CC 2020-12-08_06c Installation of OfficersMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE AND INFORMATION SERVICES/CITY CLERK SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Installation of Mayor for a 2-year term and two (2) Council Members for 4-year terms. IMPACT TO FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no fiscal impact with this action. There was approximately $28,000 in cost savings to the City by canceling the November 2020 General Municipal Election. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended: 1) The City Council receive and file this report; and 2) Oaths of Office be administered by the City Clerk to Mayor Ray Russom, Council Member Barneich and Council Member George. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 1.08.010, the City’s General Municipal Election is held on the same day as, and consolidated with, the Statewide General Election. The Statewide General Election is held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even years. The City was scheduled to have a Consolidated General Municipal Election on November 3, 2020. At the close of the Nomination Period for the City offices of Mayor and two members of the City Council, only one person was nominated for each office. Under these circumstances, the Elections Code provides procedures for appointment to the office if only one person is nominated for an elective office. The persons are appointed as if elected, and the City may cancel its election. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: At a Special Meeting on August 18, 2020, the City Council accepted the City Clerk’s Certification that there were not more candidates than elected offices to be filled at the General Municipal Election on November 3, 2020. As provided by Elections Code Section 10229, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 5022, which resulted in the Item 6.c. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS DECEMBER 8, 2020 PAGE 2 appointments of Caren Ray Russom as Mayor for a two-year term and Kristen Barneich and Lan George as Members of the City Council, each for four-year terms. Adoption of Resolution No. 5022 also resulted in cancellation of the City’s General Municipal Election on November 3rd. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council’s consideration: 1. Receive and file the report and direct the oaths of office to be administered by the City Clerk to the incoming officers; or 2. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The installation of officers will result in the commencement of new terms for Mayor Ray Russom and Council Members Barneich and George, pursuant to State law. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified regarding this item. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachments: 1. City Clerk’s Certification 2. Resolution No. 5022 Item 6.c. - Page 2 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATION THAT THERE ARE NOT MORE CANDIDATES THAN OFFICES TO BE ELECTED I, Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, do hereby certify, pursuant to Section 10229 of the Elections Code of the State of California, to the following facts relating to the Consolidated General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020: As of the close of the nomination period on August 7, 2020 for the offices of Mayor and two (2) Members of the City Council, there are not more candidates than offices to be elected. The persons so nominated are: Caren Ray Russom, for Mayor (2-year term) Kristen Barneich, for Member of the City Council (4-year term) Lan George, for Member of the City Council (4-year term) That Section 10229 of the Elections Code allows one of the following courses of action to be taken by the City Council: 1. Appoint to the office the person who has been nominated. 2. Appoint to the offic~ any eligible voter if no one has been nominated. 3. Hold the election if either no one or only one person has been nominated. A notice of these facts will be published on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in a newspaper of general circulation in the City pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code. After the fifth day following the date of publication, the City Council will meet to either make the appointments or direct an election to be held. The persons appointed, if any, shall qualify and take office and serve exactly as if elected at a municipal election for the office. If, by the 75 th day before the municipal election, no person has been appointed to the offices pursuant to (1) or (2) above, the election shall be held. If the City Council makes an appointment pursuant to Section 10229 of the Elections Code, the City Clerk shall not accept for filing any statement of write-in candidacy which is submitted after the appointment is made. Item 6.c. - Page 3 ATTACHMENT 2 Item 6.c. - Page 4 Item 6.c. - Page 5 Item 6.c. - Page 6 Item 6.c. - Page 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.c. - Page 8