CC 2021-05-11_11a Supplemental No 1 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WHITNEY McDONALD, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 11.a. – MAY 11, 2021 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONSIDERATION OF THE 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND 5-YEAR LOCAL SALES TAX FUND EXPENDITURES PROGRAM DATE: MAY 11, 2021 Attached is correspondence received for the above referenced item. cc: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Accounting Manager City Website (or public review binder) From: Margie Gayley Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 10:07 AM To: Jimmy Paulding Subject: Brisco Roundabout The new cost of this ridiculously costly roundabout is unbelievable! Please reconsider and stop this project. None of the taxpayers (who you are suppose to be presenting) in Arroyo Grande are in favor of this. Lets cut our losses and move on — either leave it as is or shut down the ramps like was done previously. Always believe there is hope . . . From:Dennis Lingo To:Caren Ray Russom; Jimmy Paulding; Kristen Barneich; Lan George; Keith Storton; Whitney McDonald; Bill Robeson; Jessica Matson Subject:MAY 11, 2021 AGENDA ITEM 11a - 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) AND SALES TAX FUND EXPENDITURES Date:Tuesday, May 11, 2021 1:20:58 PM This is to request that the Mayor and City Council instruct staff to include a placeholder for the Brisco Project in the CIP budget and Sales Tax Plan with no commitment to moving forward with the plan as indicated. As you know, the majority of residents (not just AG residents, but many residents in south county also) were opposed to Alternative 4C due in part to the cost. In light of the recently revised cost projection of $38.2 million for the project, Alternative 4C may be even more unpopular than it was previously; and the City needs to hear from residents. Including the suggested placeholder would allow time for the Mayor/Council/City to schedule and conduct a workshop/forum/whatever you want to call it for the sole purpose of receiving public input on the Brisco Project in light of the significant need for debt financing. The Brisco Project is the largest CIP project, is the most controversial (since a large percentage of the residents did not support Brisco Project Alternative 4C), and is by far the largest CIP project relative to debt financing. The public could be notified of the workshop/forum by sending a postcard to each residence. The cost of postage would be insignificant compared to the cost of the project and the amount of money already spent on it. Thanks, Claudine Lingo From: Coleen Tooley Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 7:50 AM To: Kristen Barneich Subject: Brisco Project Hello, My name is Coleen Tooley. I have been following the Brisco Project that will put in a Round About. I believe this project is foolish on many levels. Firsts its too expensive. That money could go to the fixing of roads around AG. Second Roun-Abouts are horrible. Theres no rules to follow. I have been stuck in one several times in Santa Maria. The waiting sucks. The drivers in them are horrible. Third, The projection of it looks ugly for the area. Sorry it does. My solution is FIX THE LIGHTS. I remember when the ramps were closed and it hurt the businesses around it. I am for businesses especially during this crazy times. The lights there area bit nuts. The lights don't give the drive enough time to get through the intersections. I hope you pass this emaill along to the other city council members. Hope to hear from you soon. Coleen Tooley From:Mardell Perez To:Caren Ray Russom; Jimmy Paulding; Kristen Barneich; Lan George; Keith Storton; Whitney McDonald; Bill Robeson; Jessica Matson Subject:MAY 11, 2021 AGENDA ITEM 11a - 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) AND SALES TAX FUND EXPENDITURES Date:Tuesday, May 11, 2021 2:14:48 PM I am in full agreement with the statement written by Claudine Lingo. These cost increases will continue to rise as inflation becomes more prevalent. Chopping up the project to fit within "budget constraints" is nothing more than kicking the can down the road. Anything you cut from the project, with the intention of adding later, will cost the tax payers much more in the future. Respectfully, Bob Perez This is to request that the Mayor and City Council instruct staff to include a placeholder for the Brisco Project in the CIP budget and Sales Tax Plan with no commitment to moving forward with the plan as indicated. As you know, the majority of residents (not just AG residents, but many residents in south county also) were opposed to Alternative 4C due in part to the cost. In light of the recently revised cost projection of $38.2 million for the project, Alternative 4C may be even more unpopular than it was previously; and the City needs to hear from residents. Including the suggested placeholder would allow time for the Mayor/Council/City to schedule and conduct a workshop/forum/whatever you want to call it for the sole purpose of receiving public input on the Brisco Project in light of the significant need for debt financing. The Brisco Project is the largest CIP project, is the most controversial (since a large percentage of the residents did not support Brisco Project Alternative 4C), and is by far the largest CIP project relative to debt financing. The public could be notified of the workshop/forum by sending a postcard to each residence. The cost of postage would be insignificant compared to the cost of the project and the amount of money already spent on it. Thanks, Claudine Lingo