CC 2022-01-25 CCB Project_PP Presentation Consideration of Approval of a Cost Sharing Agreement with the Cities of Grover Beach and Pismo Beach for the CCB Project and Resolution Authorizing an Application to the State Water Resources Control Board for a State Revolving Fund Loan for the Project 1/25/2022 1 Project Description Regional recycled water project that will enhance supply reliability by injecting advanced purified water into the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin (SMGB) Lead agency, City of Pismo Beach Phase 1 – treat wastewater from the City of Pismo Beach to advanced level, inject into groundwater basin at key locations near coastline to reduce seawater intrusion, produce approximately 900-1,000 AFY Phase 2 – would treat wastewater from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) 1/25/2022 Background 2 Council Considerations of CCB Operating Agreement March 23, 2021 – Approved Operating Agreement subject to condition that the cities of Pismo Beach and Grover Beach separately agree to enter into a Community Workforce Agreement for construction of the Project April 13, 2021 - Rescinded conditional approval of the Operating Agreement, directed the City Manager to draft a letter to the City Councils of Pismo Beach and Grover Beach requesting that certain items be address in the proposed Operating Agreement May 24, 2021 – Letters received from City Managers of Grover Beach and Pismo Beach 1/25/2022 Background 3 Council Considerations of CCB Operating Agreement June 8, 2021 – Council considered letters from Pismo Beach and Grover Beach, asked the cities to provide a revised operating agreement that substantively addresses the two concerns the City raised in its prior letter, directed no cost contributions be made until a revised draft is received, and authorized the City Manager to negotiate terms 1/25/2022 Background 4 Council Consideration of Revised Framework September 14, 2021 – New cost-sharing and governance framework presented to the City Council, which directed staff to negotiate a cost sharing agreement consistent with the new framework terms Reduced share for Arroyo Grande JPA model for operations of the Project Joint Council Meetings Approval of pre-construction and construction budgets 1/25/2022 Background 5 Consistent with Revised Framework, with a few exceptions: Project Shares: Pismo Beach – 39% Grover Beach – 36% Arroyo Grande – 25% JPA will be formed earlier, prior to construction, in order to obtain financing for construction of the Project JPA will own title to the Project site Financing plan contemplated 1/25/2022 Proposed Agreement 6 Terms included as identified in the revised framework: Pismo Beach retains lead agency status Decision-making and responsibility for entitlements, environmental compliance, procurement, and construction Each City Council approves Cost Sharing Agreement Joint Powers Agreement Project budget, scope, contingencies, costs exceeding approved budget plus contingencies 1/25/2022 Proposed Agreement 7 Terms included as identified in the revised framework: Joint City Council Meetings – Brown Act At least one, up to two, meetings per year Receive updates regarding the project Discuss policy issues as needed Public venue to review and discuss the project Technical Advisory Committee – non-Brown Act 1/25/2022 Proposed Agreement 8 Terms included as identified in the revised framework: Costs exceeding approved budgets, including 20% contingency, require approval of the three City Councils No provisions limiting participants’ groundwater pumping Project water cannot be moved outside of the NCMA without the parties’ approval Local hire provisions 1/25/2022 Proposed Agreement 9 Arroyo Grande share 25% of CCB Project water would secure additional groundwater allocation of 225-250 AFY 25% of Total Estimated Construction Costs $12,924,045.80 (with no additional grant awards) $5,767,609.25 (if Prop 1 GWGP grant is awarded) $2,712,477.75 (if Prop 1 GWGP, Prop 1 IRWM, and max Title XVI WRRG grants awarded) 1/25/2022 Costs 10 1/25/2022 Costs 11 CWSRF Application Application for financial assistance from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund submitted on December 30, 2021, to meet deadline for funding in 2023 All three cities submitted applications for their respective shares of construction costs during last week of 2021 Pismo Beach submitted an application on behalf of the JPA seeking funding for all construction costs Applications require authorizing resolution of the City Council Arroyo Grande’s application submitted with letter clarifying the City’s role in the project and need to obtain authorization from the City Council Application to be withdrawn if authorization not granted No obligation at this time for City to obtain financing from CWSRF – intent to withdraw if/when JPA is formed and obtains financing 1/25/2022 12 Recommendation It is recommended the City Council 1) Consider and authorize the City Manager to execute a Cost Sharing Agreement for the Central Coast Blue project; and 2) Consider and approve the proposed Resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for financial assistance from CWSRF administered by the State Water Board for the City’s share of anticipated construction costs for the Project. 1/25/2022 13 Grant Awards and Applications WaterSMART Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse Grant (Title XVI WRRG) awarded $1.7 million on August 5, 2021 Additional Title XVI funding decisions will likely occur on an annual basis Application submitted September 7, 2021, seeking $28.6 million in grant funding from the Proposition 1 Groundwater Grant Program (Prop 1 GWGP) (Round 3) If awarded, will provide funding for more than 50% of construction costs Funding decisions likely in Q1/Q2 2022 Final proposals likely due late 2021/early 2022 To date, $4,496,094 in federal and State grants awarded to Project 1/25/2022 Grant Opportunities 14