R 5151 RESOLUTION NO. 5151 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING THE LOCAL ROADS SAFETY PLAN (LRSP) WHEREAS, the City Council authorized a Consultant Services Agreement with GHD to assist with preparing a Local Roads Safety Plan (Plan); and WHEREAS, the Plan is being created for the purpose of complying with new State and federal requirements related to the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP); and WHEREAS, the Local Road Safety Plan is a requirement for future HSIP grant applications; and WHEREAS, the Plan has been developed through the coordinated efforts of City staff, consultants and a stakeholders working group and input from the public through an on- line engagement; and WHEREAS, a review session was held by the Planning Commission on October 19, 2021, to discuss and receive comments on the City's draft Local Roads Safety Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and the Local Road Safety Plan presented at the meeting on January 25, 2022, and the information contained in the Local Roads Safety Plan, staff report, and the administrative record. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves the Local Roads Safety Plan; as set forth in "Exhibit A," attached hereto. On motion by Council Member Paulding, seconded by Council Member George, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Paulding, George, Storton, Barneich, and Mayor Ray Russom NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 25th day of January, 2022. RESOLUTION NO. 5151 PAGE 2 r , • ArJ CAR CAREN RAYI SSOM, MAYOR ATTEST: JESSICA MATSON, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 4/, Oil 00 WHITNEY Ii7cDONA , CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FROM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT A `--' CITY OF AR0Yo GR4g MEL'.42.16L/1;:ialk:71.0M11 - nc ' ip i -Al (JCAILIFORNIAJ ; A (11 ,t470 � { '� II II iq -- �1-- Al ' • � e •. ,2 f { - Local Road Safety , ` `` 1. Plan (LRSP . .. . .. •• ' ,:\,;..:,:...;,) City of Arroyo Grande i . 1 j• j Final Draft Report _ f, 4i rt ' a goY4 GRA,v I PC; I' 's �� , �~ This page was intentionally left blank. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page i Acknowledgements A special thanks to all the Safety Partners that contributed to this plan. City of Arroyo Grande Mayor and Council Members Community Development Department Police Department Public Works Department Five Cities Fire Authority San Luis Obispo County City of Grover Beach City of Pismo Beach Caltrans, District 5 Lucia Mar Unified School District Safe Routes to School Coordinator San Luis Obispo Bike Club Bike SLO County GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page ii Executive Summary The Local Road Safety Plan(LRSP)is a traffic safety planning document for local agencies to address unique roadway safety needs in their jurisdictions. This comprehensive document will both help to guide the City's implementation of safety countermeasures and allow eligibility for funding in future HSIP grant applications. Preparing an LRSP facilitates local agency partnerships and collaboration, resulting in a prioritized list of improvements and actions that contribute to California's Strategic Highway Safety Plan(SHSP) overall vision and goals. This SHSP focuses on reducing fatal and severe injury collisions with focused challenge/emphasis areas.The LRSP is a collaborative process that will build on the collision analysis from the Systemic Safety Analysis Report(SSAR)with a local leadership stakeholder group that represents the 5 E's (shown below) and guides the formation of the plan. The LRSP helps to address the 5Es of traffic safety: Engineering, Enforcement, Education, Emergency Services, and Emerging Technologies. The E9s of traffic safety • [gineering FLorceme—r;)[ orcem [ ducaontiSergency Emerging 111111 Services ) \Technofogi-es In 2016,Arroyo Grande was awarded funding from Caltrans for the Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program (SSARP) for analysis of the City's entire roadway system. Per the upcoming HSIP Cycle 11 requirements, the City of Arroyo Grande added a Local Road Safety Plan to the process to be eligible for future funding. This holistic approach of engaging stakeholders and the community in the development, allows certain areas of concern not showing a crash pattern to be analyzed.Also, it fosters local, state, and agency partnerships to advance local road safety. In following the overall LRSP process, a Stakeholder Working Group (Working Group)was formed with the City as the lead with participation from local organizations from the 5 E's and anyone with an interest in improving the City's roadway safety. This group gathered for meetings to discuss the overall collision analysis, goals, priorities, safety recommendations, and overall development of the safety plan. In addition, after completion of the plan, support letters were provided by Caltrans and Lucia Del Mar Unified School District(see Appendix A). Based on the Working Group Meetings, this LRSP will address multiple SHSP Challenge Areas including but not limited to: 1. Bicyclists 2. Intersections GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page iii 3. Pedestrians 4. Distracted Driving 5. Aggressive Driving/Speeding In addition, the vision, mission statement, and goals were established in guiding the development of the LRSP. It was also decided that the LRSP for the City of Arroyo Grande would be a living document with official updates every five (5)years. Based on the input from the Working Group, this LRSP recommends the following strategies for the focused study locations and Citywide systemic applications for the 5 E's of Traffic Safety. 1. Engineering: Apply low-cost safety countermeasures at current locations experiencing collisions and systemically at locations with similar risks (comprehensive approach). 2. Enforcement: Enforce actions that reduce high-risk behaviors to include speeding, distracted roadway usage, and Driving Under the Influence(DUI). 3. Education: Educate all road users on safe behaviors. 4. Emergency Response: Improve emergency response times and actions. 5. Emerging Technologies: Utilize emerging technologies in conveying and collecting information from the roadway users in an effort to improve safety and operations. In addition, it is important to understand the upcoming funding opportunities in the successful implementation of these safety projects. Funding opportunities include but not limited to: 1. Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)—Call typically every 2 years. Last call (cycle 10) started in April 2020 and ended November 2, 2020(extended due to COVID-19) a. Next call HSIP Cycle 11 is schedule to start in April 2022 2. Active Transportation Program (ATP) a. Next call for funding projects is scheduled to start in March 2022 3. Safe Routes to School grants 4. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality(CMAQ) program 5. Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant(Sustainable Communities) 6. Other funding sources are Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) and Federal Highway Administration GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page iv Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Background 2 2.1 Purpose and Need 2 2.2 Guiding Documents 3 2.3 Methodology 3 3. Safety Partners and Stakeholders 5 3.1 LRSP Stakeholder Working Group Meetings 5 3.2 SHSP Challenge Areas 6 3.3 Guiding Principles 6 3.3.1 Vision 7 3.3.2 Mission Statement 7 3.3.3 Goals 7 3.3.4 Vision Zero 8 3.3.5 Safe Systems Approach 9 Assembly Bill (AB)43 9 4. Analyze Safety Data 10 4.1 Recent/Planned Safety Projects 10 4.2 Collision Data 11 4.3 Top Collision Locations 13 4.3.1 Top Collision Locations—Based on Collision Severity 13 4.3.2 Top Additional Collision Locations—Based on Crash Rates 15 4.4 Bicycle Collisions 15 4.5 Pedestrian Collisions 16 4.6 Fatal and Severe Injury Collisions 17 5. Emphasis Areas 19 6. Public Outreach 20 6.1 Project Website 20 6.1.1 Interactive Map 21 7. Identify Strategies 23 7.1 Engineering Strategies 23 GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page v 7.1.1 Other Recommended City Projects 24 7.2 Non-Engineering Strategies 25 7.2.1 Education 25 7.2.2 Emerging Technologies 25 7.2.3 Enforcement 26 7.2.4 Emergency Response 26 8. Implementation Process 27 8.1 Implemented/Planned Projects 27 9. Evaluation Process 27 10. Next Steps 29 11. References 30 Figure Index Figure 1 The LRSP Development Process 1 Figure 2 FHWA's LRSP Development Map 4 Figure 3 SHSP Challenge Areas 6 Figure 4 Traditional Approach vs. Vision Zero 8 Figure 5 Collision Density Heat Map (2014-2018) 11 Figure 6 Bicycle Collisions (2014-2020) 16 Figure 7 Pedestrian Collisions (2014-2020) 17 Figure 8 Fatal and Severe Injury Collisions (2014-2020) 18 Figure 9 Social Pinpoint Website Homepage 20 Figure 10 Public Website Interactive Map 21 Table Index Table 1 Fatal and Severe Injury Collisions on City Roads (2014—2020) 2 Table 2 Recent Safety Projects 10 Table 3 Collision Severity for Fatal and Injury Collisions per Year 12 Table 4 Collision Type for Fatal and Injury Collisions per Year 12 Table 5 PCF Violation Category for Fatal and Injury Collisions per Year 13 Table 6 Top Intersection Locations by Collision Severity 14 GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page vi Table 7 Top Segment Locations by Collision Severity 14 Table 8 Top Intersection Locations by Crash Rates 15 Table 9 Top Segment Locations by Crash Rates 15 Table 10 Engineering Countermeasures 24 Appendix Appendix A Stakeholder and Public Input Appendix B SSAR Crash Analysis Appendix C SSAR Priority Projects Appendix D Circulation Element Figures GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page vii List of Abbreviations AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials APS Accessible Pedestrian Signal ATP Active Transportation Program or Plan AWSC All Way Stop Control BCR Benefit to Cost Ratio BUI Biking Under the Influence CA MUTCD California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices CIP Capital Improvement Program CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality DUI Driving Under the Influence EPDO Equivalent Property Damage Only FHWA Federal Highway Administration FSI Fatal or Severe Injury HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program HSM Highway Safety Manual LRSM Local Roadway Safety Manual LRSP Local Road Safety Plan RRFB Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon SHSP Strategic Highway Safety Plan SSAR Systemic Safety Analysis Report SWITRS Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System TIMS Transportation Injury Mapping System TWLTL Two-Way Left Turn Lane TWSC Two Way Stop Control GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page viii 1 . Introduction In 2016, the City of Arroyo Grande was successful in receiving a Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program (SSARP) grant from Caltrans' Local Assistance. Per the City's leadership direction and upcoming requirements for HSIP grant funding, a Local Road Safety Plan was appended to this effort. The LRSP builds off the safety analysis and engineering performed in the Systemic Safety Analysis Report(SSAR)to create a comprehensive and holistic Citywide safety plan. The LRSP is a data-driven process similar to the process for the SSAR except a LRSP has a local leadership group that represents the 5 E's (Engineering, Enforcement, Education, Emergency Response, and Emerging Technologies)to guide the development of the plan. The LRSP included a Citywide analysis of the roadway system in Arroyo Grande comprising the current collisions patterns and high-risk roadway characteristics (systemic analysis), and recommended safety improvements for the other E's. Furthermore,the City of Arroyo Grande's goal is to identify safety countermeasures to help mitigate the City's primary crash trends, reduce the overall collision severity, and identify locations with higher safety risks that do not currently experience a collision issue but could benefit from safety improvements. The Federal Highway Administration's LRSP development process is shown in Figure 1. At the kick-off meeting the leadership team was established to guide the development of the Local Road Safety Plan. Figure 1 The LRSP Development Process Evaluate and THE LRSP 0 Update DEVELOPMENT Priorttlzeand PROCESS Incorporate Strategles 0 Identify Establish Strategies Leadership Determine Analyze Emphasis Safety Data Areas Robin Dickerson, City Engineer, was identified as the Safety Champion/Lead for this project, working with a stakeholder working group that represented the other E's (enforcement, education, emergency response, and emerging technologies) and other important safety partners. This stakeholder working group was paramount in creating a comprehensive safety plan that is tailored to address local needs and issues. