CC 2021-08-10_08c Resolution Approving the Updated CALPERS Salary Schedule_FY 2021_22MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NICOLE VALENTINE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE UPDATED CalPERS REQUIRED SALARY SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021- 22 EFFECTIVE JULY 9, 2021 DATE: AUGUST 10, 2021 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Adoption of the proposed Resolution will approve the updated CalPERS required Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021-22, effective July 9, 2021, and consistent with previously- approved salary adjustments. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no fiscal impact. All changes have been previously approved and incorporated into the Adopted Fiscal Year 2021-22 Operating Budget. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the updated CalPERS required Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021-22 Effective July 9, 2021. BACKGROUND: In April 2016, CalPERS conducted a standard agency audit of the City’s practices related to financial reporting for pension plans (Governmental Accounting Standards Board (“GASB”) Statement No. 67). As a result of that audit, CalPERS now requires that the City adopt a resolution re-approving any previously approved individual employee groups’ salary schedules into a single City-wide schedule, in a format approved by CalPERS. The most current salary schedule was approved by the City Council on June 22, 2021, which incorporated increases for the Police Officer Association (POA), the Service Employees International Union, and Management and unrepresented employees. Since that time, the Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) Board approved salary adjustments for Fiscal Year 2021-22. Pursuant to the terms of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement that created the FCFA, all FCFA employees are employees of the City of Arroyo Grande. As a result, the City’s Salary Schedule must be amended to incorporate the salary adjustments approved by the FCFA Board. Item 8.c. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE UPDATED CalPERS REQUIRED SALARY SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 EFFECTIVE JULY 9, 2021 AUGUST 10, 2021 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The Government Code and California Code of Regulations require the City to maintain a single, duly approved and adopted pay schedule that identifies the positions for every employee classification. The proposed Resolution adopts a revised salary schedule incorporating adjustments approved by the FCFA as follows: • FCFA unrepresented Management employees: The pay schedule reflects the pay increase for all positions effective July 9, 2021 as approved by the FCFA Board on July 16, 2021 by Resolution 2021-07. • FCFA unrepresented part-time employees: The pay schedule reflects the pay increase for all positions effective July 9, 2021 as approved by the FCFA Board on July 16, 2021 by Resolution 2021-10. • International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Local 4403: The pay schedule reflects the pay increase for all positions effective July 9, 2021 as approved by the FCFA Board on July 16, 2021 by Resolution 2021-08. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Adopt the proposed Resolution; 2. Do not adopt the Resolution; 3. Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Adoption of the Resolution will ensure that the City is in compliance with the Government Code and California Code of Regulations and will provide one location for the public to see the City-wide schedule. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages are identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution approving the updated CalPERS required Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021-22, effective July 9, 2021. Item 8.c. - Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING THE UPDATED CITYWIDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande (“City”) deems it in the best interest of the City and in order to ensure compliance with State law, that compensation for part-time employees be adjusted as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that: 1.The Citywide Combined Salary Schedule as designated in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, to be effective July 9, 2021, reflecting the above described changes is hereby adopted. