R 1361 217 r ~ RESOlUTION NO. 1)61 A RUOI..UTlOH OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CIf ! ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A "NO PARKING" ZONE I ON BRANCH STREET. i I , WHE"W, It appears necessary and desirable to prohibit perking on . portion of Brendt Street, 15 sptlclflu1\y described below: . NOW, THE"EFOItE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CI ty Council of the City of Arroyo Gr.nde, as follows: Th.t . ....0 PARKING" zone be established on the southerly sIde of East ! I I r Branch Street, forty feet (~O') e.st and forty feet (~O') west of the Garden Street Intersection. I I i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED th.t the Chief of Pol Ice of the CIty of Arroyo Grende be, end he Is hereby authorized to provide and Instell sufflc:ltont slflls and/or _ft(- ! i Ings to Indlcete s.ld no parkIng zone. I ! On the mUon of Council Mealber Smith, seconded by Council .....r Pope and , I 011 the follawlng roll cell vote, to wit: i i AYES: Counc:Il HetIbfIrs Pope, SMith and Hayor Millis. I j NOES: None. I I. AlSEtrr: Council "-bars Gallagher, pd de Leon. the forego I lit ResolutIon was passed end adopted this Und day of May, I'''. I I I I i I ~ , ... I I , I I.. ~~~I'__~ I ArnST: I I " Illes A. del CMIpo, CIty Clerk of the City of Arl'O'fO I'.... County of $eft j LuIs ~Ispo, St.te of C.llfornla, do hereby certify that the f.....I'" ....Iutlon j [ 110. ~ Is a true, full and correct copy of ..141 Reaolutlon pell.d aM ",ted lily the ty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at . regular _tInt of ..Id touncll held on the 22nd day of llay, 1'7'. WITMESS -V hand and the Sea' of the City of Arroyo Grandi .ff.... th's Jlst j day of May, "79. (HAL) -I 7.~ .. " 'f1 CITY or M&OYO __ , I I .M" --- - ----------~.---.~--_. - ---------.-------....-, --...----