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 1 2. Background 2.1 Purpose and Need The City of Arroyo Grande has a current population of approximately 18,000 and is part of the 5 Cities region in San Luis Obispo County. The 5 Cities region is made up of Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, Grover Beach, Oceano, and Shell Beach with a total population of approximately 48,000. Arroyo Grande has a mix of local, commuter, and recreational traffic with a variety of different road users including passenger cars, heavy vehicles (buses, large trucks, and farming equipment related to the agricultural industry), bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit. In addition, this LRSP document will compliment the recently adopted Circulation Element's core value"to provide safe and easy travel within and through the City for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles correlated with the Land Use Element." Focusing on the roadway safety needs, the stakeholder group evaluated five (5) years of collision data from the SSAR(2014-2018)and an additional two(2)years (2019-2020)of data. From 2014 to 2020, there were 5 fatal and 18 severe injury collisions on City streets. Collision severity for fatal and severe injury(FSI) collisions in years 2014-2020 is shown in Table 1. During the study period, year 2019 had the most FSI collision (2 fatal and 6 severe injuries, 8 total FSI). Followed by, 2017 with the second highest FSI collisions(1 fatal and 5 severe injuries, 6 total FSI).All other years during the study period had three (3) or less FSI collisions. Table 1 Fatal and Severe Injury Collisions on City Roads (2014— 2020) Year Severity Location Type Violation Category Other Information 2015 Sev.Inj N Oak Park Bluff and El Camino Real Broadside Traffic Signals and Signs - 2015 Sev Inj E Branch St,11 ft east of Garden St Broadside Other Hazardous Violation Bike collision 2016 Sev Inj James Way and N Oak Park Bbd Broadside Traffic Signals and Signs 2017 Sev.Inj E Grand Aim and Courtland St Broadside Traffic Signals and Signs Pedestrian was crossing 2017 Sev.Inj 100 E Branch St Vehicle-Pedestrian Pedestrian Violation not in a crosswalk 2017 Sev.Inj E Branch St and Le Point Terrace Head On Wrong Side of Road - 2017 Sev.Inj S Halcyon Rd and The Pike Broadside Automobile Right of Way - Pedestrian was crossing in a crosswalk at the 2017 Fatal E Branch St and Short St Vehicle-Pedestrian Pedestrian Right of Way intersection 2017 Sev Inj 1105 EI Camino Real Head On Improper Turning - 2018 Sev Inj E Branch St,298 ft east of Garden St Head On Unsafe Lane Change Single Vehicle-Driver 2018 Fatal El Camino Real,770 ft east of Oak Park Blvd Hit Object Improper Turning was intoxicated Pedestrian was crossing 2018 Fatal E Grand Ave and Bell St Vehicle-Pedestrian Pedestrian Violation not in a crosswalk Pedesrian was in the road, 2019 Sev.Inj E Grand Ase and N Courtland Rd Vehicle-Pedestnan Unknown including the shoulder 2019 Fatal El Camino Real,319 ft south of Bennett Ave Hit Object DUI Motorcycle collision 2019 Sev Inj 300 E Grand Ase Broadside Automobile Right of Way - Pedestrian was crossing in a crosswalk at the 2019 Sev.Inj E Grand Ass and Elm St Vehicle-Pedestrian Pedestrian Right of Way intersection 2019 Sev Inj Valley Rd,530 ft south of Fair Oaks Ave Sideswipe Unknown Motorcycle collision 2019 Sev.Inj S Traffic Way,21 If south of Poole St Other Unknown Bike collision 2019 Fatal 495 Valley Rd Hit Object DUI Single Vehicle 2019 Sev.Inj Corbett Canyon Rd,52 ft south of Corral PI Rear End Unsafe Speed Motorcycle collision 2020 Sev Inj Ash St and Courtland St Hit Object DUI - Pedestrian was crossing 2020 Sev.Inj E Grand Ate and El Camino Real Vehicle-Pedestrian Unknown not in a crosswalk 2020 Sev.Inj Huasna Rd and Stagecoach Rd Sideswipe Improper Passing Motorcycle collision GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 2 The collision type and violation category are presented in Table 1 above. The primary collision types for FSI collisions are broadside and vehicle-pedestrian collisions. The primary violation categories for FSI collisions are DUI/BUI, Traffic Signal/Signs violations, and Unknown. 2.2 Guiding Documents In developing the City of Arroyo Grande LRSP, the following standards and guidelines were followed: • "Local Roadway Safety, A Manual for California's Local Road Owners", Caltrans,Version 1.5, April 2020. • 2020-2024 California's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), "California Safe Roads: 2020- 2024 Strategic Highway Safety Plan", Caltrans. • "Developing Safety Plans,A Manual for Local Rural Road Owners", Federal Highway Administration, March 2012. • "Highway Safety Manual",American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO), 1st Edition, 2014 supplement. • "California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD)", Revision 5, 2014. 2.3 Methodology The LRSP methodology followed the FHWA's LRSP development process as shown in Figure 2. Below is a roadmap created by the Federal Highway Administration to show the primary steps used to create the Local Road Safety Plan: 1. Identify Stakeholders a. Working Group was formed, incorporating members representing the 5 E's and other interested representatives. 2. Use Safety Data a. Past 7 years(2014-2020) of collisions were analyzed with discussion of other high- risk locations. 3. Choose Proven Solutions a. FHWA Proven Countermeasures and Caltrans safety countermeasures were used in mitigation collision trends and risk characteristics. 4. Implement Solutions a. Projects were identified for specific locations and systemically. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 3 Figure 2 FHWA's LRSP Development Map ntitty Local Road lderm a,StoketrInd otder ' Safety Plans: 0' W. M Q Your Map to Sorer Roodwon •.-vo PA,: d" oTti ' Na mailer what your reramme,,a toe I — — T 1iii Road Safety clan wig guide you to / - dato.tldven toluliotn and cater roads. erne•ri.Iteamtgevrpiavncovrt•rmed,u••nxa redo, Cali ' / : • r1-3 . X111.2111 Choose Proven Solutions Y l roast by]5: 4 ® • * Gnomon neunda>e•rt fe 47,f.:emen Gwba \ Gnomon < j� . 1 _ 1 a®1gtY®a 6a 411111 In 201?.over 50.1 al leforries I - - - — .i - - - Crafter �„rodae• a.ew, ;nb an Niel ca of American free l / In runt aedt / .Hal t1 Implement Solugons III • I rt `s rtE® ei''' • 1 I 1 Ome •• byIerel a 4 , i y • T �. _ kia Get People Home Solely Source:Federal Highway Administration GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 4 3. Safety Partners and Stakeholders At the project kick off meeting, the different safety partners to engage in the LRSP Stakeholder Working Group were discussed. These stakeholders included City representatives from various departments(Community Development, Public Works, and Police), fire, school district, bicycle and pedestrian groups, and roadway jurisdictional partners. Based on the City's connections and current working relationship with the identified stakeholders, the working group formation was led by the City. The LRSP Stakeholder Working Group included the following representatives: • City of Arroyo Grande Li* • Caltrans, District 5 COUNTY -SAN LUIS • County of San Luis Obispo oBISPo • City of Pismo Beach • City of Grover Beach • itX-0/t� GRANA Arroyo Grande Police Department • Five Cities Fire Authority (Q • Lucia Mar Unified School District l T7W/�� r of o • San Luis Obispo Bike Club • Bike SLO County GHD worked with the City staff and the LRSP working group to come up with a vision, mission statement, and goals that support California's State Highway Strategic Plan (SHSP). The goals developed through this process aim for results consistent with the City's vision for safety and are realistic, achievable, and measurable. Identified future projects will aim to meet these goals. In addition, Caltrans and Lucia Mar Unified School District provided support letters for the LRSP. These letters are in Appendix A: Stakeholder and Public Input. 3.1 LRSP Stakeholder Working Group Meetings Four meetings were held with the stakeholder working group. Two meetings were held in person pre-COVID and two meetings were held virtually, post-COVID. The meeting dates and summaries were as follows: 1. December 13, 2019—In person meeting a. Discussed the overall LRSP process,working group member's safety priorities, past 5 years of collisions(City and Caltrans roadways), vision, goals, and priorities. 2. January 30, 2020—In person meeting a. Reviewed summary of first meeting, discussed further collision analysis with priority locations, recent developments, safety countermeasures and projects, refined LRSP's guiding principles, and coordinated next steps. 3. February 9, 2021 —Virtual Meeting GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 5 a. Summarized first two meetings and process status, safety countermeasures and priority locations, finalized Mission Statement, Vision, and Goals, and discussed public outreach. 4. April 9, 2021 —Virtual Meeting a. Discussed next steps with the Draft LRSP plan, public outreach comments, and 2019-2020 fatal and severe injury collisions, current and planned safety projects, and overall recommendations for safety countermeasures. 3.2 SHSP Challenge Areas The LRSP will complement California's SHSP 2020-2024. The California SHSP identifies 16 challenge areas as shown in Figure 3 below. These challenge areas are recommended emphasis areas in the development of the plan. Figure 3 SHSP Challenge Areas AGGRESSIVE DRIVING EMERGENCY !IlkMOTORCYCLISTS RESPONSE AGING DRIVERS EMERGING OCCUPANT TECHNOLOGIES • li'' PROTECTION BICYCLISTS 47,9IMPAIRED DRIVING PEDESTRIANS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES tlrir INTERSECTIONS e WORK ZONES ." DISTRACTED DRIVING LANE DEPARTURES YOUNG DRIVERS C.1-`, DRIVER LICENSING Based on the LRSP Stakeholder Working Group Meetings, this LRSP will address multiple Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Challenge Areas including: 1. Bicyclists 2. Intersections 3. Pedestrians 4. Distracted Driving 5. Aggressive Driving/Speeding 6. Emerging Technologies 7. Emergency Response Guiding Principles The members of the stakeholder working group established the vision, mission statement, and goals that guided the development of the document. Ideally, this document will help the City move toward Vision Zero. Vison Zero is a strategy which strives to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 6 injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, and equitable mobility for all. Traditionally traffic fatalities and severe injuries have been considered inevitable side effects of modern life. The reality is that these tragedies can be addressed over time by taking a proactive, preventative approach that prioritizes traffic safety as a public health issue. To do so, bicycle and pedestrian safety will be prioritized by focusing on uncontrolled crossing improvements and public education. 3.3.1 Vision The vision statement describes what the Local Road Safety Plan is trying to achieve. Arroyo Grande will strive toward the elimination of all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, and equitable mobility for all. 3.3.2 Mission Statement The mission statement defines the purpose of the plan, what it does, and what it is about. The mission statement was developed in collaboration with the stakeholder working group. To reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries occurring on Arroyo Grande's roadway system for all modes of travel in facilitating a safe, sustainable, and efficient movement of people and goods while promoting walking, encouraging bicycling, and supporting transit. 3.3.3 Goals Safety goals were development for the Local Road Safety Plan. It is important to capture realistic goals that can evolve over time. The LRSP's goals were created based on the City's needs. Plan Goals • Reduce the potential for fatal and severe injury collisions Citywide • Reduce the potential for rear end collisions Citywide • Reduce the potential for bicycle and pedestrian collisions Citywide • Improve the health and vitality of our community with a safety plan that encourages safety for pedestrians and bicyclists targeted to Arroyo Grande's local roadway needs • Improve safety around schools with a connected multimodal system and improved crossings • Increase walking, biking, rolling (stroller, walker, wheelchair, skateboard, scooter, etc.)to the downtown district, to work, and to school GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 7 • Improve safety at uncontrolled crossings • Increase driver and pedestrian education • Reduce distracted driving • Improve bike safety with additional bikeways and green bike lanes for vehicle to bicycle conflict areas • Increase traffic enforcement • Receive grant funding for LRSP identified projects 3.3.4 Vision Zero Vision Zero is a significant departure from the status quo in two major ways: • Vision Zero recognizes that people will sometimes make mistakes, so the road system and related policies should be designed to minimize those inevitable mistakes and reduce their likeliness to result in severe injuries or fatalities. This means that system designers and policymakers are expected to improve the roadway environment, policies (such as speed management), and other related systems to lessen the severity of crashes. Roadway users are however still responsible for their mistakes and should follow all applicable laws and use reasonable judgement when conducting themselves within the public right of way. • Vision Zero is a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together diverse and necessary stakeholders to address this complex problem. In the past, meaningful, cross-disciplinary collaboration among local traffic planners and engineers, policymakers, and public health professionals has not occurred consistently. Vision Zero acknowledges that many factors contribute to safe mobility-- roadway design, speeds, behaviors, technology, and policies-- and sets clear goals to achieve the shared goal of zero fatalities and severe injuries. Figure 4 provides a comparison of the traditional approach versus the Vision Zero approach. Figure 4 Traditional Approach vs. Vision Zero TRADITIONAL APPROACH VISION ZERO Traffic deaths are INEVITABLE Traffic deaths are PREVENTABLE PERFECT human behavior Integrate HUMAN FAILING in approach Prevent COLLISIONS VS Prevent FATAL AND SEVERE COLLISIONS INDIVIDUAL Responsibility SYSTEMS approach Saving lives is EXPENSIVE Saving lives is NOT EXPENSIVE GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 8 3.3.5 Safe Systems Approach In providing a comprehensive approach to safety, the Safe System approach is to design our vehicles and infrastructure in a manner that anticipates human error and accommodates human tolerances with a goal of reducing fatal and serious injuries. The following framework is intended to assist the vehicle and infrastructure communities in making decisions in alignment with Safe System principles. Implementing and selecting safe system practices and design will incrementally improve safety over time. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)defines the safe systems approach and framework as the following: "The Safe System approach differs from conventional safety practice by being human-centered, i.e. seeking safety through a more aggressive use of vehicle or roadway design and operational changes rather than relying primarily on behavioral changes—and by fully integrating the needs of all users(pedestrians, bicyclists, older, younger, disabled, etc.) of the transportation system. Safe Systems provide a safety-net for the user by: 1.Anticipating Human Error—A Safe System is designed to anticipate and accommodate errors by drivers and other road users. 2. Accommodating Human Injury Tolerance—A Safe System is designed to reduce or eliminate opportunities for crashes resulting in forces beyond human endurance." Adopting a Safe System approach does not absolve users of their responsibility. Other safety practices such as speed management strategies, driver education, enforcement, and effective emergency response will remain essential to improving road safety. With the passing of Assembly Bill (AB)43, there will be flexibility in setting speed limits. Assembly Bill (AB)43 AB 43 was signed into law by Governor Newsom on October 8, 2021. The City is reviewing AB 43 and how it will be applied locally to address traffic safety. This bill will change several aspects of speed setting and enforcement in California with a goal to make roadways safer for all road users. The new law is set to go into effect by June 30, 2024 with certain parts coming into law as soon as January 2022. AB 43 allows agencies more flexibility with keeping the previous speed limit, allows business and residential districts to have 15 and 20 mph speed limits, and allows the agency to round down the proposed speed limit based on an engineering study that finds the roadway is similar(no additional lanes added) or if there is a high presence of bicycles or pedestrians. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 9 4. Analyze Safety Data 4.1 Recent/Planned Safety Projects During the development of the plan, various safety projects were already implemented or planned in the City of Arroyo Grande. Table 2 displays the safety projects and status. A letter of support from Caltrans for the Halcyon Road Complete Streets Plan is also included in Appendix A: Stakeholder and Public Input. In addition, the City is looking at opportunities to move this project forward. In addition, the City is currently evaluating improvements on Tally Ho Road from James Way to SR 227. This roadway segment of Tally Ho Road was identified as the top 10 segment for crash rates (traffic volumes in comparison to crashes) per the SSAR analysis. Table 2 Recent Safety Projects Project Location Project Status Improvement MEE Pedestrian crossing improvements to indude pedestrian activated LED Rank Lntersection E Branch St at Short St Complete lights around the Pedestrian Warning signs in 2019.Additional red Relative Severity brick crosswalks was also previously added The Pike at S Halcyon Road Complete Converted to all way stop controlled in 2019.There were no collisions Rank 5 Intersection recorded at the intersection in 2020 Relative Severity Rank 3 Intersection E Grand Ave at Courtland St Planned Stnping and pavement marking improvements with CIP Relative Severity El Camino Real-Oak Park Blvd to Rank 1 Segment Planned Operational improvements with Brisco Road Improvements Brisco Rd Relative Severity Improve striping along Grand Ave by replacing bort dots with Rank 1 Segment E.Grand Avenue—Courtland to Elm Planned thermoplastic road markings Relative Severity Halcyon Rd-Fair Oaks to Grand Ave Planned Halcyon Street Complete Street Plan Rank 3 Segment Relative Severity Fair Oaks—Halton to Valley Road Planned Halcyon Street Complete Street Plan has intersection improvements Rank 4 Segment to include a roundabout at Halcyon and Fair Oaks Relative Severity W.Branch—Brisco to Camino Rank 5 Segment Planned Brisco Road Interchange Project Mercado/US 101 ramps Relative Severity Camino Mercado—W.Branch Street Rank 2 Segment Complete Centerline striping added to Rancho Parkway Crash Rate Improvements made at Traffic Way and Fair Oaks Ave in July 2019— Traffic Way at Allen Street Complete Traffic Signal installed and improved signage/pavement markings Rank 1 Intersection near Allen Street.The signal has helps to create gaps in traffic for Traffic Crash Rate Way and Allen Street Installation of Red Curb(limiting parking)along ellen Street. Rank 3 Segment Allen Sheet—Traffic Way to Padfic Planned Improvements to sidewalk with recent private developments.City B Coast Railway Place Crash Rate staff to begin working with residents to identify possible solutions Valley Road at Arroyo Grande Nigh Under Rank 2 Intersection Realignment of Castillo Del Mar and intersection at Valley Road School/Castillo Del Mar Construction Crash Rate W Branch Street at Brisco Road Planned Operation improvements.Eventually will be improved through the Rank 3 Intersection Brisco Road Interchange Project Crash Rate Updated pedestrian crossing in 2019 with flashing LED lights on signs. E Branch Street at Bridge Street Complete Bridge Street was improved through Bridge Street Bridge Project Rank 4 Intersection completed in March 2021(Funded through the Federal Highway Crash Rate Bridge Program(HBP)) Funded through Install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons(RRFBs)at the west leg for E Grand Ave at Alder St HSIP Cyde 10 crossing Grand Ave,install curb extensions,ADA curb ramps,yield Pedestrian Crossing lines,and striping and pavement markings Farroll Ave at S.Halcyon Rd Funded through Refresh high visibility school crosswalk on west leg to cross Farroll Ave, School Crossing HSIP Cycle 10 Install curb extensions and ADA oarb ramps Funded through Install/replace Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons(RRPBs)at the west S Halcyon Rd at Sandalwood Ave HSIP Cyde 10 and south leg,install curb extensions,ADA curb ramps,yield lines,and School Crossing striping and pavement markings Oak Park Blvd•W Grand Ave to Under Reduce number of travel lane to single lane in each direction with City of Grover Mentone Construction buffered/wide bike lanes Beach Project (City of Grover Beach project) Oak Park Blvd-Mentone Ave to The Reduce number of travel lane to single lane m each direction with City of Grover Pike-Pavement Rehab project Planned buffered/wide bike lanes.Construction not.2025/2026 Beach Project (City of Grover Beach project) GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 10 4.2 Collision Data GHD collected and reviewed five years of complete collision data(2014-2018)from the California Highway Patrol's Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS), Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), and the City of Arroyo Grande collision data. After rectifying the data, a comprehensive data set was used for the safety analysis. Due to the City also having to deliver a Systemic Safety Analysis Report(SSAR), the collision analysis will reference that report. In addition, the LRSP will capture other safety concerns from the LRSP working group and citizens including places where there are near-miss collisions as well as fatal and severe injury collisions that occurred in 2019 and 2020. Collision analysis was performed for all roadways in the City of Arroyo Grande excluding the US 101 mainline collisions. The collisions for the US 101 interchanges in Arroyo Grande were evaluated separately.As presented in Figure 5, Citywide collisions for the past 5 years (2014-2018) excluding the US 101 interchange collisions were mapped, identifying the high-risk segments and intersections. Per the collision density map, the roadway segments and intersections with higher collision frequency fall along E. Grand Avenue, E Branch Street, W Branch Street, Fair Oaks Avenue, Halcyon Road, and El Camino Real. Additional collision analysis and maps are located in Appendix B: SSAR Crash Analysis. Figure 5 Collision Density Heat Map (2014-2018) / / . 1 Collision �i'' Density t" �' – Low ,,01 / ,..High James 1.., + .. \ f ‘‘.. 1\\ '12 l C CGftandf eArioyd 711. Si. 41 cr 110 ,2 . I iit• • / Irb A ---o 4, --re,,L0,04-//:.--<_ . 0 a) lb --Q. '40t, "e6 s ,. 4P )\, idiPiV t) • -• ./2/, \ QP E Grand Av�� 4ot �t�,�p�1 d � �� � �• / • A- ♦a# : /4 o.• or )`. ./ — -0° l► ; _ o• 4014,N / pp • -- j • 0 - a -• , S A� I ♦ W Fair Oaks Ave o • 9i —I \/____27-.,N-2's \ ' a c — - es , ; u g 1 LL To O _ ��VMM m ' N f > GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 11 In evaluating the past five(5)years in the SSAR with the recent 2019 and 2020 collision data, the severity for fatal and injury collisions was assessed. It is noted that in 2020 there were COVID shelter-in-place orders, and the traffic patterns were not representative of a typical year. However, it is important to still assess 2020 for context in understanding the collision patterns and safety issues. As shown in Table 3, there were fatal collisions in 2017, 2018, and 2019, with 2014, 2017, and 2019 having the highest total fatal and injury collisions per year. Table 3 Collision Severity for Fatal and Injury Collisions per Year Severity (Fatal and Injury Collisions) Injury Total Injury Injury (Complaint of (Fatal and Year Fatal (Severe) (Other Visible) Pain) Injury) 2014 0 0 20 37 57 2015 0 2 15 19 36 2016 0 1 13 17 31 2017 1 5 18 23 47 2018 2 1 11 17 31 2019 2 6 7 26 41 2020 0 3 10 20 33 Total 5 18 94 159 276 As presented in Table 4, collision type is shown for the fatal and injury collisions each year. Broadside collisions were the most common and they typically occur at intersections due to vehicles not yielding the right of way or violating the traffic signal/stop sign. The second most common collision type was rear-ends. Rear-end collisions typically occur due to speed differential, congestion, and vehicles following too closing or inattention. There were also 32 vehicle/pedestrian collisions in the past 7 years. Table 4 Collision Type for Fatal and Injury Collisions per Year Type (Fatal and Injury Collisions) a, v ❑. 'o U f6 C C CLI C •` y, 0 N W .� 0 5 i o to L" N 1r N C Year m. r'a'y w m z oo ' > a. O m i° 'r- c 2014 3 5 13 20 5 5 5 1 57 2015 1 2 15 11 2 0 4 1 36 2016 1 0 11 12 1 0 5 1 31 2017 3 5 9 14 9 0 7 0 47 2018 4 0 9 7 7 0 2 2 31 2019 2 2 13 12 4 0 7 1 41 2020 4 2 6 8 5 2 2 4 33 Total 18 16 76 84 33 7 32 10 276 f I l_ r GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 12 Table 5 shows the primary collision factor(PCF) violation category for the fatal and injury collisions. The top violation category was unsafe speed followed by automobile right of way (Auto RMI). Table 5 PCF Violation Category for Fatal and Injury Collisions per Year Type (Fatal and Injury Collisions) T m a) c U m 0 _0 on C tin Cu a7 C C C > > C a/ O U Y O_ H a1 O fU a1 7 cc 5 C 0 O GD a) I— >• Q C I— C C d0 D Cu C C _ ' CO 0 "O '51 3 2 D -0 a1dD O- aJ O- .v a.+ v LL- a1 C — OL O m C v- O w 0 V) N a) i C — CU to O C f0 - o al a! N Y CU CU CO i N C Cu O_ in — 0 n. 0 O. a+ 10 -0 C tD -C C co 'C .? Y ''-' [O D E c o E c E 0 a� v .°n I 4 �. 4, +. c o LL Year o — — D — Q a n U) m O o DL/) OO 1- _- 2014 4 0 13 0 2 0 1 7 11 4 0 4 1 4 2 1 0 3 57 2015 5 0 12 0 2 0 0 1 5 3 1 3 0 2 1 0 0 1 36 2016 1 0 9 0 1 0 0 4 7 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 31 2017 6 0 5 0 4 0 1 6 9 6 1 2 0 3 0 2 0 2 47 2018 2 0 5 0 1 0 2 7 6 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 31 2019 6 1 9 1 0 0 0 2 9 4 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 4 41 2020 4 0 6 0 0 1 1 8 4 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 33 Total 28 1 59 1 10 1 5 35 51 23 5 15 1 11 6 4 3 17 276 4.3 Top Collision Locations A figure summarizing the locations that ranked in the highest ten for relative severity (Equivalent Property Damage Only (EPDO) methodology) and crash rates for the five-year collision analysis is included in the SSAR. For further information, please reference Appendix C: SSAR Priority Projects priority locations. Since the completion of the SSAR, multiple safety projects have been implemented at many of the top collision locations, and additional improvements are being evaluated. These improvements are listed below as sub-bullets. 4.3.1 Top Collision Locations — Based on Collision Severity As determined in the SSAR, the top intersection collision locations were identified based on relative severity (highest collision severity ranks highest). Per the SSAR recommendations, many locations have been improved. Tables 6 and 7 below show the completed, planned, and identified projects for these locations. Identified projects are based on the recommendations from the SSAR and LRSP. These projects priority and subsequent implementation will be driven by the City and available grant funding. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 13 Table 6 Top Intersection Locations by Collision Severity er t'• - - •L.let: '' u'..t,- - -- -: Planned Projects Ide.tified.Rroj.