R 1417 ~ . ,,41 . ,-- .:) ~ ., I . . i IfSOlUTIOte MO. .lill I i A If SOlUTION Of Tilt CITY COUICIL OF TME CITY Of AIIOYO 'tltMer I IITMUSI... IUlllllltI" AND MAXIMUM CCJllftIt$ATlOII tV AWTI'" A I SAUIY SClCIUU MIl POSITIOII CLASSifiCATIONS, AS"_I'" CITY I E""""US TO ClASSIFICATIONS MIl SM..Y STII'S WITItI..", If- '"nlVE ..., Of TME SALARY SCHlDUU, DlSClI... "''"'" . . OF __IIIEIIT MllIIE'EAlIIt6 I'II(IIIOUS SALARV IlISOlUTIONS. 11fI CITY COIIICIL Of THI CITY OF AMOYO _ oon .SOlVE AS Feu_: _MM, this City COUIIcl1 has ~CI . ..... 'tlrve., to. ... of die f c, ,JA..tlon .f ..,Iou. ..,Ioyee, of the Clt., of Arroyo Irande; .-4 I __. till. Couftclt __ It to'" to the ..t I"t.....ts .f ,... City of I Ar,.,...... ... ft. warlous ....Ioye.. thet altd_ 1M _1_ tU .LI.a....... I . '1.... fOf' ..'1.... c'..lIlc.tlUIIs of ..,IO'fI*tt III the verlous ........" I .f the Clt., .f Arre,o 'rlAde '5 hereln.ft.r provl4ecl. I . IIW. 11101,.... t" IT a€SOLVED thet the al"l... c;,o."","lon . ., MO ., ...1'~IIIJl1t ..... the Int.".dlate Ift4 _1_ r IVIII.,tlon tv .... __ ,I...,..t .-" . .. ......IMIt.r set forth aIMf .-It . ..Jeet ...n ., .... coMl"'" ... .....'".tlon. herelMft.r _r.ted. .fIKth, NI,I. 1'-. I ... .lIIt ..lei ......... thell ... ..'Ipel to nl.ry .t.,. wlthltltflo ,..,..tI. ,., '... of . ,..ltl... cl...lflcatlon . ..t fort" III thl. ......1IIt.... ... '....tfIor. tMt ..,..It itA" ettache4 her.to I. ... a plrt hereof ty ........... e" of .1 ell .... ......y edottteel .. fo 11_ : ....'n~TI. Of tit( C~TIOII ~ All off'.r. Of' ....Ioy..s .nted", the ..,Ioy .f the Cltv .-.. ... ,.'eI .t ... "rs. .n. of the .alary rante estallll.he4 for their cl...1fI....... SlI.,., It., 1M........ . provided for here I" , ere IIIOt ...t..tlc. ... ....... ,.'f..~.e...JI. ., ....It. 1..loye.. shell ... placecl ... tfle It., .... _ttfy fw I....... I.. J ~....tlon or advan_"t to the next higher st., .f the "' r...... I. .... ...... foU.,I",: 1. "'''''' ...., qual II., for edv.-c_"t t.. the ..coM 'n.. .fter ""otl... of sl. _th. service, \IIIICII'I the f'M,(J$I 11'...... ., .. ...........t ..... Ift4 eppr0Y81 ..,. the City ...IIIlst,....-. (I. fit Jo".. ... .,..r perlocl of ..rvlce Is ....,.r...). Z. ..,1..1....4. .,. quallf., tor MVIIIC.__flt to the thl,.. .-.. af.... .... .....I.t.... of one .,ear of ..,vice lit atep _, .,.. ,n In... of tfIo ....'~t heecl aIMf I..,ro..' by the Clt, MlI.'st,...,. ). """'" ... ...11 fy for ..,.....&1 IJ t to the foIJrtll 'W, .f.... .... I ............ .f ... year of service at tfIo thl,.. .... ... ..... nlltl.. of the _per.."t ..... 11M ...,.....,.1 ..., dirt CIt, ...,.t........ .. ......... lIlY ...llf., for MvI!lK,1IIllTt to the fifth ... .,.... .....tton .f ... yeer 01 service III st., four. .... NJ 1r"U" of die ...,.rtNtIt head and ."roval ..,. the City Mllafst"". [ 5. a. ..'..,.....y...1I fy for eclVIne] JRt of ... ..1..., r.... ...... t"'lr ,..ItIUII claSsified ran,. ...,... receipt of .. ....I..ed Arts ...... III e lIelel rel.tlve to their JoII cl...IfIClt.... f.... III .......lted Mlor con... or Colt.... upon 'eel H.tlon .f . ........... ..... _ ...,roval br tM City Malnhtrttor. . . ... ....'