R 1355 ! ~ ~ IIIS00UT 101 110. ....!lU..- A MSOW". Of TItt CITY ~IL Of' 1141 C'TY Of 1111-0:"" CIIlnn HQUESTIIIC THI STATE HPMTMEIIT Of fUIIS,.,.A"'. MD TIlt FlDEAAL "''*'''''1 AIIIUIUSTAATlOII TO APl'AOVI '11IaM. AID 1M.. l'IIOJ[c:T FIa THE CITY or AItIIO'10 GMltDE'S UUM MIA. . ~, the tontreu of the Un'ted Stater., hu '" the \Mlted SCates SlIrf_ Trllt$pOrtaCIOft ~t of 1978, declare4 It to be In the !NIts..1 I"Cerast for '.ra' ,1Ift4. to be axp41ftde4 for hl......y projects on the '.ra'-AI4 UrtNta Syse_; aM 1iIIEUM, baud Oft the 1970 Cen.us, the lur..u of U. c..us ... ......- te4 tM City of Arroyo Ira'" .. an UrlNlt ArM; and _lIAS, bafore F"ral-AI4 wl.1 be ... aval'altle for .... Syst_ ,..oJec:u .'t"'. thl. U..baft A...., the '''..ai-Aid''"*' Pro.s-u ..C filii .- .,....C"; IIW, TIIPfFOlE:, IT IS HlHI.., HSOLVEO .. follows: .. TM City Council of the City of Arro,o Ir~ ...,. uta tMt the prD,D..cI '''r.I-Ald ProJec:t, .I.cell..."us 'ocal r0e4 pro"-.I .. tM ''',el-AI4 tIrNn Iyse_, be appr0va4 Ity the State ..,.,....t fit Yr...,.,ta- tloa aM tM '''r.1 Highway AdaI"llt,atlon as a F"'ral-AI4 ~ ~Ject. 2. Copl.. of this ".olllclen shell" fo",...-.cs to ..... ,..... 1r.1"', District Director, C.llfornla ..,.rt_t of TraMtlOrCatloa. .ht"ct S. Post Off1.to. l, "'" Lul. Obispo, Callforala ,,*. '" the .elen of Council ......, de l8Oll, 1IIC0lulll4 Ity c..cU Fl . I' Pope. ... .. the foll..,l", roll C4111 vote, to "": AftS: c:ou.cll ......rs 1a.I....r, .. ~, ro,.. .... ... ...... MIIII.. _S: 1IoAII. MSOTI 1IoAII. the 'or.'", .--solutlon WlS p..sad aftCt adopte4 this 10th /ley of .". 1'19. ~ ~ AntSTI ~ '. c.the,IM L. JaM.... hputy City C'.rk .f U. City of ........ ......... eo.tY of ... Lu'1 ."po, Stet. of kilt......'.. . ....... OWU:J tM<< .. '.......... ....,..U..... IHS .. a trUSt full .... cor....t ...., ...4 .....Iu- t'" ...,... aM ""t'" Ity tM City eo.ncll of tM tlty of ....,. ....... at . ,.."., ..tl", ., said ~" he'd Oft the 10th 4ay of .rll. "19. VIMSS., hand aM the Seal of the City of Arro.,. tr... a'''_ Uti. 11th Gay of Ap,I\, 1979. (SIAl) --~"'- _._-_..._~