R 1432 ii:J ... ~ , ~ r- . RESOLUTION NO. 1432 i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF I ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAKING FINDINGS REGARDING I THE WRITTEN PROTEST FILED AGA.INST EL CAMINO REAL NO. I ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AND ORDERING TERRITORY ANNEXED TO SAID CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION BY THE VOTERS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 35228 WHEREAS, under the provisions of the laws relating to the annexation of inhabited territory by a city' in the state of Cal ifornia, this City Counci I did properly cause and notice a public hearing to be published and thereafter , did on September 23, 1980 hold such public hearing, and l WHEREAS, said public hearing related to certain realiproperty designated as "EI Camino Real No. I Annexation to the City of Arroyo Grande" as particularly described in San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission Resolution No. 80-81; and WHEREAS, protests have been filed by the voters and property owners within the territory proposed for annexation; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, Ca.Jj forn i a, does hereby resolve, dec lare and determl ne as fo 110ws: SECTION I: The City Council finds that written protests were filed by 18% of the registered voters within the affected territory and that written protests were filed by property owners owning 41.62% of the value of the property within said affected territory. SECTION 2: That all of the territory described as "EI Camino Real No. I Annexation to the City of Arroyo Grande" be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande subject to confirmation by a majority of the duly registered voters residing in sa i d terri tory. , SECT! ON 3: That said property designated as "El Camino Real No. I Annexation to the City of Arroyo Grande" is described In Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day er, 1980.. ( ~"'~~F.w I I ATTEST: j DEPUTY Y CLERK I I , i _.. _.._ __,__. :::-_-:-'::::'=--;'--~- '-"-'--:::-~'-::_~=-.c' ----...._- ~,_''''-"'-'-'''- ..-. ,---- """I - .f EXHIBIT "A" #?J<J~~ #3:J.. . . . :.--- i . ..... . . IXI:^,. I>1,SrH II'T) oi-J...."'-. .. . . '.... . . . ... . uf . . . t:L CAmNl) REAl AN:H:XATWN I;UNllt:!! J . An that )2nd contiguuus to tl e C:i t.Y of Arroyo Crande, In the County of San l.uis Obispo, State uf ~aliroroia, Included ",ithin the exte,rior boundary described as (ollo\,'s; Beginning at a 1"....)n1 al th.. int..."seL"t Ion of tht' S"utherly rlght-oC-\"ay line of Br! sco Road and the- South,'d)' right-~f-vay of t'rontage Road (El C"t:Jino Ikal) , Snuth of .Cali furnia Slale Iii );h\:ay , a fr..evay (V-SLO-Z-E) , as described' on 1}age~ 48-49 in Vo]um~ 77h uJ Official }{t."cords in tll" Office of County Recorder in the County of San J.,d~ 1)ldsp'-'. ~tal(> of Califnr"ia, said point being the True }'0 in t of G"I;!nning. th,".'h~e aJ&ln.