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of August, 2021. Attachment 1 Item 8.c. - Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR ATTEST: JESSICA MATSON, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WHITNEY MCDONALD, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Item 8.c. - Page 4 GROUP: SEIU Position ABC D E Office Assistant I Biweekly 1,476.79 1,550.63 1,628.16 1,709.57 1,795.05 Monthly 3,199.71 3,359.70 3,527.69 3,704.07 3,889.27 Annual 38,396.57 40,316.40 42,332.22 44,448.83 46,671.27 Accounting Clerk I Biweekly 1,513.71        1,589.40      1,668.87        1,752.31        1,839.93         Monthly 3,279.71        3,443.69      3,615.88        3,796.67        3,986.50         Annual 39,356.49      41,324.31    43,390.53      45,560.05      47,838.06       Maintenance Worker I Biweekly 1,590.34        1,669.86      1,753.35        1,841.02        1,933.07         Monthly 3,445.74        3,618.03      3,798.93        3,988.88        4,188.32         Annual 41,348.91      43,416.35    45,587.17      47,866.53      50,259.86       Office Assistant II Biweekly 1,630.10        1,711.61      1,797.19        1,887.05        1,981.40         Monthly 3,531.89        3,708.48      3,893.90        4,088.60        4,293.03         Annual 42,382.63      44,501.76    46,726.85      49,063.19      51,516.35       Accounting Clerk II Biweekly 1,755.44        1,843.21      1,935.37        2,032.14        2,133.75         Maintenance Worker II Monthly 3,803.45        3,993.63      4,193.31        4,402.97        4,623.12         Neighborhood Services Technician Annual 45,641.46      47,923.53    50,319.71      52,835.69      55,477.48       Administrative Secretary Biweekly 1,937.68        2,034.56      2,136.29        2,243.10        2,355.26         Monthly 4,198.30        4,408.22      4,628.63        4,860.06        5,103.06         Annual 50,379.63      52,898.61    55,543.54      58,320.72      61,236.76       Senior Accounting Clerk Biweekly 1,986.12        2,085.43      2,189.70        2,299.18        2,414.14         Building Permit Tech.Monthly 4,303.26        4,518.42      4,744.34        4,981.56        5,230.64         Plan/Engineer Permit Tech Annual 51,639.12      54,221.08    56,932.13      59,778.74      62,767.67       Sports Facility Coord. Recreation Coordinator Maintenance Worker III Water Services Worker Biweekly 2,086.67        2,191.00      2,300.55        2,415.58        2,536.36         Monthly 4,521.11        4,747.17      4,984.53        5,233.75        5,495.44         Annual 54,253.35      56,966.02    59,814.32      62,805.04      65,945.29       Fleet Maint. Coordinator Biweekly 2,192.30        2,301.92      2,417.02        2,537.87        2,664.76         Monthly 4,749.99        4,987.49      5,236.87        5,498.71        5,773.65         Annual 56,999.93      59,849.92    62,842.42      65,984.54      69,283.77       Public Works Lead Worker Biweekly 2,247.11        2,359.47      2,477.44        2,601.31        2,731.38         Parks Lead Worker Monthly 4,868.74        5,112.18      5,367.79        5,636.18        5,917.99         Annual 58,424.93      61,346.17    64,413.48      67,634.15      71,015.86       CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 07/09/2021 Exhibit A Item 8.c. - Page 5 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 07/09/2021 Position ABC D E GIS Technician Biweekly 2,419.89        2,540.89      2,667.93        2,801.33        2,941.40         Monthly 5,243.10        5,505.26      5,780.52        6,069.55        6,373.03         Annual 62,917.25      66,063.12    69,366.27      72,834.59      76,476.32       Recreation Supervisor Biweekly 2,480.39        2,604.41      2,734.63        2,871.36        3,014.93         Streets Maintenance Supervisor Monthly 5,374.18        5,642.89      5,925.04        6,221.29        6,532.35         Parks, Tree & Landscape Supervisor Annual 64,490.19      67,714.70    71,100.43      74,655.45      78,388.22       Utilities/Water & Sewer System Supervisor Soto Sports Complex Maint. & Coord. Supervisor Citywide Fleet Coordinator Biweekly 2,542.40        2,669.52      2,803.00        2,943.15        3,090.30         Monthly 5,508.54        5,783.96      6,073.16        6,376.82        6,695.66         Annual 66,102.44      69,407.56    72,877.94      76,521.84      80,347.93       IT Specialist Biweekly 2,671.11        2,804.67      2,944.90        3,092.14        3,246.75         Assistant Engineer Monthly 5,787.41        6,076.78      6,380.62        6,699.65        7,034.63         