•cts Crossing improvements made in 2019 to E Branch Street and Short Street include pedestrian-activated flashing LED _ lights on the pedestrian warning signs and refreshed crosswalk markings. Evaluated for rrud block crossing with a In the interim,a two-stage pedestrian hybrid beacon(HAWK)in last crossing(median island in the center two- pedestrianHSIP cycle 10.M additional engineering way left turn lane)is recommended on the E Grand Avenue and Bell Street east leg with a high visibility crosswalk, study needs to be performed to see if this location will meet CA MLJTCD warrants for yield fines,and a pedestrian-activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon installation of a pedestrian hybrid beacon. (RRFB). Additional safety improvements can include adding an additional signal head per lane, retroreflective back plates,and ADA improvements with accessible pedestrian Striping and pavement marking signal(APS)push buttons and countdown E Grand Avenue and Courtlandtimers.With the completion of the rnirrproveents are identified in the Capital Street mprovement Program(CIP). commercial center on the southwest corner expected in 2022,City staff recommends that the traffic movements and signal phasing(might need to add a left turn phase for the northbound approach)and timing be reviewed for this intersection. Evaluate future traffic signal improvements to include a signal head per lane,flashing El Camino Real and N Oak Park yellow left turn arrow for Boulevard permissive/protected phasing,and update pedestrian push buttons to APS and provide countdown timers. The Pike and S Halcyon Road This location was converted to an ail way Evaluate future crossing improvements to (City/County controlled stop contro(AWSC)in 2019. include ADA ramps and crosswalks on the - intersection) north and south legs. Table 7 Top Segment Locations by Collision Severity Segment Completed Pro'ects Planned Projects "identified Pro ects- ' El Camino Real—Oak Park Operational improvements are included Evaluate as needed for additional safety Boulevard to Brisco Road with the Brisco Road/US 101 interchange improvements. project. Striping and pavement marking improvements with CIP project. -It is recommended to remove bolts dots E.Grand Avenue—Courtland _ and install thermoplastic striping and - Street to Elm Street pavement markings. -Provide continuous bike lanes as feasible. Per the Halcyon Complete Streets Plan -A road diet is recommended in providing Halcyon Road—Fair Oaks Avenue a center two-way left turn lane for left turns Pursue grant funding and evaluate project to Grand Avenue - and buffered bike lanes adjacent to phasing to P g prioritize this area. parking. -A roundabout is recommended at Halcyon Road and Fair Oaks Avenue Provide continuous bike lanes(bike lanes end around the hospital)and green conflict marking in vehicle and bicycle conflict zones. Fair Oaks Avenue—Halcyon Road _ - Provide horizontal curve warning signs to Valley Road and/or chevrons. Provide high friction surface treatment for the downhill grade on the southbound approach to the Brisco Road intersection. Provide green bike conflict marking for vehicle/bicycle nizng zones. Improve visibility of signalized intersections with retroreflective back plates and an additional signal head per lane. W.Branch Street—Brisco Road Provide a signal warning sign with flashing to Camino Mercado/US 101 - - beacon at the top of the grade to the Ramps southbound approach to Brisco Road intersection. In the interim evaluate adding a blank out sign"NO RIGHT TURN ON RED"for the southbound right turn conflicts with the NB left protected left turn phase. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 14 4.3.2 Top Additional Collision Locations — Based on Crash Rates In addition to the top five intersections and top five segments based on relative severity, five additional intersections and segments were identified in the SSAR based on their crash rates. Tables 8 and 9 show the completed, planned and identified projects for these additional locations. Table 8 Top Intersection Locations by Crash Rates Intersection Completed„Projects. , Planned Projects __Identified Projects ;, __._dill Recent improvements along Allen Street Traffic Way and Allen Street with the new Chevrolet Dealership. Recent installation of traffic signal at Traffic Way and Fair Oaks Boulevards. Construction is underway for the Valley Road and Castillo Del realignment of Castillo Del Mar at Valley Mar/AGHS parking lot Road into a traditional perpendicular intersection. W.Branch Street and Brisco Brisco Road and US 101 interchange Road improvements will redesign this - intersection. Evaluate pedestrian improvements (possibly move crosswalk on E.Branch E.Branch Street and Bridge Street to the west leg)so there are less Street conflicts with the turning vehicles(removes right turns from Nevada Street and Bridge Street and left turns from westbound E Branch). Evaluate future traffic signal improvements E.Grand Avenue and S.Elm to include a signal head per lane and Street update pedestrian push buttons to APS and provide countdown timers. Table 9 Top Segment Locations by Crash Rates Segment Completed Projects . Planned Projects ldentified.,Projects ,.. Evaluate removal of the post office Bridge Street—Traffic Way to E. mailboxes and conversion of the segment - from Bridge Street to Nelson Street to one- Branch Street - way.Also recommended in Circulation Element. Camino Mercado—W Branch Recent striping improvements added a Evaluate adding bike lanes. Street to Rancho Parkway center yellow line. Add a white edgeline to define parallel parking. Allen Street—Traffic Way to Add high visibility crosswalks and ADA ramps to the all-way stop control Pacific Coast Railway Place intersection of Allen Street at Mason Street. City Staff to begin working with residents to identify additional solutions. W.Branch Street—Brisco Road Brisco Road at Branch and Rodeo Drive to E.Branch Street will be redesigned with the Brisco Road and US 101 Interchange Project. Rancho Parkway—W.Branch _ Provide pedestrian mid-block crossing Street to Via Vaquero improvements south the Via Vaquero. 4.4 Bicycle Collisions In evaluating the bicycle to vehicle collisions in the City, seven years of data (2014-2020)was mapped by severity. There were no fatal bicycle collisions and all collisions occurred in the day except for two complaint of pain bicycle injury collisions. As shown in Figure 6, the bicycle collisions were focused on the E Grand Avenue, E Branch Street, and Fair Oaks Avenue corridors. In addition, a level of traffic stress (LTS)was performed on arterial and collector roadway in the 2021 Circulation Element. For reference, the LTS map is included in Appendix D: Circulation Element Figures. Many roadway segments have LTS 4 (highest stress network) due to the lack of bicycle facilities, high vehicle speeds, and roadway configuration. These high stress roadways include Oak GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 15 Park Boulevard, James Way, Rancho Parkway, Tally Ho Road, E Branch Street, Branch Mill Road, W Branch Street, El Camino Real, Brisco Road, Grand Avenue, Elm Street, Halcyon Road, Fair Oak Avenue, Valley Road, and The Pike. Figure 6 Bicycle Collisions (2014-2020) ••� \ fi 1 Bike Collision v ...r" / t �`.. DayN` 1 '�/ db Night - / / / ,W;:"/ N Severity Fatal moo, \h k., Injury(Severe) i . - \i V Y\ hljWrY rot,-Visible) r. 0 Injury(Complaint of Pain) Damage Only James w�Y r it �i• City of Arroyo Grande Lout ---/- 4 / r°-` .t ‘/r r. w, 1 _ - y, 4.- 7 �e�'k a��r r / �h Sr �0� E Grand Ave aa, , =% �`(' ,f # '1 d Ash St e,a t v I_ rc Fair Oaks Aveel I_ !�II�, II = , L' , a 03 _ Y N ; ��) !..--.3:- 4 T a w% 4.5 Pedestrian Collisions As shown in Figure 7, the pedestrian to vehicle collisions in the City were mapped for the past seven years (2014-2020) by collisions severity. There were two (2) fatal pedestrian collisions with one occurring at night (pedestrian was crossing Grand Avenue at Bell Street) and one occurred during the day (pedestrian was crossing E Branch Street at Short Street). There were also five (5) severe injury pedestrian collisions with three (3) at night and two (2) during the day. The sidewalk gaps were quantified in the Circulation Element, Background Report, and for reference the figure is included in Appendix D: Circulation Element Figures. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 16 Figure 7 Pedestrian Collisions (2014-2020) Pedestrian Collision _/\ /--- --' -\ch ' ',„'' DaY -jr:--) � ,/ ` erely itNigl,l iy•-." „))/ \• / !� 2r ./ Sev c ■ tr� lw(Severe) .0111* re ' ` .■ Wi.Y(C«nani+ot Pan, ■ Property Damage Only trafte ive - 1 +'' 7' i Y h City of Arroyo Grande Limit Y -Ca i) / j Scholl iiiii� ®® w � meg. t r EGnn um # 1. 0 t.c4 / z---- MIc ! ■■ / . 1�= ` Ash St C+ / j 0Fair Oaks Ave Y. i i' f9 < V a, w .� ! C\r. _ If 4.6 Fatal and Severe Injury Collisions From 2014 to 2020, there were 5 fatal and 18 severe injury collisions recorded. As shown in Figure 8, the five fatal collisions are as follows: • 2017—Pedestrian to vehicle collision at E. Branch Street and Short Street • 2018—Pedestrian to vehicle collision at Grand Avenue at Bell Street(crossing mid-block) • 2018—A single vehicle collision, hit object collision due to improper turning on El Camino Real, 770 ft east of Oak Park Blvd. • 2019—A single vehicle, hit object collision due to DUI on El Camino Real 319 ft South of Bennett Ave • 2019 —A single vehicle, hit object collision due to DUI on Valley Road at Castillo Del Mar (Arroyo Grande High School Back Driveway) GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 17 Figure 8 Fatal and Severe Injury Collisions (2014-2020) - Collision Severity k f`^' A Fossil 0 Somme Injury - 'r ED City afAvow Grande LYnRI it a 81.114Z ,.s-.1 --+-/- . .11/1411/4\ 1 fr ‘' '40\ .7 ej ...41. Air.,,,,,ir .... 6m,, IS ,---t..\110 Arter-,\, P �' ..■.1■�a• A,. ___ --- EGr�arftlAveMat : 04. �4► ' ■Mw■� Wra.n tin ■■rrAi �„ ■■�)♦ Ash St- i ■■■.�] I I 'z A _Fair OnksAre - 141111kJ i ell .1 ini yl VA ;� alum / ,4::1 ..__ 1 :�. _ +1h I L GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 18 5. Emphasis Areas The emphasis areas determined by the working group are as follows: • Bicycles • • 41• Intersections • Pedestrians IAA • • • • Distracted Driving ■-■ • Aggressive Driving/Speeding • Emerging Technologies • Emergency Response These emphasis areas were used in prioritizing safety projects in the SSAR and LRSP. Reference Appendix C for the SSAR prioritized list of projects. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 19 6. Public Outreach 6.1 Project Website A project website was created on the Social Pinpoint platform to inform the public about the LRSP and provide a platform for input. Figure 9 displays the homepage for the website found at Irsp.mysocialpinpoint.com/arroyogrande. Visitors to the page were invited to provide comments on an interactive project map and share their thoughts through a project survey. Comments from the interactive map and detailed results from the survey are included in Appendix A: Stakeholder and Public Input. The interactive map had comments for both the Circulation Element and Local Road Safety Plan as they were active for public comments at the same time. Figure 9 Social Pinpoint Website Homepage ,Wecsse Ar,..:,i"10 :c tr—t..4 eEl E,..-7,-,.,,,troir...m.„4 • .-.4 tri - 'r�— , �P1/' kll'CiP♦ag .s r ; a ( I F F • •� 1 '�� — City of Arroyo Grande Local Road Safety Plan CJ knO,',,,,,„ordi^f tC,..e=e'a,_g,,e .w7Ti^=anon{rr-Nine cres^S3_itics.=t een‘To of B'.,eh cle'a:al:'es are on cca'Coy?.Tr_--.c am a ern mg^u-nbe'and s.,-c-cime,tree,rres^re- 'art mte-state S'sterra.:�ccaRoad Safer,+,ars(LRS os)prori ce to-getee solt:to^s'n a cd•ess'^s re 'oadnej safer;meets'thin cur corar,.ei Get Involved — t..3.-S.," :.1'-'::."-:, '11111P4010 ate: .r ” 44 Interactive Project Map Project Survey ;,..t'e'e a'eas c`C^Ce"'rat of feel eez acacal a -to=__s ^c,s 5-a,c-trot. , e.,issues " q• S ,..i T,c,- cr,c;tel gr.s cuic<p.^:e,' roue t-e;^teez.e:ac' GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 20 6.1 .1 Interactive Map The interactive map feature on the website allowed the public to drag icons to a location within the City and leave a comment regarding driving, pedestrian, or bicycle suggestions at that location. Figure 10 shows the interactive map feature from the website. Some of the public concerns collected from the interactive map are as follows: Figure 10 Public Website Interactive Map City of Arroyo Grande Pubh G �+- Outreach ..g.