.,... ..y ...lIf., for ........c rllt of a. ..t.., nr... .... thel, position cl..llled rlllfe, "110ft receipt .f a ........ ., ScI_1 hche10r of Arts letr.. In . fI.I" re'eU.. to ....1' J. elUelfl- ce<<I... I,.. _ acueclltecl Co"..., upon r.." . n....I.. ., the ..........t ..... an4 ...,rovel ..,. the City .....'I.t'...... e. 1fII!a: ""... JoII c....lllce.toM Of' '.....1 ... ItlCl_ - ...... or hchelor of $cl""""" .. ~ .Jr_. (la- eI..... CIt, "'"I.tr.U"" _ .11 11,.n'J 't ............ ~ ....... #If .. City), Seetf... 5 .. .. hecf... , .. ....... 1 ... ...tv. 6. A ...,,,",unce report 01\ each ..I..,.. NU d... fw ....UI r nt ....11 . ....hted te the Chy Adel.lstr.. ., touJtcH ,.,......t"l.. prior to fllMtl action 011 .uch reo I n"tlon. \\~----_._~ ~-------- - -- - ---------------- ----- -- ,,';il.ll' . r ~ . ! ~ . J SCHfOUlf Of rOSlTlONS AND SALARY IWIGES ! -.--.---.- .- 1980 ~ 1981 .. ~OHINISTRATlON IWIGE "'I'I8ER .._- "- Director of Public Wo,k, 91 City Engineer 91 Pollee Chief 88 FI re Chief -.88 . . Planning Director 87 Finance Director 85 Parks and Recreation Director 85 CLERICAL AND FISCAL Secretary to City A,".'nl5trator 66 Clerk Typist II 61 Clerk Typist I 5' Accounting Clerk II 59 AcCounting Clerk I 56 Swl tchboarcl Opl" ato! 56 Clerical Aide 5" POLICE LI.ut....t 8] Pollc. Serpant 79 Invest Iptor 78 Pollc. '.trollyn II 77 Police 'atrolMAn I 7" 01 spatcher 59 Pollc. Aide 51 PLMttUIII MIl lUtLOI"G Chief lulldlng Inspector 8] lulldlng 'nspactor 73 Planner I 65 FUlL I C WOItKS NIO PAaKS Public Works Sup4lrlntendent 81 Public Works ForeMan 77 Assocl.t. Engl~r 77 Construction Inspector 73 Park Fo~ 70 Water Services Per!lon 61 Mechanic' I 71 Mec:han I c I 67 E4UI......t Oper.tor 67 Dr.ft.... 61 "'Int-.nce Men II 62 ...Int.....ce Men I 60 lulldlng Maintenance Man S9 Jan !tor 59 On IIOtlon of c-d I ......r $mlth , seconded by Counc II ........ ''''_r and on the followlnt roll 1'1111 vote. to wi t: AYES: CoUntIl ........rs $mlth, Hogan, Vandeveer, Millis and *'tor ..... : HOI$: lone AlSEIIT: None the fortl9Olng Aesolut Ion was passt'd f J..., 1_. ATTUT: - u __..._ ..." - ..~-_....-.-. -_._.-._.._--- _._---_._-_._.~..-. --_....._-----,-_._.~'._..~..+.,... ---.-.---. .--.--- - -- --- --~. -_.. --...- L -~_.._- I' . -- ') . . !!!!~n ..". (c:.tIMiM) ~~ ., WMY AANtE$ "n OF MIlO" ..-t ~_. \ 2- 3 " ~ 76 'nl.OO '''05.00 11176 .00 '1St." ,ut." "7.5" "'." 68"23 "5.. 1S" .. 17 1]71.00 ''''''.00 1513.00 '.... '''7.'' '32.77 ~.'2 "'.)1 732. . "".31 71 I"OS.OO "'76.00 155'.00 ...... ..,.,.. ".." "'.23 "S.IS 1S1.. ".77 " ''''''.00 1513.01 ,sea... I"'.. Ic;,,, 664.62 "'.3' m.. .. ,. .., 10 1"76.00 1551.00 '621.00 '=t... IWI.. "'.13 "S.IS ,,1." .n ..... II 1513.00 '581.00 '''7.'' 'at. 'UI'" ." .IS 132.91 "." ... :17 . '551.. 16a'.. '''''.00 ,.... ,..... 'IS.as 1S'." 711.77 ..... .,.... IS 'SII.oo '''7.'' ,,,.... 1:1'. 1t)a." 132.n 76t. ,. ..., ." .17 It' .'" .. 1611.00 ''''.00 ,,,,.." ... ,,..,, 15 \, ,. "'.77 ..... ... '1',1S . ''''.00 '150.00 ':D'" 'R}'. -:J'" ",. ,. 