Engineering Inspector Annual 69,448.88      72,921.32    76,567.39      80,395.76      84,415.54       Program Analyst Associate Engineer Biweekly 3,022.12        3,173.22      3,331.88        3,498.48        3,673.40         Monthly 6,547.92        6,875.32      7,219.08        7,580.03        7,959.04         Annual 78,575.03      82,503.78    86,628.97      90,960.42      95,508.44       Senior Engineer Biweekly 3,254.49        3,417.21      3,588.07        3,767.48        3,955.85         Monthly 7,051.39        7,403.96      7,774.16        8,162.87        8,571.01         Annual 84,616.71      88,847.55    93,289.93      97,954.42      102,852.14     Item 8.c. - Page 6 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 07/09/2021 GROUP: POA Position ABC D E Police Officer Biweekly 2,727.80        2,864.18      3,007.39        3,157.76        3,315.65         Monthly 5,910.22        6,205.73      6,516.02        6,841.82        7,183.91         Annual 70,922.67      74,468.81    78,192.25      82,101.86      86,206.95       Sr. Police Officer Biweekly 3,012.18        3,162.79      3,320.93        3,486.98        3,661.33         Monthly 6,526.40        6,852.72      7,195.35        7,555.12        7,932.88         Annual 78,316.77      82,232.61    86,344.24      90,661.45      95,194.52       Police Sergeant Biweekly 3,491.23        3,665.79      3,849.08        4,041.54        4,243.62         Monthly 7,564.34        7,942.56      8,339.68        8,756.67        9,194.50         Annual 90,772.06      95,310.66    100,076.20   105,080.01    110,334.01     Records Clerk Biweekly 1,900.99        1,996.04      2,095.84        2,200.63        2,310.67         Monthly 4,118.81        4,324.75      4,540.99        4,768.04        5,006.44         Annual 49,425.76      51,897.05    54,491.90      57,216.50      60,077.32       Records/Property Evidence Tech.Biweekly 2,100.21        2,205.23      2,315.49        2,431.26        2,552.82         Monthly 4,550.47        4,777.99      5,016.89        5,267.73        5,531.12         Annual 54,605.58      57,335.86    60,202.65      63,212.79      66,373.43       Police Trainee Biweekly 2,375.99        2,494.78      2,619.52        2,750.50        2,888.02         Monthly 5,147.97        5,405.37      5,675.63        5,959.42        6,257.39         Annual 61,775.61      64,864.39    68,107.61      71,512.99      75,088.64       Item 8.c. - Page 7 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 07/09/2021 GROUP: FCFA IAFF Position ABC D E Fire Fighter Biweekly 2,252 2,365 2,483 2,607 2,738 Monthly 4,880 5,124 5,380 5,649 5,932 Annual 58,560 61,488 64,562 67,791 71,180 Fire Engineer Biweekly 2,612 2,742 2,880 3,024 3,175 Monthly 5,659 5,942 6,239 6,551 6,879 Annual 67,908 71,303 74,869 78,612 82,543 Fire Captain Biweekly 3,105 3,260 3,423 3,594 3,774 Monthly 6,727 7,063 7,417 7,787 8,177 Annual 80,724 84,760 88,998 93,448 98,121 GROUP: FCFA MANAGEMENT Position LOW MID HIGH Administrative Assistant/Biweekly 2,371 2,627 2,882 Clerk to the Board Monthly 5,138 5,691 6,245 Annual 61,652 68,295 74,939 Battalion Chief Biweekly 4,679 5,184 5,688 Monthly 10,138 11,232 12,325 Annual 121,659 134,780 147,900 Fire Chief Biweekly 5,428 6,014 6,600 Monthly 11,761 13,031 14,301 Annual 141,126 156,366 171,606 Item 8.c. - Page 8 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 07/09/2021 GROUP: MANAGEMENT Position LOW MID HIGH Office Assistant I Biweekly 1,507.38        1,670.08        1,670.08         Monthly 3,266.00        3,618.50        3,618.50         Annual 39,192.00      43,422.00      43,422.00       Office Assistant II Biweekly 1,663.38        1,843.62        2,023.85         Monthly 3,604.00        3,994.50        4,385.00         Annual 43,248.00      47,934.00      52,620.00       Administrative Secretary Biweekly 1,929.69        2,137.62        2,345.54         Monthly 4,181.00        4,631.50        5,082.00         Annual 50,172.00      55,578.00      60,984.00       Executive Secretary Biweekly 2,183.08        2,419.15        2,655.23         Monthly 4,730.00        5,241.50        5,753.00         Annual 56,760.00      62,898.00      69,036.00       Assistant Planner Biweekly 2,410.15        2,670.46        2,930.77         Monthly 5,222.00        5,786.00        6,350.00         Annual 62,664.00      69,432.00      76,200.00       Associate Planner Biweekly 2,659.85        2,947.38        3,234.92         Deputy City Clerk/ Monthly 5,763.00        6,386.00        7,009.00         