Liquid Transport, LLc Driving Sustainability, Safety & Integrity 576 Camino Mercado, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805.202.2200 PhoNE 805.202.2204 FaX 805.550.2178 cELL https://link.edgepilot.com/s/4334d01f/ayf_BBcI8k_qhjsW1_JGVw? u=http://www.bolt-transport.com/ BOLT logo certified Women’s Business Enterprise | smartWay Transport Partner Links contained in this email have been replaced. If you click on a link in the email above, the link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is found, you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious content is detected, you will see a warning. From:Caren Ray Russom To:public comment Subject:Fwd: Mandating mask penalties Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:53:42 PM Caren Ray Russom Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande From: Scott Andrews < Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:43 PM To: lgeorge@arroyogrande.org; kstorton@arroyogrande.org; jpaulding@arroyogrande.org; kbarneich@arroyogrande.org; crayrussom@arroyogrande.org Subject: Mandating mask penalties Dear AG City Council, As a long-time citizen who currently lives in Arroyo Grande and grew up here, I would like to weigh in on the issue of masks. Namely, mandating fines. This is not good governance. There is flimsy enough evidence supporting masks, as to whether they are healthy or not, and in addition unless they are all N95 the actual protection is negligible. The protection from sneezing on someone else is also negligible. To make matters worse, if you require or mandate penalties or fines, WHO will enforce those fines? Do you want neighbors calling on their neighbors for walking their dog without a mask? Seriously? And doesn't our police have other matters to attend to? If not, we shouldn't be employing that many police officers. So, either we are overstaffed or you are overlegislating. Please - fix other problems with this city, such as extremely high water bills. No on mandated masks or mask fines. Thank you, Scott Andrews From:Caren Ray Russom To:public comment Subject:Fwd: Mask fines and Sales Tax increase Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 9:34:44 PM Caren Ray Russom Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande From: Brent Inglehart < Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 8:49 PM To: crayrussom@arroyogrande.org; kstorton@arroyogrande.org Subject: Fwd: Mask fines and Sales Tax increase I sent this to the public comment section but it appears it didn't go through to make it on minutes. Please see below for my two comments. Thank you for your time. ---------- Forwarded message -------- From: Brent Date: Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 1:03 PM Subject: Mask fines and Sales Tax increase To: <publiccomment@arroyogrande.org> Mayor and Fellow Council Members, I am a new Arroyo Grande resident, but I have been a 5-Cities resident for 16 years. I was disheartened to read that you are discussing fines and penalties for citizens not wearing masks. I do not believe the data, or the science, for face coverings is so compelling to lead a community to penalize people financially for not complying with what is deemed a "recommendation" by the CDC. Most people do not know how to wear a mask properly as it is. Also, they cannot keep it sterile and sanitary by the way they store and remove it. Children have a hard time wearing a mask for a variety of reasons and people with underlying health issues cannot wear a mask for proper breathing. At what point are we going to say no to the State and Local Authorities taking away our inalienable rights. Why are you making the police and code enforcement be the bad guys in enforcing this mask law? They have better things to do and their efforts need to be focused on larger endeavors. People are already stressed, not working, getting their bills piled up while also mentally exhausted from all the restrictions and societal issues on a daily basis. So... let's ticket people and use taxpayer dollars to then ask the now ticketed taxpayer to make up the lost revenue by raising taxes. Sounds totally reasonable! (sarcasm) I am sorry, but your rationale is lunacy. I am against any additional restrictions of our freedoms and rights to operate within a free society. I am against any new taxes to pay for the budget shortage you caused by pandering to the Governor’s Office. Open the businesses and stop restricting life. Globally, there were 1.5 million deaths from TB last year. We sure had a ton of mask enforcement last year?! Also, the H1N1 deaths in 2009 were around 237,000- 250,000 (est). Again, masks and an economy shutdown were not activated. We have had 5 deaths in SLO County. More people die in DUI crashes and shark attacks each year. The COVID numbers are up because the testing is up. Also, can we be real? How many people traveled up and down the state into the various counties for the rallies and protests? Masks were not worn by a majority of the crowds. How come there are rules for some people and then we look away for other people. The COVID data does not