~ thL~ SOlllh,'ast('rly riS;ht-of-v"y line of firjsco Road. S"ulh ~f>"~O' "......st. ~](..36 ft:"(~ t ; th",,"n<<.:c I..av;ng said Southeasterly ri ~ht - of -'..:c)' Ji ne 0 f l~r i set) Road.. ~()uth )3~IO' East, 3211.73 fee t; thence South 5{,'50' \..~(:S t.. 68J.95 reet. thc"nce N,.rth ))"10' \,'est II 328.73 feet to " point On the said $Outb(,,~5.tcr) y righl-of-...ay I in.. of Brisco U\'ad; thence South...esterly . a]ong s~jd SoutllC'asterl)' rigI1t-OC..\....ay line of Prisco Road, South 56"50' ~est., &(,.~~ f,,('t. th(:ucc leavinr., said S<,utlo('<!s!t-r1y ril:ht-of-...a)' line of BrIsco Road, ::()f t \. j) ~ ) O' 30" ~~l: st. l,O.OIJ f..el [0 a point un Ihe :Iorllt...est,'rl)' ri&ht-.of-\"ay ] j nt." or Dri sea Road, tl)enct:" 1 (':n':i us;. the r;orth~'cst(!rl)' right-of-\..oay ] ine of }~rj St.. ('I J.~(,?d, :~v r l h ('0.~5' l:(:st. :J28. ]) f,.el; thcnct: j:t)rth 56050 I East~ 673.92 ~.:::(.t : thc:ncc ?;::,rth S7026'40" ~:("st, I. ] 11. 57 r (.t.' t; thence r:oJ"th 86~l,5' ~!est, 100.00 f ('(' t I to the SOllthe~$t 'corner of the property con....C')"<"d to the City of ~rroyu rI-~rlrl~ }'y " dc-pc! ((-c u,"CC(! :ir. \'0] u;::(: 1,28 of Ofricial R('cOJ-ds, at Poge 105, n:( f)rc!~; c,f :~.:; i d COlinly; th"'::I'c( j;or th ]=-2513U" ;:i~st. 200.00 feet "I<.ong the 1.0.:~. t (~r 1 y ] i ot: ()f :~.: ~ cI I~.J'j'.~'.r [Y_L'-l t!H: ::(JTtjl<:~~~ler))' corne~ there:of; the:f\ce --..... -' -' - -,-._-~- (!\fJ \.'\i,OVE::U BY L.A.F.e. eL' : '.:':~I;: n-.:..-t"-"~;:;:I~'TY-l~;i";;:\;@ I . I' r - . -. L' .1 . I ., F,\ ", I 1\ &~ ._1'\ I II . ~_ t... ~: .' '- J... ...... -'. , ~ -- ____ _____..____,.__+ __ __,__'_~__.._._ __.__~ __.._._un._'__ ... .~ / , . ~ . . X'H"ch tI.."."j4'"U'" t.lI.Ost. I.II(~. "" It.-t.t , ~I,n,)~ ttn" U ""Iluo.rlv I illta uJ "a'd prc'pcrly tu a .. ":. _a. ~ . . ~ . t I... l~t)rlh\.Jt!sl CI.:~nH'r tI".,-..", : It....I''' to. s"',,lth 3:2;....lli.';..iJ,.;;t. 'I OJ. 35 [""t a'un~ tl... \.'.."t...rl)" 1 illl' "~I :-iaid pr.lpt.orl\; tlt~lot.c.o "'''vi,,).; Ih.. t.',."t,'dy J/oc u[ "2Id prnp"rty . .. !\orth ->.7"48- \/t!:->t. 229,02 r Cl'Ot t.') &! J..,j nt .>11 II,,: """t,.,-,v lin~ uC Tract U4& , r~c~rd~d in R"uk ~ (.f Maps ;It I'al:" hI., n:oc..uJ"c!.s ,'. ~aid t:()1Jnt~.. said I::2sterly . 1 ioe h~;:1g alsu the Si..,ulh\.."a~tl.'rly . i n(~ ut iii 1 Jc:I','sl "rive' of saId Tract t:1.6; , th"ncc South\:est<:rl)' to a pt,"Iint a'..nR tit" "aid S,"'t''',''''lerly li~e of Hillcrest Drh'e South (,0.29' 1,,'cst: (.1.48 [('..1; tlt"n.'E' leaving "aid 5ou~heasterly line of lIillcrest Drive and crossin): IIi Ilc:-..st I>rive.. Norlh 2<J"31' \Jest, 50.0!) feet to a point on the ~orthedy line "r lIillcr""t !ldve'. said point being the South- . ~esterly tcr~inus.of a C1JrVe c~I'cave ~est~r1y: tltence a)ong the arc of said curve, h2Vin& a radius