Communications Coordinator Annual 69,156.00      76,632.00      84,108.00       Planning Manager Biweekly 3,162.00        3,503.54        3,845.08         Accounting Manager Monthly 6,851.00        7,591.00        8,331.00         Annual 82,212.00      91,092.00      99,972.00       Public Works Manager Biweekly 3,406.15        3,773.31        4,140.46         Utilities Manager Monthly 7,380.00        8,175.50        8,971.00         Annual 88,560.00      98,106.00      107,652.00     Information Technology Mgr Biweekly 3,489.69        3,866.31        4,242.92         Monthly 7,561.00        8,377.00        9,193.00         Annual 90,732.00      100,524.00   110,316.00     Item 8.c. - Page 9 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 07/09/2021 Position LOW MID HIGH Capital Improvement Projects Biweekly 3,577.38        3,963.46        4,349.54         Manager Monthly 7,751.00        8,587.50        9,424.00         Annual 93,012.00      103,050.00   113,088.00     Human Resources Officer Biweekly 3,667.38        4,062.92        4,458.46         Dir of Legis and Info Services Monthly 7,946.00        8,803.00        9,660.00         Dir of Recreation Services Annual 95,352.00      105,636.00   115,920.00     Building Official Biweekly 3,758.31        4,164.46        4,570.62         Monthly 8,143.00        9,023.00        9,903.00         Annual 97,716.00      108,276.00   118,836.00     Police Commander Biweekly 4,274.31        4,735.62        5,196.92         Monthly 9,261.00        10,260.50      11,260.00       Annual 111,132.00   123,126.00   135,120.00     City Engineer Biweekly 4,578.46        5,073.69        5,568.92         Monthly 9,920.00        10,993.00      12,066.00       Annual 119,040.00   131,916.00   144,792.00     Director of Public Works Biweekly 5,053.85        5,599.62        6,145.38         Dir of Administrative Services Monthly 10,950.00      12,132.50      13,315.00       Dir of Community Develop Annual 131,400.00   145,590.00   159,780.00     Police Chief Biweekly 5,469.69        6,060.46        6,651.23         Monthly 11,851.00      13,131.00      14,411.00       Annual 142,212.00   157,572.00   172,932.00     Assistant City Manager/Public Biweekly 6,090.46        6,747.46        7,404.46         Works Director Monthly 13,196.00      14,619.50      16,043.00       Annual 158,352.00   175,434.00   192,516.00     City Manager Biweekly 7,561.38         Monthly 16,383.00       Annual 196,596.00     Item 8.c. - Page 10 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 07/09/2021 GROUP: PART‐TIME POSITIONS POLICE DEPARTMENT Step A Step B Step C Step D Administrative Intern (Cadet)$15.75 $16.54 $17.37 $18.24 Records Clerk $20.20 $21.21 $22.27 $23.39 Fleet & Equipment Technician $24.41 $25.63 $26.91 $28.25 Neighborhood Services Technician $21.78 $22.87 $24.01 $25.21 Training Technician $24.41 $25.63 $26.91 $28.25 Police Reserve Officer Trainee $23.29 $24.45 $25.67 $26.96 Police Reserve Officer $26.74 $28.08 $29.49 $30.96 Designated Level I Reserve Officer $33.43 $35.10 $36.86 $38.70 RECREATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT AM/PM Assistant I $14.49 $15.21 $15.98 $16.77 AM/PM Assistant II $15.94 $16.74 $17.57 $18.45 AM/PM Assistant Teacher $17.53 $18.41 $19.33 $20.30 AM/PM Teacher $19.28 $20.25 $21.26 $22.32 Pre School Teacher $19.28 $20.25 $21.26 $22.32 Facility Attendant $14.49 $15.21 $15.98 $16.77 Senior Facility Attendant $15.94 $16.74 $17.57 $18.45 Sports Facility Attendant $14.49 $15.21 $15.98 $16.77 Volunteer and Program Coordinator $24.62 $25.85 $27.15 $28.50 MISCELLANEOUS Administrative Intern $15.75 $16.54 $17.37 $18.24 Office Assistant I $16.42 $17.24 $18.10 $19.00 Office Assistant II $19.19 $20.15 $21.16 $22.21 Sr. Office Assistant $20.20 $21.21 $22.27 $23.39 Administrative Secretary $23.08 $24.23 $25.45 $26.72 Executive Secretary $27.29 $28.66 $30.09 $31.60 Building Permit Technician $24.77 $26.01 $27.31 $28.67 Assistant Engineer $30.23 $31.74 $33.33 $35.00 Associate Engineer $33.25 $34.92 $36.66 $38.50 Planning Technician $24.77 $26.01 $27.31 $28.67 Assistant Planner $28.82 $30.27 $31.78 $33.37 Associate Planner $31.18 $32.74 $34.38 $36.10 Custodian $16.75 $17.58 $18.46 $19.39 Maintenance Worker $16.75 $17.58 $18.46 $19.39 Student Intern (seasonal)$14.49 FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY Office Assistant II $18.17 $18.71 $20.02 $21.03 Reserve Firefighter $15.00 $16.00 $17.00 HOURLY RATE Item 8.c. - 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