support the closure of our community. I urge you all to be leaders. Our local economy, and people's livelihoods, may not survive another major shutdown. Burdening your community with making up the revenue losses is not right. Your decisions could affect generations of Arroyo Grande families. What makes our community great is our ability to thrive in tough times, so what will you do? Add to the stress and financial burden or dial back CIP projects (bridge st project) and non-priority services. Brent Arroyo Grande Resident From:Brenda Ratkay To:public comment Subject:I am a resident of Grover Beach Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:15:10 PM And I support fines for not wearing masks. Thank you, Brenda Ratkay From:Natalie Terrasas To:public comment Subject:Mask fines Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:24:02 PM Hello I want to voice my concern about wearing masks in public I will respect wearing a mask when I cannot social distance but I do not believe in charging fines to those who are outside not wearing a mask. I think we can respectfully meet halfway and wear a mask only when social distancing is not available. Our rights are being taken from us and in no way do I agree that we should be finding people for not wearing a mask when we have other places to be putting our money. Thank you Natalie Terrasas From:Michael Edwards To:public comment Subject:Mask Fines re: Covid-19 Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:27:24 PM According to CA law, a local health emergency can only be called at the INTRODUCTION of an infectious disease. The introduction of this disease was back in February, nearly 5 months ago. The Governor himself is telling us we are in a recovery phase. Therefore, we no longer have grounds for an emergency. The Board is required by law to terminate the local emergency at the earliest possible date. You are breaking the law by allowing this fraudulent emergency to continue, just to get relief funds. Because you have not acted according to law, my understanding is that a lawsuit is being brought against you and the health officer for fraud… for all who persist. Fraud is a felony, and a felony carries a prison sentence. The other alternative is to abide by the oath that you swore to uphold, and terminate this fraudulent health emergency today." Let me repeat. There is no longer a valid emergency, and therefore all the orders emanating from it are INVALID AND UNLAWFUL. That means masks, forced separation as well as the closing of businesses, are not legally enforceable. The school "policies" that are being threatened will cause psychological damage, on a mass scale, to growing children that will far surpass damage such as Reactive Attachment Disorder. Reactive Attachment Disorder takes place in a child when their brains don’t develop correctly due to a lack of nurturing. It is almost very difficult to correct. I can’t imagine the brain damage children will have to endure based on not being allowed to participate with society. You have no idea, the Pandora’s Box you are unknowingly opening. The danger is real but avoidable…if we stop this unnatural behavior as quickly as possible. Remember: NO Governor has ANY authority to compel any individual to do anything. 1. Newsome didn’t issue any order. It was a statement from the Dept. of Health. 2. It is not a public health order - - it is a statement … “guidance” is in bold letters at the top of the order. 3. There is no law cited or penal code cited. 4. This guidance actually RELAXES the previous orders. 5. It is deceptive to present this as “new law”. For people who choose to dismiss the evidence, I would remind them that they have chosen to abide by the CDPH. According to the California Department of Health, overseen by State Public Health Officer and Director Sonia Y. Angell, MD MPH and with Governor Gavin Newsom’s Seal of Approval, the following individuals are exempt from wearing a face covering, issued on June 18, 2020: • Persons age two years or under. These very young children must not wear a face covering because of the risk of suffocation. • Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. This includes persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a face covering could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance. • Persons who are hearing impaired, or communicating with a person who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication. • Persons for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk to the person related to their work, as determined by local, state, or federal regulators or workplace safety guidelines. • Persons who are obtaining a service involving the nose or face for which temporary removal of the face covering is necessary to perform the service. • Persons who are seated at a restaurant or other establishment that offers food or beverage service, while they are eating or drinking, provided that they are able to maintain a distance of at least six feet away from persons who are not members of the same household or residence. • Persons who are engaged in outdoor