�en.ymryryn ww .a • r��o+~ m rnnu r I is.n=grse- Nµ•cwx m•-mw >• e e o e a-•y ryxn am.avaw•Y>z^nne =c;r g,'er eOe vel Speeding • Tally Ho—Want traffic calming measures similar to Rodeo Drive(especially for WB) • Grace Lane—Recent speeds in excess of 60 mph • Sunset Drive—Cut through route • E Branch St between Nevada St and Short St—Public comment about vehicles speeding through segment and need for traffic calming • E Grand Avenue, west of Courtland St—Public comment about reducing speed to increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety • S Mason St and Allen St—Public comments about reducing speed (implementing traffic calming) to increase pedestrian and bicycle safety Pedestrian • Wayfinding for pedestrian bridge between Best Western Hotel and Oak Park Plaza • Preferences for increased accessibility on S Mason Street • Improve pavement markings for crosswalk at West Branch Street and Traffic Way GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 21 Biking • Valley Road—Complete the bike lanes by Arroyo Grande High School to Fair Oaks • Grand Avenue— Discontinuous bike lanes (East of Brisco, El Camino Real, around Halcyon) • Fair Oaks Avenue—No bike lanes at intersection with Halcyon (westbound), consider bike box for left turn at Traffic Way • Halcyon Road— Discontinuous bike lanes and changing typical section with travel lanes • El Camino Real between Brisco Road and N Halcyon Road—Suggestion for a separated pedestrian/bicycle path • Brisco Road Interchange—Public concern about US 101 crossing • E Branch Street—Concern about safety east of Garden Street and lack of infrastructure at Crown Hill Street • E Branch St between Crown Hill St and Huasna Rd - Public comments about providing protected bicycle infrastructure and removing parking to provide safer bicycle routes for students in both directions GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 22 7. Identify Strategies Through coordination and feedback from the City of Arroyo Grande, LRSP working group, and public outreach, the Local Road Safety Plan identifies safety projects and strategies. The LRSP will discuss engineering strategies and projects as well as the other E's to include Enforcement, Education, Emergency Response, and Emerging Technologies. Engineering strategies will include both a reactive approach (based on the past collision history) and a proactive approach (systemic application to locations with similar risk factors for future collisions but not currently experiencing a collision issue). 7.1 Engineering Strategies Engineering strategies and projects are presented in Table 10 based on feedback from the City, Stakeholder Working Group, public outreach, and engineering analysis. Some countermeasures identified in the SSAR were already implemented or are part of upcoming planned projects. The countermeasures listed below represents projects that were not yet implemented, and other projects identified since the SSAR process. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 23 Table 10 Engineering Countermeasures Countermeasure LRSM ID Description • Intersections of: S17PB Install pedestrian countdown signal heads E Grand Ave at Courtland St E Grand Ave at S Elm St Pedestrian improvements at E Grand Ave at S Halcyon Rd S18PB Install pedestrian crossing signalized intersections El Camino Real at Brisco Rd and/or S21PB Modify signal phasing to implement a Leading Pedestrian Interval Systemically at other City signalized intersections (LPI) Improve signal hardware:lenses,back-plates with retroreflective Intersections of: SO2 E Grand Ave at Courtland St border,mounting,size and number E Grand Ave at S Elm St Non-pedestrian E Grand Ave at S Halcyon Rd improvements at signalized S03 Improve signal timing(coordination,phases,red,yellow,or operation) El Camino Real at Brisco Rd intersections a nd/or Systemically at other City signalized intersections S07 Provide left turn phase(left turn lane already exists) Intersections of: NS19PB Install raised medians/refuge islands E Grand Ave at Bell St-East leg crossing E Grand Ave Nelson Stat Traffic Way Pedestrian improvements at Rancho Pkwy at Via Vaquero NS20P6 Install pedestrian crossing at uncontrolled locations(signs and uncontrolled locations The Pike at Garfield PI markings only) and/or Systemically at other City uncontrolled locations NS21PB Install pedestrian crossing at uncontrolled location with enhanced safety feature(RRFB,Curb Extensions)(where applicable) El Camino Real from N Oak Park Blvd to Grand Ave R32PB Install bike lanes W Branch St from N Oak Park Blvd to Camino Mercado Bike lane improvements Valley Road-Approx.600 ft S of Fair Oaks Ave along segments Fair Oaks Ave-650 ft E of Halcyon Rd Install green marking for bicycle lane conflict zones/install bike Grand Avenue-Provide continuous bike lanes boxes where appropriate Road diet Halcyon Rd from Fair Oaks Ave to E Grand Ave R14 Evaluate Road Diet(Reduce travel lanes from 4 to 3 and add two way Oak Park Boulevard from E Grand Ave to Atlantic City Ave left-turn and buffered bike lanes) Install/Upgrade signs with new fluorescent sheeting(regulatory and Signage improvements Locations determined through a citywide sign audit R22 Waring signs) Curve related N Oak Park Blvd from Atlantic City Ave to Chilton St R23 Install chevron signs on horizontal curves(where applicable) Improvements Fair Oaks Ave from Halcyon Rd to Valley Rd P R24 Install curve advance warning signs R28 Install thermoplastic edgelines and centerlines and pavement markings Striping and pavement E Grand Avenue from El Camino Real to Courtland St marking improvements Remove bolts dots and provide guide marks for offset lanes through - intersection(e.g.Halcyon Road,Elm St) R24 Install Dynamic/variable speed warning signs Traffic Way at US 101 NB Oft-Ramp - Additional Enforcement - '•"' Speed management Grace Lane North or Rodeo Drive Tally Ho from SR 227 to James Way Evaluate Traffic calming measures to include speed cushions,travel Sunset Drive from Elm St to Alder St - width narrowing,parking delination and/or separate bikeway.etc (traffic calming needs to adhere to City policy) 4 7.1 .1 Other Recommended City Projects Pedestrian crossing improvements are recommended at the existing mid-block crossing at Nelson Street and Traffic Way, at the proposed mid-block crossing at Grand Avenue at Bell Street (closest crossing is at Halcyon Road and Traffic Way on Grand Avenue), and at a proposed midblock GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 24 crossing at Rancho Parkway at Via Vaquero based on the high risk characteristics associated with uncontrolled pedestrian crossings. With these improvements, it is recommended to provide or evaluate the lighting for the pedestrians crossing at night. Grand Avenue at Bell �_e "S'1111" Rancho Parkway at Via Vaquero Street 4t � • Propose midblock crossing with • Propose midblock s E� + `.\ pedestrian refuge island and crossing with ped - ` 4. , RRFB 4--I refuge island and 00 J. • , . s;, RRFB .1).. 40,74LIT a Nelson Street and Traffic 7+02." �1 < ., • , • ��I L' �yy Way `� '8.,;,40,,,,.):;..,X, �s � '1: t� • Proposed Pedestrian '. - ' ' r ♦ .. `' Crossing ti, � w �f ,P �,' Enhancement and + 1 i - �t� RRFB ,, , ):,*\1:‘,./404 �/� : r ;V.' " • f�:{ 7.2 Non-Engineering Strategies 7.2.1 Education mEducation strategies are listed below. • Pedestrian education campaigns—street crossing "dos and don'ts", wear bright clothing and have a light at night • Driver and bicyclist education and resources • Safe route to school maps and outreach at schools • Social media blasts with quick education tool for all users • Pop up campaigns o April is distracted driving month, City should aim to have an outreach campaign (can be funded by Office of Traffic Safety grants) • School safety campaigns 7.2.2 Emerging Technologies 9 Possible emerging technologies strategies are listed below. <4... .. > • Bicycle detection at traffic signals GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 25 o Bicycle detection is obtainable at traffic signal with video detection technology. Currently, the City of Arroyo Grande only has one signal with this technology (Traffic Way and Fair Oaks Avenue) • Changeable message signs o Police Department currently has two portable changeable message signs. The second sign was recently purchased through a grant • City recently purchased a data collector for speed and volumes • Update older technology (traffic signals, speed feedback signs, etc.) 7.2.3 Enforcement Enforcement strategies are listed below. 0 • During the development of the LRSP the City added a full-time motor office, supplemented by a part time motor office. • Targeted speed enforcement • DUI saturation patrols 7.2.4 Emergency Response 0 Emergency response strategies are suggested below. • Provide Administrative Staff • Continue Save a Life—PulsePoint Responder(smartphone app designed to empower everyday citizens to save a life) • Continue Emergency Preparedness Information GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 26 8. Implementation Process In evaluating how to implement safety projects, a prioritized list of projects with additional systemic projects is included in Appendix C: SSAR Priority Projects. The City of Arroyo Grande will look for opportunities to incorporate safety enhancements with the Capital Improvement Program. However, funding is very limited and typically used for roadway paving and maintenance. Additional funding opportunities can come through grant funding to include HSIP, ATP, and CMAQ. 8.1 Implemented/Planned Projects Since the completion of the SSAR, multiple safety projects have been implemented throughout the City. Some improvements are as follows: • At the intersection of E. Branch Street and Short Street crossing improvements were made to provide pedestrian activated flashing warning signs on E. Branch Street. • The intersection of The Pike and S. Halcyon Road was converted from a two-way stop to an all-way stop in 2019 and is no longer a high priority intersection. • Due to the improvements made at the intersection of Fair Oaks Avenue and Traffic Way, the intersection of Traffic Way and Allen Street has seen operational improvements. A signal was installed in July 2019 that improved signage and pavement markings near Allen Street and has helped create gaps in traffic for those turning from Allen Street. • Coordination is underway for the relocation of the bus loading zone on Valley Road adjacent to Arroyo Grande High School. The bus loading zone is planned to be relocated to the back parking lot which will allow continuous bike lanes on Valley Road adjacent to the high school through a roadway restriping project. 9. Evaluation Process To evaluate the success of this plan, yearly collision analysis, along with requests for public feedback, can take place and be compared to the established goals and measure of success. For the LRSP goals the measure of success should be SMART: 0 Specific—clear action item description 0 Measurable—identified performance measures Achievable—committed resources by responsible organization Relevant—statewide significance and data-driven issue and countermeasure Time Constrained—achievable within the LRSP time frame In following this methodology the LRSP goals and measure of success are defined below: GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 27 O Goal: Reduce the potential for fatal and severe injury collisions Citywide o Measure of Success: A downward trend with fatal or severe injury (FSI) collisions over the next five (5) years. © Goal: Reduce the potential for rear-end collisions Citywide o Measure of Success: A decrease in "rear-end" type collisions by 5% over 5 years. OGoal: Reduce the potential for bicycle and pedestrian collisions Citywide. o Measure of Success: A decrease in pedestrian and bicycle involved collisions in the next five (5)years. This could be attributed to an increase in multimodal facilities and connected systems. ® Goal: Improve the health and vitality of our community with a safety plan that encourages safety for pedestrians and bicyclists that is targeted to Arroyo Grande's local roadway needs o Measure of Success: If this goal is successful, residents will express an increased feeling of safety while using Arroyo Grande's transportation systems. Additionally, the number and severity of collisions each year will trend downward in the next five (5) years. © Goal: Improve safety around schools with a connected multimodal system and improved crossings o Measure of Success: An evaluation of improvements to the multimodal transportation infrastructure around schools will capture the effectiveness of this goal. o A downward trend in the number of collisions within five hundred feet of schools over the next five (5) years. © • Goal: Increase walking, biking, rolling (wheelchair, skateboard, scooter, etc.) to the downtown district, to work, and to school. o Measure of Success: Increase in multimodal infrastructure and improvements and subsequent pedestrian and bicycle counts. O • Goal: Improve safety at uncontrolled crossings o Measure of Success: Increase safety improvements at uncontrolled crossing locations (2 per year)with a reduction of collisions occurring at these locations will determine if this goal is met. • Goal: Increase driver and pedestrian education o Measure of Success: An increase to the number of public education and information campaigns initiated by the City in the next five (5) years will determine if this goal has been met. O • Goal: Reduce distracted driving o Measure of Success: A decrease in "Distracted Driving" violations after implementing engineering, enforcement, education, and emerging technologies will determine if this goal is met. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 28 1O • Goal: Improve bike safety with additional bikeways and green bike lanes for vehicle to bicycle conflict areas o Measure of Success: An increase to the amount of bikeways and green bike lanes at conflict areas in next five (5)years will determine if this goal is met. el •Goal: Increase traffic enforcement o Measure of Success: A reduction in community reports and complaints and an additional motorcycle police officer. •Goal: Receive grant funding for LRSP identified projects o Measure of Success: Successful grant applications for federal and state funding for the Local Road Safety Plan identified projects and other applicable safety projects/plans (grant application for an Active Transportation Plan was recently submitted in 2021) in the next five (5)years. 