R 1349 I 2~ -- ) -...,. 1349 -..I. RESOLUTION NO. . A Usoc.UTIOII Of THI CITY COtIICtL Of TME C'TY Of llUm sar.JIIISTAlUSIII. A IIOUUVMI ST. St. OIl STAUCOAaIIOAII AT HUAIIIA lOAD. I WIIPIAS. It ."ear. nece...,y Met ..Ir.bl. to en_11th. ..I.".rd I .top .1,. 011 SUtlcoeeh IoN. .. mre partlculerly desc:rl'-l "low: I IMIW TltlUfOU, H IT RESOLVED IY THI CITY COUItCIL Of TME CITY Of I I AUOYO .,.1. .. '011_: Thet e ..I.".rd stop .1", be In.t.lled on It'lunch 110M 10 .. r to ace, elt tre'flc "'fore ant.rl", ....._ !load. H IT FUInIIa RESOLVI. thet the Chi.' 0' Police 0' tM City of Arro,o Ir.... .... aM he I. her.y authorized to provide Met I"aton . aufflellftt .1", attd/er _rtl",. to 1 '"'I cat. Hid .top .1",. Oft tlte Mot Ion 0' C-c II ......r ..1I.....r. ..con ... "r '-II .......r Sltlth. aM 011 tM followl", roll cell vot., to wit: A'fISI Council ......r. .."....r, de a.-. ..lth aM ....,... ,"'II.. IIOCS I ..... . AIIU1' I c:o.c 11 ......r Pope. t" '0.....'.. -..o'IItIOll ... pa.Met ... "'tM thl. 27th Illy of "'r.. It". ~ ~ ATTIST I I. Cat...... L. J........ Oeputy City CI.rt 0' the C'ty ., ......,. ...... c:o.ty of .. '-'t'a .''''' State 0' CaIl,.....I.. do ....... ..-tlfr tllat t. for...I.. ....,.,. No. ,,., I. . tr.. 'v'l _ correct.., of "'II ....'u. tl. ....... .. ""telt ..., tlte City CouIIcIl 0' tM City of ""4/1'0 ...... at . r..,l.r ..t'" of ,,'d C-CII held 011 the 17th'" 0' ....... It". WI" .. Mftd ... the SaIl 0' t" City 0' Arroyo ....... elfh.ed thl. 2'th .., 0' 1Ierch. It". (SIAL) - -.-.--...- ..._....~._---- --~~_._--- . "'-..'.-' ._~