R 1375 i wi""" r -., --- RESOLUTI ON NO. 1375 A IlESOWT.OII OF TtIE tlTY COUNCIL OF TtIE tlTY OF MUYO CIMIII E$TMLlSHI. A BOULIVAU STOPSI. OM FAIII OMS AVUUf: . WHEIIW, It .".ars necessary and .slrable to estab'lsh a boulevard "STO'" sign on Fair o.ks Awnue, as .or. ""rtlcularly .scrlbed belaw; . NOW, TIlEUFOIIE, IE IT RESOLVED IV THE CITY COUNC'L OF TIlE CITY OF _YO ;'i GRANDE. AS FOLLOWS: . j.1 \, A Thet a "STOP" Sign be Installed on Fair Oaks Awnue at the HlghNay 101 off-ramp to stop west bound traffic. BE IT FUIITIt(II RESOLVED thet the Chief of rollce of the City of Arrfl'lO Grande be, and he Is hereby authorized to provl4a end Install sufficient sl",s and/or _rkl",s to Indlcete said "STOP" sit". On .otlon of Council .....r Call..her. HC:OndecI by Council .......r Salth and on the fol1owl", rol1 call vote. to wit: AYES: Council ......rs Pope, Call.....r. . Leon, Stalth IIIId Mayor Millis IIOES: 110M . MSEJlTI None the foretOl", Resolution _s ""ssed and ..tell this 28th clay of ......t, I"'. . AnEST: ~~JJGs~ I. IMS A. ., CaIIpo. CI ty Clark of the CI ty of Arroyo Ir..... County of San Luis _Ispo. State of California, do hereby certify that the forego'''' ReIG'utlon Mo. 1)75 Is a true. full and correct copy of Hid ResoluUon ""Ised and adopted by the City Councl1 of the City of Arroyo IrllllH at . "1I9II'er _tlng of said Council held on the 28th clay of August, 197'. WIMSS ..; MIld and the Seal of the CI ty of Arroyo Grilli" affixed this 29th day of August, "79. (SEAt. ) ~:,i '" .,' " .t~ \'~ I. r -~.-.- ---,-~",,,-'-'----" _..........~-~-.,._.__._-P,."'-....----'.... -- . ._---.~,.,....._..,--,.--."""'"- --,-_..._- -~'---'-