R 1348 -... ~ou ...- ') -v - RESOLUTI OH NO. 1348 , A USOUIT'CMf Of TM C'TY COIIIC'L Of TME C'TY OF MIIO'IO __ ESTABLISH'NG A 'ASSEIICP LOAD'. 10tfE CMf TtfE EAST S I DE OF MASON STREET ADJACEIf1' TO WEST lRANtH STREET. WEAW. It ."..n Pllce...ry end de.lrabla to eatabll.h a pa.....r . loading ~ on South Ha_ $tr..t. a. .ra partlc;ularly ..er'.... _ICIIW: flOW TllElUoal, II IT USOLVU IV TM CiTY COUItCIL OF TtfE C'TY Of' MtIOYO GMIIII. a. fOnCMS: That a forty-foot 'a.unger Loadl". ZOne _ establl.hed Oft tile ..t .Ide of Sovth Ha_ St,..t _therty f,OII tile _ .f tile exl.tlng ... Zone which .. _therty of the c;urb retum OfttO II. Brandt Str..t. That tile effective tI_ perl04 oft'" a'o",- ."tlOItIN ,......' loadIng lone be fn:Ja 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 '.ft. ,\aft",y tlwoutfl r r' day. H IT FUI11ID USOLVfO that the Chief of Police of tile City 0' Arroyo Ir..... be, aM he I. ......" authorluel to ,rovlde an4lft1t.U..,fffc'.t .1", aM/or _rklfttS to Incllcete Hid ,..MAlor loIIIfl", 10M. . On tile -.tlon of CowIcIt .....r de Leon. .ecor<Sl4 by CouMU ......r "1I""r. ... 01\ ,he follCIIWI"I ron can 1IOto, to wit: AV(5: Council .....n ........r, . Leon, Sltlth ... ....... ..fill.. NOIS: ...... I AlSUT: CouM II .......r ...... the f.,...ol", Idolutlon was pe.Nd and ..,.., th.. 27th *' of......... 1,,,. I , .~~ , i I , I , I .nnT(V~'h ~ C'TY OF AlMYO tIMOE I, Cat"'rl_ L. "'I0Il. Deputy City Clark of tile CIty of Ar,.,. ...... CowIty 0' Saft .....1. al.,.. State of Callf.rala 110 twr~ certffy tMe t" f......I'" ....'...1... Ie. 1"-, I. a tr.... full _ correct copy .f NI4 ....lutl... ....... _ "'tect 'v the City CouMII of t" City.' Ar..... .r..... at a ....ular ..tlng of .alel Council hel4 on the 27th day 0' ......... I''''. IIt'NUI ., .... IN! the Seal of tile CIty 0' ArN1ffO Ir__ _ffl_ thlt zlth day .f ~. 1m. (HAl) . j --"~--"'- ~-