work or recreation such as swimming, walking, hiking, bicycling, or running, when alone or with household members, and when they are able to maintain a distance of at least six feet from others. • Persons who are incarcerated. Prisons and jails, as part of their mitigation plans, will have specific guidance on the wearing of face coverings or masks for both inmates and staff. From:Dill, Danielle To:public comment Subject:mask ordinance Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:51:15 PM Hello, I am writing to let you know, I am a resident of A.G. and support the ordinance. People should be wearing masks. If they don’t they should not be allowed to enter establishment. Period. Best regards, Danielle Grace Lane From:Kristi Dibbern To:public comment Subject:Masks in the Village Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 5:21:22 PM Dear City Council, I am strongly opposed to a mask law. It is not constitutional to tell citizens what we can and can not do with our body. We live in a place with fresh air and healthy people. You are 30 times more likely to touch your face if you are required to wear a mask than without one. And what about the kids? How many times will they touch their faces while wearing a mask? It seems this is simply a way to collect revenue. I strongly oppose the mask law. Once it is in place, why would you lift it? Now it is a source of revenue. Large and small governments have gone too far. Kristi Dibbern From:Jessica Pellegrini To:public comment Subject:NO on Mask Fines Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 5:25:59 PM Good Afternoon, Seeing the friendly smiles and familiar faces when shopping around Arroyo Grande, especially in the village, is what makes our community so special. Human connection is important when bringing a sense of community to a city and if masks become mandated that will destroy this. I understand that some people are fearful of covid and I don't want to minimize that. We do need to take this seriously. But let's look at this realistically. Diligent hand washing and social distancing have proven to be more effective since people get a false sense of security wearing masks; which leads them to touching their masks and faces more, standing closer together, their noses hang out, etc. There are numerous studies that show both sides. But we have to strive to make the village comfortable for EVERYONE. We can't just cater to one side. If masks become mandatory/fined, that's an extreme measure that will drive many away. Each individual has different health conditions where a mask may do more harm than good and we need to be cautious of that. I suggest placing portable hand-washing stations throughout the village where those can be reminded to keep their hands clean. And let's also not forget to remind people to eat healthy, exercise and build their immunity! SLO County is known for its healthy outdoor lifestyle, so let's live up to that expectation and keep ourselves healthy physically, mentally and socially (within reason). To put everyone's health in the hands of a mask is not practical or humane. Please do not enforce mask wearing fines. Small businesses are already suffering and this will only lead them to having to close their doors when business slows more, due to those who will shop elsewhere. Thank you for your time, Jess Pellegrini From:Chris Cucchiara To:Kevin Colton Cc:public comment; Jocelyn Subject:Re: Bad Ideas. Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 9:39:24 PM Hi Kevin, Nice letter as you are right on point. Having been on many of these calls with the Cities and Counties providing public comment like so many others have done, has been a complete waste of time! These elected officials never take into consideration the outcry from the community. Like tonight, it was obvious that the mayor and council members had already made up their minds. Not to mention the ordinance was very misleading! These calls are just to pacify the public. What we witnessed tonight was an embarrassment to the community of Arroyo Grande. The lack of leadership spoke loud and clear tonight. God helps us! On Tue, Jul 14, 2020, 8:44 PM Kevin Colton < wrote: Madam Mayor Ray, Council Members, Having been an Arroyo Grande resident for 19 years and now a Nipomo resident for 20yrs, I feel compelled to let my voice be heard, as a business owner, a frequent shopper, and a member of the South County Chamber of Commerce. The COVID shutdown has already decimated our local, state, and national economies. And just as businesses were beginning to rebound after a brief opening, mass protests erupted over most of our county/nation- protests that were encouraged and endorsed by many in government leadership positions, including our Governor and the Mayor of LA. These same leaders are now calling for the closing of a large portion of the State economy AGAIN as the numbers of COVID cases predictably increased dramatically across our state since these protests began. At the same time, the masks have now been mandatory in counties such as Santa Barbara, since May 26th, and for the State since