CC 2020-11-10_11a Pre Application HASLO_PP_Staff Consideration of Pre-application 20-004 HASLO Affordable Housing Proposal 11/11/2020 1 Pre-application A conceptual plan is presented to obtain preliminary feedback from Council and the public Applicant will consider feedback and decide whether to refine the conceptual plan into a formal application 11/11/2020 2 Pre-application A time to present to the public the potential project’s entitlement process and Municipal Code requirements (i.e. zoning, parking, allowed uses etc.) Opportunity for the public to see the conceptual project proposal and comment prior to the formal application 11/11/2020 3 Project Site Four (4) parcels bounded by Oak Park Blvd., Chilton St., and El Camino Real Zoned Office Mixed-Use Surrounding Land Uses North - El Camino Real and US 101 South – Single-family neighborhood East – Single-family & veterinarian West – Oak Park Blvd 11/11/2020 4 11/11/2020 Project Site View of site looking southeast View of site looking south 5 66 unit affordable housing complex Three separate 3-story buildings One-, two-, and three-bedroom units Outdoor recreational area Indoor communal space Mixed-use: 1,000 sq. ft. commercial suite 11/11/2020 Project Description 6 Conceptual Site Plan 11/11/2020 7 General Plan The project is consistent with goals and policies in both Land Use and Housing Elements Land Use Element: Mixture of residential and commercial uses along El Camino Real corridor Proximity to goods and services Housing Element: Opportunity site in the draft Housing Element Affordable housing to meet Regional Housing Needs Allocation 11/11/2020 8 Development Standards 11/11/2020 9 Residential Density Density Calculation Base density in OMU zone for a mixed-use project is 20 dwelling units/acre 2.16 acre site can accommodate 43 units 11/11/2020 10 Parking Vehicular access is proposed off of Chilton Street in addition to the existing driveways on El Camino Real Three (3) separate parking lots to minimize grading and oak tree disturbance Parking required – 105 spaces Parking provided – 88 spaces 11/11/2020 11 Density Bonus AGMC Section 16.82 grants a density bonus for projects that restrict at least 10% of units as affordable Maximum density bonus permitted by AGMC is 35% Increases the number of units allowed to 58 2.16 acres x 20 du/acre = 43 units 35% x 43 units = 15 units 11/11/2020 12 Assembly Bill 1763 Effective January 1, 2020, grants density bonuses for projects on a sliding scale 100% affordable projects qualify for an 80% density bonus Allows up to 78 units Also grants up to 4 concessions and incentives to reduce costs associated with production of affordable units 11/11/2020 13 Assembly Bill 1763 (cont.) Concessions and incentives may include: Reduction of site development standards including setbacks, square footage requirements, and parking space ratios Approval of mixed-uses in conjunction with the housing project if it results in reducing the cost of the housing development Other incentives or concessions proposed by the developer or the city that result in identifiable and actual cost reductions City may not apply any development standard that will physically preclude the construction of the development or the incentives/concession available 11/11/2020 14 Housing Accountability Act Housing Accountability Act (Government Code §65589.5) prohibits local governments from denying or reducing the density of proposed affordable housing projects unless there is evidence that: either (i) the project fails to meet applicable, objective general plan, zoning, and subdivision standards and criteria, or (ii) the project would have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health or safety and there is no other way to mitigate or avoid those impacts. 11/11/2020 15 Next Steps Applicant submits a formal application Staff will begin the environmental review process Staff Advisory Committee Function, conditions Architectural Review Committee Architecture, massing, landscaping Planning Commission 11/11/2020 16