R 1386 dO\) ~ :> k . ", ~, RESOLUTION NO. 1386 ^ "1~O~YTIQtt Off '1'"1 CtTV eOUNC'," 0' 1'"1 CaTV 0' A""O'tO IMM@~ M'P"QVIN~ '1'"1 ^"NYAb """"'Oft'fATlotf C\.Itt" ANO AYfH@atIIN& 'T~ 9~8M'fT~b 'fq 'f"~ ~^N bY'~ Q"~'O A"~^ €~YN€'b Qf 6gVERN"~MT~: iT ,~ "E~~iV ~EgP~Y~8 ~y !h~ p!fY ~PHnElt sf ~~F €ity sf AFFeye @f~P~~, ~~i~ i~ fflI~~s a ftn~'"~ ~h~t ~~er~ ~re H8 4nmF~ ~F~P$,'~ "~@d~ .~Eh EtA f@a~~~8bty ~ ~t w'~h @~i~tinq @Rd ~FQPR~~q ~r~"~'t ~t~R~ thi~ 8f@ ~4fF~nt'v @\I,I 'abl@: \ , @~ ff fYR~~ft R~~O~V~@ ~h~t tn@ eity @QYflE\1 ef t~, @ftv 8f Aff8V9 , i GF_R~'. fA ~€Fefd_R~ whh ~~~P.t~F 1~@@, ~t8~'.4U~" 1~11 ~R~ ~;,1 h;tkl. f~'t~ .l',~ and f@9\f'I~I~~, 8ePf8~@~ ~h@ W"~@~ MfUJi1 Tfl"lie8Ft~ti8R . ~I. fir "fl::@O, ' r ~fi '"r"~*h'~H .~H' 8U~ER@~J in{.f ~Yth~f"'~ IU ~\!hmIH@'t 11009 WHh @' ~ 9,~,r 48e~p.~~t'~ r,qHif~ ~ ~p ~h@ ~tn b"'i ~~'~98 Af~8 @gYftEf, If i8~f~At~. OR ~~h~n 9.f @"~R(;H """,eef ~@' h'9~~f. ~@~9"q,ct ~y ItmR~n "",,"r ''''Hh ! ~pd on the foI1~'R~ fe11 ~a11 ~~" t@ wit; AV~~; @~n~'\ ~@f~ ~!. fi~\I~@h'f~ ~@ ~~~. ~m'th ~A~ MlfPf "'11'~ i i H@"; Me,,, ~ Alii"'; ~! ~hf fQf'~'A~ ft@~Q\"tt~ ~~ ~@~~,~ ~R@ ~@pPt@~ t~'s 13th ql~ 8f ~~f, 1"~~ ,._-~ , , i -... .. . .... ...........~>~-~,- I 1 i , 1 ! 2 ~ 1 j ! A'r~i'f:~ .:.. ... . " ; -'.' . ~ ..',. ...... "....- " - 1 I. 'IffY e_fytf, O@put.V Cltv Ct'fk @f th@ C1tv Qf Aff@V@ If'"~, efum~y @f fil" trvhObhif}@; Uitt@ Qf C~Hfor"i8, 4g h@r,~v iIFt'~ 'M. thl feregoiAt Rese}utJOfI No. 386 is a tFue~ fun aAG GOFFect GGPY e...'" Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of theCfty of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 13th day of NoVMber~ 1979. . WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande .fftxed I . this 14th day of November, 1979. j . I I ) ~ ! D.pu~k 0 ~royo Grande. t (SEAL) i I l i ; 1