June 18th. For over a month an a half in some locations, people wearing masks everywhere, yet somehow COVID case numbers still continue to spike! And now here you are, voting to 1) raise taxes on a community already struggling to make ends meet and 2) ready to mandate wearing masks/ and to impose fines on people in public for not wearing masks, which are either ineffective- or people aren't using them when they gather in large crowds to protest. Which, you will say, is a constitutional right! Well, We also have the constitutional right to property...our businesses and our livelihoods! Logically, these positions can't be supported. You cant support protests-which caused the COVID Spread- then support business closures, raising taxes on the unemployed, mandating masks, and fining citizens- who otherwise are law-abiding- for defying a 'Mandate" that isn't a real law. It certainly wouldn't be a constitutional law, and it's a mandate not even supported by federal doctors and healthcare officials leading and managing the COVID crisis! Please consider what you are doing. Follow the science/data, not fear, and support your local constituency and businesses by not taxing/fining us into deprivation and despair! If you move forward with the tax and the mask mandate, many of us will refuse to shop in your town till it is lifted. I can shop at stores like Trader Joes in Santa Maria. In closing, I keep hearing public officials say, "We are all in this together..." Please lead on these issues as if you are in it with us as well, and you have no steady income to depend on, week to week or month to month! Respectfully submitted, Kevin L. Colton Social KLICs Digital Marketing W: SocialKLICs.com M: 805.710.4221 E: Kevin@SocialKLICs.com Connect on LinkedIn https://link.edgepilot.com/s/52d2415a/B5E9Wr6oGkeFOF1_pm2zow? u=https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinlcoltonklics/ Links contained in this email have been replaced. If you click on a link in the email above, the link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is found, you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious content is detected, you will see a warning. From:Gary Borsos To:public comment Subject:Re: For the July 14, 2020 City Council Meeting Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 8:17:50 PM Dear Arroyo Grande City Council Members, During tonight's City Council meeting this email to you was not read. Since I'm new to this process and I'd like to learn for the future, will you please tell me what I did wrong that this submission wasn't read. Thank You, Gary Borsos On 7/13/2020 3:16 PM, Gary Borsos wrote: > > Dear Arroyo Grande City Council Members, > > I am strongly in favor of an ordinance requiring people to wear masks > in public. > > As you know, on March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom declared a State of > Emergency due to COVID-19. On March 13, 2020 The White House declared > a National Emergency due to COVID-19. At those times, the county > sheltered-at-home. Our daily new cases were on the order of 0 – 4, > with 1 COVID-19 death. Now that we’ve opened, our daily new cases are > on the order of 30 – 40, with 5 deaths. > > The prudent thing to do, is what we can to stop the spread. If we do > nothing, COVID-19 cases will continue to rise, deaths will continue to > rise, and we will be shutting down the economy again. With today’s > announcement from Governor Newsom, the shutting down of the economy > has already started. > > One thing we can easily do now to slow the spread is for everyone to > wear a mask in public. Most people are already wearing a mask in > public. Unfortunately, there are a few people in this city that need > an additional incentive to wear a mask. A city ordinance will provide > this incentive. I hope you will pass this ordinance. > > Thank You, > Gary Borsos > > Arroyo Grande, CA > 93420 > From: To:public comment Subject:Sales Tax 1% Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 5:27:48 PM Dear City Council- Based on the information in staff report and the consultants report- I would be in favor of putting the 1% sales tax on the ballot. Certainly our Capital Improvement Projects- could use the fiscal injection to handle all the deferred maintenance on our streets and and infrastructure. If people were to take the time to read the thorough staff report assembled by City Staff regarding the sales tax analysis- they will see that AG has not had any sales tax adjustments since 2006, and we have a definite need to catch up on all of our street and utility maintenance and improvements. The money that would be generated in the tax increase would be fully accounted for and used as strictly directed in the ballot initiative. Thank you. Bruce Berlin Arroyo Grande Resident Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Links contained in this email have been replaced. If you click on a link in the email above, the link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is found, you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious content is detected, you will see a warning.