R 1382 dU.l1 I :) , r ! RESOLUTION NO. 1382 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING PERSONS TO PERFORM VARIOUS DUTIES FOR PROCEEDINGS IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. WHEREAS, this City Council is, at this time, considering the formation I of a special assessment district pursuant to the terms and provisions of I the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and I Highways Code of the State of California, for the constructl~of certain I public works of Improvement within said City In a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 79-1 (CANYON WAY) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, [ WHEREAS, at this time, this City Council Is desirous of matl.DB the required appointments and designations necessary In order to allow said proceedings to be carried through to completion. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNC' L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GMHDE HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTI ON I. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. PAUL J. KARP Is hereby appointed to perf o rill al1 of the duties and functions of the Superintendent of Streets as said duties are I specified and designated In the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, for the above referenced Assessment District. SECTlOH 3. That the place for recordation of the asse.~t roll and I I diagram shall be In the Office of the Superintendent of Streets and said : asses.ment roll and diagram shall be kept as a permanent record of the City. SECTION 4. Thet F. MACKEN21 E BROWN, attorney at law, Is hereby appointed I to act as bond counsel for said proceedings for the preparation of all necessary resolutions, notices, Issuance of bond opinion, and other legal work In con- nection with said Assessment District as said duties and terms and conditions are set forth In an Agreement entitled SPECIAL COUttSEL AGREEMENT, a copy of which Is on file In the Office of the City Clerk and said "".....nt Is hereby approvod and execut Ion Is authorized by the Mayor and City Clerk. SECTION 5. That Ervin Engineering Is hereby appointed the Engineer of Work for said proceedings, and said Engineer of Work shall per'o"" all of the dutlos and responsibilities as set forth by law as they relate to said Assessment District. SECTIOH 6. That the FIVE CITI.ES TIME-PRESS-RECORDER is hereby designated as the _peper for these proceed I "gs and 15 to be the newsp.".r for a II log.I publlcetlons as required by law and as necessary for the co.pletlon of this AsSosSMent District. On IIIOtlon of Council Hernber de Leon, seconded by Councl I .......r SIIlth and on the following roll call vote, to wit: , AYES: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor MillIs I HOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Pope the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted t rd day of October, 1979. ATTEST: ~ ~_~.... . RK - I, Terry Carver, Deputy City Clerk of the C I ~y of Arroyo Grand!, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do here . c:ertlfy.~hat the foregoing Resolution No. 1382 Is a true, full and correct y of s.,. lesolu:lon pasSed and adopted by the City CounG 11 of the C I . of. Arroyo Gr.... at a regular meeting of said Council hel. on ~tober rd,I'7'. I WITNESS lIlY hand and the Seal of the.Clty 0, Arroyo Gr,nete.fff led this 24th day of October, 197'. - ~~~~ ... ~<C ,'i,- (SEAL) epu Yi- Ity Cler~oJ the Clt of Arroyo Grande - , i , , -.- ---- - -- --,-~- --.,--- _.~- ... ~-----.._,-