10. Next Steps The City of Arroyo Grande's Local Road Safety Plan is scheduled to go to City Council in January 2022. This safety plan will be a living document and will guide the City's roadway safety needs for the next five years. It will be updated as needed and the goals will be evaluated every two (2)years. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 29 11 . References Traffic Data • Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System, 2014-2018. • Transportation Injury Mapping System, 2014-2018. • Collision Data, City of Arroyo Grande, 2014-2020. Manuals • "Developing Safety Plans,A Manual for Local Rural Road Owners", Federal Highway Administration, March 2012, http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/fhwasa12017/. • 2020-2024 California's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), "California Safe Roads: 2020- 2024 Strategic Highway Safety Plan", Caltrans. • "Local Roadway Safety,A Manual for California's Local Road Owners", Caltrans, Version 1.5, April 2020 • "Highway Safety Manual", American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO), 1st Edition, 2014 supplement. • "California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD)", Revision 5, 2014. Websites • California Department of Transportation, "Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)", https://dot.ca.gov/programs/safety-programs/shsp. • California Department of Transportation, "Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP)and Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program (SSARP)", https://dot.ca.gov/programs/local-assistance/fed- a nd-state-programs/h ig hway-safety-improvement-program/local-roadway-safety-plans. • California Department of Transportation, "HSIP Cycle 10", https://dot.ca.gov/programs/local- assistance/fed-and-state-programs/hig hway-safety-improvement-program/apply-now. • City of Arroyo Grande Local Road Safety Plan, https://Irsp.mysocialpinpoint.com/arroyogrande. • Institute of Transportation Engineers, https://www.ite.org/technical-resources/topics/safe- systems/. GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 30 GHD I Arroyo Grande LRSP I R1989RPT003 LRSP I Page 31 PIM D about GH D GH D is one of the world s leading professional services companies operating in the global markets of water energy and resources, environment, property and buildings, and transportation. We provide engineering, environmental. and construction services to private and public sector clients Jay Walter Jay.Walter@ghd.com 805.858.3141 Kathryn Kleinschmidt Kathryn.Kleinschmidt@ghd.corn 805.858.3147 www.ghd.com Arroyo Grande LRSP R1989RPT003 I Appendix A - Stakeholder and Public Input Public Comments collected via Interactive Map—December 15, 2020 to February 25, 2021 . , `,, 1 < day el c.4_ `J James z ck ' � •' d� oo d� D 'e9e� v�y ��� es ay Qa111411:' ' , / CD O C•4 o ,p ti Q� cn C5 <a 0 tr Q Nuasna Rd Atlantic CityAve Q o g c .0 I a �C� r Newport Ave m 1 �, 'pa Z QnAve (�� • C , / Ramona Ave r) / o ,1 each O E� 0 to SO 4 / 0LongbrancnAve Ant. rande " r ,� v, Seabright Ave 1 8 o Maple St cc i co ' — v''fi 0 ' v, Mentons Ave -I O _0 / Ash St t t s n�, It Grande d td Baden Ave s0�4 p �,J pve .� ,_ _High School �'O0 fie t l w Farrell Ave t'- -- — Q •\ i VI in CD I In L \V / sCa' r cn .7.- a — 1, s o• — / -- - s 1 — , Q _ The Riko- _I t_i t s s ,, _.- .—+ Driving Comments ID Comment Marker Location Latitude Longitude Often drivers will wait to the last minute and then go straight. Many already turned right back at the USPS drop. Just make this a bike/bus only segment that allows right turns if needed,instead of a Right Turn only lane that people misuse.Make the right turn at the USPS boxes"Right Turn D-1 Only"instead. Traffic Way and Nelson St 35.121364 -120.578048 Cars turning left here must navigate traffic coming from 2 different lights,2 different driveways,and pedestrians in the D-2 crosswalk.It's dangerous for everyone involved. E Grand Ave and W Branch St 35.122131 -120.581979 Biking Comments ID Comment Marker location Latitude Longitude Possibly an isolated pedestrian path on the north side of el Camino that would funnel cyclist and pedestrian onto a shared path under the 101 towards Branch street.It would allow cyclist to cross Brisco,west bound,easier as well. I constantly ride on this short stretch of el Camino west bound past Brisco and have to fight for space in traffic as cars race to turn right on Brisco towards 101 north bound.The El Camino Real btwn Brisco Rd and N B-1 light is a no turn on red,so cars urgently try to make the turn. Halcyon Rd 35.123708 -120.592804 This area is a major concern for cyclist to pass to branch street.choosing between the sidewalk and the busy road. Updating the sidewalk to allow cyclist easily flow into a safe B-2 space to cross the 101. Brisco Rd north of El Camino Real 35.123906 -120.593387 ID Comment Marker Location Latitude Longitude adding the class 2 bike lane would be a big plus,but reducing S Halcyon Rd btwn Park Way and B-3 speed limit would make bikers feel more comfortable. Dodson Way 35.116255 -120.591598 At around 44'across,this could also fit an uphill bike lane. 2x7.5'parking,2x 11'travel lanes,and a 7'bike lane uphill B-4 with sharrows downhill. Stagecoach Rd south of Platino Ln 35.129907 -120.564587 This is a designated"bike boulevard"in the city's bike master plan.Cars don't know that,so merging into 1 lane here for the sake of on-street parking becomes pretty dangerous.There are 10 on street parking spaces on each side of this block.Usually at least half unused.Not sure that B-5 justifies the use of road space. W Branch St east of Traffic Way 35.122661 -120.58067 Might be Pismo,but a bike lane to the right of a right turn only lane only works if you slow down traffic and make the B-6 right of way more obvious. lntx of Oak Park Blvd and James Way 35.133879 -120.605292 Just get rid of the overly long merging lane and use the space for better bike lanes on both sides.The buses will be B-7 able to handle it. Huasna Rd east of SR 227 35.12715 -120.56918 Bike lane ends as road expands to three lanes."Good luck B-8 cyclists!" Valley Rd south of Fair Oaks Way 35.114617 -120.581296 Some sections here are wide enough fora full-fat bike lane, instead of a bike boulevard,as long as you simply count how much parking is needed for the church days.Would also Newport Ave btwn Courtland St and B-9 reduce speeding in addition to the speed bumps. Montego St 35.124265 -120.604391 People can(and should)use bike lanes to turn right,so just make a wide bike lane eastbound instead of a disappearing B-10 bike lane into a right turn only lane. E Grand Ave and Halcyon Rd 35.11854 -120.591953 Northbound bike lane starts far from the intersection. B-11 Conflict point at the McDonald's entrance. El Camino Real and Cornwall Ave 35.121393 -120.586282 You could fit bike lanes and discouraging speeding by adding them,for just the cost of paint. Further up Orchard there is no parking and you should Orchard Ave btwn Pilgram Way and B-12 definitely reduce the width there also. W Cherry Ave 35.116124 -120.576563 As with a number of bike lanes in the city,the bike lane here is half gutter.The gutter is not part of the road and can lead James Way btwn Mesquite Ln and B-13 to some dangerous conditions for cyclists. Village Glen Dr 35.132638 -120.578771 Ash St should absolutely have a safe bike lane.No reason B-14 every trip to the sports complex needs to be by car. Ash St west of S Elm St 35.114538 -120.601172 El Camino Real btwn Brisco Rd and N B-15 No bike lane westbound,just sharrows for a long time. Halcyon Rd 35.123506 -120.592486 Protect this bike lane with XLP channelizers to reduce Traffic Way btwn E Cherry Ave and S B-16 offramp speeding. Traffic Way 35.11792 -120.57491 A Bike Boulevard may be insufficient to get elementary school kids to bike.You'll need to make it very high quality, and the Ocean View drop off areas would need to be B-17 monitored. Montego St and Linda Dr 35.124466 -120.599843 Farroll is the same width here as it is to the west,so there's Farroll Ave btwn Walnut St and Pecan B-18 no reason for the bike lane to just disappear. St 35.110795 -120.59646 ID Comment Marker Location Latitude Longitude There's also a magically appearing bike lane on this side of the intersection(Westbound).The parking should be removed directly next to the intersection and the bike lane B-19 made continuous. S Halcyon Rd and Fair Oaks Ave 35.112757 -120.591785 The bike lanes are so faded that Chevy customers think they B-20 can park here instead of just around the corner. Traffic Way and Poole St 35.120375 -120.576871 You could probably fit an uphill bike lane and a downhill Brisco Rd btwn Linda Dr and El B-21 sharrow on Brisco without removing parking. Camino Real 35.122543 -120.595191 The outer travel lanes are 15+ft while the bike lane is Oak Park Blvd bridge south of W B-22 substandard.Do not let CalTrans get in the way of fixing that. Branch St 35.130087 -120.606707 B-23 No bike lane uphill is brutal.I use the sidewalk. Oak Park Blvd south of James Way 35.132762 -120.605618 Bike lane frequently gets sandy here.Provide regular B-24 sweeping. W Branch St west of Rodeo Dr 35.124238 -120.591494 The parking demand here is low on the north side.Consider removing north side parking for a bike buffer,especially for James Way btwn Colina St and Village B-25 fast moving cyclists downhill where a dooring could be fatal. Glen Dr 35.131717 -120.577268 There is parking allowed here,and therefore this isn't even a bike lane on the south side.One parked car and you have to B-26 merge with fast traffic uphill. Branch St and Sterling Dr 35.125078 -120.5739 Turning left onto Fair Oaks is tricky.Consider a bike box or B-27 two stage turn configuration to facilitate. Fair Oaks Ave and Traffic Way 35.119686 -120.576221 Make this an actual bike lane and maintain it like one. Calling it a shoulder implies you don't have to maintain it like a bike lane,when we know kids are using the shoulder Valley Rd btwn Fair Oaks Ave and Los B-28 to bike to school. Berros Rd 35.109234 -120.58072 These bike lanes are better than the previous 35mph no- bike-lane condition,but the addition of parked cars on one side detracts from it.The bike lane is a door zone near the parked cars and should be wider.The city standard details should have all-ages-and-abilities bikeways as standard E Cherry Ave btwn Pacific Coast B-29 following NACTO. Railway PI and Leedham PI 35.120452 -120.571616 While this has improved since my time at Paulding,it's still nowhere near acceptable.The door zone bike lanes going uphill are dangerous,and the substandard width bike lane going downhill combined with high pedestrians at release B-30 time are also dangerous. E Branch St east of Garden St 35.125351 -120.571196 Lack of protected infrastructure here makes this an unsafe route to school,should kids want to bike to school.Students B-31 should have a safe route to school. E Branch St and Crown Hill St 35.125038 -120.574737 The bike lane approaching and at the intersection here is faded,basically gone,at this point.It's also hard to navigate a left turn from the bike lane here when cars in the rightmost lane can turn left or go straight.These conditions make this intersection unsafe and unusable for most on B-32 bike. Traffic Way south of W Branch St 35.122278 -120.581002 B-33 The bike lane here is not marked. W Branch St east of Camino Mercado 35.128968 -120.601333 Ending the bike lane here and dropping cyclists into fast 13-34 moving traffic makes this route unsafe and unusable. S Oak Park Blvd and Manhattan Ave 35.117855 -120.609283 Traffic on Fair Oaks moves at 40mph.The unprotected lane here is not safe.A protected lane should be provided in Fair Oaks Ave btwn California St and B-35 order to make this a feasible and safe route to school. Orchard Ave 35.118192 -120.578985 ID Comment Marker Location Latitude Longitude There is no dedicated space for bikes approaching this intersection when going west on Fair Oaks.The bike lane has been removed for a right turn lane.This makes drivers impatient and creates unsafe conditions for cyclists.As this is a route to school,safety for cyclists here should be a B-36 priority. Fair Oaks ave and S Halycon Rd 35.11268 -120.591023 The bike lane heading west from Halcyon on Grand isn't B-37 marked,which makes this route unsafe and unusable. E Grand Ave and Halcyon Rd 35.118561 -120.591602 Lack of a bike lane here makes this route unsafe and unusable.The proposed improvements mark this as a proposed sharrow.That is not safe given that cars are moving at 35mph here.A bike lane(preferably protected)is B-38 needed here. E Grand Ave east of El Camino Real 35.120597 -120.585573 The break in the bike lane here makes this route unsafe and B-39 unusable. E Grand Ave east of Brisco Rd 35.119978 -120.598469 Pedestrian Comments ID Comment Marker Location Latitude Longitude Pedestrians cross here,and will continue to cross here whether or not there is a marked crosswalk.There should W Branch St btwn Traffic Way P-1 be a marked crosswalk to make it safer. and Bridge St 35.122769 -120.579967 No reason for a beg button here.Are we surprised by pedestrian traffic at this intersection?Leading interval is also necessary.Lots of eager drivers aggressively trying to P-2 make the turn in front of pedestrians. E Branch St and S Mason St 35.124281 -120.576582 No reason for a beg button here.There is plenty of pedestrian traffic at this intersection.Making pedestrians wait a full light cycle because they pushed the button 2 P-3 seconds late is really disrespectful. Fair Oaks Ave and Traffic Way 35.119708 -120.5764 There is no marked crosswalk on the north side of this intersection and the curb cutout is misaligned with where the marked crosswalk should be,creating unsafe conditions for pedestrians