of 20.00 rect. t.'en::t a1 an).;le of !l8"1]' and arc length of 41_30 feet to th~ Korth~est~rly terminus. said CUP'e heing also the South,,'est right- of -'-'ay lIne of the intcrspctlun oC Sierra D,-ive and Hillcrest D~ive; tnence No,.th;.:csterly al""g th" SC'\\.1thcrly linE' of Sierra Drive, North 57048' \..Tes-t, 1>9,34 feet, said Sauther1y line j,,,ing 31so the Northerly Hne of Block 6, of Tr:<ct t46 c;~ntion~d ~bove: thence ~"rlhe"stc.rly crossing Sierra Drive and along the Eas tcr1y line "f Lot I. "luck 5 of sHid Tract '4&: North 32"12' East 398.17 , f(.ct to t}IC l~ortt}ea$ter}y corner thcre"C; thence r':orth- S7O/~8' \-:est .. along the !~'.)rtl,cr1y nnc of scdd '..ut I, \llnek >. 208.70 [eet to the },orth\,.:es t corner t h{. ft':,.) f; thence 210:11: "nd tl) a point on the 1'!esterJ)' 1 ine of said Lot I, Block > . _;~H)th 32012' \.!c. s t ~ 130.71 fcet, sa!d \.!ester1y )Ine of Lot J, Block 5, being ;;) :;0 the E.of.ter1y line ofRC)b)es Road; sho~n 2$ Oak Street. On t.he !~2.p of Tr;}ct f! {~(); tltt~nce 1f:~"V1ng ~aid \.:est(:J:"ly 1 inc of l..ot 1, p10ck >. ~nd crossing said F.c~,} (:5- Eo;,d ;,nd ;t]on1; t 11{~ r~ort.tlerll line of Block 4 of said Tract f-46 North J J" I. & 1 t:t' s t ''';o.oa f c-!.' t ; thence r;O" tb &3"5UI/~Ofl \,.cst... 2ld,I0 fu,t; thence ::~,:- t 11 Gc;r> CJL 1/4.0" \..'c:!; t. ] 2{.. ~2 rce t; t };(:ncc r;or th 76t>L.6110" \J"e~tJo 105.61 feet; . . thence I:orth 80"18' h"c.fi.t 8S,70 ret-t; tht:nce t-Iortherly along the E"8tcrly Hne . , of Lot 1 of ssid I!)o~k 4 I:ortb 9'1.2' I':ast., 2~7t;;20; fee.t. to 8 point on the Soutb- , . . .. ed)' Hne of Lot 1 , IIlock 1 of sale Tract l!46, said S"..lhcrly Hne being aha tbe !:oreherly iight-of->.:ay line of Chilton St,cet: thence F.as:er1y along the . Southerly line of s.E!d Lot 1, B]ocK 1, South 80" 18' .:25t, 53.54 rt-et, to the Southeast corner thereof; thence along the Easterly line of said Lot 1, Block - . I, I:orth 9'42' tast, to the :\ortherly line cf the I'ortion of the right-oC-"ay relinquished by the. State of California to the County of San Luis Obispo des- . cribed in P"rcel Four of the resolution of the State lIign".ay Commission c!ated . September 19, 1956, recorded in Volume 8&3 of Official Records at 1'aze 135, rt-cords of said county; thence Westerly along said Northerly right:of-vay lIne to a point of intersection ~ith the centt-rline of Oak Park Boulevard, thence leaving said Northerly right-of->.:ay line, Northerly along the centerline of said Oak Park Boulevard, said centerline being also the Easterly City Limits of the City of Fismo Be~ch, and crossing Ca1ifornia State High\:ay, a freeo,;ay (\'-SLO-Z-E) to a point at its intelsection vith the Northerly right-of-~ay line of thc Frc:1tzl:e Road, l:orth of said Cal ifornia State Highvay, said !lortherly riLht-of-...:ay line being also the City Limits of the Ci ty of 1,rro)'o. Grande, c..nd h<:ing also the Southerly 1inc: of Pi..rcel B of Oak Park Acres Reorbanization as recorded in \'olur;;e 191,1 of Official Records at Page 71, records of scid County; 1 cc:.