R 1358 -. . RESOLUTION NO. 1358 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL. WHEREAS It appears beneficial to adopt Rules of Procedure of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande for the efficient conduct of the business of the City Council; BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, State of California; that the Counci1 hereby adopts the following ,,\r, Rules of Procedure, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", for the expeditious con- dUft of Its business; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to post caples and/or extracts of said rules In suitable places for ,the guidance of persons having business with this Council. Upon the motion of Counci I Member de Leon, seconded by .Councll Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smlth.and Mayor Millis. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted thi~ 24th day of April, 1979. , ~A- ATTEST: Q~.. .. ~-.'^" , DEPUTY CliY CLERK I, Catherine L. Jansen, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the. foregoing Resolution No. 1358 Is a true, full and correct copy of said Resol- ution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 24th day of April, 1979. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the. City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 25th day of April, 1979. SEAL ~.....;....... ~ ~ ,- , DEPUTY" CYCLER CITY OF ARROYO GRAN -~----- RESOLUTI ON NO. oJ. ~ 1358 EXHIBIT "A" APRIL 24, 1979 RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYOGRANOE i, In order to provide for more expeditious handling of a growing public business, these rules of procedure ~re ~dopted by the City of Arroyo Grande City Council as of April 24, 1979. Wherever possible, these rules are to be construed generally. MEETINGS A. The City Council shall meet in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All meetings will be open session in the Council Chambers. B. Business at regular sessions shall be conducted from 7:30 PM to 12:00 Midnight only, unless extended by unanimous consent of the Council Members present. C. Special adjourned meetings and study sessions of the .City Council may be called by a major i ty vote of the City Counc i I or by the Mayor. D. The order of business for the City Council shall be as arranged by the City Admin- . istrator, except for matters set at a specific time by the Council. , E. A matter not on the agenda will not be considered, except by unanimous consent of the Council Members present, unless legally required. ATTENOANCE A. The City Attorney should be present at all regular meetings of the Coullci 1. B. The City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk shall be present at all meetings of the Council. C. The City Administrator, or his deputy, shall be present at all regular meetings of the Counc i I. D. All persons appearing at meetings of the City Council, who desire to speak or make presentations, shaH first be recognized by the .Mayor and shall properly identify. them- selves. Such persons shall stand during their presentation unless Invited to do other. wise by the Mayor. PROCEDURE A. A council order applies mainly as a directive to City officers or employees. It need not be reviewed in writing, as it generally applies to one specific act only. Council resolutions and ordinances must be reviewed in written form before binding action is taken on same. B. In the absence or inability of the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tern to attend a meeting of the City Council, the members present shall select one of their number to temporarily pres ide. C. No question on a motion shall be debated or "put" unless the same be seconded. When a motion is seconded, it shall be stated by the Mayor before debate. . D. When motions are made by Council Members, the motion shall be stated to the Clerk by the moving Council Member. E. Upon a motion having been stated by the Mayor, it shall be deemed to be in posses. sian by the Council, but it may be withd.rawn at any time, before decision or amendment, with the assent of a second. F. When a motion. is under debate, no motion shall be received unless: 1. To Adjourn 5. To commit "To committed". 2. To the table. 6. To amend. 3. The previous question. 7. To postpone indefinitely. 4. To postpone to a certain date. These motions shall have preference in the above order. G. A motion to adjourn, or a motion to fix time of adjournment, shall be decided with- out debate. H. The previous question shall preclude all amendment from debate to the main question and shall be put in the form "Shall the main question be put now?". . I. A member called to order shal.1 reI inquish the floor unless permitted to explain; and the Council, if appealed to, shall decide on the case, but without debate. I f there is no appeal, the decision of the Mayor shall be final. , i ...."..'... 1J~2 RESOLUTION NO. 1358 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE TWO J. Upon demand of any Council Member, or at the discretion of the Mayor, the vote shall be by roll call, except that the vote on all ordinances or resolutions shall be by roll call vote. COMMITTEES A. The Mayor shall appoint committees at such times as he deems necessary for the pro. per conduct of the business of the City Council. B. All orders of the Council, relative to committees, shall specify the purpose of the committee, the length of time the committee shall serve, and the times and methods by which the committee shall report to the .Council. C. "0 committees appointed by the Mayor shall include in their membership more than lone Council Member. I D. The City Administrator shall be ex.offlcio member of all committees appointed by the Mayor, pursuant to the foregoing rules, and is hereby empowered to cal J meetings of such committees at such times as may be mutually agreed upon by a majority of the members of any such committee. AGENDAS A. Agendas for the Council will be prepared by the City AdminIstrator and he shall have discretion as to when and what items shall be included. B. Items to be Included on the Council's agenda for a Tuesday Council meeting shall be submitted to the City Administrator (by 9:00 AM on Wednesday preceding the. meeting. on the foliowlng Tuesday), by the person requesting the item. C. Agenda requests referred to In liB" above shal1 be submitted in such form and con- tain'sUl;h InformatIon as the City Administrator shall prescribe. O. Any item not on the agenda may be heard at any time by the Council, with the unanimous consent of all CouncIl Members present. However, these are to be kept to an absolute minimum, and. are to be based on urgent circumstances. E. WheDever the City AdminIstrator deems It advisable, In order to provide a guide for Council action, the City Administrator shall recommend a course of action for Items other than the consent agenda. (See "F" hereafter). F. The City AdmInistrator may list such Items as he deems advisable, together with . a recommended course of action for each, under a "Consent Agenda" category. Any Council Member may delete any item(s) from the Consent Agenda in order to change the recommended course of an action, and the Council, by roll call vote, may then approve the remainder of the Agenda; or, by roll call vote, may approve the Consent Agenda as submItted. * * * * * " I. Items referred to individual departments for action by the City Counci1 shall be routed through the City Administrator. The City Administrator shall Inform the Council on the second Tuesday of each month as to the current status of communf.cations, and as to which department's final reports are still outstanding. II. The City Administrator shall occasIonally review these rules of procedure and make recommendations for change to the Council for revisions. ill. Amendments to these rules of procedure shall be by majority vote of the Council. ..--.---