and cyclists traveling to and P-4 from the park. S Elm St and Fair Oaks Ave 35.112662 -120.600357 This bus stop serving the library has no bench,no shade, W Branch St and Library P-5 and no sidewalk. driveway 35.12377 -120.590272 Extremely dangerous,and we make it worse by not having a north side crosswalk at Fair Oaks.Add an RRFB,remove adjacent parking,push the bike lane towards the curb and provide refuge islands between the bike lanes and travel P-6 lanes. Traffic Way and Nelson St 35.121296 -120.578148 This bridge is nice and should be better marked so people Ped Bridge btwn Best Western P-7 use it. and Oak Park Plaza 35.131213 -120.604949 The cars get yield teeth merging onto traffic way.The P-8 crosswalk should also get Yield Teeth. W Branch St and Traffic Way 35.122293 -120.581404 Hope you're not ADA because this sidewalk has been taken over by Ford.And there's no sidewalk on the other side of Station Way north of Fair Oaks P-9 the street either. Ave 35.119398 -120.577543 Could use a"Yield HERE to Peds"sign to make the stop bar P-10 more useful.Also RRFB,bulbouts,etc. E Grand Ave and Alder St 35.118602 -120.593195 ID Comment Marker Location Latitude Longitude The dual lane capture point for the onramp just serves to widen the pedestrian crossing,and serves little purpose. Plus,longer light cycles due to long pedestrian crossing E Grand Ave and US 101 SB On P-11 times. Ramp 35.120837 -120.584244 Where even IS the pedestrian crosswalk supposed to be? P-12 20 feet behind the stop lines?It's silly. Traffic Way and Station Way 35.121827 -120.579449 There's no reason to have a 50 foot corner radius if semis E Grand Ave and US 101 SB Off P-13 can just use the outer lane during a turn. Ramp 35.120884 -120.585004 No marked crosswalk to actually get to this sidewalk up to P-14 the houses and shopping center. N Oak Park Blvd and Branch St 35.131316 -120.606024 This crosswalk was improved,but it should be made even P-15 better with concrete to reduce the street width. Crown Hill St at E Branch St 35.12514 -120.574973 Create bulb outs(and set the stop bars back so trucks can P-16 still turn) E Branch St and S Mason St 35.124499 -120.576464 Stop bar at intersection is literally in the direct walking P-17 path between curb ramps. Nelson St and S Mason St 35.122867 -120.575316 Narrow sidewalk is often blocked by cars,posing an accessibility blocker for wheelchair users who then have to P-18 use the street. S Mason St and Poole St 35.121887 -120.574615 P-19 Leading pedestrian interval for safer crossing. Fair Oaks Ave and Traffic Way 35.119646 -120.576314 Consider enabling all pedestrian crossings without the need for the beg button.Wide curb cutouts to facilitate and encourage fast moving traffic,like at this intersection, make it unsafe to cross if I approach this crossing during a green light,with time to cross,but after having the opportunity to use the beg button.This creates a delay for pedestrians since they then need to wait another full light E Grand Ave and US 101 NB On P-20 cycle. Ramp 35.121734 -120.582848 Mason and Allen are commonly used as routes for traffic to cut through from E Branch to Branch Mill.Most traffic through here is speeding above 25mph,which creates unsafe conditions for pedestrians and cyclists(many children)in the neighborhood.Consider traffic calming P-21 measures here. S Mason St and Allen St 35.120633 -120.573492 Transit Suggestion ID Comment Marker Location Latitude Longitude the speed limit needs to be reduced here.It would cause pedestrians to feel safer when crossing.And slowing transit would cause more recognition of store fronts and E Branch St btwn Nevada St and T-1 businesses. Short St 35.123688 -120.578125 Reduce speed limit on Grand to provide more recognition of store fronts and allow pedestrians and cyclist to feel E Grand Ave west of Courtland T-2 safer and more inclined to take this route. St 35.120646 -120.605893 It's a little unfortunate that the library can only be reached by a bus that runs one direction.A traffic light at Branch and Grand would probably allow the buses to continue T-3 down Branch instead of getting onto the freeway. W Branch St at Library driveway 35.123567 -120.589606 Specifically we could do level boarding for both east and westbound stops.Would be more equitable for ADA T-4 school kids as well. Fair Oaks Ave east of Valley Rd 35.117185 -120.581508 T-5 We can engineer a westbound bus stop that makes sense. Fair Oaks Ave east of Valley Rd 35.11692 -120.581805 Instead of exposed bike racks,use bike lockers that can be El Camino Real btwn N Halcyon T-6 locked with a personal lock like a U-lock on the door. Rd and Feah Ave 35.122767 -120.590205 City of Arroyo Grande LRSP Public Survey Results Q1. What are the main roadway safety issues in Arroyo Grande? Check all that apply. Other*:0 } Intersections:0 I / Bicycle Collisions:1 Lack of Infrastructure ___. — Pedestrian Collisions:0 (sidewalks,bike lanes, turn lanes,etc):2 4 Distracted Driving:0 1111! Speed Related Collisions:2 Uncontrolled Roadway Crossings:0 • Intersections • Bicycle Collisions • Pedestrian Collisions • Speed Related Collisions Distracted Driving • Uncontrolled Roadway Crossings • Lack of Infrastructure(sidewalks,bike lanes,turn lanes,etc) • Other* Q2. If other, Please list - No response— 03. Are you familiar with how Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHB) work? No:0 0 Yes:2 Yes 40 No Q4. Would you be interested in an educational component for PHBs (e.g. a video or infographic)? No:0 Yes:2 • Yes • No Q5. Do you have any concerns about speeding on local roads? No:0 1 4111111111161 Ws*:2 • Yes* • \o Q6. *Please list specific locations and any recommendations you may have. 1. The village!!!! Make the speed limit 15 mph, put a bike lane, and have cars park on one side of the street or behind businesses so that people and families have space to comfortably ride their bikes and walk around without cars speeding by. 2. The village. Speed is 25 mph but people rush through anyways. It is difficult to leisurely ride a bike through that area due to this , and biking on the side walk is not a good option due to the busy store fronts. Also in the Halcyon/grande area the speed limit is 40 mph in some places with no area for bikes. These suggestions have also been added to the interactive map. * Q7. What roadway improvements would you like to see in and around school zones? - No Responses - 08. What other improvements would you like to see? 1. Isolated pedestrian/bike paths. The proposed plans for the lanes and path are wonderful and I hope all of them can be completed soon! These paths are a great opportunities that prompt people to be outside. I hope the Grand 101 overpass can be improved for bike crossing. Biking and even walking that section feels very exposed to the cars getting on the 101. I am a professional cyclist and avoid this area of grand because of this and the lack of a bike lane. 2. More bike lanes!!!!!!! 09. Additional Comments - No Responses - STATE OF CALIFORNIA—CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPORTAT[ON AGENCY EDMUND G.BROWN Jr,.Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 401. 50 HIGUERA STREET SAN LUIS OBISPO,CA 93401-5415 PHONE (805)549-3101 FAX (805)549-3329 TTY 711 Flex your power! http://www.dot.ca.gov/dist05/ Be energy efficient! May 29, 2018 Matthew Downing, Planning Manager City of Arroyo Grande Community Development 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Dear Mr. Downing: Thank you for the opportunity to review your agency's draft 2018 Halcyon Road Complete Streets Plan. Caltrans supports the plan's main objective to provide safe mobility and accessibility throughout the corridor while connecting people, schools, the hospital and local businesses with multimodal travel options for all users. We also appreciate how it advances the state's high sustainability goals of tripling bicycling, and doubling walking and riding transit by 2020. Caltrans commends the city's efforts to implement the plan's conceptual improvements into a capital project in the Active Transportation Program (Cycle 4). We also thank your agency for addressing our comments submitted in correspondence to the city on November 28, 2017. Please include a copy of that letter (see attached) and this one in the plan's appendices for future reference. Please note the draft plan is a planning-level-only document. The feasibility and design standards will need to be studied further as this plan moves forward. Caltrans' comments regarding this document are not considered approval for any proposed concepts. Overall, the draft plan features understanding of the issues, deficiencies and collaboration needed to address them as well as potential solutions. Proposed Improvements We support the concept for two roundabouts at Highway 1/Halcyon Road (north and south). The plan should specify, as these projects move toward implementation, more traffic and network analysis would be necessary as required in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Sixth Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. It should also note, if a proposed highway improvement requires a deviation of design standards, Caltrans must approve the deviation prior to commitments on the specific geometrics. We appreciate the plan's acknowledgment that state highway intersection improvements are subject to Caltrans' review and approval via the Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) process. Please consider further discussing and listing the plan's proposed improvements in separate categories, including the most feasible for funding, construction and "Provide a safe,sustainable,integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and livability" Matthew Downing, Planning Manager May 29, 2018 Page 2 implementation; long and short-term priorities; long-term maintenance costs and responsibilities; and those likely to be built in phases. Cross Sections Please note several of the plan's existing and proposed cross sections show the gutter pan as part of the travel lane width. Although this is typical for bicycle lanes, it does not apply to vehicular travel lanes. Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel We recommend referencing the Caltrans 2017 State Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Toward an Active California. This plan guides the planning and development of non-motorized transportation facilities and maximizing the use of future investments on the state highway system and other state facilities. The document is available online at: http://goactiveca.ora_/ Senate Bill 743 (2013) For better consistency with SB 743, we recommend future traffic studies address projects reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) generation and improving pedestrian, bicycle and transit service, and infrastructure—in addition to level of service analysis for transportation impacts regarding proposed local development. More information at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/tpp/documents/RevisedlnterimGuidance 11092016.pdf Community Visioning We compliment the city on its excellent community visioning and extensive outreach to develop the draft plan, which appears to maintain consistency with other relevant state and local plans and/or proposed improvements. Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Community Strategy (RTP/SCS) Once the city adopts the 2018 Halcyon Complete Streets Plan, we recommend including the proposed improvements—supported by Caltrans as conceptually feasible only—into the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments' current RTP/SCS for funding potential. The proposed projects should be listed along with lead agencies identified. In conclusion, it is our desire to work closely with the City of Arroyo Grande in developing the most efficient, safe and sustainable transportation system for all users. If you have any questions, please contact me at 805-549-3648 or email cindy.utter@dot.ca.gov. Sincerely, 54;t.d), CINDY UTTER Associate Transportation Planner `Provide a safe,sustainable,integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and livability" STATE OF CALIFORNIA—CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPORTATION AGENCY Gavin Newsom.Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . -. CALTRANS DISTRICT 5 50 HIGUERA STREET z. SAN LUIS OBISPO,CA 93401-5415 Making Conservation PHONE(805)549-3101 a California Way of Life. FAX(805)549-3329 TTY 711 www.dot.ca.govidist05/ August 11, 2021 Robin Dickerson City Engineer 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Dear Ms. Dickerson: Thank you for the opportunity to review your agency's final 2021 Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP). Caltrans supports how the plan builds on the collision analysis from the Systemic Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) and addresses in partnership the five Es of traffic safety: engineering, enforcement, education, emergency services, and emerging technologies. We also appreciate the city's goal to identify safety countermeasures to help mitigate primary crash trends, reduce overall collision severity, and identify specific locations with higher safety risks—all important elements supporting the state's goals of improving safety for all users and travel modes. With this plan, the city is well prepared to apply for funding through the State Highway Safety Improvement Program (Cycle 11). Conceptual Plan Please note the LRSPis a planning-level document. The feasibility and design standards will need to be studied further on some improvements as this plan moves forward. Caltrans' comments regarding this document should not be considered approval for any proposed improvements. Overall, the plan features an understanding of the issues, deficiencies and collaboration needed to address them as well as potential solutions. Proposed Improvements The plan should specify, as these projects move toward implementation, more traffic and network analysis may be necessary for optimal transportation safety, mobility, operations, efficiency and connectivity. Senate Bill 743 (2013) As of July 2020,traffic studies are required to analyze projects using Vehicle Miles Traveled(VMT) as the primary metric for identifying transportation impacts and should consider improving pedestrian, bicycle infrastructure and transit service. Other important aspects include quality of life, healthier lifestyles and an improved economy. Senate Bill 743 changes the metric for considering automobile delay as a significant environmental impact within CEQA transportation analysis. This "Provide a safe,sustainable,integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's econontv and livability" Ms. Robin Dickerson City Engineer August 11, 2021 D-ge 2 means studies will address how new development projects may influence the overall use of the automobile rather than focusing on intersection and roadway traffic. More information: Ixtps;,.env.onramp.dot.ca.eov cmosenate-bill-sb-743-implementation-website-link Bicycle, Pedestrian & Transit Travel Caltrans District 5 recently developed a districtwide Active Transportation Plan and gathered extensive public input on bicycle and pedestrian needs at specific locations, especially in disadvantaged communities. The plan emphasizes social equity and providing safe walking, bicycling and riding transit. Scheduled for an online release soon, it will be a useful tool for local jurisdictional multimodal planning efforts. Statewide, Caltrans is creating plans for context- appropriate solutions on, near and adjacent to state highways. Community Visioning We compliment the city on its excellent community visioning and extensive outreach to develop the LRSP, which appears to maintain consistency with other relevant state and local plans and/or proposed improvements. Please include a copy of this letter in the plan's appendices along with our previous letter regarding the city's 2018 Halcyon Complete Streets Plan. In conclusion, it is our desire to work closely with the City of Arroyo Grande in developing the most efficient, safe and sustainable transportation system for all users. If you have any questions, please contact me at 805-835-6432 or ienna.schudson@dot.ca.gov. ince ; t/ 4 JENNA SCHUDSON Associate Transportation Planner Caltrans, District 5 "Provide a sale,sustainable,integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance Calilbrnin's economy and livability" BUSINESS SERVICES DEPARTMENT Jim Empey LUCIA MAR UNIFIED Assistant Superintendent,Business Services SCHOOL DISTRICT 602 Orchard Street,Arroyo Grande,CA 93420 Engage.Cha lenge.Inspire Tel 805.474.3000 x1070 I Fax 805.473.1593 August 16, 2021 RECEIVED Arroyo Grande City Council AUG 1 9 2021 300 E Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Subject: Local Road Safety Plan Dear Arroyo Grande City Council: Over the last year and a half Lucia Mar Unified School District has collaborated with City of Arroyo Grande officials and other organizations to finalize the Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP). During this time, Lucia Mar has had a district representative working closely with the committee to identify safety issues that we feel affect our students and families. Lucia Mar USD is serious about ensuring the safety of its students. Safety starts with students walking, biking, or driving to-and-from school, and we believe that all forms of transportation are of equal importance. As every family has its own unique situation, a variety of forms of transportation are required. We attended in-person and virtual meetings, and we met with Robin Dickerson onsite to review potential changes to Valley Road. This positive collaboration is reflected in the final version of the LRSP. During our meetings, several safety issues were identified and studied: (1) Fair Oaks Road encompasses two of our biggest campuses: Arroyo Grande High School (AGHS) and Harloe Elementary School. The LRSP addresses the needs of both schools through the Halcyon Complete Streets Project and the redesign of Valley Road. (2) Identifying a potential problem on Nelson Street and Traffic Way was also important because we have many students traveling to-and-from -AGHS using that intersection. Lucia Mar Unified School District strongly supports the final version of LRSP. We hope that it will be adopted and implemented. It is very important that the City of Arroyo Grande continues to collaborate with the "School District" to ensure that our streets are safe for all of our road users. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help make the City of Arroyo Grande a better place to live and work. Si erely, / p GICCN_ t,,NN, _ 1 Jim ropey ErV .01 Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Cp° . ,P‘(\ C Appendix B - SSAR Crash Analysis o_ `o .o • 1 1 c�i d N d . d ZZ s R wLu as 11,5 • '«cr 0mx $ . zocp E. �p N w y6 �€'oa om 0 om d a> kaWa.° aWaU y Fa Fa 12 2' f2.1>2 od.. g, { N 9 rc g y 1 a m w coCo C N.-. PyUoA ria d d 2 r„ Y O 44'99.o3 'A'H a P' I. c 1`E oS' •U.S 0 . H H • �yb4$44.4. a d. [0] ci, O J+6 44.2" �a� s6`yJ w d •cta•4 d mF • ..,0 ��(.1 Z iii,, . otk .-,:•." . - , e _ ,.,4 , , Sic ,,eOS�� �9 a .0- 4 a P 4- PIA icallen it 2 �� pts y6d O ,;,v7,, ti 3 stir OD d o sa Ott•4. *,% o 6 4, o Q7 6 O O s�'Ny.{,a�O a LL W - 3 z. fid ', VQ h _ Pd uo�(aleH S . . ., ys�J . 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RAMP 8 ORCHARD ST 16 W BRANCH ST B BRISCO RD 11 E BRANCH ST&HUSANA RD 10 E BRANCH ST&S MASON ST 63 FAIR OAKS AVE 8 AGNS EAST ENTRANCE 7 W BRANCH ST 8 TRAFFIC WAY 0.54 44 E GRAND AVE&BELL ST 28 WBRANCH ST&CAMINO MERCADO/US101 NB RAMPS 29 19 FARROLL AVER S HALCYON RD 0.54 19 FARROLL AVE&S HALCYON RD 13 31 N OAK PARK BLVD N E GRAND AVE 29 4 E GRAND AVE&S HALCYON RD 0.54 18 FAIR OAKS AVE&S HALCYON RD 13 3 E GRAND AVE&BRISCO RD 22 36 ASH ST&COURTLAND ST 0.53 11 E BRANCH ST 8.HUSANA RD 2 11 E BRANCH ST&HUSANA RD 27 3 E GRAND AVE&BRISCO RD 0.53 22 FAIR OAKS AVE 8 TRAFFIC WAY 2 84 VALLEY RD&AGHS STAFF PARKING/BACK ROAD 27 5 EGRAND AVE&EL CAMINO REAL 0.52 40 E GRAND AVE&JUNIPER ST 2 7 W BRANCH ST&TRAFFIC WAY 26 69 CHERRY AVE&TRAFFIC WAY 0.51 44 E GRAND AVE 8 RENA ST 2 42 THE PIKERS ELM ST 26 47 EL CAMINO REAL&BELL ST 0.47 42 THE PIKE&S ELM ST 1 69 E GRAND AVE N ALDER ST 26 74 W BRANCH ST&TOWN CENTER DR 0.44 24 FAIR OAKS AVE&VALLEY RD 1 37 FARROLL AVE&S ELM ST 25 10 E BRANCH ST&S MASON ST 0.43 65 FAIR OAKS AVE&TODD LN 0 66 FAIR OAKS AVE&TODD LN 25 49 TRAFFIC WAY&NELSON ST 0.41 69 CHERRY AVE&TRAFFIC WAY Ti 74 WBRANCH ST&TOWN CENTER DR 24 42 THE PIKE&S ELM ST 0.39 31 FAIR OAKSAVE&S ELM ST 0 18 FAIR OAKS AVE&S HALCYON RD 23 62 FAIR OAKS AVE&AGHS MIDDLE ENTRANCE 0.39 74 W BRANCH SIN TOWN CENTER DR 32 FAIR OAKS AVE 8 TRAFFIC WAY 22 22 FAIR OAKS AVE b TRAFFIC WAY 0.39 49 TRAFFIC WAY&NELSON ST 45 E GRAND AVE N ALPINE ST 22 46 E GRAND AVE 8 BELL ST 0.39 62 FAIR OAKS AVE&AGHS MIDDLE ENTRANCE 10 E BRANCH ST&S MASON ST 19 24 FAIR OAKS AVE 8 VALLEY RD 0.39 9 E BRANCH ST&SHORT ST 49 TRAFFIC WAY&NELSON ST 18 11 FAIR OAKS AVE&S HALCYON RD 0.37 12 JAMES WAY 8 OAK PARK BLVD 42 FAIR OAKS AVE&AGHS MIDDLE ENTRANCE 13 66 SELM STB MAPLE ST 0.37 43 THE PIKE&GARFIELDPL 44 E GRAND AVE 8.RENA ST 17 63 CORBETT CANYON RD&SR227IPRINT2 RD 0.37 86 SELM ST&MAPLE ST 66 S ELM ST&MAPLE ST 17 36 FAIR OAKSAVE 8 5 ELM ST 0.36 42 E GRAND AVE N ALPINE ST 23 FAIR OAKS AVE&US 101 SR OFF RAMP&ORCHARD ST 16 28 W BRANCH STI US 101 NB RAMP&N OAK PARK BLVD 0.36 35 ASH ST&COURTLAND ST 36 ASH ST&COURTLAND ST 16 70 JAMES WAY&MEADOW WAY 0.36 56 FAIR OAKS AVE&STATION WAY 36 FAIR OAKSAVE&S ELM ST 15 9 E BRANCH ST&SHORT ST 0.35 68 EGRAND AVE&ALDER ST 69 CHERRY AVE&TRAFFIC WAY 15 40 EGRAND AVE&JUNIPER ST 0.34 41 E GRAND AVE&FAIR VIEW DR 64 HUSANA RD&CLARENCE AVE 14 44 E GRAND AVE&RENA ST 0.33 67 CORBETT CANYON RD&GULARTE RD 65 HUSANA RD&ORO DR 13 21 LEANNA ORS VALLEY RD 0.29 62 NELSON ST&S MASON ST 54 HUSANA RD&STAGECOACH RD 12 68 FAIR OAKS AVE&STATION WAY _ 0.29 63 CORBETT CANYON RD&SR 227/PRINTZ RD 24 FAIR OAKS AVE&VALLEY RD 11 64 HUSANA RD&CLARENCE AVE 0.27 83 FAIR OAKS AVE 8 AGHS EAST ENTRANCE 41 E GRAND AVE&FAIR VIEW DR 11 71 OAK PARK BLVD&MEADOWLARK DR 0.26 37 FARROLL AVE&S ELM ST 62 NELSON ST&S MASON ST 10 68 MASON 8 LE POINT ST 0.26 11 TRAFFIC WAY&ALLEN ST • 21 LEANNA DR 8 VALLEY RD9 57 PRINTZ RD b TALLY HO RD 0.25 70 JAMES WAY&MEADOW WAY 61 FAIR OAKS AVE&AGHS WEST ENTRANCE0 63 FAIR OAKS AVE&AGHS EAST ENTRANCE 0.23 21 LEANNA DR&VALLEY RD 43 THE PIKE&GARFIELD PL 7 12 JAMES WAY&OAK PARK BLVD 0.22 64 HUSANA RD&CLARENCE AVE 50 TRAFFIC WAY&POOLE ST 7 72 BRISCO&UNDA DR 0.21 38 DODSON WAY&HALCYON RD 53 CORBETT CANYON RD&SR 217/PRINT2 RD5 69 EGRAND AVE&ALDER ST 0.21 31 N OAK PARK BLVD&E GRAND AVE 87 CORBETT CANYON RD&GULARTE RD5 37 FARROLL AVE&S ELM ST 0.20 71 OAK PARK BLVD&MEADOWLARK DR 38 DODSON WAY&HALCYON RD 4 56 HUSANA RD&ORO DR 0.20 14 MASON&LE POINT ST 61 TRAFFIC WAY&ALLEN ST 4 42 E GRAND AVEN ALPINE ST 0.19 67 PRINK RD&TALLY HO RD 70 JAMES WAY&MEADOW WAY 4 25 TRAFFIC WAY&US 101 NB RAMP 0.19 72 BRISCO&UNDA DR 25 TRAFFIC WAY 8 US 101 NB RAMP 3 39 ASH ST&WALNUT ST 0.18 65 HUSANA RD&ORO DR 20 E GRAND AVE&US 101 NB RAMP3 32 W BRANCH ST&RODEO DR 0.10 25 TRAFFIC WAY&US 101 NB RAMP 67 PRINT2 RD 8 TALLY HO RD 3 48 W BRANCH ST&VERNON ST 0.17 41 FAIR OAKS AVE&AGHS WEST ENTRANCE 88 MASON&LE POINT ST 3 41 E GRAND AVE&FAIR VIEW DR 0.17 24 E GRAND AVE 8 US 101 NB RAMP 71 OAK PARK 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E o Wg6ii o o5!!3o€i W I' 55� <5g2$g2 �� 2w2`0$ J°ss�gg q!°w ==2m; 12°1.2 38 a 5a� m s €;21J A lli `" lA n nrid5daw g 2 6i�$gWNL °t o°°ov333iLLLLLLLL�m�z��oo � y�mmwww-�LLLL2<i<>>�wo�FF �=<�o� o - gam,,,,¢5«.a,.mr.v.e$mssi:::.lm:maSm_9.a..<r::gsg=1,5mmmmRR� aLliV Ago,14,1^1 e ry « rvry mmm u Appendix C - SSAR Priority Projects III Exhibit 1 Recommended HSIP Projects Pedestrian Improvements at Signalized intersection(S19,520,522) Locations Type of collision Benefit Cost B/C 4 following signalized intersections: E GRAND AVE&COURTLAND ST E GRAND AVE&S ELM ST P&B $ 1,946,647 $ 476,000 4.09 EGRAND AVE&S HALCYON RD E GRAND AVE&PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL(WEST OF ALDER ST) C,eneral Vehicular Signal Improvements(S2,S3,56) Locations Type of collision Benefit Cost B/C 3following signalized intersections: E GRAND AVE&COURTLAND ST EGRANDAVE&SELMST All $ 5,539,826 $ 620,000 &94 E GRAND AVE&S HALCYON RD Pedestrian Hybrid Rea(on(NS19) Locations Type of collision Benefit Cost B/C 2 pedestrian hybrid beacons at the following locations: EGRANDAVE&BELL ST P&B $ 5,107,961 $ 500,000 10.22 FARROLL AVE&S HALCYON RD Pedestrian Improvements at Unsignalized Locations and Crosswalks(NS16, NS 1/, NS18) Locations Type of collision Benefit Cost B/C 2following unsignalized intersections: E BRANCH ST&SHORT ST P&B $ 10,409,861 $ 237,500 43.83 W BRNACH ST&BRIDGE ST Im prove Striping and Pavement Markings(R31,R32,R36,Green Conflict markings) Locations Type of collision Benefit Cost B/C 2 following roadway segments: E GRAND AVE FROM COURTLAND ST TO ELM ST All $ 1,648,506 $ 245,000 6.73 E GRAND AVE FROM EAST OF ELM ST TO WEST OF HALCYON RD GHD I Arroyo Grande SSAR Final Report 1 R1989RPT001 I Page ii Appendix D - Circulation Element Figures Sidewalk Gaps Source: City of Arroyo Grande Circulation Element, Background Report .. U lagena Hospahe ,,,,� L� .� Sidewalk Condi r-- ''�7 �, f b{. Exisiine xist / . ,} ar s. Pse 4; .? 400 ".... N / � � C e A 4 411 "fir IIW ' l*\ Ri�Uani flow: w_.,; 1 ,, , 4 `mss /� f Ili R E G Ave "Sr *.:". ' �---' Pasant - 7.. �y* ""1"-� % ♦ `�" auris■ d.Enim� Ms t. k* �„, Allarot 44.,= mt 1 a i gm -41 mon 1 iiiiiiia liar `i, m.1, iiii1 1E1H 4ar Fair Oaks Ave w les (,, Ij ' I E�y+ 1 a. Si lair — , Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress on Arterials and Collectors Source: City of Arroyo Grande Circulation Element, Background Report /. U LTS —US 1a1 I(Low Stress) - - City Leona 2(Low'Medwm Roads ,� Stress) ''+,. 3(Mw ium'Hgn •Y - Stress) -••••••I peon Stress) rryr 4. VA. gee iii \,p�\ Re4e°' toll 1111410 I M p An: �M East brand Avenue i, t. -- 1:11‘464. leoe,,/- 'WWI res Rot° is I a5 Existing Bicycle ITS was evaluated Citywide on arterials and collectors.Major gaps exist along current ...Y.. Asn Strep 7?) uClass II bicycle routes(i.e.,roadway segments with incomplete bike lanes,or bike lanes only in one direction),at the following locations,negatively impacting ITSI. . 1 Fame Avenue' ' • East Grand Avenue eastbound approach at Hakyon Road 1 .... ' • East Grand Avenue:between Elm Street and approximately 300'east of Brisco Road • Traffic Way.northbound segment between Nelson Street and Bridge Street The Pike .. '' • Oak Park Boulevard southbound segment between Ferrol)Road and The Pike • Oak Park Boulevard southbound between Manhattan Avenue and Ash Street • Fair Oaks Avenue westbound segment between California Street and Traffic Way The analysis and results of the existing ITS analysis conducted for the City of Arroyo Grande are detailed in the Existing Conditions Background Report. OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, JESSICA MATSON, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached Resolution No. 5151 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 25th day of January, 2022. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 28th day of January, 2022. . SSICA MATSON, CITY CLERK