107." .77 1." t .. .. ,.,.,." '''''.00 ,us... '.... ..... "'.77 .'.00 ..,.. .. "J.. ,..... '7 '750.00 ,')t.oo 'Ir'" .... a~.. '07.69 MI.77 1." ... .. .. 1"".00 11115.00 ,,.... ..... ::I'. .'.00 t.,..oo ,,,.. ,.... .. It ,."." ",.." . IOU." ';a'. ...... MI. 77 .".., ,.... .. M".. " ,tIS... .... 2010. .. =.. ,... ..,.... 9".1S ,.. ... .. ...... ,. '9)2.00 ~.OO a~... .... =:.. 1t1.69 ,.... .. ... .. 1".00 2080. . 2115." ... 2411.. . It tn.. t60. to 1_." ,.,." m).I' . tJ 2019.00 2')2.00 %21tO." .... 1412.. ",. .. "'.00 '0)). IS ,.... . "'0." " 2010.00 2185.00 22916.00 tit...... ",.... -.0.00 1008." lost." nn.t' "".M " 1132.00 22"'.00 2353. Of ffl:'. "= .. ".00 10n.1S ,".00 n ~. 11 .61 . " 2115.00 2296.00 2"'.." 'ft:.. 1661.. loot. '" lOS'." 1\1'.1) 1 ... \211.61 t7 UIeO.OO US).. un.. .,.. Int.. 10)3.as '*,00 llleO. . 1... IIS'.M II 22916.00 2"'2.00 2S_.00 .... 17" ... I.." 1113.21 1 '... S' ,,... I... " 2.,.00 21172." me... .... .7." t....oo "".n II .61 '''.S' '>>'.23 .to 2"n.. 25)11.. =.. .", ... ..... \I1,.n "".s4 , . . .61 .... ')111.15 , . . - ----------,- ~_......_- ~-- ^ .~- '...., .' .1 -._-- ._-_.__.-~-- . . . .~ ~ . IXHIIIT ''A" stMlME OF SN,MY RAMGlS C'TY ., MIIOYO ..,r: UIIt( ... I I :5 , --1- 51 717.00 76,.00 tol.OO ",... .,... nS.S4 352.15 3".6, )II." ",.54 . 52 7'5.00 782.00 821.00 ..... .... '43.85 360.92 37'.~ m.15 'm." 53 76).00 801.00 "1.00 .,... ft, ... )52. IS ,69. " Me.I5 W.54 .,.. 54 782.00 821.00 ....08 ,.... ..... ,60.~ 378.'1 "7. &5 4.'." '51." 55 tol.. "1.00 11'.00 C"" =... "'.6, )II. a 1107.54 17.. . SIt S6 tal. 00 862.00 -90S. 00 ISO. .. ..... 378.~ 397.85 'n." ..,..M -.. 57 "1.00 11).00 927.00 ,.,... 1.'.. 318.15 407.54 U7.as ",.. '72.lf . 8t2.00 90S. 00 !SO. 00 "... ,...... '97.as 417." 4".46 ..... "S.., " It).08 921.00 '74.00 lot'." 1t1\. . '-7.54 417.15 U,.54 412.11 .... " 60 ..08 950.00 "'.00 I..... .. n..... ''1.'' '''.46 460.62 ..., 101. Jt " '27.08 '74.00 IOU. 00 ,,]\... U27." 417. as 44'.54 412.15 "..Iit SIt.'S u 950.08 "e. 00 1"'.00 I...... HH." 4".46 460.62 ~3." S07.1O sn." 6' ,"".00 1023.00 1.74.00 "t1.. nA." ",.54 472. IS 495.69 51O.'S SM." " "'.00 1041.00 noo.oo "H.. IltS." 460.61 4').6' 507.70 sn.. -.15 6S ''''.110 l071t.00 1127.00 . ,..... 114S.. 412.15 ,".6' $20.15 SU... m.'" II 1....00 HOO.oo 1155.00 ms.. 111\." ""." 5417 . 70 5)3." '".. ,.... " ..,... IIz7'00 II"." '14,." 11:'. ~.,' 520.15 Sfl6.'" 17). .,. ." .. "00.00 1155.00 121'.00 1274.. I'''.. 507.70 5n.08 S".as . sea. eo '.7.54 " 1127.00 1184.00 124'.00 ...eo "71." 520. 15 546.46 513.70 6Oa.77 'n." ,. H55.00 1213.00 1274.00 .,,... ..... SU... 55'.85 sa.. ,.,.,. 6'1. .. . 7' "".00 1143.00 '",.00 1)71.. ,.... 544. '" 513.70 602.77 ')2." ....61 12 12".00 1274.00 ,,,'.00 I,".to 1\76.. IS'. as sa.oo "7.54 ....... ",.U n t,.,.oo 1)06.00 1171.00 ....... ""." 5n.,. 602.77 6'2.77 '".. ..... 1\ 127".00 13)1.. I.." 1416.. IMI.. sea.. It1.SIt ..... fI6 .., .., 7.,.. n 1".00 1'71.00 1.....00 151'.. ,.... 602.77 '32.77 664.61 ".J' nt. ,. t. , " - _._..~--- ---..-..--.-- ---- -