CC 2021-09-28_06d Mayors Commendation Rugged RadioItem 6.d. - Page 1Mayor's Commendation Presented' to Rugged Radio In recognition of your exceytiona[ aesign of a commercia[ yroyerty, inc[udtng exceytiona[ tfiematic design ana overa[[ tone. Rugged-Ramos incoryorates inventive use of industria[ materiafs to aefiver an iconic yet fitting cfiaracter on Traffic Way. May Ruggeanadtos exemy[ify tfie yossiGifities for tfie vision for automoGi[e-insyirea sty[es a[ong Traffic Way tfiat Gui[c{ uyon tfie Yi[[age 's fiistoric cfiaracter. 'Datea tfiis 2sin t.fay of Se_ptem6er 2021 Caren 'Ray Xussom, Mayor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.d. - Page 2