\' i n~~ t.he .cf-oterline of Oak Park Boulevard as recorded in Book 148 of ~eds, P?gl" )1,4. rc-ccrds of 5aici County; lh~nce Easterly along the Southerly line of said Oak P~rk Acres Reor~~nizaljon) South ]0"14 'OS" East, 50.J9 feet; thence ~:'Juth ]}0/.1.15/..11 \...,.e$t, J 83,13 ["at r.<J r. point On the South~esterly corner thereof; the-flce SO'Jth 5]"25' 50" F.;:!.. t . JRa, 77 f L'C t; thc:ncc Sout.h {,]'ll ' 53" East, 161. 09 .. r ('e t; t},(:r1ce Soutb 55-C:20'~7" E~1 st. 2/iSJ,O fee t to " point on the SDuth2~stcrly <: (>1- ;0(; r \. Lf-rl-of . ~>2 j d r01 nt 1'l.:i:1[: on tile ::or ~1.cr]y bn.;'I)(!ary of the ,ro~tRbe Y-oad (", ~ ~ 1(' ;;()r~L{:rly 5idc of ,.aid Calirornia Sl ,,: lc Hi [,1":2Y (\'- SLO- Z- E) , ~nid point ;;. i ~n \.-.:.- i 116 (,';1 the ~;ortLt;r)y pr()lo:1r.::lioi) of Llle r ~-,d i a] line- to Lhe c(:n.ter1ine ~t;-_tit":1 1.1 .) va of 5;:1 d C;J I i r Of n ilj S l i~ t t. Hi ~)~'_'<:lY; t.ht:f)cE: Soulh€:l-}Y o)r.Jl1g ~'~~v~ ,.. . ~.- "~~- - . ,. ---- . "aid rlldlal Iln" !:"outh 21110-'2')1.)" Wi.st t" a pC,nl UI\ tI... $outl....rJy It..", of the right-o[--..:ay of saId California SI..1" lIi~h~a~~;'/Yji...:n(~i:; .Ui;,'tcrl:: "long the CI ty J.fmits of the City of Arroyo Grand. , also helne thl' Smltherl)' rlgbt-of-'-'ay . als" l'dngt1w Nurthcrly ~i&ht-of-"ay Hne Jine of "ard CaHiornia St3h' 1I1&1",,,y, of Frontage Road (I::. Camir" ):(.a1) .,)uth of "aid Calif"rnld StatE< 1IIgb\.',,)', to its int~rsection vith the Southerl:, proJonba1iun of till' Easterly line DC the , La n..lle Tract as p"r !r.ap r<'.:orded I},?cem~er I). 1888, in I:ook A, Page 142 of l:aps, records of sa i d Cou,l! Y; th""l'e $outher1y along the j'ro)ongation of said Easterl)' line of La Belle ~ract c,iJd c rossi ng I"'ootage Roae: (El Camino Red) South 31"20' \:est to a p(d'nt on tlt(. Southerly right-of-vay iine Qf ~aid Frontage J::uad (EI Camino Rea 1) ; Lt.ence We!.tcrly. along "aid Southerly rig1'.t-of-vay 1ine of said fro:1tage Road (El Carni""1(e,,l) to the Tn.e Point oj Beginning, and Including all Lots and Blocks &~f S..h,livisionr;. ll1cated ther...in, to"ether vith ..)1 publicroads, ",11e)'s, ..nd '.'t:hts-of-V2Y of rtcord. !')pproxiDate area <:BC]C'SI-rl by prescribed boundaric-s, 7u.~ acn:s. f J . .' . .- - , '. . . . ~ . ! , . 1 ~ C :P- " ~ - ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 ; -. 0 0 ~ , - , ~ 0 "0 , n '< 0 ~ , 0 VI '" J 0 !"' . 0 C1> . c;) CL . "0 0 0 :P- o QJ QJ ~ ~ - ... Q. ~ C1> C1> C1> Q. X n OJ - -. rY VI ... -. - '< 0 . OJ ~ . ~ r , Q. -. ." 3 0 :P- -. e .. 0 ... ,0 0 VI 0 . C1> o. OJ " I ..... - " .:::: - . -.------.. -. J. .. - .. - . . _4__ - -..-. .. --- L_oo.-=- - n.< .- --- .. .' ~ . -- --" ...........